Chapter 12: Missing

Our Wish

Song recommended: When you love someone - Day6


"What it feels like?" 

"You have been asking it this whole day." 

"Because you didn't answer, unnie!" 

"What makes you wonder so much?" Chaeyeon raises her eyebrow. She's handling the knife carefully to cut the vegetables. They are now at the riverside, preparing their own lunch with the given ingredients by the instructors. It's a survival time but Chaeyeon can't sure she can survive cooking with these hyperactive.

"Because I'm a growing teenager full of wonders!" Yujin whines.

"You should experience it by yourself if you are curious." Yena interrupts from behind.

"Have you experience it before?" Yujin asked back with her narrowed eyes.

The question catches Yena off guard.  Suddenly, that dream haunts her mind again. Now she's wondering is it a sweet dream or nightmare.

"Nope." She clears and quickly making her way to the river after getting the old-fashioned fishing rod and a small pail.

Hyewon and Yujin catch each other gaze.

"That's suspicious."

"Did you catch any?"

Chaewon turns to the voice and a smile plastered on her face automatically.

"Still none."

"That because you need an expert like me."

Yena drops herself beside Chaewon with her grin. Her fishing rod was placed steadily beside Chaewon's after done putting the bait securely at the end of the hook.

"How come you are always full of confidence in everything?" Chaewon buckles her knees and lays her gaze on the girl beside her.

"Hmm.. I wonder too." She rubs her nape as she inspects her surroundings. The other students were there too, fishing like them but still none of them could catch one.

"...Maybe loving myself a lot?" She grins.


"Like.. There were a lot of time I thought I couldn't do it, but If I trust myself, I know it will worth it."

I like this about her a lot.

"What thing you couldn't do even if you try hard?"

"Is that a riddle?"

"I'm being serious right now."

Yena chuckles and thinks deeply after that. Then, her expression turns a bit dull.


"I'm not gonna tell you." She rolls her shoulders backwards.

"Ah! Come on!" The younger pouts.

"I know you gonna make fun of me if I tell you."

"Is it a serious matter?" Chaewon leans closer to whisper and receive a nod after that.

"Really serious."

"What is it?"

Yena drew closer to Chaewon's ear.

"Peeing while standing."

"This unnie-" Chaewon punches the older's shoulders repeatedly that considered strong, causing Yena to yelp.

"Even me can't do that!"

"Oh really? I thought it's only me."

"Are you kidding? Woman can't do that!" Chaewon ignores the whines she receives and just continues to punch the shoulder until she satisfied.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." She grabs both wrists of the younger to stop her doing.

Frankly, they hurt!

"If you are sorry, then tell me. Serious answer only is accepted, otherwise.." Chaewon sends a death glare.

"Why juniors nowadays are so scary~" Yena drops the hands down and when she's about to continue her words, they both notice Chaewon's fishing rod starts to move.

"It moves!"

They quickly get up and rush to it.

"Hold tight and pull it slowly, Don't rush. Don't panic." Yena instructs as Chaewon follows.

"Ah! I can't! It's too strong!"

"Wait! I will help!"

Both girls pull the rod together but they are bickering along.

"Yah! Put your energy to it too!"

"What do you think I'm doing right now?!"

It's so chaotic between them which draw attention from the other students nearer them.

"You are too loud, Unnie!"

"Because you don't follow my instructions!"

"I'm doing as told!"

"In the count of 3, we pull as hard as we can!"

As planned, they manage to pull the catch out of the river but the force hit them hard that causes both of them to fall back down, one on top of the other.

"You okay?" Chaewon questions.

"We did it~" Yena catches her breath as she spread her arms on the ground. A smile tugged on her face while looking at the younger on top of her.

Chaewon can't help but returning the smile as they share eyes contact. In her mind, a lot of wonders cross.

"Can I ask?"

"Hmm?" Yena raises her right eyebrow, asking the girl to continue.


"Oi! Do you want to let the fish swim back to the river?!" Hyewon yells as she, Yuri and Yujin approach them.

Yujin smirks after she get a clear view of them. "Are you guys copying what Chaeyeon and Sakura unnie did?"

Suddenly Yena and Chaewon feel awkward with their position. Yuri bites her inner cheek as she watches those two behind Hyewon in silent.

"We fall down, stupid." Yena pushes Chaewon slowly to the side and gets up to remove the dirts on her P.E outfit.

"Oh really~" Yujin teases and Yena rolls her eyes.

"So.. Who gonna pick that fish up?"

They all shift their eyes to the floundering fish on the ground.

"Obviously the one who catches it." Hyewon answered.

Yena quickly points at Chaewon without any guilt on her face.

"Seriously, unnie?" Chaewon looks so done.

"Yena unnie is scaredy cat~" Yujin teases again, in another word, challenging her.

"Yah! I'm not!" Yena denies strongly, walking up to the fish. Obviously, she feels terrified by it but she has to maintain her face.

Keep it cool, Yena. She's here.

She put up courage and pulls the line. At that moment, the fish flopping hard, causing everyone to step back in startled face. Including Yena. 

"Is it angry?" Yena speaks while peeking at it behind Chaewon. She look so scared.

"It doesn't matter. Go grab it fast unnie. We need to cook and eat." Yujin urges.

"Why don't you do it then?" Yena gestures with an irritated voice. 

"Why me?!" 

"Because you talk too much!" 

Bickering over it won't settle anything unless someone volunteer to do it. 

"I will do it." Yuri cuts their words. She moves toward the fish and having trouble pulling the line as the fish is still flopping but then she notices someone kneeling down beside her and grab the line for her. It's Hyewon.

"Take the pail. I will put it inside."

"Oh, okay."

Yujin eyed them with so much interest.

Why do I feel like Hyewon unnie has a secret crush on Yuri?


Without her knowing, it's already her fifth sigh.

"You good?"

Hyewon's question knocks her sense.

"Ah yes, unnie."

Hyewon knew this girl was lying. She has been staring blankly at the dead fish since 5 minutes ago without doing anything. They need to wash it sooner and finish the cooking task before 5pm to get rest for tonight. Chaeyeon already calls them twice to bring the fish back to the canopy so the boys can grill it.

"You know how to do it, right?"

Yuri replies with a short nod. She takes out the fish by its tail and put it down in the sink and.. she doesn't know what to do after that.

"You sure you know how to do it?" Hyewon notices her hesitation.

Yuri portrays an uncertain expression.

"Actually, I don't."

Hyewon bursts into a laugh in no sec and that make Yuri frowns hard.

"You are funny." She pats her head. "You seems so confident when you volunteered just now and now you seem to regret your decision."

"I'm sorry. I just want to stop the bickering and save the time."

Hyewon shows her soft smile. Her eyes towards the small girl are full of admiration or maybe more than that?

"You did a good job." Hyewon pats her head again. Her eyes move back to the main reason why both of them are still at the riverside.

"We just need to wash it right? Let's do it with our style." Hyewon ties her hair.

"Our style?" 

"Yeah, noob style." Hyewon chuckles and they both start to wash the bloody fish with her lead.

Yuri notices the way Hyewon treats her is different from the other. She treats other good too but towards her, it seems softer and fluffy (?). 

Is it because she really likes me? 

"Unnie, can I ask?" 

"Yes?" Hyewon looks up to her with a smile. 

"Do you remember.. err.. bread.. and.. you know.." 

"Yogurt milk?" 

Yuri's eyes widened. 

"So it's you?" Her voice is so loud and she doesn't care anymore.

"Me? What do you mean?" Hyewon frowned. She tries to digest the question in her mind.

"You give me those before, right?" Yuri's heart starts to beat so fast as she waits for the answer.

Hyewon got it now. "Yes. Of course. Why you ask that weird question?"


Is it a weird question? 

"They are your favourites, right?" Hyewon smiles. She notices that fact of her since the first month they knew each other.

"Yeah." Yuri continues her doing.

I never told anyone about that but she acknowledges it herself. So she's the one behind the mystery.

She unconsciously lets out a heavy sigh and Hyewon notices it.

Why do I feel a bit sad? Is it because I expect it to be Yena unnie?

She unconsciously lets out a heavy sigh and Hyewon notices it.

"You keep sighing. Is anything bothering you?" Hyewon questioned. 

Why would I expect that? Stupid me. She never treats me special like this. She just treats me as her close junior. I should accept the reality. 

"Nah. I'm just tired." She lies again but this time, the excuse seems reasonable to Hyewon.

"Let's finish this up so you can rest after." 


"Attempt one on the bus.. failed!" She smacks the spring onion.

"Attempt two at the dorm last night also failed!" She smacks it again.

"Attempt three at the field? That's not an attempt but it was the worst of all!" 

She lets out a heavy groan as she hangs her head in shame.

"Yuri ah.. Where's our promise?" She said in a low voice.

"Are you talking with yourself?" 

In shock, she stands up straight with her hands at her sides, turning to the direction of the voice.


"Did you hear all of it?" 

Chaewon shakes her head as she approaches.  

"What I'm sure is you are talking to yourself." She makes a teasing smile.

Minju's cheeks feel heated. She just watches the older take the sink beside her and starts to wash the vegetables she brought with her.

"I'm sorry."

Chaewon turns her face.

"What for?" She asked.

"I hit you in that match." 

Chaewon chuckles. "Why would you be sorry? Isn't that what you should do to win?" 

Minju agrees. "Yeah, I know. But.."

"You are feeling guilty?" 

Minju nods.

"As expected of Minju angel."

"Pardon?" Minju sends a confused look.

Chaewon feels amused with the reaction she got. "Remember your angel joke? You get the nickname thanks to that." Chaewon winks.

That's not a joke! That's my pickup line for you!

"Are you teasing me right now?" Minju puffs her cheeks.

Chaewon giggles. "I bet." 

Minju can't hide her upset face.

"You are upset?" It is obvious but Chaewon still asks but receive silence from the girl.


She sprinkles the water off her hands after finishing up her task, leaning her back against the sink while gazing at the sulking girl. 

"What should I do to cheer you up?" She potrays a soft smile.

Minju sends a quick glance to the older before looking away due to her sudden blushing face upon getting stared like that.

"I don't know." 

"How about a short question game?" Chaewon suggests. 

"How to play that?" The younger looks interested.

"It's simple. Just asking each other a question and need to answer it honestly." Chaewon gestures with her pointing finger as she explains.

This is a golden chance for me!

"Deal!" Minju gets hyped up spontaneously.

"Wow, you seems really excited about it." Chaewon is a bit surprised by the reaction.

Minju clears . 

"I'm not that excited." She behaves.

"Really? Okay then. I will answer your question. What do you want to ask me?" Chaewon relaxes as she waits for the younger to speak.

It's really a nerve-wracking moment for Minju. She takes some time to build up her courage to speak up about the question that has been lingering in her mind all this time. Plus, with only both of them there and the unexpected quiet surrounding give a chill to her.  Her fingers are fidgeting and Chaewon notices it.

"You look nervous." She comments.

"No! I'm just thinking of the perfect question to ask you, unnie." Minju covers up.

"Okay then. Take your time." 

Minju inhales for a second.

"My question is... Do you have someone already?"

Congrats, Minju. you did it!

"I don't."

Minju didn't expect the older would be this fast answering her question. "Are you telling the truth?" She shows her doubtful face.

Chaewon moves a step forward and taps the girl's forehead twice before speaks.

"Isn't it the rule of this game?" She replied.

Minju's eyes twinkled and both corners of her lips lifted when she heard that.

"Then, do you like someone?" She asks another question, this time expecting the older would say no but when she witnesses expression of the older changes, her expectation is not the same anymore. 

"I wonder about that too." Her eyes stare blankly to the front. 

"Is there anyone on your mind?" Minju still wants to hold on to her hope that the girl will say no.

"Maybe yes." 

Her heart sinks when she heard that. She immediately looks down to her toes to hide her sad face.

"And you ask three questions. It should be one only." Chaewon chuckles.

"I don't know the rule. Sorry." Minju's voice sounded flat. She knows she makes her emotion seems obvious but she is weak right now to hide it. She's lucky, Chaewon didn't focus on her that much as the girl is busy too with her thinking mind.

"You won't mind if I'm asking three questions too right? To make it fair." The older speaks.

Minju breathe slowly and immediately portrays a smile that is questionable whether it's fake or sincere. 

"Yeah, sure." 



"Does Yuri has a feeling towards Yena unnie?" 

The question makes Minju's expression blanching. She never and never ever expect she would get this question out of all!

"Did.. I.. need to answer.. that?" she's shuttering. Her eyes can't stop blinking nervously too.

"If we follow the game rule, yes. Because I answered your questions honestly too." If you analyze her words and voice, you know Chaewon urges her to answer it but in a soft way.

Minju hesitates. Her hands are fidgeting and her lips tremble a bit. 

Yuri told me it's a secret. As a good friend, I should not expose it, right? I'm a good friend, right?

But we know it's Minju. Minju is at it again.

"Yes. She is." Minju answered with her eyes shut tightly.

Sorry, Yuri!

Chaewon nods at the answer. 

I see...

"Does she ever told Yena unnie about that?" Her second question, right now.

"She still doesn't have the courage to do that." For the second time, Minju answered honestly, as she should, right?

"Oh, okay." Chaewon turns back to pick up the basket of vegetables inside the sink. 

"Last question, do you actually have feelings towards me?" 

"Yes." Minju answered without thinking before she knocked back to her sense.

"Wait! No-"

"Ah.. I see." Chaewon giggles and instantly walking away, leaving the panic girl behind.

"Wait! Unnie! That's not true!" Minju shouts her lung out and makes Chaewon stops and facing back to her.

"Oh, it's not true? So you are breaking the game rule?" Chaewon raises her eyebrow. She didn't forget to show her teasing smile to add the spice.

"No! I'm telling the truth! But-" Minju's face blushes madly that urges her to cover it with her backhands while looking away from the older.

"You are cute, Minju angel."  Chaewon smiles before continue her walk.

Minju feels like want to scream her lung out. 

Screw the game rule!


It's 11:12 PM and the night falls darker followed by the sounds of the forest that broke the silence of that night. Looking into the distance, the moonlight is like a long silver belt, surrounded by flowers and trees, and not forgotten, the stars scattered around it creating a stunning night sky that would steal any heart that witnesses it. The cold breeze surely will blow anyone to a sweet dream but not so fast for these students gathering at the assembly point right now. They still have night walk activity awaiting.

"Have you guys heard the rumours about this place?"

"Don't start it, mf!" Hyewon threatens to punch the duck.

"You scared~?" Yena is still in her teasing mode.

"BAHH!!" Yujin almost makes Yena curses in front of the youngers with her jumpscare. She earns a slap on her shoulder from the duck after that.

"You scared~?" Hyewon scoffed.

Yena heard giggles from the others that make her blushes madly at her place.

"That's not scary at all. I was just shocked." She tries to defend her pride. 

"Eyy~ just admit it Yena~" Chaeyeon joins the teasing session with others. They until she gives up on defending herself and just showing her pouty ducky lips as a sign of sulking.

"Alright guys, pay attention, please. We gonna start our night walk in 5 minutes. You guys will be released in a group of 10 among your team members in each round. Team leader! Please organize your group properly and quickly so it won't get delayed or your team points will be minus." The instructor's voice sounded a bit deep as a man's voice. He is quite good looking plus his fine physical, totally qualified for his job and girls' ideal type. Such a hotie~

"What's his name again?" Yujin scratches her head, trying to remember the memory of him introducing himself this morning.

"Mr Logan." Hyewon answered.

"It sounds so familiar." Yujin rubs her chin as she gives a stare at the instructor.

"Penthouse?" Chaewon mentions the popular tv drama that crosses her mind when she hears the name.

"Ohh!! Yeah! Logan oppa from Penthouse! " Recognition dawned on her face. It's her favourite tv drama she's still waiting for the upcoming Season 3.

"Alright guys, gather up." Chaeyeon claps to gain her team members' attention. Everyone obeys and wait patiently for her instructions. "They want us to split into 3 groups. Let's do a headcount." 

The counting session begins and it went smooth until..

"10!" Chaewon said her counting and turns around with a shocked expression, same as the others. 

"That means me and Yuri unnie are going to be in a different group?!" Yujin's shoulders dropped when she realises the situation.

"Should we count again?" Yena desperately suggests. Her face is drowned in shock and disappointment.

"The counting is right. We can't do anything about it. Proceed the counting." Chaeyeon presses her hand to her temples. She needs to be fair with this matter. "Yuri ah, are you okay with it?" she asks with concern while inspecting the counting process. 

"You should ask about me too, unnie! I'm not okay!" Yujin is in despair. She hates herself for being unlucky that night.

"Grow up, dude. You are track and field club members. Show your courage." Hyewon passes her torchlight to Yujin.  "Don't lose it or you die."

"Meanie!" Yujin pouts as she grabs the torchlight.

"You okay, Yuri?" Chaeyeon asks Yuri again when she notices the girl still doesn't answer her question yet.

I already imagine walking while being clingy to her throughout this creepy forest but.. why is everything against me?! And that nightmare.. what if it happens again?

Yuri looks up and shows a bitter smile. "I'm okay.  I still got Yujin here so don't worry." What a horrible lie.

"You sure?" Yena tilts her head as she stares. That smile is so worrisome.

Chaewon remembers the story Yuri told her before. "Hey.." She holds the younger's shoulder. "Let's change." Being with more unnies might help Yuri with her fear.

However, Yuri quickly refuse. She knows why Chaewon suddenly asks for it. Not gonna deny it, she really wants to be with Yena and she is still being haunted by that nightmare, but she can't be that selfish. She has to admit the luck is not on her side. 

"Next team, please get ready!" The instructor calls out. 

Chaeyeon raises her thumbs towards him and turns to her team back. "So we already have our groups. Let's start with Jaeyong's group first and the other follows the turn, okay?" 

"Yes, captain!" 



The first group is getting a short briefing from Mr Logan before getting released into the forest  While waiting for their turns, the other group prepare themselves physically and mentally.

"Don't worry, you guys have a lot of boys in your group. You gonna be fine." Chaeyeon plasterers a reassuring smile towards the girls assigned in the last group. There are only four girls including Yuri and Yujin. 

"We can't trust boys." Hyewon rolls her eyes. The other two girls nod at her words.

"Come on. We will protect these pretty girls at all cost." Hui taps his chest with confidence. The other boys keep their chin high to show their pride.

"Oh really? Can we hold onto your words?" one of the girls standing behind Yuri and Yujin tilts her head, staring at the boys. Her friend gives them a doubtful look.

"Of course!" Said the boys in unison. 

"Woo~ They look so confident." Yena coos while swinging around her torchlight.

"Their confident looks make me feel more worried." Yujin squints her eyes. 

"We can't only depend on them. Yujin, make sure Yuri come back safely." Hyewon points at Yujin. 

"Unnie, logically, I'm the one who needs to be protected! I'm the youngest in our team!" Yujin stomps her feet. 

"In term of physical, you are one of the strongest in our team. Age doesn't mean anything, bruh." Yena shrugs.



"Stop fighting you brats." Chaeyeon facepalms herself. Somehow she's relieved Yujin is in a different group. Imagine Yena plus Yujin inside the forest... Even all the animals could wake up due to their loudness.

Noticing how quiet Yuri is, Chaewon becomes so worried. She pulls a bit of her shirt and makes the girl moves away from the others to give them some privacy. 

"Are you sure you okay? Didn't you told me you are afraid of darkness?" Chaewon whispers.

Yuri makes sure first no one is looking at them before she replies back, in the same tone. 

"Please don't tell them about it,"

"You should just tell Chaeyeon about it. It's dangerous there."

"I will be okay, unnie."

I'm so envious of you, Chaewon unnie..

"Change with me then."

"No. I'm okay." 

"But Yuri.."

Yena approaches them with a curious stare. "What are you guys whispering about?" 

Both of them flinch at the sudden question.


That's suspicious.

"Are you guys hiding something?" Even though she's such a clumsy brat, her instinct sometimes on point.

"We just talking about some rumours about this forest. Do you want to hear it?"Chaewon quickly covers it up. Her expression change to a teasing look.

"Hell, no." Yena backs off, raising her hands. 

"Coward~" Chaewon sticks her tongue out. 

"You brat.." Yena ruffles her hair and that trigger jealousy inside Yuri. She bites a bit of her lower lips.

"Second group, your turn now!" Mr Logan calls out again. 

"Let's go guys! Yena! Chaewon!" Chaeyeon calls them from behind.

"Take care, Yuri." Chaewon rubs her shoulder before walking away, following Chaeyeon and the other.

Yena waves to her with a smile as she tugs behind Chaewon but stops in the middle and walks back to Yuri.

"What's wrong, unnie?" 

"Promise me, you will be safe, hamster." Yena pinches the fluffy cheeks of Yuri, causing the girl to frown in pain.

"That's hurt."  

Yena smiles. "Your phone is with you right?" 

Yuri takes out her phone from her pocket and shows it to the older.

"Good! Call me or others if anything happens, okay?" Yena ruffles her hair just like how she did it to Chaewon.

"Okay..." Yuri answers in a lower voice. It's because she is blushing.

Yena chuckles at the reaction. "I'll get going then. See ya!"

"Unnie." Yuri looks up and their eyes meet again. "Come back safely." She shyly speaks.

Yena bursts into a laugh. "You make me feel like I'm going to the army." She pats her head. "See you later. Bye!" Yena begins to run and smack Yujin's shoulder who is walking towards Yuri in the middle of her run. 

"Take care of Yuri! Remember that!" Yena sends a warning with her gestures before proceeding with her run towards the other in her group standing in front of Mr Logan, listening to his briefing carefully.

"Am I look like a nanny or what?" Yujin points at herself and groans. "They do not even bother to say 'Take care' to me as they said to you, unnie." Her tone sounds sad.

"It's because they know you are capable enough to take care of yourself." Yuri pats her arm to calm the girl down.

"But I still want to hear it." Yujin pouts.

"Oh! Talking about that.." Yuri takes out her phone and starts scrolling her chat before showing it to Yujin. "She sent me this just now."

Yujin takes a peek at the screen and her eyes widened.

Yuri unnie~ Please tell Yujin 'Take care and come back safely!' for me. See you later~ 

"She sent you this?! It's for me?!" Yujin is in disbelief. 

"You didn't read it wrong~" Yuri smiles.

In no time, Yujin jumps around joyfully as happiness flows through her. Her mood boosts up so much and everyone can see it by watching her doing right now.

"She should just send it to me personally. We already had each other number." Yujin rubs her chin when she notices about it.

"Maybe she's still shy." Yuri gives a half shrug.

"Awww, cutie." Yujin grins to her ears.

"Last group! Your turn now!"


"You seems quiet. Are you scared?" Chaewon elbowed Yena walking beside her.

"What? Hell no." Yena denies immediately.

They are now in the middle of the night walk in the forest. It's a big forest and not small too. Earlier, they thought it's an easy activity. Well, it's called night walk. They imagined just walking in the forest late at night with your friends, joking around and playing with torchlight but damn, they are totally wrong. Only the walking part is true. What they have to do is to walk in the forest with only torchlight as their light source, no adults as their guard at all, and they have to make sure they follow the map properly or else...  bruh, they don't want to imagine it. Not just that, the path they took was so challenging. Just now, they crossed the river by balancing themselves on the thin log as their bridge and Chaewon almost slipped when she tried to jump off the log.

"Then, what is it?" 

Yena stops for a sec to catch a breath. Her mind cursing when she notices they have to climb the rock in front. 

"Nah. Just tired." She huffs.

"You are ly-" 

Chaewon gets pulled immediately and froze in Yena's half hug.  Yeah, for the second time she almost slipped.

"Stop talking, kid. We are deep in the forest and you wouldn't want to come out on the morning news tomorrow with your ugly passport picture shown, right?"

"The hell?" Chaewon finds it funny and she can't help but giggles at it. It's funnier to see this serious side of Yena.

Yena chuckles. "Just kidding. Just be careful, Chaewon." Her voice sounds so soft and so caring. She offers her hand to the girl after she successfully climbs up the rock.

"You are weird." Chaewon grabs her hand and getting pulled up to the top and they continue back their walks.

But I like it...

The hell, Chaewon?

" I know... I guess I'm weird these days too." The older speaks while staring blankly at the front. Seems like they almost arrive at the last checkpoint of their journey as she sees a bright spotlight not so far from their positions. Plus the sudden cheers from the boys at the front, she can confirm it.

"Oh by the way, did you notice a small house at the right side when we passed through that confusing  two-ways trails?" 

Chaewon's eyebrows knitted together. "A house?"

"I'm not sure if it's a house or whatever it is but I saw it while we discussed which path to choose,"  Yena calls out her memory back. It looked like an old abandoned house with dry rot woods. She got goosebumps when she laid her eyes on it after randomly shoved her torchlight towards it. 

"You creeps me out, unnie. I don't see any of it." 

"Oh really?" Yena rubs her chin. She really thinks she saw it. Well, never mind.

After 30 minutes of walking, they finally reach the finishing point and the first thing they do was rushing to the refreshment booth to cool themselves down. 

"My body feels so sticky. I really need a shower later." Chaeyeon complains as she gulps down her cold mineral water. 

"We all need it. Especially this duck." Hyewon throws a bottle at Yena to let her hydrating herself. 

"Don't expose me, dude." Yena rolls her eyes as she gulps down the water. She admits she didn't shower after the survival activity this evening. So much free time she had but she chose to play around with Yujin. Yes, Yujin didn't shower too. 


They see Minju and Wonyoung walking towards them. It turned out to a fashion show as they walk in their P.E outfits.

"I almost choked on my water."  Chaeyeon clears .

"You are whipped for them." Hyewon teases. She caught herself too staring at their beauties.

"Well, we all whipped for them." Yena had been drooling.

The normal one there is Chaewon. Normal? Not so fast~ she just can't get the hint yet. 

Chaeyeon offers each of them mineral water.

"Thanks, unnie."

"Sakura is not with you guys?" Chaeyeon starts to feel worried. 

"She is looking after an injured member at the sickbay." Minju explained.


"Not seeing her for a while and you already lose your ." Hyewon dissed as she takes another gulp of water.

"Wait until you got yours, bro." Chaeyeon scoffs.

"She would only lose her for food." Yena loses herself in laugh with Chaeyeon.


A huge puppy rushes to them as if seeing her food in front of her. 

"You guys are quite fast to arrive." Chaeyeon applauses like a proud mother.

"It's... because...wait.." She holds her chest and struggling to catch breath. Wonyoung quickly offers her mineral water.

"You looks like just got chased by the ghost." Chaeyeon chuckles.

"Surprisely.. I am.." Yujin gulps the water hard while huffing.

"What do you mean?" asked Chaewon.

Yujin swings her hand and all of them shift their gaze towards the finishing point that she points at.

"We heard a voice coming from the bush. It was a creepy voice." Fear twisted her gut as she told the story.

"And you guys run all the way here?" Hyewon watches the other members of Yujin's group scattered around them. They have the same expression as her. Terrified and exhausted. 


"Where is Yuri?" asked Yena. Her face turns serious in a split second when she notices Yuri is not there.

"She's with m-" Yujin turns behind but she could not find her unnie.  "Wait.. I swear she's with me just now!" 

They begin to search for her around but no one could find her.

"Yuri ah!"

"Yuri unnie!"

The other students notice the panic situation among them and start to ask around.

Sakura appears when she got the call from Chaeyeon about it.

"Did you find her?" she asks.

"Not yet." Chaeyeon could not hide her worried face. 

"I told you to protect her!" Hyewon scolds Yujin as she wanders around with her frustrated face. She could not think anything. It is so sudden!

"I did!" Yujin answered back as loud as Hyewon's voice.

"No, you aren't!"

"Stop fighting!!"

The situation gets tense. Everyone got panic.

Yena stoned at her place since she got the news. Her mind is blank, her eyes are shaking, her legs turns weak in a blink.

"Unnie?" Chaewon taps her shoulder as she notices the girl turns white.

Yena's phone suddenly rings and everyone rushes to her expecting it's Yuri. At the same time, all teachers and other staffs come to them.

Yes it's Yuri calling. Yena quickly answer it.


"Unnie.." Yena hears the girl sobbing. Her voice sounded so weak.

"Make it loudspeaker!" Chaeyeon urges and Yena did as told.

"Where are you?! Are you okay?" Yena starts to tremble as she speaks. Tear filled her eyes as she kept hearing the girl sobbing on the line.

"S- s- save me.. please.. I- I'm.. af-afraid.. unnie.." the girl is fighting to speak between the sobbing. Her breathing is not stable.

"Keep calm, Yuri. We will get to you!" Chaeyeon interrupts. 

At the moment, Irene seongsaenim appears in front of Yena, asking with her gestures about the call. When she knows it's Yuri, she starts to speak while her finger presses her lips to give a signal to others to keep quiet.

"Yuri, are you injured anywhere?" 

"N- No.."

"Do you know where you at?" 

"I don't k- kn- know.." 

"It's okay Yuri. Take a deep breath. Calm down first. You will be okay." Irene make sure the girl is calming down by hearing her breathing. Then she continues.

"Yuri, looks around you. What do you see?" 

Everyone who stands close to Yena could hear sounds of her walking through the phone. They wait for her answer anxiously.


"What else do you see?"

"A.. H- house?"


"Y- yes.." They hear the girl kept walking, guessing she is approaching the house.

"Do we have any house in the forest?" Irene seongsaenim looks up to Mr Logan for confirmation.

Mr Logan shares eyes contact with other staff there. "I don't think so. No one lives inside there."

"Yuri! Are you sure it's a house?"

"Y-yeah.. Please... Afraid.. Come.. Me.." The call got stuck. They can't hear her very well.

"Yuri! We can't hear you!" Sakura speaks as she leans closer to the phone to hear clearly but it go worse and suddenly the conversation ended.

"Yuri Yuri!" Yena dials back her number but she can't reach the girl anymore. She throws her phone and falls her knees to the ground, grabbing her hair in clumps frustratedly.

"Unnie.." Chaewon kneels down and rubs the older's back to calm her down. Her heart breaks at the sight of it.

The atmosphere turns silent as they watch Yena on the ground, Yujin, Wonyoung and Minju sobbing up at the back and Chaeyeon wander around, biting her nails anxiously while being calmed by Sakura. Hyewon keeps on dialling Yuri's number with her phone, praying for the girl to pick it up in a miracle.

The staffs and the teachers make a circle within them and start to discuss the next action while the student councils members start to organize the students, bringing themselves to the assembly point.

Yena lifts her head up and approaches Yujin. Chaeyeon and Hyewon notice her action and start to block her as they expect her will throw a fist at the younger based on her serious expression. 

"Yujin, did she bring torchlight with her?" Yena asks in a weak voice.

Yujin looks at her with teary eyes and shakes her head. "I.. Don't think.."

Chaewon gasps when she heard it. 

"Yuri is afraid of darkness.." She mutters unconsciously not knowing Yena could hear her words.

"What did you say?" Yena turns to Chaewon. She rushes to the girl and holds her wrist, tightly. 

"Yuri.. she's afraid of darkness.. She told me before, she got lost in the forest during her middle school camping and it made her phobia of darkness." Chaewon starts to tremble seeing Yena's red eyes staring intensely at her. Her wrist starts to get hurt being hold so tight like Yena gonna break them in no time.

"You should have told us before we start this!" Yena lost her temper.  She raises her voice as she speaks that catch attention from the teachers and staffs near them.

Chaewon startled at the loud voice. Tears shimmered in her eyes and she tries to fight it. 

"Yena!" Chaeyeon calls her out. 

"Calm down, dude!" Hyewon forcefully releases Yena's grab on Chaewon's wrist and hold her shoulders tight.

"How can I calm down! Yuri is missing, stupid!" Yena rants. "She should have told us about it! Yuri should not go into that forest in the first place! Look what happens now?!" 

"Calm your ing , stupid!" Hyewon raises her voice and that's the first time they hear it. Yena gasps and shut tight.

"She must have her reason why she didn't tell us beforehand!" Hyewon continues to yell at Yena.  

"Chaewon.. why didn't you tell us?" Chaeyeon approaches and asks her softly.

"Yuri won't let me. I try to convince her to change our place but she kept refusing." Chaewon covers her face with palms to hide her falling tears.

"You heard that?!" Hyewon kept scolding while Yena keeps herself silent. She looks down to the ground, trying to get herself calm and back to her senses and when she does, she remembers the call with Yuri just now.

"A house.. house! I saw that house!" She shoves Hyewon away and starts to run back to the forest through the finishing point with her torchlight. Chaewon manages to catch her wrist when the older passed her.

"Don't, Unnie! It's so dangerous!"

"So what?!"

"You could die in there!" Chaewon raises her voice.

Yena pushes the hand holding her wrist away harshly.

"I would die for her." 


[Writer's note]

Hello guys! Here the new update for you and sorry for taking a long time for it.. I guess it's the longest chapter so far right? Hahahaha. 

From this chapter, could you guys draw the love chain? I think it's complete now but if you still can't see it, don't worry, in the next chapter, everything would be so clear. Heee~

For those asking about Nako, Tomi and Eunbi. So sorry for not having them in these previous chapters. They will appear sooner and play important parts in the story. Wait! All of them are so important, they are IZ*ONE  Hahaahaha. The story will be long like I mentioned before, I want to make each chapter so meaningful and put a lot of moments between them. Of course, there will be a lot of moment with Nako, Tomi and Eunbi soon. Let make it a slow journey~ so we can enjoy them together.

I'm so sorry for my grammar and the use of words. Like I said in the description, I'm still learning and if there is a mistake, you can point it out in comments or in my dms so I can correct them back.

Thank you for all the comments. It really helps me out to continue the chapter in the middle of my busy life. I'm in the state of the internship so I doesn't have so much free time but I try my best to steal time to write. It's my healing thing after all, and maybe for you guys too. 

Stay tuned for the next chapter! See ya ! =)


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My favorite story overall~~~~ HyeYul endgameee
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 27: This story is really nice thank you for updating it!
Chapter 27: 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ssamyenahn #4
Chapter 27: Yayyy you updated🎉🎉🎉. I hope that Yena would give Chaewon a chance 😭😭😭. My ssamyen babies~
1766 streak #5
Chapter 27: hello authornim, i'm fine with whatever, go at your own pace. don't feel pressured because this is your story that you are sharing with us.
Chapter 27: 2, :)
Loving_eclipse #7
Chapter 27: 2, i prefer the longer updates, you can take your time, we'll wait for you ^^
ssamyenahn #8
Chapter 27: 2
just take ur time, we'll still be here to read whatever u write
Loving_eclipse #9
Chapter 26: I don't know what's happening and I'm intrigued 😳
ssamyenahn #10
Chapter 26: yay ssamyen~