Chapter 11

Can you smile?


Myungsoo's POV


,,Ow! Who- ?" I growled in pain as my head made contact with a heavy pan. I'm getting attacked at home? I got ready to face anyone except the small petit figur with an exceptionally strong impetus standing infront of me.,,Who are you?"I asked trying to remember where I saw her before but then I remembered today morning. She also seemed to recall. Then she took the phone unnoticable but I saw her movements from the corner of my eye.

,,Shouldn't I be the one asking you this?"She asked me back. I didn't budge to speak since why should I. That's my house. So she continued. ,,I'm the babysitter here. I give you one chance to answer before I'll call the police. Who are and what are you doing here?"

,,I'm Myungsoo. KIM Myungsoo'' I answered coldly emphasizing my last name. I hope she finally understood what I was refering to. The girl seemed to be thinking.


She slowly dropped her weapon but didn't let it go. I walked passed her when she realized something. Suddenly she held the pan high up again as defense. ,,Are you really the Kim from this family? And why did you get in through the porch door then?" She tried her best to sound confident and intimidating but failed miserably as it came out in a mumble. I could see that her rib cage lifted up and down unevenly fast which probable meant she was agitated.

I just rolled my eyes at her. Am I in some kind of interrogation?. ,,How I get in is my choice!"

,,S-stay where you are! Y-yah! D-don't come closer!" she demanded and held the pan higher gripping firmly on to the handle until her knuckles turned white. Out of panic Sun hi swung the pan again. I was quick to respond and dodged the pan easily.Then I proceeded to hit Sun hi with the pan that she was still holding.

,,Stop messing around and do what you're here for" I warned and let go. The rest of the evening she tried the best she could to avoid me until my mother came home.

,,Oh Myungsoo-ah you're here'' she said excited and pulled me in for a hug

,,Uhm. I'll be going then''

,,No wait. My son is accompanying you home''

,,He really doesn't have to, really''

,,Don't be silly, Sun hi. A young girl shouldn't go home alone at this hour. Who knows what could've happen? It's no problem at all... aish! that's not the way I raised you, Myungsoo-ah'' Mum said as I just let out a tired snarl. All I wanted was to get food and bring it home. Maybe check if the new babysitter was any good. With a demanding look of her that didn't allow any objection I stood up from the couch and went to get my shoes. ,,It's really not necessary Mrs. Kim'' Sun hi assured her but she didn't take no for an answer so Sun hi and I quitely walked down the street to the busstation and drove to the metro station. The awkward silence filled the air until Sun hi broke it. ,,I'm really sorry I attacked you. I thought you were a burglar and you came in through the porch door...''Sun hi's voice got smaller and smaller. ,,You don't need to bring me home. I go somewhere else anyway''

,,Alright' I simply said looking at my phone.

End of Myungsoo's POV


Taking the subway both seated but way apart which Sun hi didn't mind since then she doesn't have to do small talk and could just read her book peacefully. Sun hi took her book out and read in her book until two guys chatted with each other. They seated themselves in front of her and whenever Sun hi wanted to check if she reached her destinated stop one of the guys, that had a strong russian accent, infront smiled and waved at her which Sun hi found very odd. So she just decided to ignore it. When a middle aged men in poorly torn clothes asked for money the russian guy sudddenly yelled at the man to get a job. Sun hi felt bad for the man that got off at the next station. She started continueing her book when she heard the guy ask the person next to her if he could have that seat and wanted to start a conversation with Sun hi. The tone of voice much softer then when he spoke to the middle aged man.

,,You don't need to cover your face. You're beautiful" he told her. Sun hi was wearing a face mask since the air pollution in korea was very high that day. She pulled her cap slightly down covering her face more in it but stayed silent. ,,Wow you have really long hair. Why are you growing it so long?" he continued to talk to her which made her quite uneasy. She felt very uncomfortable so she moved away as soon as the person on her other side got off. He stood up after some time. Suddenly he just touched her hair trying to get a reaction from her. TWhen the next person that seated himself next to her pushed the guys hand off her hair. ,,Can't you tell you're making her uncomfortable! Are you alright?" the person turned to Sun hi. As she turned to face him it was Myungsoo to her surprise. He waited for her answer and Sun hi tried to tell her she was fine but it came out in her usual whisper voice and since the subway was loud he couldn't hear her. She got up, thanked him and wanted to get off as they reached her stop.

Myungsoo noticed the guys standing up too about to leave the station as well ,,Want me to accompany you out?" Sun hi shook her head lightly, bowing respectfully and headded out where IU and Hani where already waiting for her.


The next day

,,I'm going to pair you into groups of three. Silence! No groaning...''The teacher teamed up the groups. Hani was in a group with Yoongi and Hyun woo, IU with Jiyeon and Myungsoo and Sun hi with Jungkook and Ah ri. When Taehyung had no group Sun hi quickly told the teacher they would take him in the group. ,,You could come to our group, right Jungkook, Ah ri?" Sun hi asked. She just didn't want to be left alone with Ah ri. Sun hi had noticed Jungkook's ability for teamwork sometimes when he walked down the hallways and his partners had to follow him around so he would participate in the group but in the end he left them to do everything. Ah ri and Sun hi would have to do everything then what isn't exactly better since she knows very well that she can't stand her either and she didn't want Taehyung to feel left behind. Taehyung happily marched their way. ,,Hi"

,,Just to make sure I'm not going to do all the work. You all are participating! And yes I'm pointing especially at you Jeon Jungkook'' Ah ri told them confidently.

,,Are you good at cooking?" Taehyung asked her back.

,,Well I haven't tried cooking yet but how hard can it be? And what are we even cooking?"

,,H-how about we make Budae-jjigae and some side dishes?" Sun hi suggested taking a look at the various ingredients. ,,My grandma used makes it often and I know how to prepare it" Since no one had experience in cooking they agreed to everything Sun hi said. So she had to take the lead unfortunately. Since noone said a word Sun hi had to destribute the tasks. ,,Taehyung you could prepare the rice and cook the side dishes. Ah ri could chop the vegetables and Jungkook you do the Kimchi" Sun hi instructed. She told Jungkook to salt every piece of cabbage since they need to rest a long time to soften. Then told Taehyung and Ah ri what they had to do. Taehyung washed the rice and Ah ri slowly cut the vegetables.

From time to time Myungsoo glanced Sun hi's way. He hadn't figured out what he thought of her yet. Is she good enough to take care of his sister?

It was time for Jungkook to season the cabbage. ,,Wait, use an apron the red color of the gochugaru and the sauce will ruin your white shirt"Since Jungkook already mixed the cabbage Sun hi put the apron around him and inverved his sleeves with a sighed like a mother would do so his shirt won't get dirty and tuned to her stew. Taehyung watched her taking care of Jungkook so he went beside her and showed her his lose sleeve. Sun hi inverted his sleeve also about to turn around when Tae pulled his sleeves down again only for Sun hi to pull them up again. He watched her with his goofy smile and tried to taste the stew.

,,It's not ready yet" Sun hi told him but when Taehyung pouted Sun hi gave him a spoon full of the soup that he drank out of her hand only to regret it the next minute as he burnt his tongue. ,,You should have known it was hot. It's still brewing" Sun hi hurried to get him some water and Taehyung smiled seeing her taking care of him.

,,Ouch!" Ah ri suddenly let out who cut her finger. ,,You ok? We should hold it under water"Jungkook went to her side, took her hand and went the the sink to wash her wound. Ah ri watched his side profil. When he caught her staring he smirked sheekily.,,Take a picture. It lasts longer''

,,Don't flatter yourself. You just have kimchi sauce over your face'' Ah ri countered that caught Jungkook of guard. ,,Just watch the stew Ah ri. I'll cut the veggie's" Ah ri did as told and sturred the pot. ,,Oh Ah ri your stew looks amazing. Would you mind if I taste it?" ,,Of course I wouldn't mind" the teacher tried the stew and was impressed ,,Very impressive. Your stew is fantastic. Good job"

,,Thank you" Ah ri smiled friendly as the teacher kept walking to another table. ,,Yah Ah ri, that's not your stew. Sun hi made it!" Taehyung let out.

,,I didn't say it was mine. And besides we're a group. so who cares that he complimented me? I prepared the veggies for the stew so it's also my stew"

,,She did do something for it so it's also her stew. And what does it matter anyway?" Jungkook said throwing his arm around Ah ri's shoulders as IU looked his way.

,,Nevertheless it's not right" Taehyung mumbled. While they were chatting Sunhi had to rush to save the food since Taehyung had left the side dishes on the stove without saying anything. At the exact moment were Sun hi stood infront of the burnt food the teacher walked by shaking his head with a tired sighed. Taehyung rushed to Sun hi as she let out a sighed.


,,How was your team?''Hani asked Sun hi as they walked out of school.

,,Alright I guess. How about yours?"

,,Mine was horrible. Jiyeon was on the phone the whole time when she didn't flirt with Myungsoo which would usually be me. And the guy Myungsoo he's so hot but he didn't say a word. He's worse than you Sun hi" IU reported. ,,And Hani how was it with Yoongi.I saw you staring dreamily at him all the time that Hyun woo looked pissed"

,,Yeah maybe I did. I always heard a faded voice telling me sometimes to stop staring and start working but I could've just imagened it"

,,Sun hi, could I talk to you for a moment" Taehyung walked up to her. IU excused Hani and herself with a grin ,,Of course you can. Hani and I need to go anyway" ,,We don't! We wanted-" Hani exclaimed but was pulled away by IU.

,,What do you want to talk about?"
,,I recently saw this coffee shop nearby which serves amazing iced coffee. Would you like to grab some?"Taehyung asked a bit hesitant. ,,I'm sorry. I can't. I need to work and I should hurry up if I don't want to be late... " Looking at the watch she got from her father she hurried up. Taehyung adapted to her pace. ,,I'll come with you'' Taehyung said.


,,You're stew was amazing by the way. You're a good cook" He began to break the awkward silence

,,I don't believe you. You always used to be like this. No, no don't... alright I'll see you there'' They saw Jungkook's father hanging up the phone and entering his luxious black Audi R8 vehicle, slamming the door shut with a loud bang and drove away fast. Taehyung and Sun hi just walked ahead as if nothing happened until they were at the restaurant.

Sun hi dressed herself and served the tables. She saw Taehyung waving at her with both hands up and wondered if he stayed the whole time.

,,Sit. There aren't much tables anymore. I bought you an iced americano" Taehyung held up the bag with the beverage in it.

,,I can't. I need to work" she glanced at Miga who was serving and nodding her head to Taehyung with a smile, then to the manager that didn't say anything when she slowly sat down infront of his eyes. That's odd. But she rested a bit which came along good since her shoes were killing her. These uncomfortable heeled shoes that she needs to wear for work.

,,Just take a break and have this" Taehyung gave her the beverage and Sun hi took it thankful. Tho she wasn't really a coffee person she drank it. ,,Sun hi what are you doing on Saturday?"

,,I have to work here" Suddenly she spotted Jungkook's father in the restaurant with another man discussing something very important. Taehyung followed her gaze ,,Oh that's Jungkook's dad" Taehyung said surprised.

,,I know" Taehyung looked surprised that she knew him. Jungkook usually never introduces any girl to his parents. When she heard the bell signaling a new customer entered, she stood up, thanked Taehyung again for the coffee and went to the kitchendoor to hold it for Miga.

,,Thanks for holding up the door'' Sun hi waved it off and took pen and paper to take the order of the new table until the door was heard again. As she saw who was entering a small smile formed on her face. Her mother came in and she looked around until she found the person she was looking for. She went straight up to Sunhi. Sun hi was about to greet her but then her mother walked pass her to the table of Jungkooks father.



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