
Turn of the tide.

Park Soo Hee’s POV

“Did…did…he just say he likes me?!” I thought to myself, unable to believe my ears.

He was staring straight into my eyes and no matter how hard I tried, my eyes refused to pull away.

“No, Park Soo Hee. You can’t belie-” I was in the midst of calming myself down. Then, I was abruptly interrupted.

I felt something touching my lips and it turned out to be his lips. I widened my eyes in shock as I froze in my position. I felt my stupid heart thump harder and faster as he moved his lips against mine. Then, I came back to my senses. Harshly, I pushed him away from me. He was clearly taken aback by my roughness.

“Jerk.” I muttered as I wiped my lips in disgust.

Turning around, I walked off quickly. He stole my first kiss and it bothered me. However, there was something else which was bothering me- my racing heart.

“Why are you acting like this?” I mumbled to myself as I placed my right hand across my chest.

Narrator’s POV

L ruffled his hair in frustration and leaned against the wall, seeing Soo Hee disappear behind the wall.

“Kim Myung Soo, look at what you have done…” Myung Soo cursed in his mind.

“But it’s not like I did it on purpose… I mean, come on! She was just this close to me and I just couldn’t help but kiss her. Blame it on those stupid hormones.”Myung Soo defended himself mentally.

“Aish.” He muttered as he went back to the orphanage activity room, frustrated.

The door of the activity room flung open. Soo Hee turned behind curiously like the others to see L. Entering the room, Soo Hee and Myung Soo’s eyes met for a brief second. She quickly turned her head back. Seeing him reminded her of the kiss they shared a minute ago. Her cheeks reddened as her heart pumped faster. It was as if her heart was pumping faster to supply more blood to her face.

“You alright?” Chunji asked in concern as he looked at Soo Hee who was in a daze.

“Ah…Y-yea.” Soo Hee snapped out of her thoughts and nodded repeatedly.

“Hehehe…” The boy and girl sitting in front of them exchanged glances and winked at the two.

“You two kids…” Soo Hee said as she tickled the little girl. The girl giggled and surrendered with both hands high up in the air.

“Ouch.” Hye Mi uttered as she glared at L who bumped into her. He wasn't looking where he was going for his eyes were glued to Chunji and Soo Hee.

“Sorry.” L said softly before making his way back to his seat.

Hours later…

The students were gathered at one side, waving to the children who were standing on the other.

“Thank you for volunteering.” The volunteer said with a thankful smile.

“It was nice visiting here.” The teacher replied politely as she shook the volunteer’s hand.

The kids were staring at the students with longing eyes.

“Goodbye kids~” The teacher beamed as she waved to the them.

The students standing behind their teacher waved goodbye to the orphans with a heavy heart too. In the short time they spent together, they had built a mutual trust and friendship which had to be broken at this very moment. The kids ran to the students, some with tears welling up in their eyes.

“Unnie, don’t leave Minah... Play with us more, please.” The little girl swung Soo Hee’s hand and pleaded.

“Minah-ah, unnie have to leave already. Be good and take care of yourself, okay?” Soo Hee held her tears back as she squatted down to the girl’s level and hugged her.

The little girl burst into tears in her embrace. Then, the little boy pulled the girl out of Soo Hee’s arms.

“Come on Minah, noona got to go with the rest already.” The boy said in an understanding tone.

“Take good care of Minah.” Soo Hee said to little boy as she got up from the floor.

“We will miss the two of you.” Chunji told the kids with a bright smile.

He then ruffled their hair affectionately.

“Hyung, good luck.” The boy winked at Chunji and said. Chunji winked back at the cute boy, getting his hidden meaning.

“Soo Hee, the bus is leaving already~” Hye Mi shouted from where the bus was parked.

“Bye…” Soo Hee muttered as she flashed them a final smile.

Turning about, the two left for the bus. Soo Hee took a deep breath and the tears in her eyes subsided. Hye Mi saw them coming so she climbed up the bus and sat at an empty seat first. Getting on the bus, Soo Hee spotted Myung Soo who was sitting all the way at the back. She looked away immediately and took the seat beside Hye Mi. Soon, Soo Hee zoned out and the kiss scene entered her mind unknowingly.

“Soo Hee?” Hye Mi called for the third time.

“H-huh?” Soo Hee turned to Hye Mi frantically.

“What’s wrong with you? You seem a little off today.” Hye Mi asked worriedly.

“Hye Mi-ah, I have got something to tell you.” Soo Hee said.

“Go on.” Hye Mi replied with a reassuring smile.

“He kissed me.” Soo Hee whispered into her best friend’s ears.

“WHAT?!” Hye Mi exclaimed loudly in shock.

Soo Hee covered and shook her head, mouthing for her to lower her volume.

“Who? Ch-Chunji?” Hye Mi asked fearfully.

She dreaded the answer and was praying with her fingers crossed behind her back that the answer is a ‘No’.

Soo Hee shook her head and sighed with her eyes closed.

“Thank god it’s not Chunji.” Hye Mi thought to herself as a relieved smile crept up her face.

“Oh, wait. Then who? Don’t tell me it’s… L?!” Hye Mi made a smart guess.

Soo Hee nodded her head lightly and bit her lips.

“Omo! He likes you?!” Hye Mi’s mouth formed a big ‘O’ shape.

“I don’t know… I am so confused now. You know what? When he kissed me, I felt a little happy inside. I am supposed to hate him and take my revenge on him but I don’t know why my heart is acting differently… Hye Mi, tell me… What should I do?” Soo Hee asked with a frown.

“Soo Hee-ah, you need to ask yourself what you really want… That’s all I can advise you. Just don’t forget that he had hurt you once and he might do it again…” Hye Mi warned and patted on her shoulder.

“Jang Hye Mi, you did well. At least you didn’t selfishly tell her to accept L...” Hye Mi thought to herself.

“I will think over what you just said…” Soo Hee told her as she leaned back in her seat and sighed once more.

Facing the window, Hye Mi observed all the passing scenery. She let out a soft sigh at the thought of Chunji.

As time passes, will you fade out of my heart like these sceneries?

Author's Note:
Hey guys! :D
Did you like my new update? (:
Please subscribe/ comment to let me know what you guys think ^^~
Umm... Just a note to tell you guys that 'Turn of the tide' is ending soon already.);
Just want to say, thank you so much for supporting this fic up till now !<3
I really appreciate your support !
Finally, please read on till the very end :)~

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niena98 #1
Chapter 18: This is lovely!!! And cute too!! They're soo cute together~ she is tough although everyone around her laughing at her. Be well author-nim and make another yet amazing stories!!~ I would love to read it^^
chocogirlMT1 #2
Chapter 18: aaawww - i really do live this story ... i even cry my heart out when soo hee was insulted ... it just that i am same like her character ... u r awesome writer n i really appreciate ur work , u can describe her each feelings perfectly .. i really do love ur story n i read ut in a one go . (fan)
keep doing ur work <3 :)
Chrisyjin #3
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chrisyjin #4
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chapter 18: Oommmggg... Tears, almost falling. Wooowww I found the story and read constantly, finished it all (prequel too) in two days, and omg its ammaaazzzinnnnggg. I know you weren't planning on writing another sequel at first, but i am sooo happy you did. Thank gahd she had a happy ending, and chunji went with hye mi. I was starting to get annoyed with his chasing of so hee, and a little worried, wince i shipped soo hee and L all the way... But yaaay, omg such a good mood right now :D:D:D
Chapter 18: hihi. i saw the previous comments before me and i got quite shock. it's almost a year since then. however, i gonna ignore all that and comment.
i really enjoy reading this story a lot. at first, i know how this story will turn out without reading it but i just can't pass by this story of yours like that, so i keep reading it. when i reach the ending, i seriously don't want this story to end but i definitely love the ending. love your great ideas and this writing style of yours. ^^
gotta check out your other stories. :)
to be honest, im not really interested in this story at first, until chunji came xD and now im in love in this story and i really love the ending ^^
imveryloser #8
Chapter 18: ahhh i just love your writing style! ; u ;

i'm so happy that soohee managed to
become happy in the end after all the
pain caused to her by everyone c':
i'm upset that the story already ended
though, but it's my fault for reading it
so eagerly /slapped/ but i can't help
the fact that your writing is so great ♡

now i hope you don't mind but i'm
gonna go read more of your fics c;