Her side of the story

Turn of the tide.

Jang Hye Mi’s POV

I nodded my head and smiled. Soo Hee was the first person I told about me being fat last time. Somehow, I felt like I could open my heart to her and she would know how I feel. Through the sharing, I hoped that we would become best friends. I wanted to break the wall she built around herself like what I used to do. Now, she looks really shocked at my words.

“Yea.” I admitted with a meek smile.

“H-how did you do it?” She stuttered slightly.

“Because of hatred.” I answered as the smile on my face got wiped off once Byung Hun re-entered my mind.

“Hatred?” Soo Hee looked at me confused.

“His name was Byung Hun.” I started as those memories came rushing back to me uncontrollably.

Soo Hee was looking at me intently, awaiting to hear me out. I gave her a weak smile before continuing.

“He was my boyfriend back then and I really loved him a lot. I thought he loved me too but I guess I was wrong after all. I was really naïve back then to think someone would like the fat and ugly me last time. At the end of the day, he was just after my money… I was considered rich in the past until my father’s company turned bankrupt and ran away, leaving us behind. It was then that I know the harsh reality of the true world…” I stopped for a moment and inhaled deeply, holding my tears back.

Soo Hee was looking at me with teary and sympathetic eyes. However, looking in her eyes, I could tell she had a sad story behind her too.

“When we became poor overnight, my mother turned ill too. However, at that point of time I told myself everything will be fine because I still have my mother and Byung Hun with me. I knew my father will come back to us one day. It was Byung Hun’s family party that day. I dressed up nicely with my old dress and went to the venue by myself. Reaching the venue, I looked around excitedly for Byung Hun. However, I saw him and another girl holding hands. I was really angry at that time so I went up and confronted them. I could still remember seeing in his eyes, no guilt at all.”

“He looked back at me coldly when I accused him of cheating on me. He released the girl and at that moment, I thought he would walk over and give me a hug, telling me I was thinking too much. Perhaps I was really stupid. He moved till he was beside my face and whispered into my ears, “Let’s break up.” With tears flowing from my eyes, the stupid me demanded for a reason. Annoyed, he told me harshly that I was ugly, fat and gullible. He also admitted that all the time he was just after my family’s wealth and had no feelings for me at all…”

I paused for a second as those stupid tears overflowed my reddened eyes.

And I thought I was over it.

I covered my nose and mouth with my hand in an attempt to stop myself from crying. Then, someone offered me a piece of tissue. I looked up and saw Soo Hee flashing me a genuine smile. Gladly, I accepted it and wiped away those tears from my face. Taking a deep breath, I continued speaking.

“At that moment, I felt as if my world was caving in. All his harsh words came pouring down on me like kerosene and seeing him leave my side seemed to set fire on me. I was really pained and tortured back then but I knew he didn’t care anymore or rather he never cared. That night, I saw him leave hand in hand with the pretty youngest daughter of the second largest corporation, the Kims. All I could do was uselessly cry as I sat on the cold ground. I regretted not giving him a tight slap back then.”

I wiped off another tear that emerged from my eye.

“As our savings depleted because of my mother’s condition, I was forced to drop school and start working. I found the job here and started my new life. However, he was always on my mind all the time even if I tried hard to forget him. I hated myself so much but I hated him more for what he had done to me. I wanted to do something so I decided to go on a diet. I wanted to avenge myself and make him regret dumping me. I swore to make his life a living hell like how he made mine into one.”

“So you succeeded in your diet plan and what did you do to him?” Soo Hee asked as she moved her chair closer.

I smiled at her response and eagerness to listen to my story.

“Nothing.” I said regretfully.

“What?! Why?” She exclaimed agitatedly as formed an ‘O’ shape.

“Because he migrated. He got engaged to the youngest daughter of the Kim family and they moved to America. I couldn’t find him anymore so the last step to my plan was screwed…” I explained.

“How I wish I could be like you…” I heard Soo Hee mumbled softly.

I smiled at her and said, “If you want, I can help you. Make those who hurt you regret.”

Her eyes lit up at my words but dimmed the next second. I could tell she was not confident and was in a dilemma. I reached out my hands and held onto her, giving her a light squeeze.

“You can do it, Soo Hee.” I reassured her with a smile.

“I really can?” she asked me as she lowered her head.

Looking at her reminded me of my old self- the unconfident, depressed and alone Hye Mi.

“I will help you.” I told her.

She then looked up at me with teary eyes.

Park Soo Hee’s POV

“Although I don’t know where this will lead to, I want to give this a try. I want to make them regret for bullying me. I want to make them go “wow” when we meet again. I want to stand confident before them and make them pay back what they owe me. I want to be a different Park Soo Hee…” I said as tears streamed down my chubby cheeks.

“Great spirit! I will definitely help you. A toast to our success~” Hye Mi said joyfully as she held up her cup of cold water.

“Cheers!~” We chorused as our cups knocked into each other, giving off a clean crisp tingling sound.

I smiled at Hye Mi and she returned me a warm smile.

“I guess I found my first best friend?” I thought.

I don’t know if I will succeed but I know I want to try this time, for myself…

Author's Note:
Hey people:)
How's the new chapter?:D
I hope this wasn't too boring to read^^
Thanks for reading and hope you will subscribe/comment? XD

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niena98 #1
Chapter 18: This is lovely!!! And cute too!! They're soo cute together~ she is tough although everyone around her laughing at her. Be well author-nim and make another yet amazing stories!!~ I would love to read it^^
chocogirlMT1 #2
Chapter 18: aaawww - i really do live this story ... i even cry my heart out when soo hee was insulted ... it just that i am same like her character ... u r awesome writer n i really appreciate ur work , u can describe her each feelings perfectly .. i really do love ur story n i read ut in a one go . (fan)
keep doing ur work <3 :)
Chrisyjin #3
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chrisyjin #4
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chapter 18: Oommmggg... Tears, almost falling. Wooowww I found the story and read constantly, finished it all (prequel too) in two days, and omg its ammaaazzzinnnnggg. I know you weren't planning on writing another sequel at first, but i am sooo happy you did. Thank gahd she had a happy ending, and chunji went with hye mi. I was starting to get annoyed with his chasing of so hee, and a little worried, wince i shipped soo hee and L all the way... But yaaay, omg such a good mood right now :D:D:D
Chapter 18: hihi. i saw the previous comments before me and i got quite shock. it's almost a year since then. however, i gonna ignore all that and comment.
i really enjoy reading this story a lot. at first, i know how this story will turn out without reading it but i just can't pass by this story of yours like that, so i keep reading it. when i reach the ending, i seriously don't want this story to end but i definitely love the ending. love your great ideas and this writing style of yours. ^^
gotta check out your other stories. :)
to be honest, im not really interested in this story at first, until chunji came xD and now im in love in this story and i really love the ending ^^
imveryloser #8
Chapter 18: ahhh i just love your writing style! ; u ;

i'm so happy that soohee managed to
become happy in the end after all the
pain caused to her by everyone c':
i'm upset that the story already ended
though, but it's my fault for reading it
so eagerly /slapped/ but i can't help
the fact that your writing is so great ♡

now i hope you don't mind but i'm
gonna go read more of your fics c;