Turn of the tide.

Turn of the tide.

Today was just like any other school days. Everything was the same- the loneliness, the nasty remarks and the disgusted glances. Nothing changed since then. It was just that every time I saw Myung Soo, the delighted feeling from before was replaced with shame and pain. His presence always brought me back to that day and it would hurt me again. The memories of how he threw away my heart and how I was disgraced before the one I liked for so many years were still vivid.

“Oh, Park Soo Hee… Not drinking coffee today?” the queenka from before teased.

Yes, she is laughing at me.

I shut my eyes and continued walking, in an attempt to ignore her.

“Who are you trying to ignore now, fat girl?!” She blocked my way and pushed my shoulder roughly.

I opened my eyes and sighed. There it goes again.

“What the heck does she want from me?! Am I supposed to smile and thank her for teasing me?! Screw my life.” I thought to myself as I looked at the furious queenka who had her hands on her small waist.

Then, Myung soo appeared from nowhere.

“Myung Soo oppa!” the queenka said in her act cute voice and skipped over to him.

I rolled my eyes at her fast change of attitude and was about to leave. Obviously, she stopped pestering me and became an angel before the almighty Kim Myung Soo. From the corner of my eyes, I saw her clinging onto Myung Soo who smiled back at her charismatically.

“Thanks, Kim Myung Soo.” I thought to myself and left.

Tears were b in my eyes once again as I recalled the scene. I recalled the stupid me who fell and became a heap of mess. I recalled those words Joo Woo said to me. I recalled the pain I felt when I saw the gift lying in the bin. Everything came back to me once again after seeing that pretty face of his.

Kim Myung Soo, this is what you had done to me. Thank you very much.

Entering class, I sat down and got prepared for lesson. It was Art lesson, supposedly my favourite lesson but not as well-liked as before after the self-portrait incident. I sighed again at the thought of it. Then, I felt a hit on my head. The crumpled paper ball bounced off my head and rolled onto the floor. I looked in the direction the ball flew and saw the table of boys laughing away.

“Nice shot.” One of them said.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the paper ball. I picked up the paper ball and crushed it tightly in my fist

“What have I done to deserve this?! Is being fat a sin now? It hurts even if I am fat! Bloody bastard…” I scolded mentally and threw the paper ball into the dustbin forcefully. With that, I inhaled deeply and returned to my seat.

“It’s okay, Soo Hee. Don’t stoop down to their level…” I appeased myself and faked a smile.

Then, another paper ball was sent flying in my direction. I widened my eyes but was unable to respond as I saw the flying attack accelerate closer to my face. I shut my eyes but it did not hit me, surprisingly. Opening my eyes, I saw a hand before my face which caught the paper ball. Looking up, I saw Joo Woo. Yes, it was Kim Joo Woo, the badass who always laughs, ridicules and jokes about me. He threw the paper ball back at the guy who caught it and turned back timidly.

“You alright?” he asked, looking down at me.

“Yea. Thank you.” I said shyly.

He walked back to his seat without a second word. This is weird. Why would Joo woo save me from that hit? I mean logically, he would probably find a good spot to witness that hit on my face. Then, he would stand up timely and clap loudly. Why in the world would he help me?

"He must have injured his head accidentally today." I concluded.

Then, the teacher entered and class begun. It was as usual the last lesson of the day and we were told to sketch the vase on the table and hand in the work for grading. I walked up to the teacher and handed in my sketch book with a smile. Bowing down politely, I left the art room. I was the last one in class as I purposefully let the others leave first. Then, I spotted someone who was leaning against the wall. It was Joo Woo. No doubt, Kim Joo Woo.

“It is him. Damn. I don’t want to spend the rest of my day crying over his nasty remarks at home again! I shall sneak away before he realises I am here…” I thought and turned about, ready to flee.

“Soo Hee?” He called out.

“. I am discovered.” I cursed.

I turned around and walked over to him unwillingly.

“Yea, go ahead and say all the nasty comments about me. I am used to it and I swear I am not going to cry before you no matter what you say…” I told myself mentally and took a deep breath.

“I have something to tell you…” he said gently.

“What is with his tone today?! Fine, get it over and done with so that I can go home. I hope my eyes wouldn’t be too swollen tomorrow. Haiz. Screw my life.” I thought.

“Park Soo Hee, I like you. I am sorry for laughing and joking about you last time. I did that just to attract your attention and because I was... jealous of Myung Soo. Will you please forgive me and accept my confession? I really... really like you a lot! Will you be my girlfriend?" he said without a pause.

“What?!” I exclaimed.

“Did I hear him wrongly? I must be hearing things! Did…Did Kim Joo Woo just confess to me?!” I thought as my eyes widened.

He looked into my eyes and waited for an answer.

“You…you are joking right?” I stuttered a little. This is probably another prank he was pulling on me. A big prank this time though.

“No, I am not.” He said seriously and looked into my eyes sincerely.

“This is insane. The world must be going crazy or is he the one that has gone mad?! Did he just… confess to me?” I thought to myself.

“Will you… accept me?” He asked, not breaking the eye contact.

“I…I…” I couldn’t even make out another sentence in my state of shock.

“I will take silence for ‘yes’.” He continued and pulled me in for a bone-crushing hug.

I felt my tummy touch his body but that was not the point. I was shocked, really shocked at his words and actions. My hands were dangling by my side awkwardly and I felt his warmth. The feeling was… new but I enjoyed it somehow. I mean, it felt different from hugging the teddy bear when I cried. Then, I spotted Myung Soo. He was standing at the end of the corridor looking at the two of us. There was an expression on his face which was unreadable. I didn’t know what was on his mind.

“Kim Myung Soo, look. Your best friend is confessing to me now… I will make you regret for rejecting me.” I thought as I hugged Joo woo back and smiled in his direction.

He smiled at my response. I saw Myung Soo walk off after a few seconds. Then, Joo Woo broke the hug. I looked down awkwardly realising what we have done just a minute ago. That was my first hug with an opposite gender. I could feel my heart racing and my palm sweating profusely. Unknowingly, my cheeks became hot and I swear I was blushing at that moment.

“You are so cute.” He complimented and poked my cheek.

“Th-thank you.” I stuttered a little. I am still not used with the ‘new’ him. Does Kim Joo Woo actually have a twin brother? I mean his change is a little sudden and shocking. Fine, ‘little’ is an understatement, I admit.

With that, he offered to send me home. I smiled and accepted his offer. Walking by his side, I couldn’t help but steal glances of him. I seldom looked at him so close up and now that I realise, he is quite good looking too. I smiled a little and quickly turned away when I saw him look in my direction.

“Your boyfriend is really handsome, I know.” He teased.

“Heh.” I giggled and looked down, embarrassed.

Reaching my house, he waited for me to enter before leaving. I flung my body onto my bed and buried my face into the pillow before squealing like a fan girl.

“Is this like the turning point of my life now?!” I thought as I smiled delightfully.

“I have gotten myself a quite handsome boyfriend! This is seriously so unbelievable… This is crazy but… I love it!” I mumbled to myself as I touched my heart. I recalled the hug we shared in school which made my heart race again.

The next day in school…

I entered the school gates and received some stares from the others but this time, it felt different. Then, I felt a warm hand slip into mine. I turned about in shock and saw Joo Woo standing beside me. His hair was spiked up stylishly and he looked exceptionally handsome today.

“Good…good…morning.” I stammered a little and looked down shyly.

“Good morning!” He greeted with a breath-taking smile.

“Let me introduce you my friends.” He said and pulled me over to his group of friends.

“So… This is Sung Gyu, Dong Woo, Sung Yeol, Woo Hyun, Sung Jong, Hoya and… Myung Soo.” Joo Woo introduced.

I smiled and waved at each of them. Then, my smile vanished when I reached the last one of the group. It was him. He was looking back at me with that same unreadable expression.

“Why are you giving me that look?” I thought and looked away.

Joo Woo’s friends eyed me and laughed. I was thinking what was so funny so I looked back at Joo Woo. He returned me a smile and reassured me that they were just a crazy bunch of people. A few of them flashed Joo Woo a thumb-up which make me feel slightly embarrassed. Joo Woo slung his arm across my shoulder and moved closer to my face.

“Shall we get going, baby?” He said.

I nodded my head as my heart pumped even faster than before.

“Did you see her expression? It was epic. Hahaha~” Woo Hyun said as he slapped Myung Soo and laughed.

Myung Soo glared at him and shook his head.

I was still in my own blissful bubble, unknown of what was waiting for me at the end. After history lesson, I exited class and noticed Myung Soo. He seemed to be waiting for someone. I shook my head, eliminating the probability that he was waiting for me. I turned in the opposite direction and was about to leave. Then, I heard someone call my name. It was that angelic voice which I always yearned to listen. It made my heart skip a beat. After all, he knew my name…

I froze in my position and he walked over.

“What do you want?” I asked coldly.

“I have something to tell you.” He started.

I looked up at his face and wondered what he was going to tell me. That expression was on his face again. He still looked as handsome and flawless as before.

“That is… How should I put it? Things are not always what they seem to be. I mean…” He scratched his head and fumbled over his words. Then, someone appeared and interrupted our conversation.

“Joo Woo oppa.” I beamed and smiled.

“Myung Soo, if you don’t mind I will need to take her.” Joo Woo said and gave Myung Soo a deadly glare.

With that, Joo Woo pulled me away from him.

“What did he tell you?” Joo Woo asked sternly.

“Nothing much…” I replied, confused with his response.

“What did he tell you exactly?” He repeated his question.

“He told me something like things are not what they seem to be. I don’t understand what he meant though.” I recalled and pouted.

Joo Woo’s facial expression softened and he gave me a gentle smile.

“It’s alright. Don’t bother about it. Baby, will you promise me not to go near Myung Soo again?” He asked.

“Why?” I asked, surprised at his request.

“Because I will be jealous.” He said simply.

I blushed a little at his words and nodded slightly. It was the first time someone was so protective of me.

“Joo Woo oppa, can I ask to do something with you?” I asked timidly, hoping he would agree.

“Sure. What is it?” He asked with a smile.

“Can we buy couple rings?” I asked.

“Okay.” He gave in to my pleading eyes.

Standing at the couple rings shop, I looked excitedly through all the various designs. It was my first time there. I told myself before that this was going to be a must-go if I had a boyfriend in future. Never in my life had I dreamt that my wish would come true. Joo Woo was staring at a necklace while I was checking out the rings. I went over and pulled him to the rings section.

“Is this fine with you?” I asked.

“Anything.” He replied boredly.

“Can you give us this pair of couple ring?” I pointed and requested politely.

She then returned with the rings. I slipped it on excitedly and it fitted tightly on my stubby finger. I would be more pleased if it was of a bigger size. However, I knew it was the largest size since the tag stated so. Joo Woo took a smaller size and wore it too. I offered to pay since Joo Woo said he forgot his wallet. I gladly paid the cashier before hopping out of the shop with Joo Woo. His gaze returned back to the necklace before we left.

“I shall get Joo Woo oppa that for his birthday present.” I thought.

“Oppa, when is your birthday?” I asked.

“Next week’s Monday.” He said.

“That is our one week anniversary!” I exclaimed joyfully.

“Yea.” He said with a nod.

“Go on in and I will leave after you.” He said and managed a small wave.

I released his arm and hopped back home.

“Yes. On my birthday, it would be the official end. I would get the money and my freedom back. I am really looking forward, fat girl.” He thought and smirked.

I entered the bath room and looked at my mirror. Posing before the mirror with my ring, I smiled idiotically. I thought I was the happiest girl on Earth. It was the first time I felt loved. It was the first time I looked at my reflection so proudly. It was the first time I thought maybe I am not that bad after all.

Kim Joo Woo gave me my self-confidence.

I smiled at the mirror like a retard for the umpteenth time before getting out of the bath room, changed. Entering the kitchen, I saw my father who was opening yet another can of beer. I sighed and threw my clothes into the washing machine.

“You got a boyfriend?” He asked.

I spun around and looked at my father, shocked. He pointed to the couple ring on my stubby finger and drank a sip of his beer.

“Oh, yea.” I replied with an awkward smile.

“Is he going to be proud that his only daughter finally found herself a boyfriend?” I thought and looked down shyly.

“He is probably just playing around with you. Don’t take it too seriously…” He warned.

I looked up and glared at him furiously.

“Appa!” I yelled as tears formed in my eyes.

“That was all he could say as my father?!” I thought before leaving the kitchen and running into my bedroom.

I collapsed onto my bed and started crying. It had been some time since I cried since I was always smiling after I got together with Joo Woo. The familiar feeling returned and I started feeling insecure.

“What if appa was right? What if Joo Woo oppa was really just playing around with me? What if…” I couldn’t stop the questions from bombarding my mind. I took out my cell phone and texted him.

To: Joo Woo oppa.

Oppa, what do you like about me? I mean… I was thinking I am fat, nerdy and ugly…:(

I held onto my phone as more tears fell. I awaited his response.

After some time, I received his reply.

To: Soo Hee

Don’t think too much. If you really want an answer, I like everything about you.

I read his message and felt touched. I smiled at his sweet reply and felt a sense of relief.

To: Joo Woo oppa

Oppa, I love you.

I sent it after hesitating for a few seconds. I loved him without realising it myself. At the beginning, I only wanted to spite Myung Soo but now I think I really liked him. It was just a few days and I had fallen for him. Maybe it was because he was my first confession which made me fall for him so easily.

To: Soo Hee

Me too.

I smiled and kept my phone away. Wiping off my tears, I sat down at my study table. I started drawing again. Upon completion, I looked at my drawing with satisfaction. It was the scene whereby Joo woo oppa and me shared our first hug along the corridor, outside the art room. I blushed a little looking at the drawing.

Unknown to me, behind that phone, Joo Woo was busy kissing another girl.

To: Sung Gyu, Dong Woo, Sung Yeol, Woo Hyun, Sung Jong, Hoya, Myung Soo

Oppa, I love you.

This is the forwarded message from fat girl. Get ready your money on my birthday.

Wiping his lips, he forwarded the message to his friends. The girl sitting on his lap leaned forward and they continued their intimate session. At the same time, I was lying on my bed, day-dreaming about Joo Woo oppa and my future.

One week had passed and it was his birthday. I held onto the necklace I bought and went to his flat excitedly. I wanted to give him a birthday surprise and a birthday…kiss today. It was going to be my first kiss. I smiled at the thought of it and blushed. My heart was palpitating faster with each passing second in the lift. I imagined how shock he would be but never did I expect the one that was going to be shocked would be me.

I pressed onto the door bell and fixed my hair a little. I had dolled up myself for the first time in my life. I wore a dress which was a little tight fitting and even put on make-up after watching god knows how many tutorial videos online. Then, the door flung open and I saw Joo Woo, shirtless. I blushed a little and looked down.

“What a surprise to see oppa shirtless? He looks really… hot.” I thought and drew circles on the floor with my shoe.

“Oppa, who is it?” I heard a female voice from inside the flat.

I looked up and stared at Joo Woo, completely shocked.

“Who... Who is that?” I blurted out with my widened eyes.

“My girlfriend.” He said coldly.

“Wha-at?” I asked in disbelief.

“But I am your…” Before I could finish my sentence, he cut in.

“Did you really think that I loved you?” He asked coldly. He felt like a changed person. He wasn’t the Joo Woo oppa who was with me for the past one week.

I continued staring as I felt my heart drop.

“It was all just part of a bet. Since you are here, I would just make things clear for you. I made a bet with my friends that if I dated you for one week, they promised to give me a handsome sum as my birthday gift. Hey man! Look at yourself in the mirror… Who the hell in the right mind will date someone four times his size?! Maybe if you go for plastic surgery, I would consider casting a second glance at you…” He said in disgust.

I gulped down my saliva as tears which built up in my eyes overflowed. I bet my heart had fallen out of my body and shattered on the ground into millions of pieces.

“Do you know how disgusted I felt throughout the one week with you? Doing all the couple things, sweet talking to you and messaging you all the mushy stuff were really torturous… I can’t stand looking at your fat face for another second. So if you will excuse me, I am kind of busy right now, you know?” he said harshly before slamming the door right before me.

Another tear slipped out of my eye as everything he said hit me real hard. At the moment when those words left his mouth, I was so tempted to take the wad of notes out of my wallet and throw it at his pretty face. I wanted so much to kick him and throw him a punch. I thought I would be able to scold him in his face and tell him I didn’t give a damn about him. However, all I could do was stand there and cry. That was the only action the useless Park Soo Hee could manage.

I hate you Kim Joo Woo but I hate myself more. I felt stupid, shameful and dumb suddenly. Everything was a bet, a lie. All the love I thought we shared, all the happiness I thought would last and all the smiles he flashed were just an act. He had never liked me and the gullible me fell for him without a second thought. I was that desperate, that pathetic, that stupid.

“Happy birthday...” I muttered as I dropped the gift at his doorstep and left. As the lift door closed, I cried harder than before. I had never known words could hurt so much. Those nasty remarks that I received last time merely made me sad but this time, his words seemed to be stabbing down at my heart. I didn’t know how many times I died in the minute when he told me the cruel truth. I preferred living in the perfect deception, the pretty lie he weaved.

That was right. Everything was right. The remarks and harsh treatment were back. I was yanked back to the harsh reality and everything went back to where it belonged. I was brought to heaven and pushed back down to hell after a week. I became the unloved, fat, nerdy and ugly one once again. How could I be so naive?

And I thought I became someone else’s princess…

“He is not worth your tears. Stop crying, you stupid.” I scolded myself mentally as more tears dripped.

The lift door opened and I saw the rest of INFINITE looking at me. They were laughing at me as if they knew what happened. Joo Woo probably texted them to bring over his winnings. I saw Myung Soo who just had a cold expression on. This time, he wasn’t laughing at me but why does it hurt more than before?

More salty liquid rolled down my chubby cheeks as I picked myself up from the ground and ran. I ran past them and into the heavy rain pouring outside. I ran as fast and as far as I could into the heavy downpour. Then, I tripped and fell onto the hard ground. My knees started to bleed but I couldn’t be bothered. I can’t even stop the bleeding from my heart and why would I care to stop the ones on my knees?

All the times we had together in the one week came back to me. The first confession I received, the first hug we shared, the first time I loved myself and the first time I bought couple rings… And the first time I knew one could be hurt so much…

I felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my body and the veins were still dangling from the spot. It hurt so much that I could only cry, hoping it would ease the pain. I sat in the rain, crying my heart out. With my blurred vision, I ran my fingers over the cold metal and tried pulling it out. It remained in position as my fingers slipped off the metal surface again.

“Why… Why are you not coming off?!” I yelled as I flung my arm away angrily. It hit the floor really hard but somehow, I couldn’t feel the pain. More tears ran down my cheeks as I screamed in exasperation in the rain. There were many questions flashing across my mind… Why must humans have feelings? Why must I go through all this hell? Why must he do this to me?

I couldn’t differentiate between the tears and the raindrops. I couldn’t differentiate between the real and the fake. I couldn’t differentiate between living and dying. The thunder was rumbling above me and the lightning was flashing. More rain pelted down on me and at that instant, I hoped the lightning from above would just strike me and end all the misery…

Why god? Why did you let me live…? Life is a living hell, do you know?


Author's Note:
Hey there :D! This is the end of the sequel!
I hope it didn't turn out to be too disappointing...
Please comment so that I know I didn't fail too badly?:)
I would appreciate new subscribers too:D
Thank you so much for reading ^^ ~

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niena98 #1
Chapter 18: This is lovely!!! And cute too!! They're soo cute together~ she is tough although everyone around her laughing at her. Be well author-nim and make another yet amazing stories!!~ I would love to read it^^
chocogirlMT1 #2
Chapter 18: aaawww - i really do live this story ... i even cry my heart out when soo hee was insulted ... it just that i am same like her character ... u r awesome writer n i really appreciate ur work , u can describe her each feelings perfectly .. i really do love ur story n i read ut in a one go . (fan)
keep doing ur work <3 :)
Chrisyjin #3
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chrisyjin #4
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chapter 18: Oommmggg... Tears, almost falling. Wooowww I found the story and read constantly, finished it all (prequel too) in two days, and omg its ammaaazzzinnnnggg. I know you weren't planning on writing another sequel at first, but i am sooo happy you did. Thank gahd she had a happy ending, and chunji went with hye mi. I was starting to get annoyed with his chasing of so hee, and a little worried, wince i shipped soo hee and L all the way... But yaaay, omg such a good mood right now :D:D:D
Chapter 18: hihi. i saw the previous comments before me and i got quite shock. it's almost a year since then. however, i gonna ignore all that and comment.
i really enjoy reading this story a lot. at first, i know how this story will turn out without reading it but i just can't pass by this story of yours like that, so i keep reading it. when i reach the ending, i seriously don't want this story to end but i definitely love the ending. love your great ideas and this writing style of yours. ^^
gotta check out your other stories. :)
to be honest, im not really interested in this story at first, until chunji came xD and now im in love in this story and i really love the ending ^^
imveryloser #8
Chapter 18: ahhh i just love your writing style! ; u ;

i'm so happy that soohee managed to
become happy in the end after all the
pain caused to her by everyone c':
i'm upset that the story already ended
though, but it's my fault for reading it
so eagerly /slapped/ but i can't help
the fact that your writing is so great ♡

now i hope you don't mind but i'm
gonna go read more of your fics c;