A painful request

Turn of the tide.

On their way home, the two girls were chit chatting merrily away.

“Soo Hee-ah, what do you think about Chunji?” Hye Mi asked.

“Hmm… Chunji?  I think that he is a really nice guy.” Soo Hee answered with a satisfied smile.

“Actually… if you know him long enough, you will discover more merits of him. For example, he is respectful to the elders, nice to almost everyone and treats girls gently.” Hye Mi went on saying his good points unknowingly.

Soo Hee stared at Hye Mi with a raised brow and smiled.

“Don’t you think guys like him should be extinct?” Hye Mi asked as she turned to Soo Hee.

As soon as she meet Soo Hee’s suspiscious glare, she quickly snapped out of her thoughts.

“Ah, now that I think about it, he isn’t that nice after all. He is kind of annoying, playful and…” Before Hye Mi could continue, Soo Hee interrupted.

“By any chance, does our Hye Mi like Chunji?” Soo Hee teased with a sheepish smile.

“YAH! Don’t spout nonsense~” Hye Mi exclaimed as she jumped a little.

She felt her face turning warm at Soo Hee’s words so she hurriedly turned away, afraid Hye Mi would catch her blushing.

“I wouldn’t like a guy like him. I mean he…he is not my type.” Hye Mi lied.

“Arraso. I get it.” Soo Hee said and winked.

Soo Hee then grabbed Hye Mi’s hand and pulled her into an eatery shop.

The next day in school…

“Class! We will have to elect your class president already. Anyone wants to volunteer?” The teacher asked.

The entire class turned silent immediately. Everyone avoided the teacher’s gaze for fear of being selected. Myung Soo looked in Soo Hee’s direction before turning back to face the front. It was then the teacher called him. His sudden turning of head attracted the teacher’s attention in the class when everyone remained still.

“Mr. Kim? Would you like to volunteer?” The teacher asked as he stared at him dangerously.

“What the…?” Myung Soo thought to himself.

“I knew that our Myung Soo would definitely have no objections. So you will be our class president and in order to assist you, your vice president will be…” the teacher paused and scanned around the class again.

“The fidgeting new girl there, Park… Soo Hee.” The teacher announced as she read off the class list.

Soo Hee was busy fumbling through her bag to find something she borrowed from Hye Mi and had thus unluckily got picked by the teacher.

“I will do it.” L said.

“I don’t want to do it.” Soo Hee exclaimed simultaneously.

“I am sorry Miss Park, the teacher’s words are final.” The teacher smiled innocently and said.

“Damn.” Soo Hee thought to herself.

“So shall we applaude and invite our new class president and vice president?” The teacher asked as she put her hands together and clapped.

The class followed suit and joined in the applause. There were reluctant claps from the fan girls, confused applause from L’s friends and neutral acknowledgement from the others. Unwillingly, Soo Hee got out of her seat and walked to the front of the class. Hye Mi shot her a sympathetic look and smiled apologetically. Myung Soo stuck his hands in his pocket and walked to the front of the class in a cool way. Soo Hee sighed softly as the two bowed down to the rest of the class.

“So the first job of you two is to plan an meaningful voluntary activity for our class to do. Isn’t it great to help others?” The teacher exclaimed excitedly.

The jaws of the students dropped as the class was instantly filled with protests and complaints.

“I know you are looking forward. The two of you shall do a good job together then.” The teacher patted on L and Soo Hee’s shoulders before making her leave.

“Oh, remember to hand me the proposal two days later.” The teacher turned about and reminded.

The two exchanged glances for a brief moment before Soo Hee walked off. L returned back to his seat too.

“R…I…N…G…~” The school bell went off.

Chunji went over to find Hye Mi and Soo Hee.

“Want to have lunch together?” Chunji asked as his gaze landed on Soo Hee.

“Sure.” Soo Hee answered with a cute smile.

“I am… fine with the idea.” Hye Mi said as she looked up at Chunji.

 Hye Mi felt a funny feeling when she saw Chunji only staring at Soo Hee, ignoring her reply. 

“Hey. We have got to work on the task.” A voice said from behind them.

They turned around and saw Myung Soo leaning on the wall with his arms folded, looking at Soo Hee.

“I am not free.” Soo Hee said as she picked up her bag.

“You have no choice. I will report it to the professor saying you are not cooperative as a vice president if you insist to be like that.” L threatened.

“Kim Myung Soo, why are you acting like this?” He mentally scolded himself.

“Fine.” Soo Hee rolled her eyes and stood up.

“I am sorry. Let’s eat another time then.” Soo Hee gave an apologetic smile to her best friend and Chunji.

L then left with Soo Hee to the library as L said it was quieter in there. Myung Soo chose a corner with no one and sat down on the chair. Soo Hee placed her bag down and sat on the chair opposite L.

“How have you been?” L broke the silence between them.

“What do you think?” Soo Hee stared at him and said coldly.

“Do you by any chance, still like me?” Myung Soo asked with his fists clenched under the table.

“No.” Soo Hee answered firmly and looked away.

“Then why are you acting so against me and all as if you are trying to gain my attention?” L continued, still staring at Soo Hee.

“I wasn’t.” She replied.

“And I know that you are avoiding me too. Don’t tell me that you are scared that you will fall for me again so you don’t dare to be near me?” L pressed on, still studying her expressions.

“You were thinking too much. We should start on the task already.” Soo Hee avoided the topic deliberately.

“Oh really?” L asked as he sat up and moved closer to Soo Hee. In the next minute, they ended up inches away from one another. Soo Hee held her breath as she stared at L’s close-up with her widened eyes

“Maybe I was wrong. Sorry then.” He said as he moved back and slouched into his chair.

Soo Hee exhaled in relief and felt her heart racing from their close proximity a while ago.

“Back to the task, we shall come up with one suggestion each then. Tomorrow we will get the class to choose between the two options and hand in a proposal to professor.” L said and acted as if nothing had just happened.

Soo Hee nodded and lowered her head, avoiding Myung Soo’s gaze. Myung Soo looked at Soo Hee and smirked.

“Why am I behaving like this? Park Soo Hee, no. I know that I don’t like him anymore. The feelings I had for him died the moment he laughed and made a ridiculous bet with Joo Woo. I hate him and it’s just because I have not planned a revenge for him that’s why I have not taken action. Yes, I hate him.” Soo Hee reassured herself as she uncapped her pen and began scribbling her idea down.

“Chunji, can I ask you something?” Hye Mi asked.

“Yea.” Chunji replied half-heartedly.

He felt slightly disappointed because Soo Hee left with L, leaving him with only Hye Mi to eat with.

“Do you by any chance… like Soo Hee?” She finally asked the question which troubled her since before.

“Nope. What are you saying? Hahaha…” Was the answer she wanted to hear.

“Yes.” Chunji replied simply as he looked up from his food.

Hye Mi felt her heart shred into a million pieces at that instant as she turned her head away slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Chunji asked, confused.

“Nothing. I was just thinking why did you choose Soo Hee?” Hye Mi asked with a fake smile.

It hurt more inside when she forced herself to put on a happy smile.

“Because I found her special. I don’t know how to put this in words. To be frank,  I felt something for her since before…” Chunji admitted with an awkward smile as he rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

“I see…” Was all Hye Mi could manage to get out of .

She then picked up her bowl and stuffed more rice into her already full mouth.

“Hye Mi-ah, will you… help me to get Soo Hee?” Chunji pleaded sincerely.

She choked on her rice and coughed several times. Chunji passed her a tissue and looked at her in concern.

“Gwenchana?” He asked.

“Ah. *Coughs* Yea.” Hye Mi said as she wiped carelessly.

“I will take that as a ‘yes’ then.” Chunji said with a wink.

“YAH! I didn’t even agree to that!” Hye Mi exclaimed loudly.

“You always do this to me too anyways. You are really not helping your best friend?” Chunji asked with a fake pout.

“Okay, fine. Stop pouting, it does not suit you at all!” Hye Mi said, rolling her eyes.

“Thank you!!! Hye Mi-ah, I love you so much~.” Chunji said with a bright smile.

His words killed her more when she knew he didn’t feel the same way as her.

He didn’t see those tears forming in her eyes because he was drowned in his own little world of happiness…

Author's Note:
Hello everyone! :D So it is the end of monday and as I said, I will be stopping the poll^^
The option with the most votes during the poll is...*Drum rolls* Option B! :)
Please respect the poll ending and don't request for me to do the other options ^^. (Or else the poll would be redundant you see.) *Winks*
Thanks for every single vote casted anyways :D!
OH! Did you guys see my new pretty poster?:) It is created by D3stinyx and requested from her shop "Timeless Eden" ^^
Ah, I am shamelessly advertising a short one-shot I just completed :X
Did you watch Dream High2? If you are free... check out my new one shot "My Fading Star" please :D!
That's all from me ^^
Please subscribe/ comment below <3

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niena98 #1
Chapter 18: This is lovely!!! And cute too!! They're soo cute together~ she is tough although everyone around her laughing at her. Be well author-nim and make another yet amazing stories!!~ I would love to read it^^
chocogirlMT1 #2
Chapter 18: aaawww - i really do live this story ... i even cry my heart out when soo hee was insulted ... it just that i am same like her character ... u r awesome writer n i really appreciate ur work , u can describe her each feelings perfectly .. i really do love ur story n i read ut in a one go . (fan)
keep doing ur work <3 :)
Chrisyjin #3
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chrisyjin #4
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chapter 18: Oommmggg... Tears, almost falling. Wooowww I found the story and read constantly, finished it all (prequel too) in two days, and omg its ammaaazzzinnnnggg. I know you weren't planning on writing another sequel at first, but i am sooo happy you did. Thank gahd she had a happy ending, and chunji went with hye mi. I was starting to get annoyed with his chasing of so hee, and a little worried, wince i shipped soo hee and L all the way... But yaaay, omg such a good mood right now :D:D:D
Chapter 18: hihi. i saw the previous comments before me and i got quite shock. it's almost a year since then. however, i gonna ignore all that and comment.
i really enjoy reading this story a lot. at first, i know how this story will turn out without reading it but i just can't pass by this story of yours like that, so i keep reading it. when i reach the ending, i seriously don't want this story to end but i definitely love the ending. love your great ideas and this writing style of yours. ^^
gotta check out your other stories. :)
to be honest, im not really interested in this story at first, until chunji came xD and now im in love in this story and i really love the ending ^^
imveryloser #8
Chapter 18: ahhh i just love your writing style! ; u ;

i'm so happy that soohee managed to
become happy in the end after all the
pain caused to her by everyone c':
i'm upset that the story already ended
though, but it's my fault for reading it
so eagerly /slapped/ but i can't help
the fact that your writing is so great ♡

now i hope you don't mind but i'm
gonna go read more of your fics c;