
Turn of the tide.

Author's Note: Hey people! I have included a poll at the end of this chapter so please help by casting a vote! :D I will appreciate it a lot <3

Every vote counts~

Narrator's POV
Step 8: Make Joo Woo pay for toying with your feelings.

Staring at the scratch made by the crystal which was on the ring Soo Hee threw at Joo Woo's face, Hye Mi pressed her lips together, refraining herself from laughing out loud. Joo woo placed his hand on his small cut and looked away, biting his lips in anger.

"So these two girls will be joining our class from today onwards... Do take good care of them, understand?" The homeroom teacher announced.

"Ne." The class choroused.

"You may introduce yourself to your fellow classmates now." The teacher said as he smiled at them.

"Hello everyone, I am Jang Hye Mi. Hope to be friends with all of you here..." Hye Mi introduced herself with a bright smile.

"Oh my god, she is like an angel..." One of the boys whispered to his tablemate.

"Hello everyone, my name is Park Soo Hee. It is nice to meet all of you." Soo Hee said as she bowed down.

"Gosh. She is so pretty too..." Another guy said. The class was then filled with applause and cheerings after their self-introductions.

"I still can't believe she is the Soo Hee we used to know..." Dong Woo said as he stared at Soo Hee in disbelief.

"Why are all the guys in class staring at her like that?" Myung Soo thought as he rolled his eyes in disapproval.

"Okay, the two of you will sit together at the empty tables behind then." The teacher pointed to the two empty desks at the back of the classroom.

"Ne." They said together with a smile before making their way there.

"Class, quickly get going for lessons... It should be at the... art room now." The teacher said as he checked the class timetable.

Seeing the students who were already getting ready for lessons, the homeroom teacher left.

"Being a helpful classmate, I shall offer to bring you two lost sheep there." Chunji said with a wink as he smiled cheekily.

"Oh, whatever~ Butts off..." Hye Mi slapped his arm as he sat on her table.

Chunji stuck his tongue out and jumped off the table.

"Let's go." He said as he looked over to Soo Hee and flashed his usual smile.

Soo Hee returned a smile and the three left for the Art room with their art materials.

From the corner of his eye, Myung Soo spotted Chunji laughing along with Soo Hee and he felt a weird feeling troubling him. The feeling was unknown and unfamiliar to him.

"What's wrong with me?" he thought.

"Let's go." Sung Yeol nudged L.

Brushing off the thought, L followed the group to the Arts room.

"Good afternoon class~ Now we are going to have the most interesting lesson in your college timetable- ARTS!" the teacher said excitedly but was met with little or practically no response from the class.

She faked a cough and gave an awkward smile before picking up a loose paper lying before her.

"Okay, I have paired you guys up to do a sketching assignment! You will be doing a sketch on your partner. For the pairings, I have matched you people up randomly so for now, get into your pairs when you hear me read out your names." The teacher told the class.

"Woo Hyun, Sung Gyu."

"Myung Soo, Soo Hee."

"Hoya, Dong Woo."

"Chunji, Hye Mi."

The teacher read out the first four pairings and a loud commotion was already made amongst the students.

"Ah~ My Myung Soo oppa..." One of the girls pretended to faint.

"Gosh. The new girl got Chunji oppa..." Another of them complained.

"Why didn't I get paired up with Hoya oppa?!" One of the fangirls said in an upset tone.

Then, Soo Hee raised her hand.

"The new girl...? What's wrong?" the teacher asked as she looked down at the student name list to look for her name.

"Can I change my partner?" Soo Hee requested.

"Oh, I am sorry my dear...The pairing chosen by me is final. If I allow you to change, I will need to entertain the other students' requests too. Anyway, Myung Soo is a good boy so everything should be fine." The teacher reassured with a caring smile.

Soo Hee sighed and withdrew her hand from the air.

"Why is she so against pairing up with me?!" Myung Soo felt an unknown anger burning within him as he stared at Soo Hee.

She turned and looked at L before turning away, expressionessly.

"It's okay, in this way you can achieve step 9 soon enough." Hye Mi comforted Soo Hee as she patted on her shoulder.

"What are you two talking about?" Chunji asked as he moved his ear closer.

"Yah, your face is... Too close!" Hye Mi said as she pushed his face away.

"OUCH! You violent girl, still the same as before..." Chunji complained as he rubbed his face lightly.

Hye Mi winked at him and Soo Hee laughed at the two behaving childishly.

The teacher finished reading out the pairings and everyone formed up in their pairs.

"Okay, you have up till the end of the lesson to finish up the assignement! This may be counted into your first semestral assessment so put in your best efforts!" The teacher warned and smiled innocently.

"Ne." The class replied before getting down to work.

Soo Hee took in a deep breath before flipping open her untouched sketchbook.

Step 9: Get back at Myung Soo.

"How have you been?" Myung Soo broke the silence.

"I will start first." Soo Hee ignored his question and picked up her pencil.

"I..." Myung Soo was about to speak again when Soo Hee cut in.

"It will be great if you stop speaking so that I can begin my sketch...Thanks." Soo Hee said coldly.

Myung Soo kept quiet and stayed still. She looked up at Myung Soo and back down before continuing with her sketch.

"His eyes, his nose, his lips... are still the same as before." Soo Hee thought to herself.

Then, she stopped moving her pencil.

"Park Soo Hee, what are you thinking about now?! Wake up! Don't forget that this guy sitting before you right now is the who laughed at you the other time... You have to take your revenge on him next."

"You done?" Myung Soo finally spoke.

Soo Hee nodded her head and placed her pencil down. Looking up at him, she was mesmerised by him for a second.

"You can still draw pretty well." He complimented.

"Thanks. It's your turn now." Soo Hee said as she looked away.

"Because I didn't draw my old fat self-potrait, you say I draw well now huh?" Soo Hee thought to herself and bit her lower lip.

Myung Soo took his pencil out and began sketching too.

"Yah.I am definitely prettier than this! You are such a loser at drawing~" Hye Mi gave Chunji a thumb down as she pointed to his sketch.

"I tried my best. Show me what you are capable of then..." Chunji challenged as he raised his eyebrow.

"Fine." Hye Mi picked up her pencil and focused on his face, studying his features.

"He is still the Chunji I had a crush on before dating Byung Hun..." Hye Mi thought as she stared at him.

Chunji waved his hand before her and chuckled.

"Time is going to be up." He reminded.

"I...I know! I was...just studying your features carefully so that I can draw better than you." Hye Mi explained as she felt nervous suddenly for no apparent reason.

"Relax. I am not going to charge you for staring at my handsome face." Chunji joked as he winked at her.

"Whatever. Shut up and let me concentrate." Hye Mi scolded as she placed her paper on her blank paper and began drawing.

Myung Soo finshed his work and looked up at Soo Hee.

"She is really... beautiful now." He thought to himself.

Their eyes met for a moment and Soo Hee quickly looked down. She acted as if she was going to get lost in his eyes if she stared a second longer.

"Looks like you are done. I am getting back to my seat already." Soo Hee said as she began packing up her stuff.

"Wait." Myung Soo said.

Soo Hee looked up at him and stopped packing.

"What?" she said coldly, without staring into his eyes.

"I... need to touch up and edit some parts." Myung Soo lied.

Soo hee sighed and went back into her posture. Myung Soo picked up his eraser and pencil before touching up on his satisfied piece.

"Kim Myung Soo, what the heck are you doing now?!" L thought.

"Hye Mi-ah,looks like... drawing is not your forte too huh?" Chunji laughed as he held up her sketch book beside his face.

"Whatever!" Hye Mi snatched her sketch book back and hugged it tightly before her.

"R...I...N...G...~" The bell went off and the students went over to the teacher to hand in their sketches.

After leaving her sketchbook on the teacher's table, Soo Hee skipped over to Hye Mi and left class. Chunji was following beside them, leaving some distance between Soo Hee and himself.

"Soon enough, I will close up this gap..." Chunji thought to himself and smiled.

"What is with her cold attitude towards me?!" L thought as he threw his sketchbook on the table unhappily.

"Mr. Kim, you have something against me?" The teacher asked dangerously.

"Oh, no. It was just... a slip of my hand. Sorry." Myung Soo apologised as he bowed slightly and ran off to join the other guys.

"Kim Myung Soo, before I think of how to deal with you, feel the coldness you used to treat me with." Soo Hee thought to herself.







Author's Note part two:
Thanks for voting if you did ! :D
For the alternate ending, I will be writing 2 chapters each for Chunji and L if it wins the poll :)
Please comment/subscribe too ^^
I will be updating the next chapter not so soon because I need the poll results before continuing (:

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niena98 #1
Chapter 18: This is lovely!!! And cute too!! They're soo cute together~ she is tough although everyone around her laughing at her. Be well author-nim and make another yet amazing stories!!~ I would love to read it^^
chocogirlMT1 #2
Chapter 18: aaawww - i really do live this story ... i even cry my heart out when soo hee was insulted ... it just that i am same like her character ... u r awesome writer n i really appreciate ur work , u can describe her each feelings perfectly .. i really do love ur story n i read ut in a one go . (fan)
keep doing ur work <3 :)
Chrisyjin #3
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chrisyjin #4
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chapter 18: Oommmggg... Tears, almost falling. Wooowww I found the story and read constantly, finished it all (prequel too) in two days, and omg its ammaaazzzinnnnggg. I know you weren't planning on writing another sequel at first, but i am sooo happy you did. Thank gahd she had a happy ending, and chunji went with hye mi. I was starting to get annoyed with his chasing of so hee, and a little worried, wince i shipped soo hee and L all the way... But yaaay, omg such a good mood right now :D:D:D
Chapter 18: hihi. i saw the previous comments before me and i got quite shock. it's almost a year since then. however, i gonna ignore all that and comment.
i really enjoy reading this story a lot. at first, i know how this story will turn out without reading it but i just can't pass by this story of yours like that, so i keep reading it. when i reach the ending, i seriously don't want this story to end but i definitely love the ending. love your great ideas and this writing style of yours. ^^
gotta check out your other stories. :)
to be honest, im not really interested in this story at first, until chunji came xD and now im in love in this story and i really love the ending ^^
imveryloser #8
Chapter 18: ahhh i just love your writing style! ; u ;

i'm so happy that soohee managed to
become happy in the end after all the
pain caused to her by everyone c':
i'm upset that the story already ended
though, but it's my fault for reading it
so eagerly /slapped/ but i can't help
the fact that your writing is so great ♡

now i hope you don't mind but i'm
gonna go read more of your fics c;