Chapter 2

CRAZY LOVE (One Shot) (18 Parts)
It was already five in the morning . . . .

Ela slowly slipped out of bed. She was very careful not to cause any noise that might wake up her friends. Before going out of the room, she first made sure that her friends were still sleeping.

Ela smiled as she gently closed the door of the bedroom. She needed to take care of some personal things before the other girls woke up.

The alarm clock suddenly started ringing . . . .

"Aaaahhh. . . what time is it?" Nab moaned as she turned from the left side to the right side of her bed.

Iqah suddenly reached out for the alarm clock and stopped it from ringing. "It's already passed 7 in the morning. I guess it's time to wake up."

"I'm still very sleepy. I'm so tired. How about 10 minutes more . . . or better yet make it 30 minuutes more," Daniaa said while trying to keep her eyes open.

"Yeah Iqah Unni . . . 30 minutes more please," Nab uttered while her eyes were closed.

"Ela Unni . . . are you awake already?" Iqah asked as she turned to look at the empty bed beside her own bed. "Ela Unni? Unni . . . where are you?" she called out.

Nab and Daniaa suddenly opened their eyes and sat up on their beds. Then they looked at the bed where Ela was supposed to be sleeping.

"Hey where's Ela Unni?" Nab asked.

"Maybe she got up early, and decided to take a stroll," Iqah suggested.

"Oh! Then we should get out of bed too before she returns and finds us still in bed," Daniaa said with a laugh.

"You're right! She said that we would be having breakfast with some very special people. So we better prepare ourselves," Iqah said.

"Who do you think we're going to have breakfast with?" Nab asked Daniaa.

"Maybe some of Ela Unni's friends? What do you guys think?" Daniaa asked.

"Ela's friends? Don't you think that it's weird that she would actually have friends here? We're in Japan and not in her country," Iqah said.

"It is a little bit strange. But we won't know the answers to our questions unless we all try to prepare ourselves for breakfast already. Maybe Ela Unni is already waiting at the restaurant. So we should get up already," Daniaa said.

"Oh . . . I'm still a little bit dizzy," Nab complained again as she tried to get out of bed.

Daniaa and Iqah slowly got out of their beds as well. They knew they needed to get ready before their friend returned.

The three girls had already prepared themselves and were already waiting when Ela arrived.

"Hello girls," Ela greeted.

"Unni, where did you go?" Nab asked.

Ela smiled. "I needed to take care of something.So are you guys ready? We're having breakfast with some very special people."

"Whoaahh . . . special people? I wonder who they are . . . Are they your friends Unni?" Daniaa asked.

Ela looked at Daniaa with a certain sparkle in her eyes. "Friends? Hmmmm . . . not really. But I know them . . . and I know all of you know them as well."

"We know them?" Iqah asked curiously.

"Oh! Come on already. I want to know what Unni has arranged for us today. I'm so excited already," Nab delightedly said.

Iqah and Daniaa both exchanged glances with each other, then smiled. Nab was the youngest among them and the most impulsive and hyper as well. She was their baby. They always took care of her and guided her whenever she was with them.

"Daniaa Unni . . . Iqah Unni . . . let's go," Nab uttered as she tried to pull the two girls towards the door.

Ela laughed. "Come on. Our special guests might already be waiting."

Several minutes later . . . .

The four girls arrived at the restaurant.

"They're not here yet," Ela uttered as she started to look around.

"Oh, maybe they will be here in just a little while. Let's just wait," Iqah suggested.

The girls all sat down at the table that was arranged for them.

"Unni . . . how many are you expecting?" Daniaa inquired.

"Six people," Ela answered.

"Oh! Are they girls or boys?" Nab asked.

Ela tried to control herself. Somehow she wanted to laugh. "Boys," she answered.

"Eh? Boys? Who are they? Unni . . . what are you up to?" Iqah asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ela stared at the different expressions on her friends' faces. Then she started giggling.

"Unni . . . who are we going to have breakfast with?" Daniaa repeatedly asked.

"It's a surprise," Ela answered.

"Surprise? Oh . . . I love surprises," Nab exclaimed with joy.

Ela lightly laughed again after seeing Nab's happy expression. "Would you girls like to guess who we will be meeting in a little while?"

"Six people? Then that means DBSK is already out of the possible choices . . . because they are only five people . . ." Nab said with a smile.

"DBSK? Is that your guess?" Ela asked as she tried to control herself from laughing out loud.

Nab suddenly laughed. "DBSK? It's just a joke Unni. Let's just say I'm just day dreaming. I know there's no way that we would actually meet the DBSK boys in real life."

Ela smiled. "Well . . . not that impossible."

Iqah laughed. "Unni . . . You're indulging Nab's wild imagination again. The DBSK boys are like big stars . . . We won't even get 30 feet near them."

"Iqah's right. Meeting the DBSK boys is like wishing on the impossible . . . a dream . . . If you say one of us will win in a lottery . . . is more believable, than saying that we will meet the DBSK boys in person," Daniaa commented.

Ela grinned. "Really? Well . . . let's just wait for our special guests then."

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maxi needs someone post more soon ^_^