Chapter 1

CRAZY LOVE (One Shot) (18 Parts)
"Unni!!! Unni!!!" Nab shouted as she quickly approached the friend she had been longing to see.

Iqah and Daniaa just smiled at each other. As they followed Nab out of the arrival area of the airport, and straight to where their friend was patiently waiting.

"Unni!" Nab uttered as she immediately embraced Ela.

"How was your flight?" Ela asked while hugging Nab tightly.

"It was just fine Unni. A little bit tiring but quite fun, since Iqah Unni and Daniaa Unni were with me," Nab answered.

"I see. That's good," Ela uttered.

"Unni . . ." Iqah happily uttered.

Ela turned to face Iqah. She then released Nab from her embrace and immediately hugged Iqah as well.

"Hey! What about me? Don't I get a hug too?" Daniaa asked with a pout.

Ela looked at Daniaa, then lightly laughed. She then went to her and gave her a big and warm hug.

"So is this all right?" Ela asked Daniaa while hugging her.

"Yes . . . much better," Daniaa answered with a laugh.

"So Unni where are we going now?" Nab asked excitedly.

"Well first we will go to the hotel where we will be staying. Then you guys just rest for today. Then tomorrow . . . we will be meeting with some people. I think you guys will all be delighted with the things I have arranged," Ela said with a sweet smile.

"Oh Unni . . . you make me so curious already," Nab said with a bright smile on her

"Nab's right. How about giving us some hints Unni? I'm already dying of curiosity too," Iqah added.

"Yeah Unni, some small details would be just perfect. Because frankly I have already
spent more than 3 sleepless nights just thinking of what you have planned for us," Daniaa said.

Ela stared at the three young girls standing in front of her. She then lightly laughed. "All of you are just too cute with curiosity in your eyes. I think I'll make you guys curious a little bit longer."

"Oh Unni!" Iqah moaned.

"Unni, you're being bad again," Nab said as she shook her head.

Ela laughed again. "Who is bad? Me?" she asked while trying to look cute and innocent.

Nab, Daniaa and Iqah all laughed after seeing the funny expression on their friend's face.

"Well, come on. We should go to our hotel now. So you guys can have some rest. We can continue talking when we get there," Ela told her friends.

The three young girls nodded their heads, and followed Ela to a van that was waiting for them.

During the travel to the hotel, Nab, Daniaa and Iqah just stayed silent. Even though they didn't want to admit it, all of them were really very tired.

"Here we are," Ela announced as their van stopped in front of a huge hotel.

The three girls were all shocked with what they were seeing.

"Unni . . . isn't this hotel too expensive?" Daniaa asked worriedly.

"Yeah Unni, we can just stay in a cheaper hotel. This hotel is . . . way too much," Iqah agreed with Daniaa.

"Another hotel? Sorry girls, but I've already booked at this hotel for one week. So I can't change now. And besides if I change my hotel, then a lot of my current plans will also need to be changed. And frankly I can't afford that, " Ela said.

"Oh . . . ." Iqah uttered. "Well . . . we're just worried about you Unni. We think you've already spent a large amount of money just getting the three of us here. And now . . . we're staying in this kind of hotel."

"Are you sure you can afford to manage all the expenses Unni? Maybe we can help," Daniaa asked.

"Yeah Unni . . . I brought along extra money, just in case of emergency," Nab added.

Ela stared at her friends with a smile on her lips. "You guys are really so sweet. But don't worry about all the expenses. I've already got it all covered. Do you actually think that I would let you guys spend your own money? I invited all of you here . . . So I should be the one taking care of all the money matters. All of you've got to do here is just relax and have fun."

"But Unni . . ." Nab uttered.

"No buts . . . let's all go in already. I know you girls are very tired. You need some rest," Ela said seriously.

The three girls sighed. Somehow they couldn't say no to their unni.

Fifteen minutes later . . . the girls slowly entered their hotel room.

"Wow! This room is so beautiful," Nab exclaimed.

"Unni . . . is this a suite? Isn't this expensive? I'm really starting to get worried. I think you're spending too much. I think I would have a headache once I start estimating how much you've already spent," Daniaa said as she slowly shook her head in disbelief.

Ela laughed. "Hey . . . stop worrying about money okay. We are all here to have some fun and enjoy ourselves. I'll certainly get angry if anyone of you mention about money matters again. Unpack your things, and freshen up first . . . before we can go downstairs to have dinner. . . or would you guys like to have dinner here in our room? What would you prefer?"

"We can just have dinner downstairs Unni," Iqah answered.

"Very well. Maybe after dinner we can then continue chatting. Then tomorrow . . . I have a surprise for all of you," Ela said with a very mischievous smile.

"Unni . . . you're scaring me with your smile," Nab complained.

Iqah and Daniaa both giggled. They were all very excited with what their friend had prepared for them.

The night passed by very quickly with Ela and her friends having dinner in one of the restaurants of the hotel. Then they returned to their room and chatted with one another for more than two hours before finally going to sleep.

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maxi needs someone post more soon ^_^