Chapter 6

CRAZY LOVE (One Shot) (18 Parts)
Half an hour passed . . . in the studio . . .

“Oh! This is so exciting! I never imagined I would actually get the chance to see a real recording studio, and they also have rehearsal rooms here . . . right Unni?” Nab exclaimed with joy.

The DBSK boys lightly laughed. They found Nab so adorable and cute with her childish and innocent ways.

“Ela . . . my dancers are really very excited to meet you. I think our practice will be very entertaining . . . and fun,” Ji-hoon said to Ela with a bright sparkle in his eyes.

“Well . . . I hope your dancers won't be disappointed with me,” Ela replied.

Ji-hoon laughed again. “Disappointed? As if they would even match up to at least half of your talent. Go easy on my dancers okay . . . especially the girls.”

“Go easy? Why? Am I going to hang them or something?” Ela jokingly asked.

Ji-hoon laughed. “Aren't you going to change? Don't tell me . . . you're going to dance wearing that dress. My male dancers will surely feast their eyes on you, if you do that.”

“Don't worry. . . I'll change in a little while,” Ela replied.

“Unni . . . you're going to dance with them?” Nab asked.

“Yes, baby. I'm supposed to teach Ji-hoon's dancers some new dance moves for some of the new DBSK songs,” Ela answered.

“Oh! This is so exciting! I'm finally going to see you Unni dance. Then after you're done . . . maybe you can teach me too huh?” Nab said sweetly.

“Sure . . . Iqah, Daniaa . . . I'm going to change. Is it okay if I leave you guys? I'll be gone for only a few minutes,” Ela said to her friends.

“Sure Unni . . . don't worry about us,” Iqah replied.

Ela nodded and quickly went to a room.

“U-Know, why don't you show the girls our practice hall . . . I'll follow you guys in a little while. I'm going to get the other dancers first,” Ji-hoon said.

“Okay . . . Daniaa, Iqah, Nab . . . let's go,” U-Know said with a smile.

The girls silently followed the DBSK boys into a room. It was their dance rehearsal room.

“So this is what a rehearsal room looks like in real life,” Nab uttered with awe.

U-Know tried to stop himself from laughing. Nab was totally being cute.

“We can all sit in a corner,” Xiah said to the girls.

“I'm really excited to see how well noona dances,” Max uttered.

“Do you think she's better than our female dancers?” Xiah asked the other DBSK boys.

“Yeah, I think so. We will all see in a little while,” Micky replied.

The three girls and the DBSK boys all sat down in a corner of the room. The room had mirrors all sides, so it was really very easy for them to observe everything in the room.

Several minutes passed, Ji-hoon entered the room with all the male and female dancers.

“Ela isn't here yet?” Ji-hoon asked the DBSK boys.

“No . . .” Xiah answered.

“Sorry I took so long,” Ela said as she slowly approached Ji-hoon. She had changed into a loose shirt and baggy pants. And she had tied her long black hair into a ponytail.

“Let me introduce you to my dancers first,” Ji-hoon said with a smile.

“Okay . . .” Ela uttered.

After the introductions, the dance rehearsal finally started.

“Let's warm up first okay,” Ji-hoon said to Ela and several male dancers who were already in the center of the room.

The first song that played was “Mirotic.”

It started sweetly; casually you were attracted to me,
Like always, you began to speak to me,
It opened all the possibilities, oh

What is love? What? Already red ocean,
I’m breaking my rules again, you know it’s boring?

You want me; you’re falling for me,
You’re going crazy for me, you can’t escape,
I got you, under my skin

You want me; you’re falling for me,
You’re going crazy for me, you’re my slave
I got you, under my skin

Your sharp glares which burn into my mind,
Your chrome heart, which won’t beat if it’s not me,
It’s the path you chose, oh

Thousands of crystals which run through my veins,
At last, the start of my transformation,
Isn’t it also love? Oh

You want me; you’re falling for me,
You’re going crazy for me, you can’t escape,
I got you, under my skin

You want me; you’re falling for me,
You’re going crazy for me, you’re my slave
I got you, under my skin

With the first kiss, a strong attraction,
With the second kiss, your heart which feels like it’ll explode
Yeah, I got you, you know, you got it!

Come on! Come on!
I got you, under my skin

In your dreams, I’m the magician, who controls you,
With my spell, you’re becoming made again,
I got you, under my skin

My devil’s ride, since there is no other to hide,
Why not try to enjoy it?
I got you, under my skin

You want me; you’re falling for me,
You’re going crazy for me, you can’t escape,
I got you, under my skin

You want me; you’re falling for me,
You’re going crazy for me, you’re my slave
I got you, under my skin

Daniaa, Iqah and Nab were totally speechless. They never expected their Unni to be so good at dancing. Even the DBSK boys were impressed with her.

“Unni is such a good dancer. I wish I could dance like that,” Nab uttered with admiration.

Daniaa and Iqah just nodded their heads. They were both impressed as well.

“She's really good!” U-Know uttered.

“Not just good in dancing . . . but very hot as well . . .” Micky commented.

Xiah suddenly nudged Micky. “Watch what you're saying . . . someone might get jealous.”

Micky grinned. “I'm just saying that she's hot. What's wrong with that?”

“She's really quite captivating. I wish I can dance with her too,” Jaejoong unconsciously uttered.

The other DBSK boys lightly laughed.

“Hyung . . . really got hooked,” Max teased.

“Not just hooked . . . but captured as well,” Micky added with a laugh.

Some of the female dancers suddenly sat down beside the DBSK boys.

“That Ela is quite good isn't she?” one of the female dancers asked the DBSK boys.

The boys just nodded their heads. They were all very busy watching the new moves that Ela was teaching Ji-hoon and the other male dancers.

“No wonder Ji-hoon is quite crazy about her,” another one of the girls added.

“What? What do you mean?” U-Know asked suddenly. His attention was quickly caught by what the girl had said.

“You mean . . . you guys don't know?” the girl asked.

“Know what?” Max asked.

The girls laughed. “Well . . . we think Ji-hoon has a crush on her. Before we went here, he had already warned all the male dancers to keep their hands off her. He says she's already taken.”

Somehow Jaejoong's heart sank after hearing what the girls said.

“We think those two have something going on. Can't you see they are quite close?” another one of the female dancers said.

“Well . . . she's quite friendly. I don't think their closeness has any meaning,” Max said.

“Maybe . . . frankly she's too beautiful and way to y to be paired up with Ji-hoon. It would be such a waste. She deserves someone much more cuter,” one of the girls said with a giggle.

“God! I envy her. I wish I had a body and a face like that,” one of the female dancers said.

“I heard she also sings very well. Beauty and talents all rolled in one. Quite a lucky girl,” another dancer commented.

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maxi needs someone post more soon ^_^