Chapter 14

CRAZY LOVE (One Shot) (18 Parts)
"What do you think about Max's plan?" Daniaa asked Micky.

"Frankly I don't know what to say. This is the first time that Max actually came up with a fantastic idea that doesn't concern food," Micky answered with a light laugh. He then continued to concentrate on his driving.

"Where are we going anyway?" Daniaa asked again.

Micky smiled. "It's a surprise. We're supposed to leave Jaejoong and Ela alone until 9pm right? So we're going to spend our time doing something special."

Daniaa's heart suddenly stopped for a moment. "Something special? What do you mean?" she asked nervously.

Micky gave Daniaa a quick look. "I'm going to take you to a very special place," he uttered slowly.

Daniaa just kept silent. Even though she was afraid, she still couldn't stop herself from feeling excited. Somehow she was feeling very eager to know what Micky had prepared for her.

Several minutes later . . . Micky slowly parked his car in front of an establishment.

Daniaa let out a sigh of relief. They were parking in front of a restaurant.

"So this is your surprise?" she asked.

"Yes, this is the place . . . but the surprise is inside . . ." he answered sweetly.

Daniaa's heart started to beat wildly. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was actually sitting beside Micky . . . the man of his dreams.

Micky quickly got out of the car, and opened the door for Daniaa. "Be careful," he uttered as he helped her out of the car.

As they slowly entered the restaurant, different lights started to turn on . . . one by one.

Daniaa gasped in total shock. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

The whole restaurant was filled with different kinds of flowers.

"Oh my! This is so beautiful," she exclaimed.

"I wanted to give you flowers . . . but I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked. So I just decided to have assorted flowers here . . ." He then gently took Daniaa's hand and led her to the main dining hall. There . . . they found a table in the middle of the room . . . a table beautifully arranged with flowers and candles . . . then near it was a piano.

Micky carefully assisted Daniaa as they both sat down.

"Micky, I . . . I really don't know what to say. This is so . . . unexpected," she uttered as she tried to control her emotions. She didn't want to look so excited or emotional in Micky's eyes.

"I'm sorry, if this is the best thing I could do for you. If I had more time . . . I could have prepared something much more special," he tried to explain.

Daniaa was deeply touched with what Micky had done. She shook her head, as tears slowly flowed down from her eyes. "No, this is already very special. I . . . I will always remember this special time with you. Thank you . . . for being so nice to me."

Micky smiled sweetly. "I'm glad you liked it. Let's eat first before . . . I give you my second and third surprise."

"What? Second and third surprise? You mean there are more?" she asked, quite surprised.

Micky lightly laughed, as he nodded his head. "You know, you're so cute with your shocked reaction."

Daniaa blushed. "Please stop with your sweet talks. You're making me nervous and uneasy."

Micky stared at Daniaa. "I'm sorry, if I'm making you feel uneasy. Frankly I just can't help myself. Let's eat . . ." he said as he tried to change the topic of their conversation.

He then gently poured wine into Daniaa's glass, followed by his own glass. They ate in total silence. Both of them were feeling very nervous, and somehow they both didn't know what to say to each other.

While eating, both of them just gave each other quick glances. They both felt very awkward with starting the conversation. So they just tried to make themselves contented with quick glances, sweet smiles and sweet gestures.

Their meal passed quickly . . .

Micky sighed. He knew he needed yo gather all his strength and courage, if he really wanted to be successful with his plans. There was no room for mistakes and especially shyness in his plans.

Daniaa's heart started to beat very fast, as soon as she felt Micky seriously staring at her. "Why? Do I have something on my face?" she started to ask as a joke. somehow she wanted to break the tensed atmosphere between them.

Micky smiled. Daniaa's heart immediately melted after seeing his captivating smile.

"No, it's just that I can't believe that you're here . . . with me," he answered.

Daniaa suddenly blushed again. "Oh . . ."

"Now . . . for my second surprise," he announced as he stood up and went to the piano.

Daniaa felt like she was in heaven. She couldn't believe the things that were happening to her.

Micky gave Daniaa a sweet and mesmerizing smile, before he started to play a very familiar song . . ."Kiss a Mama Sayonara"

The sound of the piano echoed throughout the entire place. Daniaa felt like she was slowly being transported into another world . . . a world where she and Micky were the only one who exist.

Micky continued to play other songs for Daniaa. He wanted to serenade her and express all his emotions through his songs. He wanted to make her feel that his love for her was real.

Daniaa watched and listened, as Micky played the piano. She felt like her heart was going to explode any minute because of the happiness she was feeling. She had never imagined even in her wildest dreams that she would actually have the chance to meet the DBSK boys. . . especially Micky.

And now as she silently looked at him, her heart was beating very fast. Everything was like a fantasy, a wonderful fantasy that suddenly came to life.

Slowly Micky ended the song he was playing, then he stood up and went to where Daniaa was sitting.

"Micky . . ." Daniaa uttered.

He suddenly knelt down in front of her and took her hand. He then carefully placed a bracelet around it.

"Micky, what's the meaning of this? Why are you giving me this?" Daniaa asked with a trembling voice.

Micky smiled as he looked deep into Daniaa's eyes. "Before I answer your questions, I want you to read what is engraved on the your bracelet first."

With quivering hands, Daniaa carefully examined the bracelet that he gave her. And her heart suddenly skipped a beat after she read what was written on the bracelet.

"Micky and Daniaa forever," she slowly uttered.

Micky smiled as he held Daniaa's hand. "I don't know if you would actually believe all the things that I'm going to say. But please listen to me first . . . before you make your decision."

Daniaa slowly nodded her head, as she tried to control the wild beating of her heart.

"I know we have only known each other for a very short time . . . But the very first time I laid my eyes on you, I already knew that there was something different about you. I admit I already had several girlfriends before. But you're the very first girl that actually caught my heart at first sight. I've never felt like this with any other girl before. And after I learned that your were going back to your country, I felt like I was going crazy. I can't let you go. I don't want you to go . . . without telling you what I feel for you first. And I want to know . . . if by chance . . . you might feel the same way for me too. I love you . . . From the moment I laid my eyes on you, my heart already belonged to you. Do you . . . do you feel the same way too?" Micky confessed nervously.

Daniaa was totally stunned. She didn't know what to say or how to react. She didn't know, if it was proper for her to answer his question. She still valued the teachings she grew up with.

Micky saw the confusion in Daniaa's eyes. His heart immediately sank after thinking that she didn't care for him.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to force yourself to like me, if you really don't. At least, I tried to tell you how I really feel," he uttered as he tried to hide the pain in his eyes by lowering his head.

Daniaa's heart suddenly ached after seeing the sad expression on Micky's face. She quickly decided to just brush aside all her fears and be true to herself.

"Micky . . . I . . . I like you too . . . I just don't think it was proper for me to say it . . . since I am a girl and we just met," Daniaa tried to explain.

Micky quickly stared at Daniaa with happiness written all over his face.

"You like me too?" he asked as if unable to believe what he heard.

Daniaa nodded, then smiled.

"Yes!" Micky shouted with joy. "Then . . . does this mean . . . officially . . . you're my girlfriend already?" he asked again nervously.

Daniaa laughed. She couldn't help but think that Micky was so cute whenever he was nervous.

"Yes," she replied with a sweet smile.

A wide and happy smile immediately appeared on Micky's face. He then lovingly embraced Daniaa.

"I love you . . . I promise I will make you happy," he uttered as he slowly searched for Daniaa's lips.

Their worlds started spinning as they lovingly kissed each other. Daniaa felt like she was going to faint any minute because of extreme happiness. She never imagined that she would actually be loved by the man of his dreams.

As for Micky, his heart and soul were somehow rejoicing. He had never felt so happy in his life. He knew Daniaa was the girl that was destined for him. And he had already promised himself that he was never going to let her go, no matter what happened.

Both Daniaa and Micky's hearts were filled with love and contentment. And silently they prayed that their love will last forever.

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maxi needs someone post more soon ^_^