Chapter 13

CRAZY LOVE (One Shot) (18 Parts)
"What? Unni . . . why are leaving already? Why the sudden change of plans? You said that we will be going to different places today. How come we're suddenly going to Thailand?" Nab complained.

"I'm sorry, Nab. But I really need to do this. Please don't ask why," Ela said with a low voice.

"Unni, what's wrong? You can tell us. We all know that you have a problem," Iqah said with concern.

Ela tried to smile, but somehow sadness still filled her eyes. "I'm sorry . . . Let's just say that I need to get away before I lose my sanity."

Daniaa shook her head in dismay. "Unni, you're running away from Jaejoong, is that it?"

Ela stared at Daniaa. "Maybe yes . . . maybe no. Frankly I don't know."

"You like Jaejoong, Unni. Just admit it. You don't need to hide what you're feeling because of your age. It's total nonsense," Nab voiced out her opinion.

"Just try to pack all your things now. It's only 10am. . . We will be leaving before 11pm tonight. All of you still have a lot of time to prepare your things. Once we arrive in Thailand, we can then continue our vacation there," Ela said.

"Unni . . ." Nab uttered. Somehow she wanted to disagree with her friend's decision to just leave.

"I'm going out. I need to do a lot of things before we go. I don't think I will be able to join you girls for lunch . . . and snack too. But I will try to return before dinner," Ela said.

"Unni . . . aren't you going to arrange your things and your bags?" Daniaa asked.

"My things are already arranged," Ela simply answered.

"Oh, so you've really planned and arranged everything huh?" Nab asked with disappointment.

"I'm sorry, baby. I promise I will make it up to you . . . to all of you," Ela said.

"It's all right, Unni. We understand. Don't worry. We will be ready to go when you return," Iqah uttered with a smile.

"Thank you," Ela uttered with a fake smile. Her heart was very heavy that she felt like she just wanted to lock herself up in a room and cry all day long.

An hour later . . . .

Nab, Daniaa and Iqah were already having lunch in the restaurant that they ate before.

"What do we do now?" Nab asked as she just stared at the food in front of her.

"There's nothing we can do, Nab. We have to follow Unni. She wants to leave already . . . So there's no discussion about it . . . We're leaving," Daniaa tried to reason with Nab.

"No . . . what I mean is . . . are we really going to let Ela Unni just ran away? She likes Jaejoong and I think Jaejoong likes her too. So why don't they give each other a chance? I mean it's too sad if they don't end up together . . . just because Unni is older than Jaejoong," Nab tried to explain what was on her mind.

"Nab, I wish things could be so simple. But not everything can be so simple like the way you imagine it to be. As you age . . . you will soon understand what I mean," Iqah said seriously.

"Oh, why are older girls too complicated? Am I going to be just like to you guys?" Nab asked curiously.

"Yes," Daniaa uttered with a smile.

"Oh, then maybe I will just stay seventeen forever. At least, I can act and think straight based on my own opinions and decisions. I don't want to grow old anymore," Nab exclaimed as she touched her forehead as if she was having a headache.

"Finish your food Nab. We still need to prepare our things. We're still leaving . . . no matter how you complain," Daniaa uttered with a smile again.

"Who's leaving?" a voice suddenly asked.

The three girls suddenly looked at the direction where the voice came from. Standing in front of them were the DBSK boys.

"So who is leaving?" Max asked again.

"We are," Nab replied sadly.

"What?" U-Know asked as his heart started beating very fast.

"All of us are leaving tonight," Iqah sadly said as she stared at Xiah.

Xiah, on the other hand, felt like he wanted to just take Iqah away and lock her up in a room so she couldn't leave him.

"Would you guys like to join us for lunch? I guess this will be the last time we will be seeing each other. . . might as well . . . enjoy it," Daniaa spoke with sadness in her voice.

Micky felt his heart was slowly being pricked with millions of needles. He couldn't accept the fact that he wasn't going to see Daniaa ever again.

"Ela is really leaving?" Jaejoong asked as if unable to believe what he just heard.

"Unni is the one who decided to leave . . . in the first place. She just told us about her decision and plan this morning," Nab answered.

Max stared at his friends' reactions. "Let's all sit down first. Maybe we can think of a solution for this problem," he calmly suggested.

The DBSK boys sat down in front of the three girls.

"You can't leave," Micky suddenly exclaimed. "I mean . . . not yet."

"We can't really do anything about it. We have tried convincing Ela Unni to stay and finish our entire vacation here . . . but she had already decided and planned everything out. We will be leaving before 11pm tonight," Daniaa said as she looked at Micky.

"Where will you go?" Jaejoong asked.

"Unni said that we will be going to Thailand," Nab replied.

"Jaejoong, do something. Make Ela stay," Xiah said to his friend.

Jaejoong lowered his head. "I already tried to make her stay . . . but she just wouldn't listen to me."

"Tell her how you feel about her . . . convince her," Micky advised.

Jaejoong shook his head. "Already did that . . . I already told her that I loved her . . . And we even spent time together . . . But she still won't change her decision. She said that we're too different from each other."

"The two of you spent time together? When?" Max asked curiously.

"Ela Unni went out at around 2am today. Was she any chance . . . with you?" Iqah asked.

Jaejoong nodded. "Yes, I found her in the bar. We talked and . . .then she decided to make believe."

"Make-believe? What do you mean?" U-Know asked.

"She asked me . . . if we could pretend to . . . to be lovers . . . even for a short while . . . until morning came," Jaejoong answered.

The three girls gasped with shock.

"Unni . . . did that? She really does like you . . . But how come she still wants to leave?" Nab asked as if quite confused.

"Jaejoong, think of a way. You can't possibly just let her go. All of us can see that you really like her . . . So you should try to fight for her," Micky said.

"But what should I do?" Jaejoong asked.

"I know . . . Uhmm . . . can you girls help us?" Max asked the three girls.

"Sure, anything for Unni," Nab immediately replied.

"Yes, how can we help," Iqah asked.

"Do you think we can borrow the key to your room?" Max asked.

"Here . . ." Daniaa said as she quickly handed the key to Max.

"What are you planning Max? Why do you need the key to their room?" Xiah asked curiously.

"Don't worry . . . I have the perfect plan," Max uttered with a smile.
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maxi needs someone post more soon ^_^