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Hyorin is assigned an enigmatic bodyguard with snow-white hair and emotionless eyes, harboring a dark secret... [Bodyguard!Baekhyun x OC]


After receiving a death threat, Hyorin is assigned an enigmatic bodyguard with snow-white hair and emotionless eyes. He harbors a dark secret, and she soon realizes he's more dangerous than the people who are after her. Trying to uncover the mystery surrounding him puts her life at risk, but when she realizes just how much depends on her success, she knows she can't back out...





When I turned and looked at the door, I was met with a surprise. The stranger entering the room was extraordinary and defied my expectations—he didn’t look like a burly bodyguard at all and could only be a few years older than me. Snow-white hair framed his sharp features, a feathery braid resting on his shoulder. He wore a black dress shirt paired with black pants and shoes, but his elegant clothing did little to hide his muscular physique. As he got closer and stopped in front of me and Minho, our gazes met for a fraction of a second. His eyes were electric blue, reminding me of the stormy sea. It was an unusual eye shade—perhaps he was wearing contact lenses? Although I hadn’t talked to him yet, a strange feeling washed over me as I studied him. His grim expression radiated danger and I had to fight the urge to move back, my instincts telling me I shouldn’t be anywhere near this man.

“How nice of you to join us,” Minho commented mockingly. The stranger remained quiet, staring at him in dead silence. I was surprised by his demeanor since I had expected him to be more polite and introduce himself to me, but he didn’t seem to care about formalities. 

“This is Zero-Four, your new bodyguard.”



Pairing: Baekhyun x OC
AU: Obsession, Bodyguard
Genres: Romance, Action, Suspense
Status: Completed



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Prompt: "You're my flame in the dark. We chase away the shadows around each other."

Shoes of a Unicorn Writing Contest.
Prompt: Checkmate by Yonghwa featuring JJ Lin

If you liked this fanfic, feel free to check out my other stories too!


Looks like this story got featured! 🥹 Thanks for your support, guys! I was pretty surprised when I opened AFF today. 😭💕


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784 streak #1
Chapter 2: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Chapter: T W O

In a way, I can understand Minho and his worry. Obviously, the situation is getting worse, and whoever is threatening his family, has no intentions of stopping and at this point, one needs to be careful with every move one makes. 👀 On the other hand, living under constant fear and being unable to live a comfortable life and do the things you want - is annoying. I will admit that Minho is also a mysterious guy, but then again, some things shouldn't be discussed in front of Hyorin, so it may be for the best, after all, curiosity killed the cat. 😣😮 Anyhow, the strange flickering of the lights gives off a strange vibe, and it seems that Minho knows why... And I am starting to think that it's also related to Baekhyun. 👀 But I might be wrong. 👀

Ah, I loved the beginning of the second scene when she saw his room! 🤣😂 I am sure that she will come up with some idea to decorate his room - as it is said that it is screaming for it. *chuckles* I am so looking forward to seeing what she comes up with! 👌😉 But, moving on, the more Minho comes into the picture, the more questions come to mind, the biggest of them all is, what the hell is that man hiding and why can't she call Baekhyun by his name Baekhyun, but has to use Zero Four... *squints eyes* 😣 He is a very suspicious man, heck, this whole situation is suspicious! 😣👀😮 Another thing that caught my eye was a certain Byungho. 👀 And I will explain why - in the part where it was described that he was very polite - very was put into italics and from my experience, it's usually a hint. Now, I might be wrong, but here are two theories that I have:

1. he either knows something but is hiding it like Minho;

2. Or, he has something to do with the threats.

I might be wrong with both theories and he might be just another common character, but I had to share my thoughts about it. In the meantime, I'll wait and see. 👀😉👌 As for Baekhyun and the state that he is in... yeah, something is off and it does have something to do with last night's conversation... Hmm. Curiosity is killing me! 👀😣

As always, getting Baekhyun to talk is mission impossible, but I must say, he still answers her questions... or at least, he tries to answer them, so I would say that the situation is maybe, just maybe getting a little better, but was I expecting the trip to be all calm waters, oh no. Things did escalate but Baekhyun was there to save the day! 👌😉 Ah, she managed to decorate his room a bit! 😉👌 Anyhow, moving on, I came across Byungho again, who claims that everything is fine with the lights and to notify him if it happens again. It did take an interesting turn of events as well, as it was now clear as to why she is afraid of the dark, but then again, it's not a surprise! 😫😭 Also, the last comment was interesting! 👀😣

Thank you for the amazing chapter! 🌹💗

784 streak #2
Chapter 1: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Chapter: O N E

👀 It's only the first scene of the first chapter, but so many things happened! 👀 Of course, it's not confusing, not one bit, actually, the picture was painted clearly and it was easy to understand who is who, who is threatened, etc. Minho is obviously a big fish in town because of his company, and let's face it, those rich people have many enemies - so I am not surprised, not one bit, but... that's where the interesting part comes in! 👀 (I am also curious to know how her parents died!) Anyhow, they started talking about bodyguards, well Minho started talking about it, and with each word or sentence, things got more mysterious! 😮 First, the name is interesting, Zero Four, second when he started explaining to her how this man is different and how he was/is part of some experiments. Even if she doesn't know the details it's enough to give her an eerie feeling about him, but of course, she trusts her uncle and won't question him, but I believe many would wonder the same as Hyorin did! 😮👀 Then when the lights suddenly started to flicker and Minho snapped it made me blink as it was apparent that he was talking to Zero Four a.k.a Baekhyun - even though it confused Hyorin, it raised many questions. 😮👀 It also makes me jump to theories! But I will mention only one for now, as I don't want to jump to any conclusions just yet. 👀

I might be wrong... or not... but I will say what is on my mind.

1. Because of the experiments, he became a supernatural being.

Also, to top it all off, Baekhyun is awfully quiet and the eerie feeling only increases. No wonder that she couldn't help but think about Minho and what he told her. It's not something that one can ignore. Hmm. 👀😮 There are many questions indeed. 😮👀 And I do agree with her, things don't make sense at some point when it comes to everything that she has learned. 👀😮

😮😣 There is nothing worse then being in an awkward situation where the atmosphere is more then strange. 😮😣 I swear, at times it feels like she is sitting next to a robot. *sighs* But I do like her efforts though. I mean, she is trying her best to start a conversation with him and try to be friendly... but he isn't allowing it... that's clear as a day. 😫 Either way, in the end, she found out his real name, although, it would have been better if he had told her. She doesn't bite... and a friendly conversation won't cost him anything... *sighs* Oh, well. Anyway, later on in the day, things took a different turn and Hyorin saw a different side to him, the not-so-pretty one (to call it like that) when he snapped because of the comments, in the process hurting Hyorin a bit because of his words, but I must admit, I like her stubbornness. 👌😉 She wants to prove to him that she is not like that and also she believes that there is a soft demeanor under that cold Bakehyun's facade. 😉👌 I am looking forward to seeing how it goes! 😉👌👏

The final scene was a little bit better... he used more words... but still not good enough. He is still stiff and she is putting in A LOT of effort to get him to talk. *sighs* Heck, she is even trying to get to know him a bit better by asking some questions... 👀

The picture at the end is wow! 😍🥰 It matches well. 😉👌

It's only the first chapter, but it got me hooked! I am so looking forward to seeing how things go from here on out, and I also like the different writing style in this one, using the first person, it's quite a nice change! 😉👏👌

Thank you for this lovely chapter! 💗🌹

784 streak #3

This one I am reading next! 😉 I love the mystery already and the vibe it gives! 😉

reveluv316 857 streak #4
congrats on feature
culoapaperella #5
thank you for the meal 😋
NoraMyFics #6
Congrats on getting featured!!

I remember following your story when it was on going. and even after not being here in recent years, I still remember your story name Zero and most of the plot!! And I think I'll re-read it again, and if I'm not wrong this is going to b my third read of this story!
So happy that it got featured!! this story completely deserves it!!
Chapter 1: this is good so far!
Nlnz2016 #9
Chapter 23: Congratulations on the feature. Well deserved
omgggg, finally a baekhyun fic on the front page again. CONGRATULATIONS JESS!