Best of both worlds

The Lie of the Light

Jinsoul squeezed out glittering water from the cloth. It trickled down onto Jungeun’s cheek and down her neck. She pulled the dirty water away. A simple task, but she usually liked watching the water moving on its own. 

“You’re mad.” Red eyes looked up at her. They were pale. Drained.

She didn’t answer. She soaked the cloth again and repeated the process. 

“You don’t have to do this now,” Jungeun said. 

She really didn’t. The sun was slowly rising. She should’ve already been sleeping. There was a time when Jungeun would’ve already gone to bed a few hours ago. But she’d only come back now. 

Jinsoul had stayed awake, checking the state of what elixirs they did have, as well as the waterskins and how much they had. She'd almost lost ways of wasting her time. 

Then Jungeun and Chuu had come back, one of them with torn, blood-soaked clothes and dull eyes.

It had looked like Jinsoul’s nightmares had come true. Until she’d gotten closer to see that no wound had been piercing, just a scrape. Yet there was still way too much darkness and not enough light to counter it. 

Jungeun’s next word was said softly. “‘Soul.”

“I am mad.” 


She took the rest of the clean water and let it rise in lazy circles. She was tired and the tugging sensation at her mind was nearing a headache. 

Jungeun’s dim eyes followed it. They looked more vibrant now, but they were still a shadow compared to what they actually were. 

Jinsoul made the water cover the wound. It looked like a burn mark, but Jinsoul knew its cause had been something cold. 

The rest of it slid down Jungeun’s neck. It did soak her clothes further, but she’d already cleaned that part. And they’d have new clothes. 

She knew Jungeun was on the verge of saying something else. 

Instead of looking up, she began with the sigil. Already, the light in the water was starting to work. Only starting. It should've been working faster.

Jinsoul focused on her head, drew out light from herself, and let it flow into the water. That made her headache worse. 

“Don’t overdo it,” Jungeun muttered. “They’re just scratches.”

You overdid it,” Jinsoul replied. She tried to keep her voice level. “A normal dose should’ve already gotten rid of most of it." And Jungeun had used up too much light, when there wasn't enough available to them. Even Vivi's revelation that the light was absorbed by everything around them still didn't mean Jungeun had unlimited amounts to use.  

“We know they pack a bigger punch,” a small shrug, “at least now you can quantify it.”

A shout rose up in . Jinsoul pushed it down. “That’s not what you need to be figuring out.” She completed the sigil. The water became firm on Jungeun’s cheek. 

“I know,” a tiny smile, “but it’s one way we can look at this as being a good turn of events.”

There it was: the optimism Jinsoul could rarely stay angry at. Except for today. 

Today she just sighed. Her head hurt and she was tired. It just made the remarks frustrating. Jungeun could go on those patrols with Chuu, leave Yerim and her out of it. But she still let Jinsoul heal her if she got hurt. It made her wonder why. Did Jungeun just not want her on patrol? Or was there something else?

“Why can’t you just wait for me?” Jinsoul asked. 

Jungeun’s brow furrowed. “Wait for you?”

“Then you wouldn’t have to walk all the way over here, soaking your clothes and shivering.” Looking like a ghost, she added in her head. “Chuu told me you took the spirit on by yourself.” Meaning Jungeun wasn't going with Chuu because she needed her in a fight. 

“She told you, or you made her tell you?” She glanced up. 

“Both.” Jinsoul had told Chuu to make sure Jungeun didn’t charge without thinking and she knew the girl tried. But it was hard to stop someone like Jungeun who moved like a raging fire.

“I told her to look for the second spirit, but this one was alone.”

It was the truth, she knew that. But Jungeun had gotten crafty in the last years. She’d take on the stronger of a pair or manage to take the one with the least darkness more quickly before joining you with the other one. 

No matter what happened, she always managed to expend the most light. And usually the most injuries, even if those were just scratches. 

“Let me come with you,” Jinsoul said. “We haven’t been out in weeks.” 

Jungeun opened . 

“Getting Viian doesn’t count.” 

She closed it. Her brow furrowed. “I want you there too,” she said. “But right now, when there’s not enough light for more than two spirits,” she trailed off, “and with you working like you are, it’s just not safe.”

“And it’s safe for you?” Jinsoul knew the words came out a hiss. 

Jungeun’s eyes widened at that. “Safer. Patrol’s the only thing I do. You’re doing everything you can here.” 

“Then what about when the moon’s full? When I have enough light leftover?” she asked. “What’s the excuse going to be then?”


Jinsoul saw Jungeun’s guilt before she felt her own pain. 

“‘Soul,” Jungeun murmured. “I’m not avoiding you.”

“It doesn’t feel like it.” 

She bit her lip. “But I mean it.” 

“Then if you’re not doing it because of that, then why?” Jinsoul asked. “Because protecting me isn’t the right answer if you’re not even protecting yourself.” 

Jungeun didn’t respond. The water on her cheek fell away, the wound now much better than it had been. Jinsoul still didn’t know how fast it would heal, especially with how the spirits were changing. What if the wounds they inflicted would last longer, even if you handled it with magic. 

No matter the case, she’d give her a healing potion tomorrow. Something about Jungeun’s injuries seemed off. She’d felt the same thing about the others she’d tended to. Even Nuala was more alert when it came to them. 

Jungeun was the first one to break the silence again. “If you get hurt, a healer and a fighter get hurt,” she said. “I get hurt, it’s just a fighter.” 

Jinsoul found many things wrong with that sentence. She started to protest, but Jungeun kept going. 

“You’re the best of both worlds, I’m only in one of them.” Her eyes flicked between hers and the ground. “You're one of the best healers we have. And there’s only one person who can infuse water with light.” Now Jungeun held her gaze. “Yerim’s joining you once she figures out how to work light into the plants, but that’s still gonna take long. And Nuala’s realised that she needs you, especially now. We all need you here.” 

But I need you, Jinsoul thought. She didn’t dare say it. She hated how Jungeun was right. She also hated how it matched exactly with what Jungeun did anyway. 

“But.on the full moon,” Jungeun put a hand to her shoulder, “we go. You, me, and Yerim.” 

In the back of her mind, Jinsoul was glad that Chuu wasn't included in that. She felt guilty for feeling that. 

Despite her leftover frustration, she still smiled. “Okay.” 


“How about this,” Haseul clasped her hands together, “what we’re most closely tied to, or at least have been for the longest, is the easiest to call upon. Like how a sigil'll take me ages, but if I make it out of light, I get it right sooner.” 

“So you want me to call on the rock?” Vivi crossed her arms. 

She nodded. 

Vivi fought a sigh, feeling more than at a loss for what to do. Digging deep into the ground, she made a sliver of the stone liquid and brought it up. In thin grey tendrils it came. 

Haseul’s eyes were locked on it. 

She made it solidify in a block and let it fall on the ground. 

“That’s really awesome.” Haseul knelt to inspect it. 

She was about to dismiss it as the elf’s attempt to make her feel better when she saw her expression. It was pure interest. During breakfast—in the late evening, something Vivi wasn't getting used to—the elf's brow had been perpetually furrowed. Vivi had been hearing murmurs about other elves, something brief about a person called Olivia, and complaints about injuries they'd gotten days ago. All by dark spirits, despite them having all the means to heal those wounds. 

Where Haseul fit in there, Vivi didn't know yet. She also wasn't sure if she was allowed to ask or not. Haseul would probably tell her, but what would be running through the eavesdroppers' heads? They still looked at Vivi as if she were unwelcome. She was sure those looks would still be there next year. Probably longer. 

Haseul reached out tentatively, finally touching it. “It’s cold?” 

Vivi smiled. “It’s from several meters below. Of course it is.” 

“So there’s no heat added to it?” She tapped it, as if checking if it were hollow. 

“No,” she replied. “Just magic.” 

Haseul smiled. “Just magic,” she repeated. Then she straightened. “Put moonlight in it. Make it glow.” A pause. “Pull it apart first and call on something else. Think of how you’d make it stronger.” 

Vivi divided it into drops of stone. She watched them flow, their surfaces rippling in the air. She tried to dig within herself. She’d been in the moonlight night, not even sleeping. Now she was exhausted, but still felt well rested. So it was no fluke that people believed she had a tie to the moon. At least there was that. 

She found nothing. 

Haseul stepped closer, avoiding the droplets of rock. “Place your focus on the different parts of your body.” She raised a hand. “May I?”

Vivi didn’t know what she was really asking for. She still nodded. 

Warm fingers touched the center of her chest. “Only pay attention to where my hand is.” 

It must’ve looked bizarre from afar, but if this worked, Vivi wouldn’t let herself think too much of it. 

Haseul smelled like a forest after rain. Her breathing was easy, and her gaze gentle, only on Vivi’s eyes. 

It was slightly unnerving. 

“Focus on my hand,” she repeated. 

Vivi did. She only felt the warmth from the hand. Otherwise nothing. 

Then Haseul placed a hand on her shoulder. Nothing 

Her other shoulder. Nothing. 

Her stomach. Nothing. 

Arms. Nothing. 

Hands. Nothing. 

Knees. Nothing. 

Feet. Nothing. 

Vivi laughed. “What’s next? My nose?” 

Haseul straightened. “Actually your waist." She smiled back at her and even gave her a wink. “But maybe.” She placed her hand on Vivi’s forehead. 

There was a tingling sensation. One that yearned to reach for Haseul’s hand. It quelled the frustration that had been building. It settled Vivi’s previously quickened heart. It felt wonderful.

“Oh,” Vivi let out a content sigh, “and how has that escaped my notice?” 

Haseul grinned. “You have to become aware of it. Like your heartbeat, breathing, or blinking.” She brushed a thumb across Vivi’s eyebrow. The skin tingled underneath it. “Now direct it at the other part of you. The one holding the rock.” 

Vivi pulled at it. Slowly, it moved, like lugging a piece of stone with one’s arms. Vivi had trained for that too, having ample material to test her strength with. She pulled, her muscles definitely undertrained. 

Slowly, it gave. Vivi pushed it to the stone. Then pulled the droplets together. That was easy. Very much like blinking. 

Haseul turned around and laughed. “Yes!” 

Vivi redirected her attention from the very happy elf and to the stone. The grey glittered where it hadn’t before, with veins of light coursing through it. 

“Can I try something else?” Haseul pulled her hand away and stood just beside her. 

Their shoulders brushed together. 

“Try it,” Vivi said. 

The rock lifted shakily. 

“Wow,” Haseul breathed out, “that’s strange.” 

“You’re lifting the light part of it?” 

She nodded. “But there’s resistance. A lot of it.” 

“Stone's heavy,” Vivi finished.

Haseul snorted. “Yep.” 

The moonlight-infused rock fell.

The elf went over and picked it up. “Lighter than pure rock,” she looked slightly strained, “but still heavy.” 

Vivi took it from her. She was right. She tossed it between her hands. 

Haseul’s brow was raised as she looked at her. “Show off.” 

She smiled. “It’s training. My magic doesn’t give me even more strength.” Even with supernatural strength, a large chunk of rock wasn't something you lifted without some muscle. 

“So you practiced lifting rocks? With your hands?” 

“Moonlight is, well, light. Easy to swing hard. Rock is rock,” Vivi explained. 

“True,” Haseul nodded, “but the combination might be even better than both.” 

“You think so?” 

“Wolves are beasts,” she said, her green eyes darkening. “Moonlight bothers them, but most attacks are merely splinters for them. And there're spirits that can properly hurt, as you saw.” She shrugged. “So a stronger blow to either would be more effective than the pure light.” She raised a slim dagger of light. 

“Is that why you put elementals on the outside?” Vivi asked. 

“Not officially,” Haseul replied. “To actually say the light is weaker to vampires and such is quite close to blasphemy.”

“And if someone gets killed because they believed in that?”

Her eyes turned sad. “That’s why we have to acknowledge it in the first place.” 

Something in her voice uncovered a deep pain in Vivi. It wasn't hers, but felt for this person she barely knew. Haseul was a leader. While others might not respect her, let alone like her, they acknowledged that fact. Many had been taught by Haseul, despite her not being so experienced. What mistakes had she made? Or what mistakes did she think she’d made? 

“Well,” Haseul smiled, “I’d call this a successful session.” The corners of trembled, as though forcing the smile was taking a toll on her muscles. 

“You want me to do something else,” Vivi said. She could see it. She’d also try it if that took Haseul’s mind from whatever dark place she was in. 

“Maybe.” Her eyes regained their sparkle. Maybe that was another thing about her. She was resilient to her pain. “My plan was getting you doing precision work so you can make something like this.” She twirled her dagger. It had grooves in the handle and a serrated edge. Precision. “But I think it’ll be enough if you can do that with a dagger of stone, but there’s light in the blade.”

“Sounds very simple,” Vivi grumbled. “It took me very long to be precise with stone.” 

“So you’ll know the steps you have to take.” Haseul winked. “But I’m just here to teach you the ways of the Astra,” a serene expression appeared, “patience, discipline, and bigotry.”

She let out a laugh. “You’re good with all but the third one.” 

The smile that earned her was as bright as the moon itself. It was like the first time she’d heard Haseul's voice. Her eyes focused in on it fully, almost completely ignoring the woods around them. 

They kept up the training. It involved getting Vivi to make a blade out of stone and light. It took long, but Haseul never got impatient. She only made small jokes here and there with a glow to her that wasn’t a result of the moonlight. Vivi found herself enjoying the day—or night—the longer it went on. She was disappointed when she finally figured it out and they went back to the camp. Compared to what had come before and what was probably going to come after, it'd been a good day. 


Author's Note

Next chapter, I'll be having Olivia's perspective, but I really wanted to spend a little more time in the camp itself. First there was Lipsoul, as I wanted to show a bit more of their dynamic between each other. And then Viseul, because they're currently the more 'laidback' of the different characters. I also love them both very much (this applies to all of them, but I think you know what I mean). They also have no history with each other, unlike the rest. 

I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Let me know what you think so far (doesn't have to be about what just happened). See you next chapter. 

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StarEz1 #1
Chapter 47: Absolutely wonderful chapter as always. I love how you write so detailed, I really feel like I'm there and experiencing their emotions with them. The couples kisses being described as gentle and laughter makes uwu whenever I think about it. The before and after effects of the characters relationships and themselves from the first few chapters to now is extraordinary to witness. I'm glad to see everyone is slowly but surely getting the healing they need, seeing ot12 together again is healing enough for me. I hope they stay together longer, or at least come back together soon.

Thank you for writing and I hope you stay safe and healthy!!
_boom_ #2
Chapter 47: Another great, long-@ss chapter as expected! Awesome read!

Be safe and stay healthy as well!
Chapter 45: I finally read this chapter. I have been putting it off because I had to focus on other things, plus if I read this I keep thinking about it, like continiously wondering what will happen next or what if this happens.
I was completely in love with your story from the start and I'm only falling more in love with it. I've seen some comments about this chapter and I dont't think I have anything to add. This chapter (like the whole story) was keeping me on edge and at times I found it hard to read because of all the pain and sadness I was felling for the characters. I never felt like this with any other stories or books so thank you, I am indulged in this completely.

I want to congratulate you for writing this masterpiece and for sharing it with us. You are amazing so don't worry about how you could have done anything better, it's already exceptional! I actually love how this story brings out my emotions.
I can't wait to read the rest but I'll wait a bit or else I'll be too distracted from things I have to do. Anyways, thanks again dear author, stay safe and healthy everyone!
Chapter 45: I finally read this chapter. I have been putting it off because I had to focus on other things, plus if I read this I keep thinking about it, like continiously wondering what will happen next or what if this happens.
I was completely in love with your story from the start and I'm only falling more in love with it. I've seen some comments about this chapter and I dont't think I have anything to add. This chapter (like the whole story) was keeping me on edge and at times I found it hard to read because of all the pain and sadness I was felling for the characters. I never felt like this with any other stories or books so thank you, I am indulged in this completely.

I want to congratulate you for writing this masterpiece and for sharing it with us. You are amazing so don't worry about how you could have done anything better, it's already exceptional! I actually love how this story brings out my emotions.
I can't wait to read the rest but I'll wait a bit or else I'll be too distracted from things I have to do. Anyways, thanks again dear author, stay safe and healthy everyone!
StarEz1 #5
Chapter 46: This chapter was so worth it. From all the battles, angst, and all the ups and downs they went through, they are finally Here. Here Together. The scene where Haseul is looking around and seeing everyone finally being together after so long, interacting in an almost domestic way with no contention between each other or division. Wow. I felt refreshed and content seeing them with the simple of sharing a meal around a fire with old friends. Chefs kiss to you author.

Also that Lipsoul KiSS!!! It was like I was watching a movie with how well it was played in my head. Great job! I love how you incorporated the flashbacks from TSotL into this chapter. Especially with Jinsoul helping Jeungen block out silence with water current noise. Just like those Lipsoul memories were helping jinsoul block out the more violent memories. At least that's how I viewed it haha

And let's not forget that's Hyewon first hug after like 50 years. 😭😭😭😭 I love them so much! That sort of awkwardness is expected, but is so enduring to finally see them be at least a little bit more happier with each other, there bond being fixed too is a cherry on top. Just Chaewon not being dreaded with so much guilt but now with lightness (even if not moon light) is such a sight to see.

I love reading TLofL! As much as you can put into the Aftermatch, know I will gladly read it all.
Chapter 46: Relief. This whole chapter is just one big sigh of relief one after the other whew.

Kinda didn't realize how big of an impact the experience Haseul had on her until the fighting is over and everything is sorta peaceful, bec it's in the silence that her thoughts and memories seem to be more amplified... I think she needs another breakdown cry and therapy... now I wonder what is the elves' concept of therapy lol

When they started waking up one by one it was like a big pressure was lifted off my chest!  Feels liked a bond is forming between 2jin, I wonder if that's possible or the warmth they felt is the love they have for each other regardless of any bond?

I'M SO GLAD MY BABY CHAEWON IS OK!!! So she is really not destined to have light, but Hyejoo is the one who's half and half wow interesting  (thinking noises) and that healed their bond too woohoo I do hope they strengthen that bond in the future

There is one line that stuck to me: "Thinking about 'what ifs' now that we're all alive, makes the peace we could have now harder." Like yes, what happened happened, but dwelling in the past and all the possibilities makes it harder to appreciate what you have right now, such wise words from Vivi :') (and you lol)

And the kiss, THE KISSS this felt like the of tsotl hahaha but like omg finally FINALLYYY THEY KISSED HUHUHU all that pent up feelings finally out with that kiss but sad that it took one of them almost dying (for the 2nd time like mygod they had to both experience that feeling of losing the other) just for that freaking kiss and boy was it worth it!

The end of the story is coming, and trying to remember tnatf, are they gonna go their separate ways for a bit but then come back together? Bec iirc some of them had experience with technology (knowing that hyejoo will know how to drive etc)... anyways i'm just glad things are starting to get better, slowly (lol)
Chapter 45: Where is the lie??!?! (Bec the chap title is the light the fic is called the lie of the light getit getit? Sorry I'll show myself out)

Kidding aside, the action the drama, that freakin cliffhanger!!! ( which made me think and remember tnatf and other past scenes in this fic that showed hyeju's light resides in her eyes right?) Like omg everytime I read a new chapter it makes me go oh and I reread the past chapters again...

Anyway so many emotions, and Etera hello we meet again! Omg I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, will chaewon be ok, will the bond return but its like a darkness version of it, will Chaewon be ok, what will they do now that the biggest threat Alluin is gone, will Chaewon be OK, how will the other Astra react to them coming back, WILL CHAEWON BE OK? Take your time with the next chapter bec I know it's gonna be awesome but PLEASE TELL ME CHAEWON WILL BE OK HUHUHU
StarEz1 #8
Chapter 45: This chapter is so beautifully written, like wow, you really got my heart and tears falling freely with this update. I'm so happy you updated and kept writing this story, it definitely made my day seeing this update. You did not disappoint with this in any way! Amazing action scenes and those heart wrenching ugh😭 I felt so immersed I couldn't stop reading! The character development with hyweon from the beginning to this chapter is extraordinary to witness, I need them both to stay alive or you're gonna have to pay for my therapy. Honestly, I never screamed so much for a chapter like this one for so many different reasons, but seeing all of them finally together and fighting with and for each other, gave me chills in the best way. I can't wait to read the aftermatch chapters whenever you update them! Take care and stay safe until then!!❤❤
_boom_ #9
Chapter 45:
My emotions are running high right now and during and after reading it. Still is...need to re-read it again just in case I missed something or anything. Brain is working overtime!
Thank you for giving us this very, very lengthy chapter (need to emphasize this lol)! Worth reading tho! Thanks again for your time, patience, sweat, tears(?), and your immense love for this fic!
_boom_ #10
Chapter 44: This is one hell of a read and I looove every characters here! As a reader, you can see everyone's POV. Fear of the unknown is a b!tch that's why we jump to conclusion and we end up ing everything in the end coz the rational minds flew out of the window so to speak. I love supernatural beings and mythology and magic, fairies, elves you name it. Most importantly, I love your take in each characters and pairs, their ups and downs, their beautiful and sad moments that made them unique and standout in their own.

I can feel the magic here. I hope you know Rick Riordan and do some mythology fics in the future and will surely read that. I am also a fan of Terry Brooks, The Shannara Chronicles. I've read 30 plus books and still not done. I would love to recommend reading his works and it would be worth reading!

Anyways,thank you for writing this and giving us updates. We are spoiled here people! Of course, stay safe and be healthy always!take care all of you!