Just us

The Lie of the Light

Vivi almost regretted coming back when she saw who was on patrol. 

“You’re back soon,” Heejin said. Her eyes went to the sky before meeting Vivi’s. They were cold, but not angry. Was that progress? 

“Disappointed?” She knew she sounded defensive. She was tired enough to not care. If they’d argue, they’d argue. She’d still stay. Besides, she didn’t actually have that much of a problem with Heejin, especially now since she knew the source of that anger. 

She shook her head. “Surprised that it wasn’t at least a month.” The mask flickered. “Some go years if they’re escaping something.”

Vivi spotted a burst of dark grey then. It emerged from the light that made up Heejin, as if it was always there. Then it hid away behind white and pink. After seeing Hyejoo, Vivi saw those changes more easily. Maybe because she’d seen that there was a depth to the darkness. She was also developing an eye for that. 

“Yerim got caught up with a bright spirit. Hyunjin took up the darkness from the murders. And there’re several search parties out. We still haven’t found her.”

Vivi took the moment of silence to process those things. Hyunjin was out of commission and Heejin had taken up her role in patrol. Surprisingly. It was a small wonder that she’d stoop to a lower job here. But was she all that surprised?

“And how’s Yerim?” Hyejoo had asked after her. She’d already known. 

“Recovering,” Heejin crossed her arms,” the first time you mix up with one of those, you’ll wish ten dark ones had gotten you.” The worry showed through in her eyes. 

Vivi almost said she’d had. She held her tongue. They’d wonder why she was fine now. And if anyone overheard and connected the dots, she’d have already failed Hyejoo. 

It was surprising how one day, hardly that, had already gotten Vivi to care about someone. Maybe it’d been the fact that neither of them had hid anything. There was a lot that she didn’t know about Hyejoo, from how long she’d spent working for Alluin to whether or not she liked the soju of the nearest village. 

“Does any of this need me?” Vivi asked. “I can take over for you too, if you want.” For all she knew, Heejin desperately wanted to go see if Hyunjin was alright. 

Heejin’s eyes widened. She said nothing. 

The moment was almost comical. Heejin was an entirely new person when she wasn’t a ball of anger. Had Vivi not seen that side of her, the elf wouldn’t actually be that threatening. 

“I guess you can join,” Heejin said then. “The seers only let me out because it’ll be a quiet night.” With that, she started walking. 

Vivi followed. “They always know that?” What if they wanted to teach someone a lesson? Did they just let that person on patrol or guard? All while protecting the valuable ones?

She snorted. “No. Something can always go wrong. A simple branch can startle a spirit, sending it my way and they wouldn’t know until I screamed.”

Vivi just nodded. 

Guard duty began and it wasn’t like anything she’d expected. Heejin wasn’t what she expected either. 

There were others on the camp’s perimeter, but Heejin avoided each of them. 

She told Vivi a few more things about what was happening. Some nomadic branch of theirs had come back and they were talking about getting witches involved with spirit hunts. 

“Some hate it, others actually support the idea.” A shrug. “So it’ll probably work.” 

Vivi spotted a bright spirit. It didn’t make her feel nauseous. “Is this how it works here? Constant discussion?”

Heejin gave her a look. “We can’t come through each other’s thoughts, you know. Or see exactly what everyone’s feeling.”

Half of a fae clan's discussions were solved by that. The rest still went back and forth, sometimes. “At least we have smaller groups for that.” Then not everyone would pitch in. The ones who were involved were capable of leading the conversation and mediating conflict if it came up. 

“And what about the rest?” Heejin’s tone was challenging, but there was no bite to it. “Most of us will live for a while. Those decisions should be known, or we at least have a weigh in on it.”

“That takes long.”

“Immortal, remember? We have a lot of time.” Heejin sighed. “And a lot of other people to do what’s actually useful.” Guilt appeared in her eyes. Then it vanished. 

“Like the hunts?”

“Like this,” she waved at the ground, “like patrol. The hunts are more sport. They’d be more useful if they didn’t always go overboard.” An empty laugh. “If we hadn’t had a fourth of us out who knew where, maybe Elre could’ve survived.”

Vivi couldn’t help but note the way Heejin spoke. Instead of impulse, there was consideration in her words. Instead of anger, there was just frustration. 

The elf also wasn’t glowing as bright. Now the question was whether or not she’d given that to Jinsoul, or directly to Hyunjin. 

“Is this too much?” Heejin stopped walking. 

Was she talking about the information? Or the fact that she hadn’t glared at Vivi once. 

“It’s unexpected.”

Heejin nodded, looking up at the sky once. Her skin glowed a bit brighter. “I’m sorry for how I acted,” she said. “You leaving made that even more obvious. And then I remembered what Hyun–someone told me.” She bit her lip. “Did you think I said that stuff because you’re a half-elf?”

“At first,” Vivi admitted. “It’s one of the others’ reasons.”

She grimaced. “They’re like that with non-Astra. The looks will change, but in a couple years, you’ll just,” she trailed off. The ice in her gaze had completely melted. She just looked tired. 

That was a trend Vivi’d been seeing with these elves. She herself had spent so much time devoted to her magic and family that she hadn’t gotten drained. One way or another, it seemed like Hyejoo’s banishment had weighed on all of them for years. 

“I’ll be like Jungeun?” Accepted, but not as respected as others. 

Heejin nodded. “You’ll hear it from her what it was and is like.” She started fiddling with her fingers. “But she said it’s better than staying at home, as the only Astra.” 

“Because they’ll come.” Vivi glanced at the forest. “And that’s all types of spirit, not just normal bright and aggressive dark.”

The corner of her lip tugged up. The humour in her eyes was sombre. “And we say it’s a blessing.” 

They kept walking. Vivi could tell that Heejin wanted to say more, so she waited. Sometimes, if a person’s pride, or other emotions, were in the way, one just had to wait it out. If they were a good enough person and had decided to try and overcome those hurdles, they just needed a bit of time. 

Instead, she just considered what she was learning about Heejin. She was the type to fill an empty role, no matter if it was a hunt or all the way to guard duty. She also seemed to be the sort of person who was in her head a lot—at least she’d thought through the politics of the elves enough to see its limits and its benefits. 

But there was more. She didn’t respect the seers nearly as much as other elves seemed to do. And someone had actually called her out about how she’d been acting. Vivi hadn’t expected that person to be Hyunjin. She was also surprised that Heejin had taken those words to heart. She was missing something about their relationship. Having spent some time around fairies who were either emotionally stunted, or fully in tune with said emotions, Vivi had learned to be careful around these sorts of things. 

And whatever was going on with Hyunjin and Heejin, Vivi wasn’t sure if it was even her place to ask. 

“You were right,” Heejin said. “I want the moon to be wrong.” Her voice had fallen to a whisper. “I’d love it if you were a random occurrence that had no significance in the passage of time.” Her eyes glowed softly. “Because then they’d be wrong about her,” she said. “They’d be wrong about Hyejoo. And we could bring her back.” She looked away. “So you were right. I’d wished you didn’t belong here.” 

Vivi didn’t quite know what to think. She’d expected a more elaborate explanation, yes, but not straight to the point. Not Heejin properly admitting to all of this. 

“No,” the pink-eyed elf shook her head, “I don’t hate you.”

“You hate that I’m here,” Vivi finished. 

Heejin nodded. “So tell me you’re disgusted with what I’ve done. You can even hit me with a rock or something,” an empty laugh, “and you’d be right to.” 

“But it wouldn’t change your anger,” she said. 

“No,” Heejin replied. “I’m angry at what happened. At what’s still happening,” she waved to the trees behind them, “they’ll talk of how prosperous we are, how much better we are than the rest for being chosen by the moon.” She shook her head. “And there’re moments when I can see that, but also ones where the opposite’s true.” 

“Like when people are forced from their homes,” Vivi suggested. 

She nodded again. Then a shadow of something else seemed to come over her. “And more.” 

Vivi didn’t ask. She couldn’t demand that Heejin bare everything in one day. 

“So you’re stuck,” Vivi said instead. “The good and the bad make sure you’re stuck somewhere in the middle.” 

Heejin met her gaze then, but didn’t reply. Her gaze was expectant. Almost hopeful. 

“I wasn’t a true part of my clan,” she said. “But my family and others close to me protected me when they were able to. And my clan helped me when I began to properly study my magic.” 

“Studied it?” Heejin raised a brow. “Is there a lot to learn about,” her lip twitched to the side, “stone?”

Vivi was enormously glad that she didn’t ask her about life with the fae. She could honestly say her life was good there, but Heejin’s attention would likely only be on the negative. Vivi didn’t want to relive that. 

“A great deal.” Vivi smiled. “It’s often how we learn. The beginnings are difficult, even knowing what you wish to latch on to is near impossible, but once you manage the first piece of it, the rest is left to be figured out.” It was a distant time to think of, but she remembered the frustration, as well as the delight when something worked. “You could ask for help, but most questions were possible to figure out yourself.” She brought up some stone in liquid form. “Even if it seems impossible at first.”

The elf watched it. “You enjoyed that. A lot.” She met her eyes. “Isn’t it boring here then?”

“The opposite,” Vivi admitted. “The magic itself is more exciting than I’d believed it before. And there hasn’t been a dull moment around the camp.” And outside of it. 

Surprisingly, Heejin blushed. “I’m sorry.” Her gaze fell away. “I know I said it earlier, but I’m really sorry.” Now everything had fallen away. That included the casual edge to her expression. Vivi had seen early on that Heejin couldn’t hide her anger very well. She had the feeling that she couldn’t do the same with her other feelings. 

Vivi didn’t reply. 

“Hyunjin told me I was acting like I hated you for having the blood of elves and fae,” she sighed, “and that was never the case, but—” She broke off. “But even then, I was still terrible to you and–and,” she trailed off. “And be honest with me about it. I know I was wrong and what I did just made coming here alone even worse.” 

It was as if the past few days, let alone the last hour, had transformed Heejin. Instead of someone who bordered on entitled anger, Vivi just saw someone who was nervous and ashamed. 

“The more I hear of what happened,” Vivi said. She thought of Hyejoo. “The more I understand why you were so against my being here.” She was tempted to reach out, but thought better of it. “And it didn’t make my arrival better,” she chuckled, “but that’s a memory now. It hasn’t cemented what life will be like going forward.” 

Not to mention, first impressions could colour one’s view, but they could be erased as well. Heejin’s was slowly fading at the edges. 

“And I’ll tell you now, that’s not forgiveness, just understanding.” She might’ve even been ready to forgive Heejin fully, but a few moments of regret weren’t quite enough for that. 

Heejin smiled. It must’ve been the first Vivi had seen directed at her. “I think you’d be a better elder than me.” 

Vivi snorted. “That wouldn’t ever be allowed.” 

She shrugged. “There was an elder from another clan. Not Astra, but they’d gotten close to us.”

There was. “When did they fall?”

Her eyes darkened. “Tresteu.” 

Vivi nodded. She knew how destructive that emotional fae’s splinter group had been. He was the prime example for how dangerous the fairies could really be. He was also the reason why everyone ensured they had good relations with the emotional fae. Tresteu's core emotion of anger hadn't even been the full reason for his attacks. He'd zeroed in on an injustice and taken it to an extreme. Many had been dragged into that war. 

In those battles, families had been stripped of their foundations and left to rebuild. If one side had instigated, the other would retaliate. That included other fairies jumping to Tresteu’s defence. Not because they agreed with him, but because they’d wanted the excuse to deal with other conflicts. There’d been little point to any of it. Vivi was relieved that not more of the emotional fae had such a bloodlust. She was glad that almost all of them valued peace and the emotions that it brought. Even if they had a lot of flaws, they detested suffering. They’d made sure that Tresteu was the exception. 

“In this in-between with elders and not, what exactly do you have to do?” It was something she barely understood. Not-yet-elders seemed to get a lot of respect already. The younger elders got more than that. The older ones even more. 

Heejin chuckled. “It’s complicated. We’re involved with a lot of discussions for one,” she said. “And we started with a lot of learning, from the cultures of the main witch branches to the politics of that one fae clan far off in the south.” 

“I don’t even know the people who’re there,” Vivi said. “They isolated themselves long before I was even born.” 

A weight had lifted from the air between them. The extended moment of discomfort Vivi had felt earlier had dissipated. 

“Mostly, we’re either leading certain groups, or going to the rest to manage our ties with them,” she explained. “I do a lot with the fae, as does Haseul. Except she’s been involved with the combat side of things, like actual training, but also patrol.”

In the time Vivi had spent with the Astra, Haseul had been the one to teach her how to wield moonlight. It hadn’t been Jungeun or Jinsoul. 

“Is it normal to do even more than your normal role?”

Heejin’s smile was knowing. “Haseul has always wanted to do everything she can.”

“She seems to be capable of more than many give her credit for,” Vivi said. With how many only begrudgingly respected her, it seemed Haseul was thoroughly underestimated. 

“And forgiveness.” A fond smile appeared on the elf’s face. “She’ll do more for us than the rest ever did.”

“You may as well,” she said. “Given that you share her ability to talk back.” 

The smile grew. “It’s gotten pretty easy to do.” 

A more comfortable silence came over them. It was one Vivi hadn’t thought would be there for at least a year.

“What do you think about doubt?” Heejin asked. “Of both people and,” she broke off, looking up. Vivi didn’t need to follow her gaze to know where she looked. 

“It’s a friend.” 

“One you can trust?”

“Occasionally,” Vivi said. “It’s one to treat with caution. It can be exactly right or lead you somewhere you’d have never wanted to be.” 

Of course, that place could be the right one too. She didn’t mention that element of it. It took years to understand that. 

“If it’s of any note, I don’t believe it’s wrong to doubt the moon.” 

“Blasphemy.” Heejin was smiling. That expression alone made the girl almost lovely. 

“Maybe,” she returned it, “but something that decrees who’s considered family and not, that shows the future, the ties between individuals, and gives you the means to turn shadow to light…” How could she say that without speaking complete heresy? “It’s something that’s very easy to trust.”

“Which is dangerous,” the elf finished. 

Vivi straightened. Just those words were the perfect answer to the statement. Even so, she wondered how many held that belief. How many acknowledged that power like wasn’t necessarily completely good? Or reliable? 

“I didn’t doubt until I saw Hyejoo struggle with not having the light,” Heejin said. “Certain things made it worse, others made it better, but I almost rejected it when they turned her away.” Another dry laugh. “But I still stayed. I didn’t leave to look for her. I just stayed here.”

“Because it’s home,” Vivi replied. “Leaving home’s hard and not something you should do because of outrage.” 

Especially since that emotion flashed bright, but could dull just as quickly. 

“But what about fighting back?” Heejin asked. “They wanted us to believe she was evil.” She looked back at her. “Doubting that wasn’t enough. 

“Maybe not.” Vivi paused, wondering how she could express that. “But there’s been more for others to see that she’s not the one to fear.” Even before meeting Hyejoo, Vivi had known that. “And if I’m not mistaken, many still feel ashamed for what was done. That shows they know it wasn’t right.” She made sure not to say the names of Gowon, Chuu or Yves. That was an easy way to ruin the newfound peace with the elf. 

Heejin frowned. “But we’re all too cowardly to admit it.”

“A push’s needed.” Vivi looked around the trees. She spotted pale spirits flitting about. Not ones that would attack them. “And even if it’s a simple one, it could lead to something better.”

“Sounds like it’ll take a long time.” She sighed. Now she only looked exhausted. 

“Relative to eternity, it’s not long at all.” She nudged her arm. “Immortal, remember?”

Again, Heejin smiled, but it was weak. Vivi knew that Hyejoo’s banishment hadn’t happened that long ago. Simple words couldn’t help anything. Action would. If only she knew what that action could be. 

Coming back had been the right decision. She just wished she could find a proper way to help. 


Hyunjin was used to the cold. Sometimes she even liked it. She’d once hiked across deserts of ice and enjoyed most of the trip. Even though her fingers had been close to freezing up entirely, she’d liked being warmed only by the light within her. 

Only now she didn’t have that light. The cold didn’t leave her even if she sat right beside the fire. She hated that cold. 

It only really left her if Jungeun surrounded her in flames close enough to colour her skin red. She only warmed if the fire burned. And Jinsoul’d never allow that. 

She just had to be on the clearing by a low cliff, sitting in the glare of the moon, all while drinking litre after litre of moonlight infused water. 

Worst of all, she couldn’t even call on the moonlight. If she tried, her head began to hurt. She didn’t want to push it, but she tried every hour. It hadn’t worked yet. 


Hyunjin looked away from the moon. “A bit.”

Arin sat down beside her. She’d tied her hair up, but now took it down. Hyunjin found herself staring. She was allowed to do that with Arin. 

“When’s the search start?” 

“Today,” she replied. “Mimi wants to go sooner to find the towns earlier, but we’re all tired. Seunghee also got roped into a progress report.”

“Only her?” They usually like the entire group to be there. Balanced reports that way. It never happened with Hyojung’s group, but sometimes the truth was bent. Having the entire group there was the best way to avoid that. People were encouraged to call out an exaggeration or blatant lie. That was one thing Hyunjin appreciated about the Astra. Even if it didn’t always apply. 

Arin’s pink eyes sparkled. They seemed brighter tonight. “They’ll start looking for me in five—ten if we’re lucky.” 

Hyunjin had to smile. It felt good to be the person Arin had snuck away too. When she’d been away from camp, they’d snuck into towns together a lot. Oftentimes, they hadn’t had an idea about the language there. Arin had been charming enough with her gestures that they’d gotten by. Most people had just been intimidated by Hyunjin. 

Remembering that, as well as just smiling, helped soothe the cold. Not as much as fire, but the change was noticeable. 

Arin handed her a glowing bowl. Stew with moonlight. 

“If you’re going out there, it may be best not to use any of this on me.”

Arin raised a brow. “I have a lot of light left.”

Hyunjin believed her. Arin was blinding compared to her. 

“I’ve got a lot to spare.” She handed Hyunjin several pieces of moonlight. “A lot that I don’t need. You do.” 

Hyunjin took them. The moonlight was almost too warm to touch. It chipped away at even more of the cold. 

“Why didn’t you split it with the other two?” Arin asked. 

Hyunjin took the first sip of stew. Warm and delicious. “Those two’ve never held that much.” And she hoped they never would. Darkness like that, especially if it didn’t come from a spirit, stuck more with you. Whatever it carried with it, be it anger or fear, felt more potent—more real. 

“And what about others?” She glanced at the moon. “We were coming back. Anyone else could’ve come with.”

“They’d been there for days,” Hyunjin said. “And one person out of commission—”

“Is better than four people weakened?” Arin frowned. “You’re sure about that?”

Hyunjin nodded. “One risk instead of four.” She drained the bowl. “Those’re better odds nowadays.”

For a long moment, she just looked at her. Hyunjin hoped it wasn’t pity being directed at her. 

“Better odds doesn’t make bearing that burden better.”

Hyunjin chuckled. “You’re right about that.” Another thought crossed her mind. 

Had she not taken all of the darkness upon herself, the spirits wouldn’t have followed them. Bright spirits were braver than the dark ones, but they still avoided a group of Astra. Even so, they’d been drawn to the darkness Hyunjin had taken. They’d known she was weak. And then they’d followed. 

Arin inched closer. She took back the bowl. Then she took her hand, the touch comforting.

“This wasn’t your fault,” Arin said firmly. “You went after them, did what you had to in that house, and then were going back. You didn’t call that spirit over and you didn’t tell her to distract it.” Her deep pink eyes were unwavering, but they didn’t make Hyunjin’s stomach flip. “She saved your lives, but you didn’t put them in danger in the first place. That spirit followed.” 

“End of story?” Hyunjin finished. 

The corners of her lips tugged up. 

Hyunjin watched the movement. The ease with which she could let her eyes wander was a comfort in and of itself. 

 Arin’s skin began to glow. A gentle warmth settled over Hyunjin. She also didn’t have to worry others would see. 

“You’re really making yourself great company.”

She smiled. “I’m making sure you’ll want me rushing back.”

Hyunjin patted her hand. “Try harder.” She threw her a wink. 

Arin rolled her eyes tugged at her hand. The warmth from her body made Hyunjin lean into her. She was reminded of nights they’d spent closer. She blushed at those memories. Compared to others, she hadn't been with many people in her life. She'd occasionally visited Hyojung's group to both see them and spend more time with Arin. She cherished the moments where she didn't have to think of how other people saw her. 

“I missed you,” Arin said. 

“Me too,” Hyunjin muttered. 

“You didn’t find a new elf, did you? Or fairy?” A peck to her temple. 

Hyunjin laughed. The close contact seemed like it was helping. 

She looked up, about to say just that when a sweet kiss was pressed to her lips. The cold ache subsided more. 

Immediately, Hyunjin felt a longing rise. It wasn’t that she hadn’t spent time like this with anyone else, she had. But it was different here. 

With her other hand, she pulled Arin closer. 

The first time they’d kissed, Hyunjin had been away from camp for a month. She’d desperately wanted to prove to herself that she could feel something for another. 

It’d taken a year for anything more to happen. Arin had easily sensed that Hyunjin’s mind had been elsewhere. She’d refused to be a “complete substitute”. 

And now, Hyunjin could say that she wasn’t escaping something—someone. Even if she missed those moments from before, she didn’t always think about them. 

Arin hummed. “Five minutes, remember?”

Hyunjin pulled her back. 

“Arin!” a voice called. “Get over here.”

With a chuckle, she broke away. “Told you.”

Hyunjin didn’t know why it was so disappointing. She didn’t feel as cold as before, thankfully, but she wanted more. 

“I’ll see you later.” Arin smiled. 

Her absence was more pronounced than before. Hyunjin’s chest grew heavy with loneliness. 

She knew it was the darkness that emphasised those feelings. She knew it made her feel worse. 

She also knew that the darkness built on things that already existed. 

Hyunjin fought a sigh and turned her attention back to the moon. 


“You know, recovery also comes with rest,” Jinsoul said. She tried not to dwell on Jungeun’s attire for her training. She’d abandoned a shirt completely, having only a band secured around her chest. 

“Should also mean keeping fit,” Jungeun shot back. “Wanna join?” She held up a sword. It was made of metal. 

Jinsoul walked over and took it. The thing was much heavier than moonlight. 

She grimaced. “You’re straining muscles you were barely using before.”

Jungeun laughed. "Not true." She flexed her arm, further defining the muscles there. “When we patrol, I’m getting you a blade of your own.” 

Jinsoul gave her a look, but her heart warmed at the thought of patrolling again. “We've been over this. I've got other defences even without the light. So do you.”

“This’s another one.” She pulled out the knife strapped to her waist. “Come on.” There was an actual spark in her eyes, one that Jinsoul wanted to keep there. 

And she wanted to say no. She really did.

But she couldn’t. Not with that look. 

She hefted the blade swung. It was a terrible feeling, using such a heavy weapon. 

Jungeun ducked. Then she caught hold of Jinsoul’s wrist. The hilt of the dagger was pressed into her stomach. 

“Got you.”

Then they started again. Jungeun kept evading her blows, no matter if she used more of her strength or a different manoeuvre. She stuck to only swings of their blades. She wasn't using any other tactics. It was just something to train Jinsoul using a proper sword. 

When Jinsoul had first gone to see Jungeun’s old clan, they’d been excited to see her. Later on, they’d been ecstatic to meet Yerim as well. Jungeun had gushed about the both of them. Yerim had deserved that gushing. Jinsoul hadn’t. 

In turn, Jungeun’s family and friends had boasted that the Astra would never have a fighter like Jungeun. Her father had told her that Jungeun had trained to move with ease, no matter what injury or weight she was carrying. As fast as a flame, he’d said. Pride had emanated from his entire being. 

He’d described her perfectly. She tried not to think about the cost of that training. 

When Jinsoul took one step, Jungeun had made two. It didn’t matter that Jinsoul had much more light than she did or that her heart was free of darkness. Even if Jungeun was cold and her thoughts were heavy with the past, she could make split-second decisions with ease. 

The only advantage Jinsoul had was how she used that one step. Jungeun usually did something without thinking. It usually worked. 

Until you were able to expect whatever quick move she was making. 

Jinsoul stepped back when Jungeun lunged. She used the flat of the blade to trip her. 

Jungeun stumbled and then fell. She was almost always able to right herself. Not this time. 

Jinsoul dropped the sword and went to her side. Despite the sweat on her brow, Jungeun’s skin was only lukewarm. 

“That’s enough now.” Jinsoul grabbed her own waterskin and handed it to her. “You overdid it.”

She chuckled. “But it was fun.” Her hand found Jinsoul’s. “I missed this.”

That made frowning at Jungeun really difficult. “So did I.”

That was another thing. Jinsoul knew Jungeun wasn’t ready for anything, but so often there were moments where Jungeun became extremely sentimental. Even more than she was. One of her old friends had called her emotionally stunted. Jinsoul preferred calling her slow. And occasionally, incredibly withdrawn. 

“See why I’ll make you train with a sword?” She took a long drink. 

“Not yet.” Jinsoul elbowed her. “But after a week of it, maybe.”

Jungeun grinned. There was something off there. Jinsoul couldn't pinpoint what it was. Was the smile too wide? Or did her eyes just not join in enough? 

“Have you,” she glanced at the sword, “needed it?” She knew that Jungeun had had a lot of battles in her life, a lot more than she had, even though Jinsoul was older. She also knew that some of the battles haunted her. 

At the very least, Jungeun slept better now. 

Jungeun shrugged. “Sometimes.” The corner of her lip tugged up. “It doesn’t hurt to be good at it, especially when you’re hiding this.” She waved at the moon. 

“Okay,” Jinsoul squeezed her hand, “but only when you’re better.” She pressed a chunk of moonlight into her hand. “Because you really should be taking it easy.”

Jungeun held her gaze then. “An hour a night?” 


She sighed. “Alright.”

Jinsoul smiled. “That’s it?” Another thing she both loved and found infuriating: Jungeun’s stubbornness was never consistent. 

“Don’t push it. I’ll rebel.”

“And I’ll stop you.”

Jungeun laughed. “You’re the warm one now.” She moved so that her head rested on Jinsoul's shoulder. She was still too cold. 

Jinsoul put an arm around her. “I need you to be a furnace again.”

“I’m not that hot.”

She had to smile. “You are.”

A poke to her side. “But you think it’s great.”

Jinsoul pulled her closer. “I do.”

Silence. They sat like this a lot, especially in winter. Sometimes, Yerim was with them, other times it was just the two of them. They’d either talk or just sit. 

“I’m not complaining, but what happened to your other patients?”

“You’re the last of the night,” Jinsoul said. “And I have tomorrow off.” She didn’t mention that she was planning to go on patrol. It would’ve ruined the moment. A part of her also didn’t want to let go of Jungeun for a while. 

“How’s Yerim?”

“She can drink moonlit water. Her eyes are still really sensitive to it, but that’s it.” In worser cases, people couldn’t even touch it. It could burn them fully. And sometimes the poisoned light spread. 

Jinsoul pushed that from her thoughts. Yerim wasn’t anywhere close to that. 

Jungeun looked up. “She’ll be okay.” Her expression was firm, but Jinsoul knew she was as worried as she was. 

She nodded. She found herself looking at the darkness still in Jungeun’s heart. It hadn’t let go yet. The rest was almost completely gone, but not the one within her. 

“Hey.” Jungeun shifted so that she was kneeling at her side. Jinsoul missed the contact, so she grabbed her hand. “Yerim’s okay. The others’ll get better. You got Soyeon fully cured. And whatever I have’ll be gone soon too.”

“It should’ve been gone by now.” She said that quietly. She never told others if progress was slow. They usually got too worried. And that just made it worse. 

But Jungeun didn’t look worried. She just smiled. “This wasn’t the usual type of darkness,” she said softly. “Not from a spirit, but a person. Maybe that just takes a little longer.”

And if it doesn’t go away? The question was still there: was it dangerous? Or would it just mean that Jinsoul was the one who had to keep Jungeun warm—that Jungeun’s eyes would stay looking like blood?

“It’ll be okay,” Jungeun said. “I feel better than I did yesterday and I’ll feel even better tomorrow.” A pause. She was hesitating. “And when you came over to spar, I started feeling even better. Not that cold anymore.”

Slowly, so much so that Jinsoul could watch the movement, Jungeun lifted her hand to Jinsoul’s face. Her thumb brushed across her forehead, going to the space between her eyebrows.

“You keep frowning at me,” Jungeun muttered. 

“I’m worried about you,” Jinsoul admitted. 

She shook her head. “You don’t have to be.”

Jinsoul was about to retort, but she was pulled into the other’s arms before she could reply. 

“It’ll be okay.” A small pause. “I know this might not mean much, but neither Yerim or Jiwoo are all that scared for me. And even if I didn’t know that, I’d still be saying I’ll be okay.”

Jungeun shifted again. Now she was sitting, while Jinsoul was half in her arms, half lying on the ground. It was surprisingly comfortable. 

“Do you believe me?” Jungeun asked. She tilted her head and Jinsoul saw a familiar, yet rare vulnerability. Jungeun wanted Jinsoul to have faith in her. To trust her. Jinsoul did, but that wasn’t what mattered here. She also couldn’t lie to Jungeun. 

And even if she could, she wouldn’t. “I want to,” she said. “But we don’t know, not the seers, not you, and not me. It’s nothing we’ve ever seen before.”

“But you can’t act like you know it’ll get worse,” Jungeun muttered. 

“I’m not,” Jinsoul said. “And you can’t tell me you’re completely sure you’ll be okay. I want you to be okay, of course I do, but I’m not sure you will be.” And I can’t risk that

Another soft smile. It was a new sight, but Jinsoul liked seeing it. “You’re right. No one knows, but that doesn’t mean we can’t hope for the best.”

“It’s not that.” Jinsoul sat up. “But us not knowing doesn’t make me feel that confident.”

Jungeun just nodded. After a few seconds, she said, “you’re doing all you can, you know.” She took her hand again. “And all we can do is wait and see how it goes.”

Jinsoul called on the light. She let it warm her skin before sending a fair amount to Jungeun. 

She frowned and started to pull away. 

Jinsoul just held her hand tighter. “I have the day off, remember?” And you’re still cold

Her brow was still furrowed. 

So Jinsoul smoothed it out. 

Jungeun dropped her eyes then. She was looking at the ground. 

Jinsoul wished she’d bring them back up. Neither of them were leaning away, but they weren’t doing anything else either. Jinsoul wished one of them would. 

Was it unfair that she wanted Jungeun to do something? Selfish? Or was it both?

Jungeun leaned back then, a tiny sigh leaving her. “Should we go give Yerim dinner?”

“I told Yeojin to do it.” 

She raised a brow. “Do they get along now?”

“Not sure.” Jinsoul shrugged. “But she hasn’t gone to her once. It’s about time they talk.”

Jungeun smirked. “I feel like you have a plan.”

She winked. “We’ll find out.” She knew Yerim had nothing against her, but also that Yeojin had somehow developed some sort of grudge. She had no idea why. 

“So it’s just us.” Jungeun got to her feet. She stepped away, but didn’t let go of Jinsoul’s hand. At least there was that. 

“Just us.”


Author's Note

Bit more of a 'casual chapter' this time. Heejin and Vivi are finally talking, for one thing, which I've been eager to get to.

And then there's a bit more of Hyunjin's story. I wouldn't say she's moved on, but life certainly went a different direction for her after she found out about the bond. I don't think either character would call it an actual relationship, but it's something. 

Finally, there's Jungeun and Jinsoul. The best way I can describe them is that they're extremely close, but have some unanswered questions. 

Regardless, I hope you're all doing well. I'm in the middle of studying and this story has been my only break from that. Thank you all for keeping up with this story. As always, if you have any thoughts about the story, be they about the relationships, the plot, or otherwise, I'd love to read them! 

See you next chapter. 

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StarEz1 #1
Chapter 47: Absolutely wonderful chapter as always. I love how you write so detailed, I really feel like I'm there and experiencing their emotions with them. The couples kisses being described as gentle and laughter makes uwu whenever I think about it. The before and after effects of the characters relationships and themselves from the first few chapters to now is extraordinary to witness. I'm glad to see everyone is slowly but surely getting the healing they need, seeing ot12 together again is healing enough for me. I hope they stay together longer, or at least come back together soon.

Thank you for writing and I hope you stay safe and healthy!!
_boom_ #2
Chapter 47: Another great, long-@ss chapter as expected! Awesome read!

Be safe and stay healthy as well!
Chapter 45: I finally read this chapter. I have been putting it off because I had to focus on other things, plus if I read this I keep thinking about it, like continiously wondering what will happen next or what if this happens.
I was completely in love with your story from the start and I'm only falling more in love with it. I've seen some comments about this chapter and I dont't think I have anything to add. This chapter (like the whole story) was keeping me on edge and at times I found it hard to read because of all the pain and sadness I was felling for the characters. I never felt like this with any other stories or books so thank you, I am indulged in this completely.

I want to congratulate you for writing this masterpiece and for sharing it with us. You are amazing so don't worry about how you could have done anything better, it's already exceptional! I actually love how this story brings out my emotions.
I can't wait to read the rest but I'll wait a bit or else I'll be too distracted from things I have to do. Anyways, thanks again dear author, stay safe and healthy everyone!
Chapter 45: I finally read this chapter. I have been putting it off because I had to focus on other things, plus if I read this I keep thinking about it, like continiously wondering what will happen next or what if this happens.
I was completely in love with your story from the start and I'm only falling more in love with it. I've seen some comments about this chapter and I dont't think I have anything to add. This chapter (like the whole story) was keeping me on edge and at times I found it hard to read because of all the pain and sadness I was felling for the characters. I never felt like this with any other stories or books so thank you, I am indulged in this completely.

I want to congratulate you for writing this masterpiece and for sharing it with us. You are amazing so don't worry about how you could have done anything better, it's already exceptional! I actually love how this story brings out my emotions.
I can't wait to read the rest but I'll wait a bit or else I'll be too distracted from things I have to do. Anyways, thanks again dear author, stay safe and healthy everyone!
StarEz1 #5
Chapter 46: This chapter was so worth it. From all the battles, angst, and all the ups and downs they went through, they are finally Here. Here Together. The scene where Haseul is looking around and seeing everyone finally being together after so long, interacting in an almost domestic way with no contention between each other or division. Wow. I felt refreshed and content seeing them with the simple of sharing a meal around a fire with old friends. Chefs kiss to you author.

Also that Lipsoul KiSS!!! It was like I was watching a movie with how well it was played in my head. Great job! I love how you incorporated the flashbacks from TSotL into this chapter. Especially with Jinsoul helping Jeungen block out silence with water current noise. Just like those Lipsoul memories were helping jinsoul block out the more violent memories. At least that's how I viewed it haha

And let's not forget that's Hyewon first hug after like 50 years. 😭😭😭😭 I love them so much! That sort of awkwardness is expected, but is so enduring to finally see them be at least a little bit more happier with each other, there bond being fixed too is a cherry on top. Just Chaewon not being dreaded with so much guilt but now with lightness (even if not moon light) is such a sight to see.

I love reading TLofL! As much as you can put into the Aftermatch, know I will gladly read it all.
Chapter 46: Relief. This whole chapter is just one big sigh of relief one after the other whew.

Kinda didn't realize how big of an impact the experience Haseul had on her until the fighting is over and everything is sorta peaceful, bec it's in the silence that her thoughts and memories seem to be more amplified... I think she needs another breakdown cry and therapy... now I wonder what is the elves' concept of therapy lol

When they started waking up one by one it was like a big pressure was lifted off my chest!  Feels liked a bond is forming between 2jin, I wonder if that's possible or the warmth they felt is the love they have for each other regardless of any bond?

I'M SO GLAD MY BABY CHAEWON IS OK!!! So she is really not destined to have light, but Hyejoo is the one who's half and half wow interesting  (thinking noises) and that healed their bond too woohoo I do hope they strengthen that bond in the future

There is one line that stuck to me: "Thinking about 'what ifs' now that we're all alive, makes the peace we could have now harder." Like yes, what happened happened, but dwelling in the past and all the possibilities makes it harder to appreciate what you have right now, such wise words from Vivi :') (and you lol)

And the kiss, THE KISSS this felt like the of tsotl hahaha but like omg finally FINALLYYY THEY KISSED HUHUHU all that pent up feelings finally out with that kiss but sad that it took one of them almost dying (for the 2nd time like mygod they had to both experience that feeling of losing the other) just for that freaking kiss and boy was it worth it!

The end of the story is coming, and trying to remember tnatf, are they gonna go their separate ways for a bit but then come back together? Bec iirc some of them had experience with technology (knowing that hyejoo will know how to drive etc)... anyways i'm just glad things are starting to get better, slowly (lol)
Chapter 45: Where is the lie??!?! (Bec the chap title is the light the fic is called the lie of the light getit getit? Sorry I'll show myself out)

Kidding aside, the action the drama, that freakin cliffhanger!!! ( which made me think and remember tnatf and other past scenes in this fic that showed hyeju's light resides in her eyes right?) Like omg everytime I read a new chapter it makes me go oh and I reread the past chapters again...

Anyway so many emotions, and Etera hello we meet again! Omg I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, will chaewon be ok, will the bond return but its like a darkness version of it, will Chaewon be ok, what will they do now that the biggest threat Alluin is gone, will Chaewon be OK, how will the other Astra react to them coming back, WILL CHAEWON BE OK? Take your time with the next chapter bec I know it's gonna be awesome but PLEASE TELL ME CHAEWON WILL BE OK HUHUHU
StarEz1 #8
Chapter 45: This chapter is so beautifully written, like wow, you really got my heart and tears falling freely with this update. I'm so happy you updated and kept writing this story, it definitely made my day seeing this update. You did not disappoint with this in any way! Amazing action scenes and those heart wrenching ugh😭 I felt so immersed I couldn't stop reading! The character development with hyweon from the beginning to this chapter is extraordinary to witness, I need them both to stay alive or you're gonna have to pay for my therapy. Honestly, I never screamed so much for a chapter like this one for so many different reasons, but seeing all of them finally together and fighting with and for each other, gave me chills in the best way. I can't wait to read the aftermatch chapters whenever you update them! Take care and stay safe until then!!❤❤
_boom_ #9
Chapter 45: Wow...wow...wow...
My emotions are running high right now and during and after reading it. Still is...need to re-read it again just in case I missed something or anything. Brain is working overtime!
Thank you for giving us this very, very lengthy chapter (need to emphasize this lol)! Worth reading tho! Thanks again for your time, patience, sweat, tears(?), and your immense love for this fic!
_boom_ #10
Chapter 44: This is one hell of a read and I looove every characters here! As a reader, you can see everyone's POV. Fear of the unknown is a b!tch that's why we jump to conclusion and we end up ing everything in the end coz the rational minds flew out of the window so to speak. I love supernatural beings and mythology and magic, fairies, elves you name it. Most importantly, I love your take in each characters and pairs, their ups and downs, their beautiful and sad moments that made them unique and standout in their own.

I can feel the magic here. I hope you know Rick Riordan and do some mythology fics in the future and will surely read that. I am also a fan of Terry Brooks, The Shannara Chronicles. I've read 30 plus books and still not done. I would love to recommend reading his works and it would be worth reading!

Anyways,thank you for writing this and giving us updates. We are spoiled here people! Of course, stay safe and be healthy always!take care all of you!