
The Lie of the Light

Olivia watched as the guards sat down around a fire. They were far too relaxed. There wasn’t the slightest inkling that their employer was in danger tonight. 

She’d be making her presence known, but she'd do that another way. She’d not fight these men. Not this time. 

As she went along the edges of the road, darkness crept onto her skin, coating the edges of her arms. She felt it on her face. It caressed her skin, as if it knew what she intended to do. Was it encouraging? Or trying to pull her back? She only knew that it made her feel stronger. 

The moon was out as well. Olivia risked a glance at it. It was a half-moon. Waxing. What light did reach her stung. 

Anger rose up . She shrank away. She didn’t like that she was acting underneath its light. And yet, it was also a reminder that what happened today would be its fault. It had left her with darkness and shadows. 

She climbed the wall, catching word of the conversation. They spoke of new rumours among the class above their employer. They spoke of being unsettled when they went home, that they felt watched. They spoke of beautiful men and women coming to the towns, drinking and laughing in their taverns. 

The last part unsettled her more. The Astra were still in this area—country. Shouldn’t they have left by now? Who was ruling against it? 

Olivia shook her head, dropping down from the wall, her feet almost soundless. Not one word from the guards had grown hesitant. They were wholly focused on their chatter. It was all that kept them engaged during such a long and uneventful night. 

When their negligence was revealed, would they be relived from duty? Would they be punished as the mortals did to criminals? Would they be executed? No, carelessness wasn’t usually awarded with death. There was the chance they’d be put into a cage.

The thought let her summon a blade of darkness with ease. She looked at the house. It was one of the long and wide ones of wood. Only one story. Unless she wanted a view, there would be no further climbing. 

There was light in the house, but little enough that Olivia could still sneak as she wanted to. 

The point was to draw attention, but she went to where she heard no footsteps, nor soft breathing. Digging her knife into the wood of the house was simple. It gave way easily, rotting as the blade sank further. She cut her entry into the house and pulled the half-rotted piece of wood away. All so easy. 

She thought of someone who’d be horrified of the sight. Several others joined that list. She tried not to think of their faces. She tried to push pale green eyes out of her thoughts. She failed.

The darkness had spread further across her skin. Half of her face might have been covered. She wasn’t sure. She didn't know what she looked like, probably fresh from a nightmare. She pushed that from her mind as well. 

Olivia thought instead of the target. She thought of the crude drawing and the descriptions of his habits. He slept late, spending much of the night drinking in his study, either working or simply thinking. 

She crept down the hall, feet making rustling noises across the floor. Was it made of straw? Or a different sort of cloth?

There were no guards in the house. It was both too small for that and, as the guards outside proved, thought to be unnecessary. She grimaced at how false the statement was. 

Olivia opened one door. Behind it was bedroom. The one in the bed was a young girl. The next held a boy who couldn’t have been older than twenty, if even that. The next room held a woman, but the bed was larger. The space beside her was untouched. So the information that he slept late was correct. Either the woman paid someone for the information or she had known him better than she’d let on.

In the back of her mind, Olivia thought of the boy's age. If the previous woman hadn't been able to give him children, then this man had found another at least two decades earlier. Was Olivia avenging someone who'd died years ago? No wonder there had been so much anger in that human. The outrage and hatred had festered. Olivia knew those feelings well. She knew how they ate away at a person. 

It took some tries to find the study. Some of the staff seemed to live here. Some slept restlessly, but all slept. Once again, it was easy. 

Then, finally, a way’s away from the chamber with his wife, Olivia found the study. She slid open the door, darkness still surrounding her. She saw him in deep thought, a half-full glass in his hands. The room smelled of smoke. It was something she’d seen once before in a land farther away. It seemed such men were more similar than she’d thought.

She stepped inside and closed the door. He glanced up and his eyes widened. 

Olivia summoned a black coil and wrapped it around his mouth. He let out a muffled yell and stood. 

She strode over, took the weak blows of his fists and yanked his arms behind his back.

She took hold of his shadow then and watched him stiffen. The feeling was unsettling, she knew that. How it would feel to those who had never truly known how prominent their shadow was, she didn’t know. 

“Scream and I’ll not hesitate.” Olivia let a long and thin knife appear in the air in front of him. Its point then inched towards the base of his neck. “Will you scream?” With purposefully louder steps, she went around to look him in the eye. 

It was a pathetic sight in front of her. His legs were immobile, he trembled, and his eyes were locked on the weapon in front of him. 

“Will you scream?” Olivia repeated. 

He shook his head. Once, twice, three times. 

She took away the darkness around his mouth. 

“What do you want?” he spluttered. It was loud, but not a scream. 

Already, she felt the darkness wrapping around her heart. It was a gentle embrace. It felt as if it was urging her to speak. 

“I was sent to kill you.” 

A sound very close to a whimper escaped him. He looked at her with new eyes now. More terrified than before. “Why?”

Should she give him justification? Ask if he had actually done what the woman had told her? She hadn’t stopped to wonder if she had lied or not. But she wouldn’t know if he was lying either. 

“Someone wants you dead,” Olivia said. She could’ve described the woman. She could have told him the reasons. But that would open her to hearing his insistence that he was innocent. She would hate to hear him beg. And she would hate even more to hear desperate excuses or lies. 


Shaking her head, she took hold of the blade, pulling it away from the position on his neck. She pressed the point to his heart.

She realised two things then. Pulling it away had been easy. As had bringing it back. Would pressing it down be even easier?

The grip of the darkness tightened over her heart. Its cold grip had spread to her hand, as if to give her strength. 

“Please,” he said. “Whatever you are, whoever sent you, please don’t do it.” 

Olivia waited for him to list his reasons. She waited for him to offer her more money. She waited for him to tell her that he had a family, a wife who would sleep alone in a bed for years, children who would go to bed without their father to say goodnight to. 

She didn’t hear any of it. She only saw his eyes looking at her with a silent plea. 

He didn’t need to say it. Olivia knew his children would miss him. She knew how much they’d miss him. It didn’t matter that they’d known him only briefly, and wouldn’t remember much of their childhood. It didn’t matter that they wouldn’t live as long as she did. None of it mattered, because they’d live those lives without a father to guide and love them. 

Maybe he was responsible for the death of another. Maybe he was the reason for other deaths as well. Maybe his death was justified and the woman who’d hired her would have a peace of mind, knowing that her sister had been avenged. So many things may have been true. And all it took was for one action to be made. 

Olivia took the blade away. The darkness didn't disappear, but its grip on her softened. It helped her drop her arm. 

He looked at it, then at her. Dread was still in his eyes. He expected it to be a trick. 

Olivia absorbed the darkness, knowing it would seep into her fingers and coat them in black. It had the potential to leak into his nightmares as well. 

“Just because I’m not going to do it,” Olivia slowly released her hold on his shadow, “doesn’t mean you’re free of danger.” She turned away and left the room. Only then did she fully release his shadow. Amazingly, she didn’t hear him bellow for his guards. 

Olivia found the place she’d cut into the house and slipped out of it. Hiding in the shadows, she left the grounds. 

This was a failure. She knew Alluin and the rest would see it as such. What would the cost be? Would they force her to fulfil a kill, while someone threatened her own life? She didn’t know. And she wouldn’t go back to find that out. 

She was in a country whose language she knew. Where she went next depended on who else was here. If the Astra were still there, she’d go the other way. But she longed to at least see the woods she’d grown up in. She’d longed to go home and while she didn’t want to see the people there, she wanted something familiar

Some of the silver she had with her lined the insides of her clothes, while more lay on the bottom of her pack. It would let her buy what she needed to when she needed it. 

And when it ran out, she’d find another way to get her money. She’d steal again. She knew that much. Would she try something else? Work with a mortal in return for payment? Honest work this time. Their demands of her would pale in comparison to what she’d already been asked to do. 

Olivia reached a crop of trees, a good way’s away from that house. The moment she crossed the threshold, she felt tears start to form. 

She was leaving again. She wasn’t leaving anyone she’d miss, but she was leaving without being forced out. 

She looked down at her hands to find them steady. At least there was that. 

Olivia closed her eyes, searching for those like her or spirits that hunted her. She found nothing. She was alone. 

She didn’t have to leave. She could rescue the burning ties to her current life by turning around. She’d still have a place if she just did what she’d been asked to do. There would be a tent waiting for her. 

And money, Olivia thought

Getting money and a place to stay hadn’t been difficult before. She’d stolen to get those things. How different would killing be? 

Very different

Her mind brought thoughts of what else she’d done. Had she needed to do that? Had she needed to steal? 

Olivia shook her head. Questioning her own morality would get her nowhere. It was frayed, but not lost. She hadn't killed that man. She could cling to the remnants of her morality now. 

As she walked in the direction of home, she saw the moon peeking through the leaves above her. Anger didn’t wash over her at the sight of it. She just felt tired. 

Even so, as she walked on, something was different. The moonlight wasn’t burning her skin. 


Beside her, Chaewon stiffened. 

“What?” Chuu asked. She saw the air in front of the girl brighten. The light went away from her like a hand reaching out. Then it snapped back to the girl. 

Chaewon frowned. “I just,” she placed a hand to her chest, “something's changed?”

Chuu watched the light pull away from her again. It coated the black shards that left her chest. The remnants of the bond. 

Her frown deepened. “Did she do something else?” 

Sooyoung glanced at Chuu, her eyes questioning. Exactly the look Chuu didn’t want to see directed at her. She looked as if she knew Chuu was seeing more than she did. "Is it painful?”

Chaewon shook her head. “I can’t describe it, but it feels,” she trailed off. “It feels better.” 

Chuu watched as the light seeped about a metre across the broken bond. It was still in pieces, but a part of it was silver. It wasn’t grey, nor was it black, but silver. A part of it glowed. There was still darkness, but that didn't make Chuu feel unsettled. It only reminded her of the person on the other side of the bond. It only made her miss her more. 

Immediately, Chuu wanted to tell her. Chaewon didn’t look like she’d been able to see it. What if Chuu’s news would finally bring a smile to her face? Hope to her eyes? 

She pushed the urge down. She couldn’t say it now. And if nothing came of it, what would she have done then? Given someone false hope? Chuu wouldn’t be able to stomach the disappointment. Hers she could handle, but not Chaewon. 

Still, this was something. Chuu looked at the forest floor. There was a clearer path. Chuu knew it led to a town, not the closest one, nor even the one across that. But it led to mortals. And Hyejoo. 

“So did she do something good?” Chaewon asked. “Or not do something?” Her fingers traced over her heart. The hope was already in her eyes. 

“I don’t know,” Chuu said. “But it has to be better than before. If it doesn’t hurt.” 

Chaewon shook her head. She was focused on the space in front of her. She could see it now too. “Silver,” she murmured. Her eyes were wide. “Like her eyes." 

Sooyoung and Chuu exchanged glances. Neither of them knew what that meant. Hyejoo’s eyes had been mostly black, but sometimes they’d held light. Like their own crystal-like eyes. 

“The light I always saw in them,” Chaewon continued. “It wasn’t white, it was always silver.” 


Author's Note

I wasn't sure where exactly this chapter would fall, but recent events made it clear that it should be here. My writing often includes themes that I'm familiar with or ones I'm just really fascinated with. Other times I write about topics/subjects that I want explored, if only to offer a different perspective on them. This chapter was always coming, but I wanted to have it here as a reminder that life is valuable. It is also something we cannot think of as simple or fleeting, because it is anything but. We must also be very much aware of the power we can sometimes have in the lives of another.

That's why this chapter was focused on the decision made not to kill, even if there had been a reason to. Shadows can follow us on paths we know aren't right (or ones we still believe are, but don't know are the wrong ones), but they can still slowly fall away depending on decisions and circumstance. 

While this chapter was on the shorter side, I hope it still feels like enough. I may not have written this as a direct response to recent events and it hardly tackles the subject itself, I did write this to establish that mercy and kindness are some of the most valuable things we have in life. There's more to that list, but I don't think I need to list them today. 

I hope you're all well and safe. See you next chapter. 

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StarEz1 #1
Chapter 47: Absolutely wonderful chapter as always. I love how you write so detailed, I really feel like I'm there and experiencing their emotions with them. The couples kisses being described as gentle and laughter makes uwu whenever I think about it. The before and after effects of the characters relationships and themselves from the first few chapters to now is extraordinary to witness. I'm glad to see everyone is slowly but surely getting the healing they need, seeing ot12 together again is healing enough for me. I hope they stay together longer, or at least come back together soon.

Thank you for writing and I hope you stay safe and healthy!!
_boom_ #2
Chapter 47: Another great, long-@ss chapter as expected! Awesome read!

Be safe and stay healthy as well!
Chapter 45: I finally read this chapter. I have been putting it off because I had to focus on other things, plus if I read this I keep thinking about it, like continiously wondering what will happen next or what if this happens.
I was completely in love with your story from the start and I'm only falling more in love with it. I've seen some comments about this chapter and I dont't think I have anything to add. This chapter (like the whole story) was keeping me on edge and at times I found it hard to read because of all the pain and sadness I was felling for the characters. I never felt like this with any other stories or books so thank you, I am indulged in this completely.

I want to congratulate you for writing this masterpiece and for sharing it with us. You are amazing so don't worry about how you could have done anything better, it's already exceptional! I actually love how this story brings out my emotions.
I can't wait to read the rest but I'll wait a bit or else I'll be too distracted from things I have to do. Anyways, thanks again dear author, stay safe and healthy everyone!
Chapter 45: I finally read this chapter. I have been putting it off because I had to focus on other things, plus if I read this I keep thinking about it, like continiously wondering what will happen next or what if this happens.
I was completely in love with your story from the start and I'm only falling more in love with it. I've seen some comments about this chapter and I dont't think I have anything to add. This chapter (like the whole story) was keeping me on edge and at times I found it hard to read because of all the pain and sadness I was felling for the characters. I never felt like this with any other stories or books so thank you, I am indulged in this completely.

I want to congratulate you for writing this masterpiece and for sharing it with us. You are amazing so don't worry about how you could have done anything better, it's already exceptional! I actually love how this story brings out my emotions.
I can't wait to read the rest but I'll wait a bit or else I'll be too distracted from things I have to do. Anyways, thanks again dear author, stay safe and healthy everyone!
StarEz1 #5
Chapter 46: This chapter was so worth it. From all the battles, angst, and all the ups and downs they went through, they are finally Here. Here Together. The scene where Haseul is looking around and seeing everyone finally being together after so long, interacting in an almost domestic way with no contention between each other or division. Wow. I felt refreshed and content seeing them with the simple of sharing a meal around a fire with old friends. Chefs kiss to you author.

Also that Lipsoul KiSS!!! It was like I was watching a movie with how well it was played in my head. Great job! I love how you incorporated the flashbacks from TSotL into this chapter. Especially with Jinsoul helping Jeungen block out silence with water current noise. Just like those Lipsoul memories were helping jinsoul block out the more violent memories. At least that's how I viewed it haha

And let's not forget that's Hyewon first hug after like 50 years. 😭😭😭😭 I love them so much! That sort of awkwardness is expected, but is so enduring to finally see them be at least a little bit more happier with each other, there bond being fixed too is a cherry on top. Just Chaewon not being dreaded with so much guilt but now with lightness (even if not moon light) is such a sight to see.

I love reading TLofL! As much as you can put into the Aftermatch, know I will gladly read it all.
Chapter 46: Relief. This whole chapter is just one big sigh of relief one after the other whew.

Kinda didn't realize how big of an impact the experience Haseul had on her until the fighting is over and everything is sorta peaceful, bec it's in the silence that her thoughts and memories seem to be more amplified... I think she needs another breakdown cry and therapy... now I wonder what is the elves' concept of therapy lol

When they started waking up one by one it was like a big pressure was lifted off my chest!  Feels liked a bond is forming between 2jin, I wonder if that's possible or the warmth they felt is the love they have for each other regardless of any bond?

I'M SO GLAD MY BABY CHAEWON IS OK!!! So she is really not destined to have light, but Hyejoo is the one who's half and half wow interesting  (thinking noises) and that healed their bond too woohoo I do hope they strengthen that bond in the future

There is one line that stuck to me: "Thinking about 'what ifs' now that we're all alive, makes the peace we could have now harder." Like yes, what happened happened, but dwelling in the past and all the possibilities makes it harder to appreciate what you have right now, such wise words from Vivi :') (and you lol)

And the kiss, THE KISSS this felt like the of tsotl hahaha but like omg finally FINALLYYY THEY KISSED HUHUHU all that pent up feelings finally out with that kiss but sad that it took one of them almost dying (for the 2nd time like mygod they had to both experience that feeling of losing the other) just for that freaking kiss and boy was it worth it!

The end of the story is coming, and trying to remember tnatf, are they gonna go their separate ways for a bit but then come back together? Bec iirc some of them had experience with technology (knowing that hyejoo will know how to drive etc)... anyways i'm just glad things are starting to get better, slowly (lol)
Chapter 45: Where is the lie??!?! (Bec the chap title is the light the fic is called the lie of the light getit getit? Sorry I'll show myself out)

Kidding aside, the action the drama, that freakin cliffhanger!!! ( which made me think and remember tnatf and other past scenes in this fic that showed hyeju's light resides in her eyes right?) Like omg everytime I read a new chapter it makes me go oh and I reread the past chapters again...

Anyway so many emotions, and Etera hello we meet again! Omg I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, will chaewon be ok, will the bond return but its like a darkness version of it, will Chaewon be ok, what will they do now that the biggest threat Alluin is gone, will Chaewon be OK, how will the other Astra react to them coming back, WILL CHAEWON BE OK? Take your time with the next chapter bec I know it's gonna be awesome but PLEASE TELL ME CHAEWON WILL BE OK HUHUHU
StarEz1 #8
Chapter 45: This chapter is so beautifully written, like wow, you really got my heart and tears falling freely with this update. I'm so happy you updated and kept writing this story, it definitely made my day seeing this update. You did not disappoint with this in any way! Amazing action scenes and those heart wrenching ugh😭 I felt so immersed I couldn't stop reading! The character development with hyweon from the beginning to this chapter is extraordinary to witness, I need them both to stay alive or you're gonna have to pay for my therapy. Honestly, I never screamed so much for a chapter like this one for so many different reasons, but seeing all of them finally together and fighting with and for each other, gave me chills in the best way. I can't wait to read the aftermatch chapters whenever you update them! Take care and stay safe until then!!❤❤
_boom_ #9
Chapter 45:
My emotions are running high right now and during and after reading it. Still is...need to re-read it again just in case I missed something or anything. Brain is working overtime!
Thank you for giving us this very, very lengthy chapter (need to emphasize this lol)! Worth reading tho! Thanks again for your time, patience, sweat, tears(?), and your immense love for this fic!
_boom_ #10
Chapter 44: This is one hell of a read and I looove every characters here! As a reader, you can see everyone's POV. Fear of the unknown is a b!tch that's why we jump to conclusion and we end up ing everything in the end coz the rational minds flew out of the window so to speak. I love supernatural beings and mythology and magic, fairies, elves you name it. Most importantly, I love your take in each characters and pairs, their ups and downs, their beautiful and sad moments that made them unique and standout in their own.

I can feel the magic here. I hope you know Rick Riordan and do some mythology fics in the future and will surely read that. I am also a fan of Terry Brooks, The Shannara Chronicles. I've read 30 plus books and still not done. I would love to recommend reading his works and it would be worth reading!

Anyways,thank you for writing this and giving us updates. We are spoiled here people! Of course, stay safe and be healthy always!take care all of you!