Couples dance class

Let's Dance!
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Moonbyul stood by the bedroom door watching her wife looking at her reflection in the mirror one last time.


- C’mon, Dahee. We’re going to be late, Hwasa and Wheein are already there waiting for us.

- Ok, ok, let’s go. - Dahee grabbed her purse off the bed and the couple started making their way downstairs. - Urgh, I feel terrible forcing Yuna to sleep this early just because we wanna go out.

- Me too, but I don’t trust a babysitter to take care of our baby. I’d have to be someone we trust, or recommended by someone we know, like in Parasite.

- You know that didn’t end well for them, right?

- It’s fine, we don’t have a basement. When we find someone like that, I’ll give it a chance, ok?


After a ten-minute ride, the two finally arrived at the dance studio.


Moonbyul was extremely excited, it was the first time that she and Dahee did some actual couple activity in a while, she wanted to feel connected and have fun with her wife, like the things they did when they started dating eight years ago.


----- 6 YEARS AGO ------


Laying down on the sand beside a fireplace, Moonbyul and Dahee looked at the stars in the clear sky.


- I can’t believe you have a beach house. It looks like dating a rich milf has its benefits.

- Hey! - Dahee slapped Moonbyul’s arm jokingly, causing the younger girl to growl in fake pain. - I’m not a milf, and now that you finally graduated you’re gonna be wayyy richer than I am.

- Yes, you are! I’m 22 and you’re 30. I’m your baby girl and you’re my mommy. - Moonbyul pouted while hanging onto Dahee’s arm.

- Ew! - Dahee got up instantly, causing the younger girl to burst out laughing. - You’re hopeless, Moonbyul. Okay, I’ll go to the bathroom, be right back.

- Okay, mommy.


Now alone, Moonbyul looked at the sky, smiling while remembering the moments that lead to this.


Right now, Moonbyul couldn’t be happier. She had just graduated in computer engineering, she was close to opening her own company and she was looking at the stars on her unbelievable pretty girlfriend’s beach house; she was leaving her dream.


Moonbyul and Dahee had been dating for exactly three years at this point.


That morning Moonbyul woke up at 7:30 a.m. with Dahee standing at their bedroom door with two suitcases by her side, telling Moonbyul to get up that they were going to travel. 


After a couple of hours in the car, Moonbyul just out and when she opened her eyes again, they were parked beside a gorgeous tiny house on some beach she never heard about.  


- Moonbyul! - Dahee’s voice brought her back to reality.

- What?!

- Come here!

- Why?

- Just come! 


Moonbyul got up and started making her way into the house that seemed a little weird from the outside, the living room was now oddly illuminated.


- Here I am. - she stopped the moment she opened the door to see a bunch of candles all over the place. - What is this, Dahee?

- Come here. - Dahee held her hand into the air and the younger girl hesitated a bit, but ended up walking towards her, grabbing the hand while standing in front of her. - So… three years, huh? It feels like I know since forever but, at the same time, like I meet you yesterday, because you, somehow, always find a way to show me something new about you or about myself even. When you look at the number, it may seem a little t

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Chapter 15: I feel bad for dahee but well she was given a chance and she knows what she needed to improve yet she made the same mistake… while I want to turn a blind eye to that “cheating” on the part of moonbyul since she tried to fix things with her wife although in the end they still settled with the divorce but I’m happy that dahee was a grown woman who accepted that they weren’t a match anymore and that byul really fell for yongsun. Btw, I appreciate that byul will always make sure that yuna was not around or that she will not hear it whenever she and dahee argue.

one of my favorites 🥰 thank you, author-nim 🫶🏻
Chapter 15: Great story!!
Taesoo99 #3
Chapter 3: but great work authornim 🤌🏻
Taesoo99 #4
Chapter 3: really good story but i wish it was a bit longer.....ended in a hurry
Chapter 15: I cry at the ending 😭 (happy tears btw)
svela2233 #6
Chapter 14: 😂😂
svela2233 #7
Chapter 4: That phone bit was cute and something I'd probably do 😂
svela2233 #8
Chapter 1: How dare you! 😤
Chapter 14: lol they really tricked both yongsun and byul huh XD
Chapter 14: Yessss thank youuuuuuu