Chapter 17


After telling Leeteuk to stay downstairs, ZhouMi followed Henry up to where Kangin was sleeping to find him anything but settled.
“I came in to see if he needed anything and found him passed out on the floor. I managed to wake him up long enough to get him on the bed but he lost consciousness again. We can’t let Leeteuk see him like this… He doesn’t need to see him dying for a second time”
“Its okay Henry he’s not going to die, I won’t let that happen… Not again.”
ZhouMi shook Kangin gently to wake him up as Henry went into the bathroom and got a cold wet cloth from the sink before walking back over and laying it across Kangin’s forehead.
“Kangin wake up, I need you to open your eyes for me”
Kangin groaned at ZhouMi’s touch before opening his eyes, with difficulty, his skin was clammy to the touch, matching his increasingly high fever.
“What’s going on?” he mumbled, swallowing thickly to try and rid the dryness in his mouth and throat.
“You’re dying Kangin… But im not going to let you, Leeteuk needs you”
“Everything hurts…”
“Just stay still, we need to try and get your fever down for a start and then we can focus on everything else… You need blood Kangin but Leeteuk can’t give you his right now, just hold on a little longer okay”
Kangin nodded weakly.


As the sedative finally wore off Kyuhyun slowly opened his eyes and glanced around the room. It was dark but the light shining through the blinds suggested it was daytime, he could hear talking not far from his room as doctors and nurses checked their other patients.
He coughed painfully before he felt a shift on his thigh. Raising his head the best he could he noticed Sungmin sat on a chair beside the bed, he was leaning over and using Kyuhyun’s thigh as a pillow, his hand resting on Kyuhyun’s stomach, there were dried tear tracks down Sungmin’s cheeks suggesting he had been crying.
Kyuhyun raised his hand and ran his fingers gently through Sungmin’s hair, the older boy nuzzled his face into the blanket covering the younger boy before lifting his head up to a smiling Kyuhyun.
“Hey sleepy head, how’re you feeling?”
“Sore, tired” Kyuhyun answered quietly, unable to find his usual voice. Sungmin smiled as he stood from his seat and leaned over to kiss Kyuhyun softly on the lips.
“Go back to sleep, I’ll be right here when you wake up”
“Is Teukie alright?” Kyuhyun asked and Sungmin’s grip on the bed railings tightened momentarily before he relaxed and smiled.
“Teukie’s fine” he lied “Now go back to sleep, you need to rest”
“Mhm” Kyuhyun smiled before sleep took hold of him.


“Henry go down to the kitchen and grab the bag of ice from the freezer, we need to cool him down before his fever gets too high and he ends up in another coma… one that he won’t wake up from”
Henry nodded and ran downstairs to find Leeteuk sat on the sofa with his legs pulled up to his chest and tear tracks down his cheeks.
“Hyung are you alright?”
“I’ll be fine. What’s going on?” Leeteuk nodded as he wiped his eyes.
“Kangin’s a little hot so im getting him some ice” Henry smiled as he poured coffee and some other liquid into a flask and screwed on the lid before grabbing the bag of ice from the freezer.
“Why don’t you go to the hospital and see Kyu, it might take your mind off things if you can speak to him” he smiled before running upstairs.

Henry handed the bag of ice to ZhouMi before removing the cloth from Kangin’s forehead and replacing it with another.
“I thought this might help a little” He smiled as he shook the flask gently “Coffee, it’s not too hot, I just thought it might help wake him up”
“It might do, Thank you Henry.” ZhouMi smiled as he raised Kangin’s head to make it easier for him to drink. “Kangin Henry brought you coffee, it might wake you up a little you need to drink it.”
Kangin nodded as Henry raised the flask to his lips before he started to drink the warm liquid.
He drank down a mouthful of coffee before pulling back to cough, the liquid seemed to burn his dry throat but felt good when he had gotten over the initial taste.
“It tastes weird” he whispered as he his lips, Henry laughed.
“Its perfectly fine don’t worry, it’s just what was left from last night, come on drink up”
Kangin nodded and began to drink once more and within minutes the flask was empty.
“Thank you Henry” he smiled. “I already feel a little better”
“You’re welcome Hyung” Henry smiled as he once again walked through into the bathroom and grabbed another cool cloth.
“You’re fever seems to be coming down slightly, this is good, but it won’t go completely until you get what you need” ZhouMi mumbled as he slipped the bag of ice under Kangin’s neck.
“Can I sleep for a little while? My stomach hurts, I feel horrible, sleeping will take my mind off the pain” Kangin groaned and ZhouMi sighed.
“I guess, but im staying here to keep an eye on you. Henry can you go and see if Leeteuk’s alright? Im sure he’s worried”
“I will but I think he maybe going to the hospital to see Kyuhyun soon.”
“That’s good” ZhouMi smiled. “Things need to get back to normal, once Kangin is better and Kyuhyun is home we can start to move on”
Henry smiled as he hugged ZhouMi tightly from behind before leaving the room and heading downstairs.

“Hyung you’re still here, are you not going to the hospital?” Henry asked as he got into the living room where Leeteuk was still sat, his legs still pulled to his chest.
“I can’t… I need to be here… in case…” he trailed off, biting his lip as he looked up the stairs. “If I go to the hospital and Kangin dies while im gone… I can’t leave him”
“He’s not going to die, I promise” Henry smiled, giving little comfort to Leeteuk. “Have I ever lied to you?” he smiled and leeteuk shook his head. “Exactly, so trust me when I say Kangin Hyung is going to be fine”
Leeteuk sighed as he took hold of his necklace. The K pendent and ZhouMi’s ring clanked together as he held them tightly, closing his eyes as he held them close to his heart.
“He still wears his you know…” Henry said quietly, pointing at the ring as he leaned against the back of the sofa, his head level with Leeteuk’s. “He refuses to take it off”
“Im sorry Henry…”
“Don’t be I know you have a past, and I know there’s a part of you both that will forever stay connected, I trust the both of you…  Do you want to see Kangin?” he asked and Leeteuk nodded as he climbed off the sofa, following Henry upstairs.

“Mimi, Leeteuk’s here to see Kangin, now he’s stable. Is he okay to come in?”
“Sure” ZhouMi smiled as the two of them entered the room “He seems to be doing better, I don’t understand.”
Leeteuk made his way over to where Kangin lay, crawling into bed next to him as he cuddled up to his side, brushing Kangin’s hair out of his face.
“Im sorry baby” he sniffed as he Kangin’s chest lightly.
Kangin smiled, his arm moving slightly to wrap around Leeteuk’s waist.
 “My Teukie. Don’t be sorry, I feel fine now” he smiled before a confused look spread over ZhouMi’s face.
“I don’t understand… Kangin how do you feel?”
“I feel fine, better than earlier, what did you do?” he asked weakly and Henry coughed.
“I have a confession…” Henry mumbled as he stood at the bottom of the bed, biting his lip lightly. “We may have had a small amount of blood left over from what Kyuhyun didn’t drink… and I may or may not have have mixed it in with the coffee I gave him earlier”

The four of them fell into silence as the three older vampires looked at Henry; Henry started to back up before ZhouMi grabbed his wrist.
“Well done Mochi, you just saved his life” he smiled, pulling the young vampire into a tight hug and making him squeak ever so slightly.
“You’re not mad?” he asked and ZhouMi shook his head before Leeteuk sighed.
“Henry, you devious and sneaky boy… You’ve been spending way too much time with Kyuhyun” He laughed “Thank you.”
“Does someone want to tell me what’s going on please?” Kangin groaned, opening his eyes and being blinded by the flood of light.
“Kangin you’re going to be fine… Henry spiked your coffee earlier. You are a full vampire now” ZhouMi smiled as Leeteuk wrapped his arms around Kangin, refusing to let go.
“That’s good to know” Kangin smiled, not really processing much other than Leeteuk in his arms, before he fell asleep.
“ZhouMi… can I give him my blood yet?” Leeteuk asked quietly as he held tightly onto Kangin, ZhouMi shook his head and sighed.
“Kyuhyun’s blood is still in your system, we can’t risk it”
“Right” Leeteuk sighed as he crawled out from under Kangin’s arm and headed towards the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” ZhouMi asked as he rushed past, almost running to into the bathroom.
“You said as long as its in my system I can’t do anything, so im going to fix it” Leeteuk shouted before kneeling down beside the toilet and ramming his fingers down his throat.
“Mimi what’s he doing?” Henry asked as ZhouMi ran for the bathroom in time to hear Leeteuk throw up the contents of his stomach.
“Leeteuk I know you want to help but just calm down, you’ll make yourself sick if you carry on like this”
“That’s the point” Leeteuk gasped as the cold clean air burned his throat before reaching up and flushing the toilet “My stomach is empty…”
“Its not that simple Teukie, you know that, just give it a day or so. Kyuhyun’s blood will be out of your system, Kangin will be strong enough to move around the house and you can give him as much of your blood as you wish. Okay?”  ZhouMi said sternly and Leeteuk nodded.


Kyuhyun awoke to the sound of voices beside him and a slight tug at his chest. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Kibum, who was talking quietly with a nurse as they checked Kyuhyun’s bandages.
“How are you feeling?” Kibum whispered as he removed the bandage covering Kyuhyun’s sutures before replacing it with a clean dressing and raising the back of Kyuhyun’s bed carefully, allowing him to sit up comfortably.
“I feel alright now, just aching a little”
“We’ll you’re healing well. You’ll be fine to go home by the end of the day”
“What time is it?  Did Sungmin go home?”
“It’s just before noon and no” Kibum smiled nodding over to the sofa at the end of the room as he fixed the new bandage in place “he’s been asleep for a while. Is there anything I can get you?”
“My phone please, that is if I can use it?”
“Sure, just don’t tell anyone I let you” Kibum chuckled as he opened the drawer beside Kyuhyun’s bed and handed him his phone. “Let sungmin sleep, he’s exhausted. I’ll come and see how you’re feeling later, and hopefully bring your discharge papers along too”
“Thank you” Kyuhyun smiled as he punched Leeteuk’s number into the keypad before hitting call. 

Kyuhyun-ah! How’re you feeling?”Leeteuk asked, his voice coming through the speaker loudly, almost deafening Kyuhyun. 
“Im alright Hyung, Kibum said I should be able to come home by the end of the day”
That’s good! I…” Leeteuk paused “Im sorry about what happened… what I did, I don’t know what happened”
“Hyung it’s alright, we’re both okay so don’t worry”
“ZhouMi knows…”
About what?” Kyuhyun asked, lowering his voice when he noticed Sungmin fidgeting at the end of the room.
Everything that happened the other night in the garden… the kiss”
“You told him? What did he say”
“I didn’t tell him, I… I showed him”
“Showed him? How, I don’t understand”
“It turns out that as well as seeing people’s lives when I touch them, I can project my own into someone else’s head. In all of the year’s I’ve been a vampire I didn’t know I could do that until early this morning. He… didn’t really say much, he wants to speak to us though, when you’re home”
“Should I be worried?” Kyuhyun laughed.
No don’t be, I think its mainly over why that all happened, he said he thinks he knows, we’ll have to wait and see when you’re home”
“Yeah. How’s Kangin Hyung?”
“Wow Kyuhyun-ah did you just call him Hyung for something other than to mock him? That’s a first” leeteuk chucked and Kyuhyun scoffed.
Don’t get too used to it, after all I’ve been pumped full of sedatives and double the safe amount of morphine since Sungmin brought me in here. Im pretty sure I could be nice to anyone right now and not remember it later” Kyuhyun laughed.
“Forever the snarky maknae. He’s doing alright, we… we almost lost him this morning. He got really sick. But thankfully you’re a bad influence on Henry”
“What do you mean? But im glad to hear I’ve taught him well”
He made coffee for Kangin a few hours ago, spiked it with the blood that was left in the refrigerator. It wasn’t my blood like we wanted but it completed his transformation. So thank you”
“You’re welcome Teukie Hyung. I might not get along with him too well but I wouldn’t want him to die, I think I’d kill him all over again for breaking your heart to be honest. Tell him Im glad he’s feeling better.”
“I will don’t worry. Is Sungmin still there with you”
He’s sleeping” Kyuhyun smiled upon looking over at sungmin. He was stretched out across the length of the sofa, his feet up on the armrest. He moved slightly in his sleep and his arm fell from his side, hanging lazily off the edge. “Sleeping like a baby”
“Good, im glad he’s resting. Speaking of! You need to rest”
“Teukie Hyung im fine really! Im sat in bed, I haven’t moved since I woke up”
“I don’t care; you’re not resting if you’re talking to me. Im hanging up the phone now” Leeteuk chuckled “I’ll see you soon. Rest!”

Kyuhyun scoffed as the line went dead, throwing his phone down on his bed with a sigh.
“Can’t believe he actually hung up on me… Aish im so bored” he whined as he looked around the room. It was a pretty simple and plain room off the side of the main ward. It had its own bathroom for ease and convenience, which wasn’t too far from Kyuhyun’s bed. The room its self was rather large in size, the bed was in the middle of the back wall leaving space for the sofa, which was pushed against the wall at the other side of the room. There were a few small tables located around the room, as well as the table that was hovering over Kyuhyun’s bed at the bottom.
“Im sick of this place” he sighed as he eyed the sofa where Sungmin was sleeping. He raised his hand slightly, a smirk playing on his lips as he concentrated.
A few minutes went by and Sungmin shifted again, whimpering slightly before he rolled off the sofa, hitting the floor with a thud. Kyuhyun laughed hard as Sungmin’s eyes shot open and he was on his feet in seconds, glaring at the younger vampire, who was clutching his hand to his chest as he laughed.
“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun what have I told you about playing with my subconscious” Sungmin whined as he folded his arms across his chest, pouting as he glared at Kyuhyun.
“Im sorry Minnie, im bored and you were an easy target. If it makes you feel any better, laughing at you caused me pain”
“Good!” he smiled before walking over and kissing Kyuhyun on the forehead “Im glad to see you’re clearly feeling better” Kyuhyun nodded as he threaded his fingers with Sungmin’s.
“I am. Kibum said I can go home later. I can’t say I’ll miss this place”
“Me either, although I am glad ZhouMi knows Dr Kim, he seems like the only person in this hospital that’s not scared of us”
“I’ll be glad when things can get back to normal at home, well as normal as they can be. This year has been so crazy and chaotic we haven’t celebrated anybody’s birthday.”
“Kyuhyun-ah, when you’ve been around as long as Leeteuk, ZhouMi and I, you learn to ignore birthdays. They aren’t much use to us anymore so why bother about them.”
“I guess I didn’t think of it that way. Good, it means I’ll save money on having to buy everybody gifts” Kyuhyun laughed, making Sungmin scoff.
“Im glad we mean so much to you”
“You know what I mean! Come on, if none of you meant anything to me would I have put my life at risk to stop Heechul? Would I have killed Siwon to save your life? I rest my case.”
“I know I know. We need to get you out of here; you’re losing your sense of humour” Sungmin grinned.
“Forget my sense of humour! Im losing my mind! I called Teukie earlier to see how things were at home, I called Kangin…I called him Hyung!”
“Wow…. There’s no coming back from that. I don’t know why you two aren’t getting long by now anyway, it’s not like he hasn’t been trying”
“The guy poisoned me! I don’t take lightly to people trying to kill me, it’s just taken me a little longer than expected to get over it. You don’t forget that kind of pain in a hurry.”
“Okay fine, just promise me that when we get you home, that you’ll at least try and get along with him?” Sungmin said sternly and Kyuhyun sighed.
“I promise Minnie”


The house was quiet when Sungmin and Kyuhyun got home that evening. The lights were off and the house was in darkness.
“They probably all went to bed early” Kyuhyun shrugged as he walked up the garden path. Sungmin had Kyuhyun’s bag hung on his back as he locked up the car and made his way to the house.
“Perhaps, either that or they went out, we’ll find out soon enough”
The two of them entered the house, turning the lights on to find the room clean and tidy, everything was where it was supposed to be.
“They tidied the house” Kyuhyun smiled as he sat down on the sofa with a sigh “Home sweet home”
“Yes and now that you’re home, take it easy, no running around the house with Henry throwing buckets of water over people” Sungmin grinned.
“Minnie that was one time!”

The two of them sat on the sofa, enjoying the quiet of the house and the faint crackle of the fireplace. Kyuhyun leaned against Sungmin, resting his head against the older vampire’s shoulder as he traced patterns up and down his arm.
“Minnie” Kyuhyun said softly, raising his head to make eye contact with Sungmin.
“What would you have done… if I’d have died?”
“When? The other night?”
“Yeah, well and the other times I guess… Wow I really do have a bad habit of almost getting myself killed” 
“You do. And I don’t know, I try not to think about things like that, seeing you lying in that hospital bed is enough. I don’t know what I’d do if you left me”
Kyuhyun smiled, his eyes feeling heavy as he nuzzled his head against Sungmin’s shoulder, breathing in his scent.
“I love you Minnie forever and always” he breathed as his eyes slipped closed.
“I love you too always and forever my prince”
“Stop calling me that” Kyuhyun smiled as his fingers slowly stilled on Sungmin’s arm.
“Never” Sungmin whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Kyuhyun’s temple as he relaxed with the younger vampire safely in his arms.


When Kyuhyun awoke the next morning the sun was beginning to rise. He yawned and stretched carefully as he slipped out of Sungmin’s arms and headed upstairs towards his bedroom.
The room was tidy, piles of clothes sat on the chair in the corner of the room, waiting to be put away, the bed had been stripped, the sheets washed and put back on neatly.
“This is so strange” he whispered to himself as he grabbed some clean clothes from the pile, setting them down on the bed before undressing, heading towards the bathroom in his boxers.
He looked himself over in the mirror as he removed the bandage from his chest; the once large surgery wound was now half the size and had mostly healed, there was new scaring on his neck from where Leeteuk had bitten him, but scars no longer fazed him, he had too many to count now.
He finished undressing before stepping under the shower, the hot water running over his skin relaxed him almost instantly. “A shower has never felt so good” he sighed as a slight sting hit his chest when the water ran over the broken skin but passed within seconds.
He finished his shower, drying his chest carefully before wrapping the towel around his waist and walking back through to his bedroom.

“When did you get home?” ZhouMi asked, startling Kyuhyun as he turned his head to see the elder standing at the door.
“Aish Hyung don’t do that! We got home last night, everyone was already asleep. Did Leeteuk not tell you I was coming home?”
“When did you speak to Leeteuk?” ZhouMi asked, raising an eyebrow, Kyuhyun shrugged as he sat on the end of his bed, holding his towel in place.
“Yesterday morning. I called him from the hospital... Anyway what are you doing in here?”
“Heard the shower and thought Sungmin might have come home” ZhouMi shrugged “How’re you feeling?”
“Fine now, the shower helped more than I expected. My muscles aren’t aching anymore. I don’t mean to be rude Hyung but can you go away so I can get dressed please?”
ZhouMi laughed and nodded.
“Sure, I’ll be in the kitchen”

Kyuhyun sighed as he lay back on his bed.
“Aish why am I so worried about talking to him… it, better get this over with” he growled as he threw off his towel and got dressed, pulling on his black jeans and a baggy white t-shirt. He roughly dried his hair before throwing his towel on the floor and leaving his bedroom, running into Leeteuk in the process.
“How long have you been home?” Leeteuk smiled as he hugged the younger boy gently.
“Since last night, we didn’t want to wake anyone” Kyuhyun answered as he returned the hug before they pulled away and headed for the kitchen.

ZhouMi was sat at the breakfast bar leaning his head in his hand as he sipped on a cup of coffee and flicked through the newspaper.
“You look like an old man” Leeteuk smiled as he and Kyuhyun entered the kitchen, sitting down opposite ZhouMi.
“Then respect your elders boy” ZhouMi smirked before putting down his cup. “You want to know the reason I won’t let you give your blood to Kangin… Its because of him” he pointed towards Kyuhyun, instantly making the younger vampire feel very awkward.
“Me? What have I got anything to do with Leeteuk giving his blood to Kangin” Kyuhyun asked, rubbing his chest slightly to rid himself of an itch.
“Has anybody ever drunk your blood Kyuhyun?” ZhouMi asked and Kyuhyun shook his head.
“Only Sungmin, that was when he turned me. And Siwon when I was in transition” 
“And since you’ve been a vampire?”
“We all know your blood is different. Its stronger than a regular human or vampire because of your background… I believe that is why..”
“We kissed” Leeteuk interrupted, his head hung low as he thought.
“Yes. From what you showed me Leeteuk, when you drank from Kyuhyun it started a sort of connection between the two of you. If Kangin were to drink your blood while Kyuhyun’s is in your system… well, they wouldn’t be fighting anymore, but I don’t think Sungmin would be very happy with the outcome”
“Ew…” Kyuhyun shuddered as ZhouMi’s words sank in. “That’s not happening! Not at all”
“Don’t worry; Kangin is alright now im not going to lose him. It can wait a few days before I make the bond”

“I’ll get it!” Kyuhyun jumped up, confusing the two older vampires before a knock at the door echoed through the house, waking sungmin almost instantly.
“Kyu how did you do that?” Leeteuk laughed and Kyuhyun shrugged as he walked to the door
“Just had a feeling. Morning Minnie” he grinned.

“That’s because we’re family” a familiar voice said as Kyuhyun opened the door, revealing Yesung standing on the doorstep. “Good morning Kyuhyun, how’re you feeling?”
“Uncle!” Kyuhyun beamed, almost jumping on Yesung before an intoxicating scent filled his senses. “What smells so good?” he asked and Yesung frowned, stepping out of the way to reveal a smaller male with short spiky brown hair standing behind him.
“Kyuhyun, meet Ryeowook. Ryeowook meet my accident prone nephew Kyuhyun.”
“It’s nice to meet you Kyuhyun” Ryeowook smiled nervously as he extended a hand. Kyuhyun hesitated, glancing at Yesung. Yesung smiled, nodding his head as if to say ‘its alright’ before Kyuhyun took Ryeowook’s hand, shaking it cautiously.
“You too” Kyuhyun smiled, his hand lingering for as few seconds before he bit his lip, pulling his hand away and walking back inside and pecking Sungmin on the lips.
“Ah Yesung you came!” leeteuk smiled as Kyuhyun disappeared up the stairs without saying a word.
“I said I would” Yesung smiled as Ryeowook followed him inside. “Leeteuk, ZhouMi, this is Ryeowook. Shindong is sat outside for some reason” he laughed.
“Nice to meet you Ryeowook make yourself at home just let us know if you need anything” Leeteuk smiled warmly.
“What’s wrong with Kyuhyun?” Ryeowook asked “does he not like me?”
“Don’t worry wookie its not you. He just struggles being around human blood, you’re perfectly safe” Yesung smiled as he embraced the human boy from behind, his touch alone was enough to relax Ryeowook.
“I’ll go keep him company” Sungmin yawned as he headed upstairs.

“Don’t let me interrupt” a voice came from the door. ZhouMi looked up to see a slender male with reddish brown hair leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Shindong!” Leeteuk grinned “it’s nice to see you again”
“You too Hyung” Shindong smiled as he walked into the house, closing the door behind himself.
The five of them sat around the fire, Leeteuk and ZhouMi seemingly fascinated by Ryeowook who stuck by Yesung’s side, refusing to leave him.
A loud rumble of thunder resounded outside followed by a bright flash of light. The sky was black as storm clouds moved in, it was early morning but the colour of the sky made it feel like late in the evening.
“Storm rolled in fast” Shindong sighed as he sat beside the window watching the rain bouncing off the concrete outside.
“Yeah…” Leeteuk shook his head before walking to the bottom of the stairs. “Kyu cut it out!” he shouted, shaking his head as he made his way back to the sofa. “He plays with the weather when he’s frustrated. I swear the worst thing you can give that boy is magic”
“I heard that!” Kyuhyun shouted, his voice muffled by the distance.
“Nothing really changed when I left did it” Yesung smiled making the others laugh.
“Not really no”

“What’s all the shouting about?” Kangin asked, his voice muffled by a yawn as he rounded the corner at the top of the stairs. Leeteuk smiled as he jumped up, meeting Kangin at the bottom of the stairs before pulling him in for a hug.
“Good morning. How’re you feeling?” Leeteuk asked as he took Kangin’s hand, leading him towards the sofa.
“Tired, hungry, but otherwise im okay”
“Im sorry Kyuhyun woke you” leeteuk sighed and Kangin shrugged, swallowing thickly as his eyes ran over Yesung and the two unknown visitors.
“Kangin you already know Yesung, this is Ryeowook, Yesung’s partner, and that is Shindong” Leeteuk pointed to the window where Shindong was sat.

Kangin smiled, squeezing Leeteuk’s hand tightly as he subconsciously his lips, his eyes fixed on Ryeowook.
“I can feel him…” he mumbled and Ryeowook stiffened against Yesung “I can feel his heartbeat…”
“Leeteuk get him out of here!” ZhouMi hissed as he stepped in front of Ryeowook, cutting off Kangin’s line of sight. “He hasn’t fed! Its not safe for him to be around Ryeowook right now, either take him upstairs to take him to feed” Leeteuk nodded.
“Come on Kangin” he turned, pressing Kangin’s chest to move him backwards away from the others.
“Time to get some breakfast” he smiled as he pulled Kangin towards the door and out of the house.

“Im sorry about that Ryeowook, Kangin isn’t used to things yet, but I can assure you he won’t hurt you” ZhouMi smiled reassuringly and Ryeowook nodded, his grip on Yesung’s arm loosening slightly.
“Im just not used to being the centre of attention, that’s all”


“Rule number one” Leeteuk smiled as he and Kangin walked hand In hand across Banpo bridge that evening “We don’t feed on friends, unless we have their permission of course.”
 “I wasn’t going to hurt him; at least I didn’t want to…”
“I know don’t worry It’s something we’ve all been through. It gets easier once you learn to control it I promise”
“How long do you think they are staying?”
“No longer than a few days. I told Yesung about Kyuhyun and he wanted to visit to make sure everything was alright, plus he thought the family should meet Ryeowook.”
“Family” Kangin smiled as he pulled Leeteuk closely. “I’ve never had much of a family”
“Well you do now, we’ll always be your family, no matter how far away some of us might be” Leeteuk smiled as he cuddled up to Kangin’s side as they walked.  “Speaking of far away… Have you ever been travelling?”

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Chaper 18 tomorrow! =D


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ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #1
Chapter 2: Sungmin really likes ripping peeps he hates hearts out...
Chapter 19: niceeeee xD
Chapter 19: i loved this story it really made me tear up
thankx authernim :)
Hyukkie_Lover098 #4
Umg. <3
I can't believe it's over... I've loved this story from day one... Ungh... I hate when fics I write/read finish. I feel so empty. :b
This story is amazing.
Oh. And, P.S.
At first I was like TWO YEARS?!? YAH, TEUKIE!
And then I remembered... you're writing a sequel. :D
Love you umma~
rizzorin #6
hahah i want something that will make sugmin angry at kyuhyun by the kiss kyuhyun and eeteuk did!!!~ ahahah!~ don't get me wrong, my bias is sungmin!~ hahhaahahah!~
Hyukkie_Lover098 #7

An update. <3
Glad to know Kyu's better. :D
Yah! Kangin! Don't eat Wookie! He's so small and cute! :P
Can't wait for the finale~