Chapter 16


Kyuhyun's' eyes shot open as Leeteuk's fangs found purchase in his neck, he swallowed hard as he clawed weakly at Leeteuk's arm, finding it did very little in the attempt of freeing himself.
"T...Teukie" he whispered, finding his voice too small at that moment to make any real noise.
"Mhm?" Leeteuk hummed, sending vibrations through Kyuhyun's neck as he slackened his grip around the younger boy's waist. Kyuhyun gasped at the feeling and bit down on his lip, as his head lolled back against Leeteuk's shoulder and his eyes fell closed.
"Do you want me to stop?" Leeteuk whispered as he raised his head a little to speak, before lapping up the blood that leaked from the bite on the younger boys neck.
"I…I…" Kyuhyun stuttered as his head spun with the mixture of pain and pleasure. It had been weeks since he was able to form a physical connection with sungmin in the way he craved, and right now he was so lost in Leeteuk's touch any rational thought was quickly washed away with the feeling of want.

Kyuhyun opened his eyes and tilted his head to the side to see Leeteuk, who had paused momentarily. "No" he breathed as he looked Leeteuk dead in the eye. His eyes had changed from their usual deep sapphire blue to a bright blue in colour, something that happened on only two occasions, when he was using his magic… or when he was .

Leeteuk smirked as he trailed a hand up Kyuhyun's torso to the back of his head where he gently guided the younger boy's lips to his own. Kyuhyun instantly allowed Leeteuk access to his mouth, parting his lips as the older boys tongue traced the outside of his mouth, leaving a trail of blood in its path. Leeteuk threaded his fingers through Kyuhyun's hair as their tongues met, exchanging the younger boys blood between them. Kyuhyun let out a soft whimper as Leeteuk's mouth left his and traced down his jaw line, he used his hand to tilt the younger boys head, holding it at an angle for better access to his neck. Kyuhyun was about to speak when he felt a familiar pain in his neck as Leeteuk sank his fangs into the already broken skin and began to drink once more.
Kyuhyun bit down on his lip as he felt a moan bubbling up in the back of his throat, seconds later a familiar coppery taste filled his mouth as his fangs broke the skin on his lip, his arms were dangling idly by his sides, unsure of what to do or where to put them, he knew what they were doing was wrong, but he was too lost in the moment that everything else ceased to exist.


Inside the house Kangin and Sungmin were sat watching TV while Henry sat at the table reading sheet music for his violin.
"Studying again Henry?" ZhouMi asked as he leaned against the chair where Henry was sat. Henry grinned and jumped up from his seat; he wrapped his arms around ZhouMi's neck and leaned his head against his shoulder. "Not anymore" he giggled as ZhouMi's arms wrapped around him.
"You know something… its eerily quiet in here with Kyuhyun sat outside" ZhouMi chuckled as Henry nuzzled his head against the oldest boys shoulder.
"Yah be nice! He's quieter than Henry most of the time" Sungmin laughed. ZhouMi raised an eyebrow at Sungmin and scoffed.
"Quieter than Henry… Is that before or after the whole city hears the two of you having ?"
"I said most of the time!" Sungmin blushed slightly as Henry giggled.
"Will you guys just shut up" Kangin said coldly as he sat on the sofa with his legs pulled up to his chest "Am I the only one here that's worried that Teukie isn't back yet? Because nobody else seems to care"


Leeteuk raised his head again to check that the younger boy was alright, and smirked at the quiet moan that left Kyuhyun's bloodied lips. His hold around the younger boy was now gentle enough to cause him almost no pain in his ribcage and Leeteuk felt him relax.
"Kyuhyun-ah are you alright?" Leeteuk whispered as his lips ghosted the younger boy's neck. Kyuhyun's head lolled back against Leeteuk's shoulder once more as his hand found its way to the top of the older boys thigh.
"I…Im fine" he mumbled, and in an instant Leeteuk's lips were back on his neck.
Kyuhyun clung to the fabric of Leeteuk's jeans as the older boys hand slipped around his stomach and under his shirt, he gasped at the icy cold hand against his skin, and the touch that made his skin feel like it was on fire.


"Kangin we're all worried about him, calm down." ZhouMi said calmly as he pulled away from Henry and headed over to the table where he picked up his cup of coffee.
"He will be home when he is ready, don't forget what you said to him… He waited by your side for you to wake up and be with him again, he didn't care if it meant you were a vampire, he just didn't want to lose you."
"Don't you think I get that now? I regret everything I said but what do you expect? I woke up to everything being pretty normal and then I found out I was actually dead and nobody thought to tell me. I was in shock and…"
"Just shut up! I can't stand all of this arguing!" Henry snapped as he got up from where he was sat. "Im sorry but everybody needs to stop shouting at each other"

ZhouMi frowned and put his cup back on the table before walking over to Henry and pulling him into his arms. "Im sorry Mochi, we'll stop I promise." He pulled away and kissed Henry on the top of the head before walking towards the door. "Come let's go sit with Kyuhyun for a little while" he smiled as he pulled the door open. "Im sure he is bored sat out here…" he froze "on…his…own…" he mumbled.

"Hyung what is it?" Sungmin asked worried as he got off the sofa and headed to the door where ZhouMi was stood, his eyes widened as they met what had frozen the oldest vampire.
"Kyuhyun!" he cried, taking a step forward as he watched Leeteuk's arms wrap around the younger boys waist upon hearing their voices. There was blood running down the younger boys neck as his lead lolled back weakly onto Leeteuk's shoulder.

"Sungmin No!" ZhouMi hissed as he shot his arm out and pressed it to Sungmin's chest. "Don't! If we interfere this could end badly for Kyuhyun"
"End badly?! ZhouMi look! How the hell can this end any worse than it already is?"
"Guys what's going on?" Kangin asked as he appeared at the door just seconds later.
"Trust me… I have seen this before!" ZhouMi sighed as he pushed Sungmin and Kangin backwards.

Leeteuk raised his head and hissed at the three gathered at the door as his arms tightened defensively around Kyuhyun. The younger boy groaned before a burning pain shot through his torso, his eyes shot open and he cried out in pain as he attempted to pull away Leeteuk's arms.
"Leeteuk let him go! You're hurting him!" ZhouMi said as calm as he could while he tried to keep everything under control.
"Teukie let him go! Please" Sungmin screamed as Kyuhyun's face contorted in pain. The three of them looked on as Kyuhyun's arms fell to his sides before finding their way to Leeteuk's legs, where he focused all of his remaining energy. Seconds later Kyuhyun's hands seemed to glow slightly and sparks shot out of his fingertips as he shot the strongest bolt of magic he could summon through Leeteuk, sending him staggering backwards.

As soon as Kyuhyun was free he fell to his knees and clutched his chest in pain, he was exhausted and weak and his knees failed to support him any longer. Sungmin was there in an instant as he collapsed, holding out his arms to catch the younger boy. Leeteuk snapped out of the trance like state he was in and wiped his mouth, his head was spinning and he sank to his knees as he stared at the blood on his hands.
"What have I done" he whispered as Kangin rushed by his side and took him in his arms, as tears started to stream down his face "Kyuhyun I…I…" was all he could say before he broke down in Kangin's arms.

"Kyuhyun-ah it's okay your safe now" Sungmin cooed "calm down please" he whispered as he cradled the younger boy in his arms. Kyuhyun continued to writhe in pain as the burning sensation only seemed to intensify with the slightest of movements.

"ZhouMi something's wrong!" Sungmin shouted as the oldest of the vampires held a worried Henry in his arms. He pulled away from Henry and rushed over to where Sungmin and Kyuhyun were knelt.
"We need to get him to hospital. Henry, Kangin I need to go with Sungmin to the hospital, can you look after Leeteuk while im gone?" he asked as he helped Kyuhyun to his feet and held onto him while Sungmin got to his feet and gently picked Kyuhyun up in his arms.
"We will look after him Hyung" Kangin nodded as he held tightly onto Leeteuk, whose body was wracked with sobs.
"Get Hyung to the hospital, we'll take care of Teukie Hyung" Henry sniffed as ZhouMi walked past him, grabbing his keys off the stand by the door. He kissed Henrys forehead on the way out before he climbed in the car with Sungmin close behind him, holding onto Kyuhyun protectively.

"Henry go and make some tea for Teukie while I get him inside" Kangin smiled half-heartedly as Henry nodded in reply, shooting Leeteuk a concerned look as he entered the house.
Leeteuk continued to sob as he clung to Kangin's shirt, the white fabric turning red in places from Kyuhyun's blood and slightly see-through in others from the moisture of Leeteuk's tears.
"Teukie let's get you in the house." He whispered as his arm hooked under the back of Leeteuk's knees.

Once they were inside the house Leeteuk struggled against Kangin's hold, it was protective and reassuring, he didn't deserve that.
"Let me go" he whined, but Kangin's grip only tightened.
"Calm down! You're safe! Kyuhyun will be fine im sure."  
"No let me go!" Leeteuk shouted before he bit down hard on Kangin's arm, causing him to drop the older vampire, but Leeteuk landed on his feet.
"You don't know that he will be alright! I could have killed him" he screamed, before turning and running up the stairs. The sound of heavy footsteps across the landing stopped and the silence was replaced by the bathroom door slamming shut.

Leeteuk locked the door behind him and stared at his hands. Kyuhyun's blood had partially dried, leaving dark red stains across his palms. He walked over to the sink and the hot water scrubbing at his hands to rid himself of the blood, he scrubbed until the water ran clear before making eye contact with himself in the mirror. His eyes were a brighter red than usual, making his skin look sickly pale, and there was blood around his mouth, running from the corner down his chin. A small amount was from him biting Kangin but the majority was Kyuhyun's. 'Kyu im sorry' he thought as he leaned against the door before sinking to his knees, his legs unable to support him any longer.

"Hyung what happened" Henry asked as he set the tea down on the table next to where Kangin was now sat.
"I wouldn't let him go so he bit me" he hissed as Henry pressed a cloth to the wound.


When ZhouMi and Sungmin arrived at the hospital with Kyuhyun Dr Kibum was already waiting. Standing at the reception desk with his glasses pushed up on the bridge of his nose he bowed before ushering them into a side room.
"Thank you for agreeing to see him Kibum. I know you must be busy." ZhouMi bowed as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.
"It's no problem ZhouMi Hyung, as soon as you called me from the car I made sure my schedule was clear for the next few hours. How is he?"
Kibum ran his eyes over Kyuhyun, who was lying tense in Sungmin's arms. His neck was still bleeding but that didn't seem to bother him, instead he had one arm wrapped around his chest, and the other around Sungmin's neck for support. His fingers were dug into Sungmin's shoulder but didn't seem to be causing the older boy any obvious pain.

"He seemed to calm down a little on the way over" Sungmin said as Kibum reached over to examine Kyuhyun, but the younger boy just growled, refusing to move his arm.
"Yeah and he won't move that… he won't let go of me either." He continued with a small laugh.
"I can't check the damage unless I can access his torso. Can you lay him on the bed please?" Kibum asked, eyebrows furring together in frustration as Sungmin lowered Kyuhyun down onto the bed. Kyuhyun's arm finally released Sungmin, but only for a split second was it free before it was wrapped, with his other arm, around his chest.
"Kyuhyun let Kibum see what's wrong" ZhouMi said sternly but Kyuhyun ignored him, instead choosing to curl up into a ball on the bed, his arms wrapped around himself as he tried to ignore the burning pain inside his body.

"Just from looking at him, the obvious pain," Kibum paused as he removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose "A rough guess is that he maybe suffering from a pneumothorax but he'll need an x-ray and a ct scan before we know for sure."
"A what?" Sungmin asked as he held tightly onto Kyuhyun's hand.
"It means a fragment of one of his broken ribs has most likely punctured a lung. We'll know more soon. Being what he is, it won't kill him, but the fact that it won't kill him means the pain will only increase" Kibum explained as he took a syringe from a nurse and tapped the end to get rid of the air inside.

"What's that? What are you doing?" Sungmin asked with a shaky voice as Kibum took hold of Kyuhyun's arm, but the younger boy just growled and snapped his arm back.
"It's a sedative, we cannot do anything while he is like this" Kibum mumbled as he nodded to ZhouMi.
"Calm down Sungmin let him do his job" ZhouMi said as he took hold of Kyuhyun's arm, holding it firmly in place for Kibum to access.
Minutes later Kyuhyun's eyes fell closed and his body relaxed as the sedative took effect.


"Leeteuk come out! Please baby unlock the door" Kangin sighed as he sat against the bathroom door.
Leeteuk had been shut in the bathroom for over half an hour, refusing to come out or talk to anybody, instead choosing to sit on his own as tears continued to fall from his eyes.
"Teukie no one is angry at you. Please just come out and talk to me"
"No" Leeteuk sighed.

"Still nothing Hyung?" Henry asked as he rounded the corner at the top of the stairs and approached the bathroom. Kangin shook his head.
"He's been sat in there for over an hour. All he says is 'no' I don't know what else to do"
"Well you could always break the door down" Henry laughed as Kangin raised an eyebrow at him.
"By the sounds of it he's against the door, so that would just be stupid." He scoffed as he got to his feet, staggering a little before leaning against the wall to steady himself.
"Hyung are you alright?" Henry asked concerned as Kangin screwed his eyes shut.
"Yeah im fine… just a little dizzy that's all."
"Go lie down for a little while, its obvious Teukie isn't coming out so he can't go anywhere, you look exhausted. I can handle it." Henry smiled as he pushed Kangin away from the bathroom, laughing to himself when Kangin seemingly fell onto his bed.

"Teukie Hyung im gunna call ZhouMi, do you want to talk to him?" He asked as he pressed his ear to the bathroom door while he got out his phone.
"No… Just…Henry?"
"Just tell him im sorry."
"I will Hyung, are you sure you're alright?" Henry asked quietly, his heart was aching from seeing the man that took care of him for the past three years so broken.  He sighed when there was no answer, before dialling ZhouMi's number and pressing call.


"He'll be alright Sungmin don't worry, he's in good hands." ZhouMi smiled reassuringly as they waited for Kyuhyun to come back from surgery.
"I know, I just… I hate hospitals, always have. Plus it's the second time I've been here with Kyu so it makes it worse." Sungmin shrugged, wrapping his arms around his knees as he sat on the floor of Kyuhyun's hospital room.
"The second time?" ZhouMi asked. Sungmin nodded.
"Around a month after we became friends and a few days after we got together he got attacked… By Hyukjae." He sighed at the memory before continuing. "He lost a lot of blood so we had to bring him here he would have died otherwise."
"Why would Hyukjae attack him?" ZhouMi asked, confused by Sungmin's words.
"It's a long story but it's all in the past now. Hyukjae isn't the same person he was back then, Kyu has forgiven him and so have I… Just like I'll forgive Leeteuk…"
"Sungmin don't blame…" ZhouMi paused as he heard a buzz coming from his pocket, reaching down he pulled out his phone, smiling at the name on the screen.
"Don't blame Leeteuk" he finished before answering the call.

"Henry is everything alright?"
"Hyung when are you coming home? Leeteuk locked himself in the bathroom and won't come out"
"Were waiting for Kyuhyun to get out of surgery. Where's Kangin?"
"Surgery… Why does he need surgery? Is he alright?"
"He'll be fine; I'll explain when we get home. Is Kangin there? Can I speak to him?"
"Um…He's kind of sleeping right now. He hasn't completed his transformation, he's really weak and I don't know what to do! Leeteuk hardly speaks; the most he has said is to tell you he's sorry. Please Mimi come home soon. Im not used to being in charge."
"Calm down Henry everything's going to be alright. I'll be home soon. Give me maybe thirty minutes okay? And tell Leeteuk not to worry. I love you, I'll be home as soon as I can."
"Okay… I love you too."

"Is everything alright?" Sungmin asked as ZhouMi hung up the phone. He remained sat on the floor, chewing on his thumb nervously as they waited.
"Henry's panicking. Leeteuk has locked himself in the bathroom and won't come out; Kangin has passed out because he hasn't had blood yet. Im going home just as soon as Kyuhyun is out of surgery, I need to make sure he's alright before I leave."

After waiting for another ten minutes, the door opened and Kyuhyun was brought back into his room with Kibum leading as the door was closed behind them.
"So I have some good news and some bad news." He said softly as he nodded for the nurse to leave the room.
"Bad news?" Sungmin said slowly as he approached the bed and brushed Kyuhyun's hair from his face.
"The bad news is nothing to worry about anymore, I should rather say it would have been bad news." He corrected. "The good news is he will be fine, you brought him in just in time. I want to keep him in at least until tomorrow has passed, just to keep an eye on him. And for the time being we're keeping him sedated. The less he moves right now the better"
"So what happened? Why was he in so much pain?" Sungmin asked as ZhouMi stood leaning against the wall.

"The pressure Leeteuk applied to Kyuhyun's torso aggravated his previous injury. Two of his ribs were shattered from the crash. The fragments then lead to pain whenever he moved. From what you told me on the phone, when Leeteuk had hold of him it caused the fragments to move, leading to the puncture in his left lung. We removed the fragments the best we could and inserted a chest drain so he will be fine in a few days. When he wakes up he will be a little groggy from the sedative, so go easy on him" Kibum smiled as Sungmin sighed in relief.

"So if that's the good news… what would have been the bad news?" ZhouMi asked cautiously. Kibum sighed.
"There was a large fragment dangerously close to his heart. It wasn't cause by what happened earlier tonight, but by the crash itself. If it wasn't for Leeteuk, it would have gone un-noticed. You would have never brought Kyuhyun in tonight and we wouldn't have known about it. One wrong move and it would have pierced his heart" Kibum explained before ZhouMi bowed with a smile.
"Thank you for all of your help tonight Kibum. If there is ever anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."
"Thank you but Im just doing my job" He smiled "I'll leave Kyuhyun in your care for now then. Although I do recommend you both go home and rest, you both look exhausted." He bowed as he said his goodbyes and left the room.  

Sungmin yawned as if on cue, leaning his arm on the table beside Kyuhyun's bed with his head in his hand.
"Im staying here for now I don't want to leave him. I'll sleep here for a little while if I need to. You should go home and make sure Henry is alright"
"If you're sure you'll be alright here on your own but you heard Kibum, he'll be asleep for a while yet why don't you come home"
Sungmin shook his head and smiled.
"Im fine don't worry… And Hyung, im sorry for being so horrible to you, Thank you for coming back."
"If I hadn't come back then all of this could have been avoided."
"I doubt it, things have a way of finding us no matter who may or may not be around" Sungmin laughed as ZhouMi hugged him from behind.

"Then you're welcome Sungmin. I'll see you soon, try and get some sleep, Kyuhyun isn't going anywhere" He smiled and pulled away. "I'll call you later, let me know how he's doing"
"I will" Sungmin smiled as he ran his thumb over the back of Kyuhyun's hand next to the IV line, which was hooked up to a blood bag next to the bed. "I don't see why he needs this; it just makes everything look worse than it is."
"It will make him stronger, he's going to be fine so stop worrying okay" ZhouMi smiled before picking up his jacket "I'll see you later" he finished as Sungmin waved goodbye.


The house was quiet when ZhouMi returned home at almost 4am, he yawned as he turned his key in the lock and pushed open the door, locking the door behind him before he took off his jacket and headed upstairs.
"Henry" he called out, but there was no answer from the youngest boy. The bathroom door was open and neither Henry nor Leeteuk were inside, a familiar sense of worry fell over ZhouMi as he opened the door to his and Henrys bedroom, sighing in relief when his eyes fixed upon Henry tangled in the blankets on the bed with Leeteuk sleeping next to him.

ZhouMi walked over and kissed Henry on the forehead as he pulled one of the blankets over the sleeping boy, Henry smiled in his sleep as he cuddled up to ZhouMi's pillow, clinging to it as if it was going to leave. ZhouMi laughed lightly and walked around the bed to where Leeteuk was sleeping.
"Leeteuk wake up" ZhouMi whispered as he shook Leeteuk lightly to wake him.
"Kangin?" He mumbled as he awoke and rubbed his eyes.
"No Leeteuk it's me" he smiled when Leeteuk sat up and rubbed his head. "Come with me" he whispered as he held out a hand for Leeteuk, which he gladly took.
"Is Kyuhyun alright?" Leeteuk asked as ZhouMi lead him out of the room and downstairs to the living room.
"He's fine don't worry" ZhouMi smiled, sitting down on the edge of the sofa with leeteuk close behind. Leeteuk leaned into ZhouMi, wrapping his arms around the older vampires arm and resting his head on his shoulder. "There is a possibility that you saved his life tonight Teukie"
"What? How I almost killed him?" Leeteuk sniffed as thoughts of the night filled his head once more.

"When Kibum brought him back from surgery he told us there was a part of one of his broken ribs just inches away from his heart. Nobody would have known about it if tonight didn't happen, one wrong move and it would have pierced his heart. Im sure when he wakes up he will be grateful that you saved his life." ZhouMi smiled as he pulled Leeteuk to his chest, the silence was unexpected but comfortable at the same time, as once again Leeteuk said nothing. "Teukie what happened tonight?" he asked, Leeteuk shrugged.
"I don't know. I got home and…"
"And what?" he asked as Leeteuk buried his head into his chest.
"I don't know! I don't know how it happened. I can't tell you but… but maybe I could show you" Leeteuk mumbled as he shifted on the sofa, sliding effortlessly onto ZhouMi's lap and wrapping his legs around him.  
"Show me? What do you mean?" ZhouMi asked as Leeteuk pressed his fingers to his temple and closed his eyes.
"Shhh I don't know if this will work."

ZhouMi closed his eyes and flinched when images began to fill his head. He saw the accident, heard everything and felt everything that was going through Leeteuk's mind at the time when Kangin was dying. He saw the woman in the park, the older man in an alleyway not far from their house, the young woman in Apgujeong and the blonde haired bar owner. He saw them as clear as day, like he was there when Leeteuk was draining the life out of them and he heard their heartbeat stop when they died.

"Leeteuk…stop" ZhouMi gasped as a sharp pain shot through his head, but Leeteuk didn't move.
The next thing that entered ZhouMi's head was Kyuhyun standing in the garden as Leeteuk got home. He was shivering slightly from the cold, but smiled brightly as he made his way over and embraced Leeteuk. The rest happened so fast it was hard for ZhouMi to keep up.
He almost felt Kyuhyun's pain as Leeteuk held him tightly, smelled his blood as Leeteuk began to drink. He froze when they kissed, watched Kyuhyun's blood mingling between them before Leeteuk continued to feed. He could feel the tension between the two of them, the lust in the air was almost suffocating. He saw himself stood at the door, Kyuhyun using his magic and falling to the floor in agony, felt the hurt in Leeteuk's heart as he broke down in Kangin's arms.
It was too much for him to handle.

ZhouMi opened his eyes and grabbed Leeteuk by the wrists, pulling his arms away from his head and severing the connection that Leeteuk had made.
"Leeteuk stop please!" he hissed, resting his head in his hands as Leeteuk slipped off his lap and onto the sofa next to him.
"Im sorry… I've never done that before I… I didn't know it would be painful. Mimi I don't know what's happening, I used to be so strong but now everything is falling apart." Leeteuk sniffed as ZhouMi wiped tears from his eyes.
"Don't cry, we'll figure this out. But you have to tell me the truth now okay?"
Leeteuk nodded as he pulled his legs up to his chest.
"You and Kyuhyun… Has it been going on long?" ZhouMi asked as he turned to Leeteuk.
"What? No! There isn't anything going on… Tonight was the first and only time… I don't even know what happened, it….It's like im not even in control anymore"

ZhouMi sighed in frustration as he ran his fingers though his hair.
"I think I know what's causing all of this, but I'll need to speak to Kyuhyun when he finally wakes up before I explain anything."
"When he finally wakes up?" Leeteuk asked with a worried look on his face, ZhouMi chuckled.
"Don't worry! Kibum said they are keeping him sedated for the time being, it gives him time to heal better if he isn't moving, he can come home in a few days. I'll take you to see him later today"
There was movement upstairs and within minutes Henry appeared half way down the stairs, his hair was a mess from sleeping and he yawned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Um Hyungs" he said softly as ZhouMi turned around and met Henrys gaze with a smile.
"Good morning Henry. What's wrong?"
Henry sighed.
"I think we have a problem"

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Chaper 18 tomorrow! =D


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ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #1
Chapter 2: Sungmin really likes ripping peeps he hates hearts out...
Chapter 19: niceeeee xD
Chapter 19: i loved this story it really made me tear up
thankx authernim :)
Hyukkie_Lover098 #4
Umg. <3
I can't believe it's over... I've loved this story from day one... Ungh... I hate when fics I write/read finish. I feel so empty. :b
This story is amazing.
Oh. And, P.S.
At first I was like TWO YEARS?!? YAH, TEUKIE!
And then I remembered... you're writing a sequel. :D
Love you umma~
rizzorin #6
hahah i want something that will make sugmin angry at kyuhyun by the kiss kyuhyun and eeteuk did!!!~ ahahah!~ don't get me wrong, my bias is sungmin!~ hahhaahahah!~
Hyukkie_Lover098 #7

An update. <3
Glad to know Kyu's better. :D
Yah! Kangin! Don't eat Wookie! He's so small and cute! :P
Can't wait for the finale~