Chapter 09:

Last Christmas

Music: If I Could See You Again By Yurima

*Credit to them :D


(Nichkhun P.O.V.)



And that was very last time I saw her. She sends letters to Sunye and not once did she asked about me nor send a letter to me. I guess she’s sticking to her promise to let me go.

So here I am, standing outside my apartment balcony with the sun shining bright, leaning against the wall.

I tend not to think of you but when I have nothing to do my mind just drift back to the memories we had together. Who would have thought that second Christmas will have been our last one?

Last Christmas was the most beautiful one we had, but I prefer the first one were we fell in love with each other even more.

I know your somewhere out in this world, with your bright smile and your long wavy brown hair I love so much on you. I can still smell your scent in my apartment, I miss it so much, your warm body against mine.

“I miss you Sunmi.” I spoke out to my lonely apartment. Sighing I looked out towards New York day time street. Busy as ever, nothing changed in New York except my life.

I’m more different now; I bake a lot making sweets for my friends.

Gosh I’ve become so girly. :O

I wonder every night if I could ever see you again. Perhaps when were really old when someday we magically meet once more.

I smiled at the thought of that, perhaps one day.

One day when will meet again.

One day when will give that smile to each other again.

One day when we get to share our Christmas once more together.

I don’t know if I’ll ever forget you my first love, but I’ll surely treasure it. Moving on to another where I’ll remind myself to never let her go like I did with you. Letting you fly away from me so easily. I’ll treasure her more closely to my heart.

Forever loving you Sunmi from your one and only Mistletoe man Nichkhun.I thought as I gaze out into the busy daytime of New York.



Epilogue:     Two years later………


“Oh so sorry I didn’t meant to bump into you.” I said as I bump into a slim woman. She looked up at me, just then I saw an image of Sunmi.


Her eyes were so like her and her wavy brown hair that’s short instead of long.

“Oh no that’s okay, I’m clumsy sorry.” She said as she looked around her surroundings looking lost.

“Are you lost?” I asked as she looked back to me and nod her head.

“I can’t find the shop Wonder Bakery.”

Hearing that name remind me of Sunmi even more, I eat there occasionally hoping to see her one day working in the kitchen.

“Oh it’s just right down the block.” I answered as she shook her head happily.

“Thank you so much, I’ve been finding the shop for hours.” She spoke with such excitement.

“So what brings you here to New York?” I ask as we both walked down the busy street of New York together.

“Well I’m here to get the job there; my friend from Seoul mentioned it to me.” She answered as I nod my head.

Wait a second………….

“Does your friend happen to be a woman?” I asked.

“Yeah how you know?” She asks with a smile.

“Is her name Sunmi?”

Her smile faded a little with confusion.

“Sunmi? Ummm my friend that introduced me to this was Dara, Sandara.” She spoke as I shook my head apologizing.

“But I do believe Dara said one of her girl friend introduce her to Wonder Bakery here in New York to introduce me here.”

“I see.” I said.

“Oh I’d never got you name.” She said smiling as always.

“Nichkchun. Nichkhun Horvejkul .” I replied as she had a shock face.

“You’re Korean? Like me?” She ask, just then another flash back with Sunmi saying the same except thing.

“And you?” I ask shaking away from my thoughts.

She stops her tracks to face me, “Mimi, Lee Mimi.” She said reminding me of Sunmi so much. But I have a feeling that we connect somehow. Something within sparked after two years of absence of Sunmi. During those two years I did meet other friendly females but never had I got a spark like this like with Sunmi.

“Do……would you like to go grab something to eat in Wonder Bakery with me?” I ask as she gave a sweet smile and nod her head. We both started inside the shop talking and chatting with a smile.

From a few distance a woman with a wool coat, scarf around her and a knitted hat gave a smile.

(Sunmi P.O.V.)


“Be happy Mistletoe man Nichkhun, after all I went through all this trouble to find the right one for you again.” I said as I watched Nichkhun smiled a smile I loved so much. Too bad it’s never to me anymore. I watched as he walked inside Wonder Bakery’s shop with Mimi.

Yep I was the one who got Mimi here, I knew Sandara and told her to introduce her here, but made Dara promise not to tell her.

She gives me a feeling that she was the one for Nichkhun. I was right they connected just like me and Nichkhun did.

I pulled my scarf closer around my neck and took one last look at the new couple developing and smiled. Turning around I blended back inside the busy crowd of New York.




AHHHHHHHH~ I can't I believe I finished it :D Thank you for everyone support! I'm sorry that I can't make the story longer >-<" so sorry~ But I did make a a epilogue to make it up at least for half of it. Well thanks for reading it I'm so very grateful, stay tune for my next story I hope that will come soon. :) Oh and feel free to still vote on the polls (below)............... ;)

Before I forget once more thank thank you for everyone that support my story. :D heart Love you guys ;) Add me as a friend (me Rassyjam haha) :) or keep a close eye maybe I'll start my second story soon~ ^-^

Thank you and hope you enjoy my story~









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Chapter 9: I just finished reading your story... It was cute and creative.
I like how Nick ended up with some other girl, not that I didn't want him with sunmi.
I found your story because of the feature.
Thank you!
Congrats! :D
Congrats on feature!
congrats on trf
--Nomnom #5
congrats yo ~
krayyy #6
Congrats on the random feature :)
Congratulations! ^^
congrats on the feature!!
RoarLikeABuffalo #10