Chapter 04:

Last Christmas

*Credit to I just changed it thats all I don't own anything :D

(Sunmi P.O.V.)

I said the stupidest thing ever as a reply.

“Eh?” I clamp my mouth embarrassed as Nichkhun gave a tiny snicker. As I slowly drag my hands down to the side he looked at me with a goofy smile.

“So you work here, at Wonder’s Bakery? “ He asks me and pointing the shop making it obvious. I nod my head without speaking afraid of saying anything to embarrass myself more.

(Nichkhun P.O.V.)

Something about her makes me act so goofy and laugh a lot. She’s sure shy today than yesterday, our first encounter.

“What is wrong with me?” I ask myself as she put her hands to the side. Perhaps…..just perhaps I’m enchanted by her?

I smile liking the sound of that, I look down upon her as she blushed. I wonder what she is thinking right now, maybe the same thing as I.

“You want to go to the beach?” I ask as her eyes widen at me with a shock face.

“But it’s four days before Christmas.” She replies as I shrug my shoulders.

“So your point is?” I ask back.

“It’s the month of December. It’s about forty degrees out.”She simply replies as I smirk.

“We can snuggle against each other to keep warm.” She blushed from that, I examine her deep pink blush across her cheeks. Almost making it look rosy red. Something came over me; I couldn’t help it but brush my knuckles gently across her smooth soft skin.

“Ooooh! Nick your flirting!” Taec voice shouted out from the door of Wonder’s Bakery shop.

“Aish.” I mutter out to myself as Sunmi back away from me and blushed even more furiously. I felt guilty putting her on the spot and blushing more than before.

“Mianhae,” I whisper to Sunmi who stood beside me. She gave a weak smile and looked at me for a split second before she looked away from me.

“Yah Taec, go somewhere else with your girlfriend already!” I replied back as Yoobin blushed while Taec faced turned red. 

“Haha! Taec hasn’t asked Yoobin to be his girlfriend yet! I just embarrass him, usually I would have felt bad but right now……..”

“She’s….she’s………let’s go Yoobin I have something to tell you somewhere else and NOT in front of him.” Taec said emphasizing the word “not” and sticking his tongue out as he turned Yoobin around and walked off.

I laughed lightly and looked towards Sunmi who just stared at Taec’s back with a expression of a confuse face.

“So you want to go?” I ask out of nowhere taking Sunmi by surprise. She looked at me and blinked for awhile before answering back.

“I will love to.” She said with a smile, something about her changed she seemed to step out of her shy shell and showing her normal self.

“So,” I ask kicking the soft sand softly, we got here not long ago and are walking around the beach taking in fresh air and the warm sunlight.

She turned to look at me as her dark brown here gets whip back. “Yes?” She ask as I shook my head not sure what to say.

“Is this love at first sight or what? My heart’s still skipping very fast even though I seem to act very calm.”

“What?” She asks with a wide smile now, playfully hitting my arm. “Tell me.”

“Nope,” I simply said and ran off making her chase after me.

We ran for a long while when we both ran out of breath. Just then I heard a grumble as I laughed.

“Yah, why are you laughing? It’s your own stomach not mine.” Sunmi said, I stopped laughing and listened to the wave and just then my stomach made a sound.

“Oh, it is mine.” I said feeling silly, in just two days I feel like I know Sunmi a long time. I wonder does she feel the same as me.

“You want to go bake? I know a place where you can bake your own cake.” Sunmi said as I shook my head.

“I can’t really bake.” I said laughing slightly as Sunmi pouted.

“You’re lying.”  She simply replied.

“No I’m not.” I said.

“No one in this world can’t bake Nichkhun, I bet you just never tried hard enough. Come on!” Sunmi said and entwined her hands with mine. Just then I felt a spark sending through my body as I was being dragged away.



Sorry readers for not posting a chapter for so long! Been busy with school and such, anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter ;)

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Chapter 9: I just finished reading your story... It was cute and creative.
I like how Nick ended up with some other girl, not that I didn't want him with sunmi.
I found your story because of the feature.
Thank you!
Congrats! :D
Congrats on feature!
congrats on trf
--Nomnom #5
congrats yo ~
krayyy #6
Congrats on the random feature :)
Congratulations! ^^
congrats on the feature!!
RoarLikeABuffalo #10