Chapter 02:

Last Christmas

Music: Mine by Taylor Swift

Instrutmenal by: Wildrockerz

*Credit to them :)


(Nichkhun P.O.V.)




“Mistle……..RING RING!”

“What the…?” I opened my eyes slightly to the sound of my phone ringing. Picking it up from my light stand I looked at the caller ID.

“Loser Taec,” I read as I groan putting it back down on the light stand. His caller name wasn’t like that nine hours ago until I changed it. When he called me at twelve in the morning to tell me I have a double date with him in less than twelve hours. You see, it was finally my day off where I wanted to sleep in for hours. I don’t want to go on dates, besides I don’t know how to communicate to girls that are so spoiled since their rich by their parents. “Forget you.” I mutter pulling my covers over my head.

Yep that’s Taec alright, going on dates with great beauty who happens to be spoiled rich. Sighing I try to think back to yesterday night.

“Sunmi,” I said her name out loud; something about her makes my heart give a leap.

“What is wrong with me?” Just because I don’t know how to communicate with beautiful spoiled rich girls doesn’t mean my heart will give leaps all the time. Sighing I tossed around in my bed when my doorbell started ringing.

“Yo Nick!” Taec voice shouted through my house front door.

“Wake up! It’s nine in the morning almost time for our date!” Taec continue to shout while adding some pounding to my front door.

“Ugh,” I groaned sinking deeper into my bed, hoping it’ll me in making me disappear. “Go away!” I shouted back to him.

“Dude, get up already.” Taec said really close to me just after a minute of my reply. Just then my cover got pulled away from me. I opened my eyes to find Taec standing beside my bedside dressed casually. I examine him, he was wearing a black leather jacket, white t-shirt, plain blue jeans, and black expensive shoes that look very shiny.

Reacting slowly because my lack of sleep I finally replied. “What the heck dude, did you break down my door to get in here?!”

Taec just rolled his eyes sighing, “Dude you hide your extra keys in your front door plant dirt in an apartment.”

My eyes went wide as I put a reminder into my brain to hide my keys elsewhere.

“So get up man.” Teac said plopping down onto my bed laying down on it and stretched.

“So who is the lucky girl this time?” I ask while getting up from my bed, I could sense Taec smiling.

“Her names Kim Yoobin and not the spoiled rich kid type, she actually has a sad background.  Her dad died when she was five and she lived with her mom who worked all the time to support her family. So Yoobin’s a strong girl and not spoiled.” Taec said as I step into my bathroom.

“And who’s my lucky date?” I ask while rolling my eyes. Teac got up from my bed and poked his head inside my bathroom.

“Anh Sohee.” Taec answered my question smiling.




“Don’t be so quiet okay?” Teac ask as we walked down New York City Street to Wonder Bakery where we’ll meet the girls. Wonder Bakery was a small pastries shop which somehow is a popular place to eat at. So walking down the street I examined my clothes.  Well I was dressed by Teac, wearing a dark navy suit, white suit shirt Taec lend me, a somewhat white tie string that Taec brought for me to use today, and regular blue jeans. He seemed to have imagined what to wear for me.

“Oh and talk more today okay?” Taec ask.

“Isn’t that the same question you asked a minute ago?” I ask, as Taec thought back scratching his head. I sigh shaking my head as I pushed opened the door to Wonder Bakery.

“Taecyeon! Over here!” A girl with tan skin shouted cheerfully. I guessed that’s Yoobin and sitting beside her with long black hair and chubby cheeks which made her look cute, was Anh Sohee.

“Yoobin!” Taec reply back cheerfully. Guess he really likes this girl; we took a seat across from the girls. Sohee facing me and Taec across from Yoobin of course, we exchanged introduction and chatted well technically Yoobin and Taec. As for me I said maybe less than a hundred words with Sohee?

“So…………..” I said.

“May you guys like to order now?” A girl with short wavy hair asks holding a notepad and pen.

“Oh yes,” Taec reply looking at his menu, I did also scanning through different types of cakes, cookies, etc.

“Can I get a vanilla cake?” Yoobin ask while Sohee order strawberry cake. Taecyeon order chocolate cake while I just order their special lists, which had pac man sugar cookies. I know I’ll receive a harangue from Taec, saying I shouldn’t eat kid food in front of girls on dates.




I ignore the side harangue stare from Taec already wondering why this girl that took our order just now looked so familiar.

Following her walking to the counter with our menu she handed it to the girl who probably was one of the chef’s.


The chef girl looks so familiar. My eyes widen slightly as my heart began to leap.

It was Sunmi, the girl who kissed me.



Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :D


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Chapter 9: I just finished reading your story... It was cute and creative.
I like how Nick ended up with some other girl, not that I didn't want him with sunmi.
I found your story because of the feature.
Thank you!
Congrats! :D
Congrats on feature!
congrats on trf
--Nomnom #5
congrats yo ~
krayyy #6
Congrats on the random feature :)
Congratulations! ^^
congrats on the feature!!
RoarLikeABuffalo #10