Chapter 01:

Last Christmas

Music: My Memory By Yiruma

*Credit to them for this lovely song :)


(Nichkhun P.O.V.)

I remember the first time I met her. The girl that changed my one and only life forever. I know, I know, it's just a typical story about how a boy meets a girl. And

there you have it, love at first sight.Well mine happened just like that. Just here me out and listen to my story, it's the most prize possession I'd have. It cost more than anything in my life.

AHEM~ So this is how it goes..............................

I was a man devoted in his job and only spend his free time with himself or spend a bit time with his family and friends. Walking down the New York night time city square holding onto my suitcase, I just got off from work. I puff out smoke formed by the cold Decemeber night; it was five days before Christmas you see.

Passing by the Christmas tree they putted up I looked at my watch. It was almost time for my cartoon show I watch, call me a kid but I still watch these shows. And why am I walking at night in New York? To take the bus of course, for a twenty year old guy who works for a top company in New York I don't own a car.

Believe me it's a waste of space for a guy who lives in an apartment. A car with no one to share with and an apartment with only me to live in, don't you think a car is a waste of space?

Anyways, looking at my watch I bumped into someone dropping my suitcase onto the hard cold floor.

"And yes this is the part where I meet her. :)"

"Excuse me." The woman I bumped into said with a mean look. I apologize as she hurries off leaving me to pick up my object I dropped.

"Madame I believe you're the one at fault here!" I called out to the air, hoping the woman would have heard me. Sighing as I shook my head, I was about to pick back up my suitcase when a hand, slim and light skin wrapped her fingers around the handle and picked it up.

I looked up to the person; she was tall probably around my height. She gave a sweet smile to me, wearing a black wool coat all the way past her waist a little, probably a white sweater underneath her coat, a pair of blue jeans, a white warm cozy scarf wrapped around her neck, black boots, her hair darkish black and brown hung loose past her shoulder, and had light make up on.

"Call me weird but I tend to examine people a lot."

"Thank you." I spoke as she shook her head, with her bangs falling down to her eyes covering it.

"No worries," she said with a bright smile while handling me back my suitcase. "I saw what happened." She replied, and for a couple of seconds silence took over.

"What a terrible chit she is."

"Excuse me?" I ask surprise by her comment and her unusual language.

"Oh, a chit means a child, girl, or a young woman in this matter." The weird woman explained.

"Do you.............." I trailed off wanting to ask her a question that was swirling in my head.

"Let's walk and talk instead of just standing here looking like fools." The woman said gesturing her hand to walk.

"So what did you wanted to ask me?" She asks, as we strolled around the big Christmas tree.

"Oh, um never mind, I believed you answered my question." I reply as she nodded her head confused.

"So what's your name?" I finally ask after fifteen seconds of silence walking around.

She stopped her tracks to look me in the face and smiled, "Sunmi."

"You?" she asks as she continued to walk again.

"Nichkhun Horvejkul." I reply as she smiled once again.

"You're Korean? Like me?" She asked an obvious question standing in front of me now. I nod my head as she giggled.

"Oh look," she said with a smile looking up at the big tree. I scanned the sight she's looking at but found nothing particular.

"Where are you pointing at?"

"There!" She pointed at the tree branch above us, jumping up slightly to touch the object.

"Mistletoe," she yelled excitedly and looked at me. I didn't have time to react when she kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Sunmi, it's time! Come on!" One of her friend with short wavy hair yelled, gesturing her to hurry off.

"Okay!" She yelled back, before leaving she looked at me once more and smiled, running off back to her friend and disappeared.

Leaving me there dumbstruck........................................



Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter :) I'm hoping to post more chapters soon oh and thank you for the people that subscribed :D hope to hear your comments soon ;) and new readers hope you like it and feel free to comment!


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Chapter 9: I just finished reading your story... It was cute and creative.
I like how Nick ended up with some other girl, not that I didn't want him with sunmi.
I found your story because of the feature.
Thank you!
Congrats! :D
Congrats on feature!
congrats on trf
--Nomnom #5
congrats yo ~
krayyy #6
Congrats on the random feature :)
Congratulations! ^^
congrats on the feature!!
RoarLikeABuffalo #10