→ Yeoniie ♥

→ la la land ♥ [hiatus]




Teen Top/Jay Park - Girlfriend

characters: Yong Wonyeon, Himchan

minor characters: Sohyun

by karaHarith



The weather today seemed to match up to how sick Wonyeon was feeling; she felt a cold coming on, her nose was runny, she felt stuffy and she had been coughing since last night. Wonyeon hoped that she wasn’t getting sick because when she does, it usually leads to her lying in bed for a week. She staggered through the busy hallway and arrived at her locker. Wonyeon stuffed her backpack into it and made her way to her Vocal class in the auditorium. She was greeted by a few smiling faces and her best friend, Sohyun. She excitedly waved over Wonyeon to where she was.


“Yeonie! You ready for the test?” Sohyun asked. Wonyeon smiled slightly and coughed before she nodded. “Omo! Are you sick? No, you can’t be sick today!” She grabbed Wonyeon’s hand as she pouted sadly.


“I’m fine, it’s just a cough. My mother gave me cough syrup before I came to school.” Wonyeon pulled her hand away and patted Sohyun’s shoulder. Sohyun squinted her eyes, deliberating what Wonyeon had just said and broke into a smile. Sohyun was a bubbly and cheerful girl; it was hard to get mad at her because of her optimism. Sohyun then continued on to talk about how her weekend went.


“Alright then, let’s get started! Gather round, guys! I don’t have all day.” Mrs Im strode in, waving her arms dramatically. Sohyun sighed, upset that she had to cut her story short. Almost immediately, the students in the room gathered in front of her. “Who wants to start first?” She asked as she looked at the faces of her students. They quickly averted their eyes away from her.


“Why don’t we have Wonyeon go first?” A girl from the back shouted. Mrs Im broke into a smile and nodded happily. Mrs Im really liked Wonyeon as her student as she had a perfect pitch and vocal chords like it was dipped in honey. Many students of Seoul Arts University were envious of what Wonyeon had. Wonyeon let out a husky cough and stood up.


“Oh, are you alright? You seem pale.” Mrs Im asked worriedly. Wonyeon shook her head and told Mrs. Im not to worry. She started off singing a verse of Big Bang’s Blue but ended up coughing. “You shouldn’t force yourself if you’re not feeling well. It’s alright, Wonyeon.” Mrs Im said as she patted Wonyeon’s back.


“No, it’s okay. I can do it.” Wonyeon told Mrs Im. She straightened herself, cleared and started singing again. She didn’t cough but her voice wavered and croaked. Wonyeon stopped when she heard endless of whispers from the students.


“Why is her voice like that?”


“She’s Yong Wonyeon. A mere cough won’t be of a hinder...”


“Aish, so disappointing...”


“I guess she isn’t that good after all.”


Wonyeon had her hands balled into fists at her sides. She was trying hard not to cry, I mean, she wasn’t one to show her weakness to anyone; and yet today she had. Her parents had high expectations of her, even she had high expectations of herself but today she felt all of those were stupid and useless, not everyone was perfect. Everyone expected Yong Wonyeon to be flawless, at least that was what everyone thought. The whisperings began to get louder; Wonyeon stared to grew irritated of it. She turned to face them with a straight face.


“What? I can’t have flaws? Even robots make mistakes... Don’t worry about me and start worrying about yourselves; all of you aren’t even that good to begin with.” Wonyeon snorted.


“Y-yah! Don’t get too arrogant!” The girl from before stood up, trying to size up to Wonyeon. Wonyeon tilted her head, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and walked up to the girl. Sohyun stood up and grabbed Wonyeon’s arm, afraid that she would start a fight. 


“Is that what it’s called? Arrogance? I wouldn’t know it because I have never acted like that before. Have I?” Wonyeon smirked. It’s true; Wonyeon was never arrogant or prideful of what she could do. She helped and advised plenty of students on how to sing, dance and sometimes, even with their homework. The girl looked down and backed away from Wonyeon. “I thought so...” Wonyeon said before walking out of the class. Sohyun threw a disgusted look towards the girl and ran after Wonyeon.





Meanwhile, Himchan was slacking in class with Yonggook before recess commenced. Once the bell rang, Himchan ran out after telling Yonggook where he could find him. Usually, Himchan would be at the rooftop catching up with his sleep. You might be thinking ‘Oh, he must’ve been up studying last night’. No, Himchan was up, doing god knows what. Maybe he was out even, partying somewhere a group of girls. But then again, he had stopped doing all that after 8 months Wonyeon had started school there. Himchan himself didn’t know why.


He managed to get a few minutes of shut eye when he heard sobbing from the corner of the rooftop. Himchan tried to ignore it at first but the sobbing got louder and then he heard a few flower pots breaking. He figured the girl who’d been crying decided to throw a few pots to cover up for her frustration. Himchan got up and bent over to have a peek of the sobbing girl. To his surprise, it was Wonyeon. Himchan quickly rushed over to her side without much thought.


“Wonyeon-ah! Wae uneungeoya?” Himchan grabbed hold of her shoulders and when she just kept silent, he shook them a bit. “So who’s am I kicking?” He cracked his knuckles. Himchan wasn’t kidding about that, whoever had dared hurt his friends; he would gladly take it up to that person. Maybe that’s why he keeps on getting into trouble and fights.


“Nobody...” She choked. Himchan sighed and sat beside her. “I ing ruined a song I sang during Vocal lessons just now. I was angry at first when people started judging me, it was as though I was declined to even make a mistake. But then, I thought about it and I felt like I let everybody down. They expect great things from me but I let a cough get in the way of it. I feel so useless.” Wonyeon rambled on as more hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn’t control them, it flowed out willingly.


Himchan stared at her and then pulled her into a comforting embrace. Normally, Wonyeon hated these types of skinship with Himchan but she was too upset to do anything about it. She even felt comforted being in his arms. He didn’t need to say anything; he knew this was what she needed. Wonyeon had always been so pressured by her parents that one day she felt she had to listen to her parents and prove herself. Basically, she told herself that she needed to do this for her parents but what she didn’t know was nobody was perfect.


“You can’t blame a cough for this; it was evitable that it would be of an obstacle to your singing. It isn’t permanent so get better and show those es what you can do,” Himchan said, pulling away. “And besides, you could never ruin a song even if your throat was ed up.” He chuckled, ruffling her hair as he pulled her in for another hug in which Wonyeon gracefully accepted by hugging him back.



It was another day in school and Wonyeon had gotten a lot better. She has a makeup test for the previous Vocal class since she walked out of it halfway through the lesson. She decided to find Himchan so she could thank him. Wonyeon smiled as she looked at the bag of sweets in her hand and headed to where his locker was. She bumped into a few smiling faces before facing where she thought Himchan’s locker was. She saw two students locking lips disgustingly; they seemed like eating at each other’s faces. Wonyeon felt a barf coming on but decided to keep it in.


“Gosh! Get a room, guys!” She scowled, hitting his back with the bag of sweets. He jumped slightly and turned to face her, wiping his lips at the same time.


“Wonyeon! It’s not what it looks like!” Himchan held his hands up defensively like Wonyeon was about to beat him senseless. Usually, Wonyeon didn’t care who he went out with, made out with or even have with but this time, she felt a little hurt but she didn’t know why though.


“Really, now? Were you helping her get an eyelash off her face with your tongue? Because that was what it totally looked like.” Wonyeon said sarcastically. She paused and chided herself at her own choice of words.


“No, but-” Himchan was about to say something but Wonyeon raised her hand to stop him.


“Anyways, I only came here to give you these as a thank you for the other day. So, yeah...” Wonyeon casually lifted her hand and nodded towards the paper bag. “Take it so I can leave, Himchan.” She let out a exasperated sigh. He nodded rigidly and took it.


Wonyeon rolled her eyes at him and walked off. When she was about to reach the Arts Building, she felt somebody tailing her. The person was close at her heels, so much so that when she whirled around to berate the person for following her around, the person barely managed to stop in time to avoid a collision. The result was the two of them standing all of an inch away from each other.


“Himchan?” Her eyes widened as she took a big step back. “Why are you following me?” She asked. Himchan shrugged and gave her a small smile.


“I don’t know.” He said. Wonyeon shot him a glare and continued her way to the auditorium. Himchan stood there for a moment and followed her again. When Wonyeon turned to enter the auditorium, Himchan waited patiently outside for her to finish her Vocal exam.


After about an hour or so, Wonyeon emerged from the auditorium with a huge toothy grin. She nailed it, of course. She received the highest score for pitching and rhythm. Wonyeon bent over to touch her toes, stretching her back at the same time. She turned to leave but tripped on something.


“Wonyeon-ah! Gwenchana?” A voice called out. Wonyeon winced as she rubbed her .


“You! What are you doing here?” Wonyeon shouted, hitting on his arm. She had tripped on Himchan’s leg, he was sleeping in the corner with his legs stretched out.


“I’m so sorry!” Himchan said, helping her up. “I was waiting for you but I fell asleep.” He smiled sheepishly as he brushed his hand through his blonde short locks.


“Why would you do that? Don’t you have a girl to bang or something?” Wonyeon said as she pulled her skirt down. She paused to think again and mentally slapped herself for the words she just used.


“I’ve decided to woo you.” Himchan said, leaning closer towards her. Wonyeon blinked a couple of times and burst into uncontrollable laughter. The boy looked at her in shock and blushed into a deep red.


“You... What? You’ve got... to be kidding... me...” Wonyeon said in between giggles. She found it absolutely hilarious that a playboy had uttered the word ‘woo’.


“I’m not kidding you! I like you, a lot.” Himchan breathed out.


“Riiiight, just like you like those other girls.” Wonyeon snorted as she rolled her eyes at him. “I have to go now or Yonggook oppa will think I got kidnapped.” She waved her hands in front of his face and walked off.


“I’m not kidding! I’ll continue to follow you every day until you believe me!” Himchan shouted until Wonyeon turned into a corner, out of the Arts Building.



For the next few days, Himchan kept following Wonyeon around. He walked her to and from school, attempted to carry her books. He did everything. Wonyeon was beginning to find it annoying. As much as she saw the change in the playboy, she couldn’t trust it. A person, who had been sleeping, drinking and partying around, wants to ‘woo’ her. She had no idea how he had even had those feelings for her. Wonyeon remembered the first day she started school here; Yonggook had introduced her to Himchan. And of course, Himchan’s first impression was her was that she was a goody two-shoes and a geeky straight A student. Her first impression of him was that he was a jerk who played with the hearts of girls. Wonyeon wasn’t sure if they were compatible for each other even if she were to go out with him.


“Wonyeon-ah! Wait up!” A very familiar voice called out. Wonyeon turned around and Himchan jerked himself just in front of her.


“What do you want?” Wonyeon rolled her eyes and continued walking while Himchan trailed behind her.


“I told you I won’t stop following you around until you believe me.” Himchan chimed.


“Tell me one reason why I should believe you?” Wonyeon stopped walking again when she reached the school garden. She turned around with one eyebrow raised when Himchan kept silent. “Well? I’m waiting.” She tilted her head. Himchan took a deep breath and broke into a smile.


“I won’t give you one; I’ll give plenty of reasons why...” Himchan stated. Wonyeon rolled her eyes, shifted her weight onto her right leg and nodded for him to start talking. “Though you wear contact lenses to school, the original colour of your eyes are brown, you have a blue tiny oval shaped birthmark on your lower back, you tend to pull on a few strands of your hair when you’re concentrating, you play with your fingers when you’re nervous, you like sweet and cheesy things and when you love, you give it your all. That’s pretty much about everything I love about you...”


“Himchan-ah...” Wonyeon muttered. She was taken aback by what he had said, she had no idea he had felt that way towards her.


“I don’t know how or when I started having these feelings towards you but I like these feelings so don’t take it away from me...” Himchan smiled bashfully as he looked into Wonyeon’s eyes. Wonyeon turned around and proceeded to walk away from him but was stopped. Himchan grabbed her wrist and turned her back around to face him. They were this close to each other. Wonyeon felt her breathe hitching when Himchan leaned in closer towards her face. Himchan gently caressed her cheek as he leaned forward and touched her lips with his. It was gentle, tender and extremely hot.


He backed up one step so he could speak, “Will you go out with me?”


“You took my first kiss and you want me to go out with you? Hell, no. You’re my boyfriend now.” Wonyeon smirked and intertwined her hand with his. Himchan let out a hearty, happy laugh and led her out of the school compound. 


Author's note: I changed her personality a little bit because she seemed a bit mary sue-ish. In this story, I made her realize that she can't always be perfect and Himchan helped her through that. I'm sorry it took too long, I'm not familiar with anyone from B.A.P.

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hiatus ;~;


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Chapter 11: Just so y'all know...
I frequently read this chapter and spazz every time. I sincerely love this oneshot to bits and still appreciate Dorkazoid for writing this. All these oneshots are great!
I've requested ^^
-Eevee- #3
ohoho its a new month ~ Can i request again now? *^*
I'll wait for as long as you need me to ^_^
FIGHTING! I'll request again once everyone's back!
Sorry! My mom's on high alert and I can barely come home without being told not to play on the computer! I'll tell you when I'm free!
ya, sorry about not alerting you that i've been busy.
something just came up today as well.
you might see my blog about it, i don't know really.
not to mention that i have FCAT, which is a standardized test for the state. i'll be done with that tomorrow but what'll keep me away from writing is all week pretty much
_babypop_ #7
Thank you for the oneshot :D i really love it !! <3 ^__^
-Eevee- #8
so i requested again, my last one for this month <3
Eeek, more cute Gyu Oppa XD
Loved it, of course~. It's so romantically adorable <3
-Eevee- #10
omfg i love you so much babe and im definitely reading the story featuring sunggyu, as if the fact he is my ultimate bias is not much clearer *^* i left one last request for this month -rolls around- ahhhhhhh . <3 you're too good of a writer ;A;