→ zenlovers ♥

→ la la land ♥ [hiatus]


f(x) - So Into U

characters: Moon Yunhee, INFINITE's Nam Woohyun

by Dorkazoid



Moon Yunhee didn’t remember the last time she had fallen in love at first sight. To be honest, she didn’t really believe in it. Who would fall in love at first sight? It sounds ridiculous to her. She doesn’t even know the person yet or how he would turn out to be. If she really does fall in love at first sight and then realize that the person isn’t how she expected it to be in the end, she’d feel rather disappointed.

She didn’t want that. Too much of a trouble.

But I think this time, she’d make an exception.

Nam Woohyun was the perfect definition of a typical jerk yet gorgeous guy. It’s unfair how guys look so good on the outside but are so insolent when she gets to know them personally. It . What even more is that she had promised not to fall in love

“I bet you’re thinking about that Woohyun guy again,” Charlie told her as if making something out of her ‘daydreaming’ face.  Charlie Jung is her best friend since God knows when. Even though she can be such a sometimes, Yunhee loved her. She always says the right things even though they aren’t particularly what Yunhee wants to hear.

“I’m not,” Yunhee lied, blushing.

“And you’re thinking how you made an exception of falling in love at first sight with him and how he’s so gorgeous but can such an sometimes,” Charlie added, propping her elbow up. Yunhee had invited Charlie over for a sleepover yesterday and nevertheless, Charlie was up to it. And they have been talking about Woohyun for good 30 minutes.

“Am not,” Yunhee lied. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“There’s something you’re not telling me,” Charlie concluded.

Yunhee stared at her. “What? I’ve told you what I’m supposed to tell you.”

“Not that,” Charlie says.

Yunhee sighed exasperatedly. “Fine. He asked me out yesterday.”

Charlie’s eyes widened. “And? What did he say?”

“He asked me to go to that planetarium in Seoul,” Yunhee explained, her back on the bed. “I didn’t exactly say yes. But I didn’t say no either. I just didn’t know what to say. Besides, the other day, we got into an argument and I hated him. So it was kind of bewildering to have the two of us fighting one minute and the next thing he does is ask me to watch that meteor shower show with him. Isn’t it boring? You wouldn’t even go there, Char.”

Charlie shrugged. “I would if it’s Nam Woohyun.”

Yunhee rolled her eyes. “What are you trying to imply?”

“Go to that meteor shower show with him!” Charlie suggested as if it was the most obvious thing.

Yunhee scoffed. “Why should I? Charlie, I told you. I don’t want to pursue these feelings.”

Charlie chuckled. “Take this as a challenge. Maybe this could help you figure out what you really feel.”

“I know what I feel,” Yunhee declared. “But there’s no way I’m going to ever admit it.”

“Just once.”


“Is your mother going to be around tonight?” Charlie asks.


“Does she know about this?”

“Yes, I tell her everything.”

“So, did she say yes?”


“So, you’re going?”


“Perfect!” Charlie squealed, clapping her hands. Yunhee stared at her, surprised by her sudden scream when she realized what Charlie had just made her do. The moment it hit her, she wanted to smack the sense out of Charlie. Yunhee knew there was something Charlie was up to but she couldn’t quite figure it out.

Yunhee didn’t even want to go in the first place. First of all, it was a meteor shower show. She was pretty sure it’s all going to be raining meteor showers and lectures about how they emit unforeseen lights or effects on earth. Second, she didn’t want to go with Woohyun no matter how much her heart says the exact opposite thing. Third, she can’t because if she does, she might not be able to hold back her feelings. Lastly, she can’t go because… she just can’t.

“No, Charlie,” Yunhee says, sighing. “You don’t understand. I can’t…”

Charlie sits up and turns to Yunhee. “Yun, just this one time. I don’t know what’s holding you back but if you just let yourself loose, maybe you can figure out what you really want to do. But if you really don’t want to continue with the feelings you’ve started, then stop seeing him.”

Yunhee gazed at Charlie, contemplating whether she should follow what she said or just stay at home. If Yunhee did go to that show with him, what would she do? How would she want it to turn out in the end?  She doesn’t know what was holding her back. Maybe it was because she was scared to face rejection. Or maybe she wanted Woohyun to feel the same way.

But what if he doesn’t?

“Fine,” Yunhee affirmed, frowning. “But if something happens, it’s all you.”

Charlie winked at her. “If something happens, I’ll make sure he doesn’t have the balls to see you anymore. Literally.”

“Stay here while I get the food.”

Yunhee didn’t regret coming after seeing Woohyun dress up in his casual clothes. He still looks so awfully gorgeous that it’s painfully hard for her to not stare at him. The girls who pass by him would do a double take, glance at her and then throw that ‘I’m judging you’ look. She doesn’t care. She was lucky to have him as her date for today. Just for today.

Although there’s one thing Yunhee didn’t like: it was her clothes. How could she wear simple hoodie and cargo pants while Woohyun looks like he’s a model on a runway?

The line to the meteor shower viewing was so long that they reached the entrance of the planetarium where it was holding. There were a variety of people: kids, young couples, teenagers, mothers and families. The show might not be so bad after all.

“Are you okay?” Woohyun asks.

“Huh?” Yunhee gave him a quizzical look.

“You look troubled,” he says.

Yunhee shook her head. “Oh, I’m fine. It’s just that… um, it’s a pretty long line.”

Woohyun studied her curiously. “You’re not a good liar. Really, what’s wrong?”

Yunhee smiled. “Nothing. Just forget about it.”

Going in, both Yunhee and Woohyun were assisted by some ushers and usherettes. The lights were dimmed and it was a little cramped inside. Since they were going to display some meteor shower, the ceiling was total darkness. Some kids had started to get scared because it was a little dark inside. For Yunhee, she went closer to Woohyun.


Yunhee rolled her eyes. “Am not!”

Woohyun giggled. “Come on. Let’s take a seat.”

Yunhee couldn’t make out which part of the seating arrangement they were in. They weren’t too far but they weren’t too near either. Soon, ten minutes later, darkness intervened. Yunhee couldn’t see anything. But the smell of the milkshakes Woohyun bought for her, his warmth and the scent of his perfume somehow comforted her. Knowing that he was there was unusually soothing.

Moments later, mysterious background music started playing and a couple of stars started appearing above them one by one. Then a man’s voice could be heard, like he was summarizing what was happening. She could hear the kids’ squealing excitedly.

Yunhee gazed at the ceiling, mesmerized by the stars, the meteor showers appearing one by one. She was wrong. It wasn’t boring. She’d definitely recommend watching this to Charlie with her boyfriend as soon as she gets home. She was so captivated that she almost forgot Woohyun was there.

On the other hand, for Woohyun, he let out a little smile. Knowing that Yunhee couldn’t see him in the dark, he moved carefully as to not disturb her. He reached for something on his back pocket, constantly sneaking glances towards Yunhee if she had noticed him moving a lot.

Once he got it, he smiled and inhaled deeply. He turned towards Yunhee, poked her cheeks and sat still.

“What?” Yunhee asks.

Woohyun gave him his trademark smile. He raised his left hand unknowingly and placed it in front of Yunhee. “There’s a meteor shower in front of you.”

Yunhee frowned. “Huh?” She turned her head to look at the front only to find a silver necklace with a diamond inside the meteor . It was dark but it was some sort of a miracle for Yunhee to be able to see it. Yunhee let out a soft gasp, astonished by what Woohyun did. Was he giving her some sort of… a commitment thing? A necklace? Isn’t that something… very romantic? Does that mean he likes her?


Woohyun grinned, leaning a little closer towards her. She could hear his steady breathing and her own heartbeat. Was she hallucinating?

Just then, she felt his lips brush against her cheeks.

“See those meteor showers? There are a lot of them, right?” Woohyun asks in a low voice, cupping her face in his hands. “You see, I’ve been in love with you for a very long time. But you don’t see it. You rarely see it, like meteor showers. But once you see get the drift, you’ll realize that my love for you is bigger than a meteor shower could ever be.”

Yunhee inhaled deeply, definitely taken aback by what was happening. “W…what…”

Before leaning in for a kiss, Woohyun lets out a mischievous smirk and says, “I love you, Moon Yunhee. You should know that by now.”


I'm sorry. This seems rushed but this was the best that I could do. If you want a re-do on some parts or if you want to request again, kindly write on the form or just read the rules. @zenlovers, I hope you like it.

And give a warm welcome to our new writer, karaHarith x

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hiatus ;~;


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Chapter 11: Just so y'all know...
I frequently read this chapter and spazz every time. I sincerely love this oneshot to bits and still appreciate Dorkazoid for writing this. All these oneshots are great!
I've requested ^^
-Eevee- #3
ohoho its a new month ~ Can i request again now? *^*
I'll wait for as long as you need me to ^_^
FIGHTING! I'll request again once everyone's back!
Sorry! My mom's on high alert and I can barely come home without being told not to play on the computer! I'll tell you when I'm free!
ya, sorry about not alerting you that i've been busy.
something just came up today as well.
you might see my blog about it, i don't know really.
not to mention that i have FCAT, which is a standardized test for the state. i'll be done with that tomorrow but what'll keep me away from writing is all week pretty much
_babypop_ #7
Thank you for the oneshot :D i really love it !! <3 ^__^
-Eevee- #8
so i requested again, my last one for this month <3
Eeek, more cute Gyu Oppa XD
Loved it, of course~. It's so romantically adorable <3
-Eevee- #10
omfg i love you so much babe and im definitely reading the story featuring sunggyu, as if the fact he is my ultimate bias is not much clearer *^* i left one last request for this month -rolls around- ahhhhhhh . <3 you're too good of a writer ;A;