→ -Eevee- ♥

→ la la land ♥ [hiatus]



INFINTE’s Sunggyu – Because

characters: Eve Lee, Kim Sunggyu

minor characters: Subin, INFINITE members

by Dorkazoid



Eve Lee wondered whether it’s because of her protective instincts or jealousy that drove her insane. Well, not too much. It took every ounce of her strength to restrain herself from clawing the girl’s eyes out. It was obvious that she was using him because of his rising popularity and wealth. Who wouldn’t date Kim Sunggyu? Eight out of ten girls would. And Eve was one of them.

But Sunggyu doesn’t feel the same way. Or that’s what she thinks.

She has liked Sunggyu since God knows when. She was his number one fan and she knows what he likes and what he doesn’t. But sometimes, Sunggyu tends to be too stupid when it comes to his love life.

Her wish was granted when she met Sunggyu at the train going to Busan. It wasn’t the ideal meeting but at least they became friends, right? Hundreds of girls were there, aching to see at least one member from INFINITE. Eve was lucky to be even this close with Sunggyu.

But being a friend… was harder than she thought it would be. Yes, she gets to be close with Sunggyu. Eat with him. Hang out with him. Laugh with him. Exchange the corniest jokes. Share secrets. One night, he decided that she has been promoted to a higher level: his best friend.

And that’s all she’s ever going to be.

And now she’s probably spent the last thirty minutes, mentally cursing at herself for being at the restaurant where Sunggyu is. He wasn’t alone though. He was with someone. He was with that girl Eve told him about. The girl that Sunggyu mentioned about being serious with her. Unknow to his behalf, Eve knew that the girl was a social climber and that the girl only wanted his wealth. Sunggyu was too stupid to let himself be wrapped in her little finger. Sunggyu wouldn’t believe her.

There was that time when Eve and Sunggyu didn’t speak for 3 months because of Sunggyu’s ability to date stupid women.

However, Eve still came. She was the third wheel, the protector from all the paparazzi longing to know who that mystery girl is.

An hour later, she went back to the dorm where the INFINITE members live. She felt tired, for once, not only because she was used as a protective shield by Sunggyu with her mystery date but because he was tired of Sunggyu’s stupidity and blindness. How can he be so popular but stupid in real life?

“You look pissed,” Sunggyu stated, studying Eve intently. “What’s the matter?”

She didn’t really want to talk about it. But since she knew Sunggyu’s such a stubborn kid, he’d probably force it all out of her. “Nothing,” she lied, not meeting his gaze.

“I know something’s up,” he says stubbornly. “Tell me.”

“No, really. I’m fine.”

“I know you’re not. I’m your best friend!”

“Just stop it, Sunggyu, before I get mad.”

“Eve, please?” He placed his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. “You never keep things from me.”

“I do,” she whispered solemnly, slapping his hand away. She stood up and started walking towards the door when Sunggyu grabbed her arm. “Let me go, Kim Sunggyu.”

“Not if you tell me what’s wrong,” he insisted stubbornly.

Eve wheeled around sharply to face him. Sunggyu looked stunned when he saw the tears b in her eyes. She immediately jerked her hand forcefully, darting him a glare. She couldn’t take it anymore. She can’t blame herself for this. He wanted it.

“You’re so stupid!” she cried out. Tears ran down her face. “Do you know that? You can’t even figure out who’s being real and who’s being fake towards you. How many times do I have to tell you that Subin never loved you? That she doesn’t have feelings for you? And that she only wanted your money? Your wealth? She’s using you!”

Sunggyu glared at her. “That’s not true! She told me she loves me!” he objected.

Eve groaned. “Ugh, this is why you could never figure out who loves you and who doesn’t! You’re too wrapped in her finger that you don’t even believe your own friends! Those friends who know you better than she does!”

“Subin loves me and I love her, too!” he yelled. “I know what you’re trying to do! You’re trying to brainwash me into thinking that Subin never loved me from the start. That what we had from the start are all lies. I know your intentions, Eve! I know you like me that’s why you’re doing this!”

“Fine! I love you!” Eve sobbed. “Are you happy now? Are you happy because I’m suffering? For all those years being your friend, I tried to be there for you and do things that make you happy. I was there when you dated Yoona, Gyuri, Sohee and those girls you went out with! I was there when you cried because they broke your heart! I was there when no one else was! I was there when you told them you love them. Tell me, Sunggyu! How many ing hearts do you have?”

“What are you talking about?!”

“You always tell me the same thing about different girl! That she’s the one! She’s beautiful! That you’re going to marry her someday! But in the end, you always come back to me and tell me that they hurt you! Well, just to let you know! While you’re weeping about those dumb women who don’t know what they have when they dated you, I was here trying to let you know that I can love you the way they never could!”

“You’re my best friend! It doesn’t make sense!”

“Love never makes sense. Like the fact that you’re so infatuated with that Subin when everyone else could see what she really was. It doesn’t make sense. Love never makes sense.”

“I still love Subin!”

Eve inhaled deeply. In front of her was the world crumbling down. She couldn’t stop it. Her world was falling apart. She could never make Sunggyu see how much she loves him. She never should’ve started this. She never should’ve been involved in this mess. If she was back to being just a fan who watches him from the sidelines, maybe then it wouldn’t hurt so much.

“Fine,” she muttered, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. “Do whatever you want. At least I’ve told you what I felt. Don’t come to me when you’re depressed. Don’t come and find me.”

“I won’t,” Sunggyu interjected, crossing his arms on her chest.

He doesn’t know what he’s asking for. “Fine. Goodbye, Kim Sunggyu. I wish you happiness.”


It’s been almost a year since Eve left Korea. She was left no choice though. Even if she didn’t really want to leave the country she loved the most, she knew she has to go back to where she started. She had to. She had to move on and forget him. Forget Kim Sunggyu. He’s not worth it, she would tell herself.

Memories of the past would come rushing to her and tears come out involuntarily. She remembered how she started out. How she wished to be acknowledged as Kim Sunggyu’s friend and not just a crazy fan girl who wants to meet him.

And then it happened. Her wish came true. She became Kim Sunggyu’s friend. She gets to hang out with him all the time. She gets to talk to him about anything. It used to be her longtime wish and now she got it. But she didn’t expect to fall in love in the process. She didn’t expect it to hurt so much.

Even though she cut off all her communications with him, burned their pictures, tried to forget all her memories shared with him and pretended that nothing ever really happened, in the end, she’s always coming back to him. Every single day, she’d check the news regarding his current status.

Subin, the girl he dated that caused their fallout, broke up with him after he caught her going out with another guy. Their fight was even recorded and was uploaded to Youtube. It didn’t last long. Sunggyu’s company, the Woollim Entertainment, had it erased immediately.

She saw him cry. She heard him cry. Other INFINITE members had called her and tried to convince her to come back. Woohyun even told her that only she could bring back the old Sunggyu. He wouldn’t eat. He wouldn’t come out. Their alleged comeback has to be postponed.

But all she could say was, “He’s stupid if he’s crying over that girl.”

Woohyun cleared his throat. Even though the only thing that connected them was the mobile phone, Eve could feel him frowning. “He’s not crying over Subin noona,” he says. “He’s crying over the fact that he lost you. Noona, he realized that he was wrong. He realized that you were only trying to protect him from breaking apart again. He feels guilty for treating you so bad. And, I guess, he only realized his feelings for you, noona. Please help him. He won’t come out unless you’re here. He needs you.”

“I-I-I can’t,” she stammered. “Woohyun-ssi, I’m sorry. But I don’t want to cry over him again. It’s too tiring.”

Woohyun let out a sigh. “Okay, noona. But if you ever decide to come back, you know where to find us.”


“Hyung, you need to eat!”

Sunggyu ducked under his blanket and closed his eyes. He didn’t want to eat. Heck, he wasn’t even hungry. He didn’t want to come out either. He was in pain. He was in so much pain. He needed to see Eve. He needed to apologize to her. Even if it takes years for her to come back, he was going to wait. Screw his career. He can live without it. But without Eve, it seems impossible.

“Hyung, come on.” It was Sungjong, the maknae. “You have to come out and eat. You need strength. Don’t blame yourself for what’s happened. Come on, hyung. We’re all worried about your health now.”

“Go away,” Sunggyu yelled but his voice was weak. They were right. He should eat. But he didn’t have any appetite to eat. He needed Eve.


The world seemed to stop. Is it…? Of course, he must be hallucinating. After all, it’s been days since the last time he ate. Yes, that must be it. He shook his head, realizing that it must have been hallucinations after all. His pulse raced at the thought that maybe Eve was around. But he gave himself a mental shake. Eve was gone, remember? He was the one who sent her away.

“Sunggyu, it’s me.”

He quickly sat up. Was it really her? Was it really Eve?

“Sunggyu, you need to come out,” Eve says in a low voice. She sounded like she had been crying. “You need to eat. You need your strength when you do your comeback. The fans don’t want to see a weak Sunggyu now, do they?”

He struggled, pushing the blankets aside and stood up to quickly that he felt the world spin in front of him. He forgot that he was weak. Just by hearing Eve’s voice again seemed to light up his world. He should’ve known sooner. He was in love with her. It was as simple as that.

He leaned towards the wall and tussled to open the door. When the doorknob clicked, the first person he saw was Eve. She looked worried. Her hair was a mess. Her jacket was ped. She looked like she hadn’t gotten any sleep on her way here. Nevertheless, he collapsed on her, smiling and feeling relieved.

“You’re here…” he whispered feebly. “You… came…”

She hugged back. “Of course, idiot. I was worried.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You can apologize later.” She patted his back. “You have to eat.”

“No…” he objected, unable to let go. He was too weak. He needed food. “I… have to tell… you… Eve, I’m sorry…”

She hugged him tighter. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”

He let out a small smile. “I… have… another thing… important… tell you…”

She chuckled, cupping the back of his head. “I know, Sunggyu,” she reassured him. “I love you, too.” 


a/n: It seems to be rushed but I apologize for any mistakes I have. Think I might be busy for a couple of days, or maybe out-of-town since I'll be visiting my relatives. I'm not sureeee. Anyway, hope you enjoy the oneshot!

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hiatus ;~;


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Chapter 11: Just so y'all know...
I frequently read this chapter and spazz every time. I sincerely love this oneshot to bits and still appreciate Dorkazoid for writing this. All these oneshots are great!
I've requested ^^
-Eevee- #3
ohoho its a new month ~ Can i request again now? *^*
I'll wait for as long as you need me to ^_^
FIGHTING! I'll request again once everyone's back!
Sorry! My mom's on high alert and I can barely come home without being told not to play on the computer! I'll tell you when I'm free!
ya, sorry about not alerting you that i've been busy.
something just came up today as well.
you might see my blog about it, i don't know really.
not to mention that i have FCAT, which is a standardized test for the state. i'll be done with that tomorrow but what'll keep me away from writing is all week pretty much
_babypop_ #7
Thank you for the oneshot :D i really love it !! <3 ^__^
-Eevee- #8
so i requested again, my last one for this month <3
Eeek, more cute Gyu Oppa XD
Loved it, of course~. It's so romantically adorable <3
-Eevee- #10
omfg i love you so much babe and im definitely reading the story featuring sunggyu, as if the fact he is my ultimate bias is not much clearer *^* i left one last request for this month -rolls around- ahhhhhhh . <3 you're too good of a writer ;A;