→ whitechocolate ♥

→ la la land ♥ [hiatus]


Apink's - MY MY / I Don't Know

characters: Kang Ha Ni, INFINITE's Nam Woohyun

supporting characters: Hwang Jae Lin, Ji Soo , Mrs. Kang, Soojin, Sungjong

by karaHarith



The sunlight seeped in through the translucent pink curtains, unintentionally waking Ha Ni up from her peaceful slumber. Hyojin lifted up her arm in attempt to shield the bright light from her eyes. She turned to look at the study table on the right and sighed in annoyance, there were books and paper balls she scrunched up all over her desk; she was up studying last night for today’s Maths test. Hyojin has always been a hardworking and diligent student; she stays up late to study and burns the midnight oil 2 months before an examination.

She got off her bed and went on clear up her desk before getting ready for school. Ha Ni hates messes and disorganized things, she would even go out of her way just to clean up any mess her parents or her friends make. Ha Ni smiled proudly looking at her clean study desk and grabbed her towel, hanging on the rack beside her wardrobe and entered her toilet.

Ha Ni usually took 30 minutes to bathe and get ready for school. Though, it seems like a short time to other girls to get ready, she does a good job at using that time to look neat and tidy for school. She pulled her long caramel brown straight hair and tied it in a loose ponytail, leaving her bangs down.

“Kang Ha Ni, Woohyun is already here!” Mrs Kang, her mother, shouted from the living room. A smile unconsciously appeared on her face as she thought about Woohyun. She looked at the mirror on last time and walked out of her room with her backpack slung on her shoulders.

“Oh, where’s Woohyun oppa? I thought you said he was here?” She asked looking around the living room.

“I’m here!” Woohyun jumped behind her and poked her sides, tickling her. Woohyun always like to joke and play around. At times, Ha Ni didn’t know the difference between a five year old boy and a twenty-one year old Woohyun.

“Oppa ! Stop playing around!” She turned around attempting to hit him but she giggled uncontrollably when Woohyun flinch before she could even lay a hand on him. “Pabo.” She muttered.


Woohyun and Ha Ni always walked to school together, there wasn’t once in their school life where Ha Ni went to school alone. Many students thought, they were a couple and unfortunately for Ha Ni, they’re not. Ha Ni knew Woohyun since she was five years old, since then they’ve been everywhere together. Woohyun was like a big brother figure to Ha Ni and she was really grateful for that but she wasn’t happy with it either. You see, Ha Ni found herself falling for Woohyun one day and she couldn’t stop, Woohyun isn’t even aware of her feelings towards her and continues treating her like a younger sister.

“Did you study for your test?” Woohyun asked when they reached Ha Ni’s locker. She nodded, feeling ready for the test she was going to have later. “I’ll see you later at lunch then! I’ve got someone I want you to meet!” Woohyun waved goodbye and ran off at the opposite direction. Ha Ni shook her head in dismay at the impatient boy and continued to get the books she needed for English class later.

Ha Ni entered her class and took her normal seat by the window on the front row. She was greeted by smiling faces of her classmates as they took their seats. Ha Ni automatically jumped with joy when she saw her seat mate and friend, Sojin, entered the room.

“Hanny-ah! Did you study for the Maths test?” Sojin cried out, taking her seat beside Ha Ni. Ha Ni chuckled looking at her panicked friend.

“I did. Didn’t you study for it too? I reminded you last night.” Ha Ni said.

“Yes but I studied halfway and fell asleep on my study desk.” She faked a cry and pretending to wipe away her tears. “I’m such a pig!” She slammed her hand on the table.

“Don’t worry; I’ll lend you my notes.” Ha Ni patted Sojin’s back and passed her a pink notebook. Sojin grinned widely, thanking Ha Ni for her it.


Soon, English period ended and Maths period came. When the teacher was handing out the papers, Ha Ni grew more and more nervous. Ha Ni could easily pass any test given to her but she still felt afraid and nervous before a test or an exam, it was always that way. Ha Ni whisked out her pen and started scribbling on her paper confidently.

Seconds turned into hours and soon the test ended. Ha Ni placed the cap back on her pen and passed her paper to the front. She turned to look at Sojin, who also had a silly wide grin on her face. Sojin showed her a ‘thumbs up’ and mouthed a ‘thank you’. After counting the papers, the teacher dismissed the class and Ha Ni made her way to her locker to keep her books before going to the cafeteria for lunch. She opened her locker and a blue envelope dropped out, she picked it up and opened it. It read...

Dear, Ha Ni


Love has its own time, its own season, its own reasons for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coax it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you"


I want to be the only one to get the chance to see how amazing you really are.


Meet me at the school garden.


Love, Your Secret Admirer.


Ha Ni was baffled; she didn’t know she had a secret admirer, she didn’t know that anybody like the like that. Thinking it was a joke; Ha Ni shoved the paper into her back pack and made her way to the cafeteria. She scanned through the sea of students and found Woohyun on the far end of the large room, she squeezed pass through the bodies of student to get to where he was. As usual, he was with his group of friends, Infinite.


“Woohyun oppa, who did you want me to meet?” Ha Ni asked, taking a seat next to Sungjong, the group’s maknae. “I’m familiar with these dorks...” She joked, nodding her head towards the boys and earning a few knocks and glares from them.


“It’s Woohyun hyung’s new girlfriend...” Sungjong nudged Ha Ni. “I heard she’s a new transfer student.”


“Girlfriend?” Ha Ni muttered. She could feel her heart drop, she felt sick to her stomach. Just then, a girl appeared by Woohyun’s side. Ha Ni looked up; even she felt that the girl was absolutely beautiful, Ha Ni was nothing compared to her. The girl had long wavy black hair, her eyes were a light brown and it shined when the lights hit them.


“Oh, Jae Lin-ah!” Woohyun stood up and put his arm around her shoulders. “I want you to meet Kang Ha Ni, she’s my best friend.” Woohyun introduced Ha Ni.


“Anneyong, Hwang Jae Lin imnida!” She waved excitedly. Ha Ni faked a smile and bowed her head at Jae Lin.


“I have to go now; I just remembered I had a history essay paper I had to hand in to Mr Park.” Ha Ni stood up abruptly and walked off, leaving Woohyun bewildered. She lied, she already handed in the essay, and she would’ve cried if she stayed there any longer. Ha Ni kept on walking and walking, her feet was doing their own thinking. Before she knew it, she arrived at the school garden.


“You came...” A voice from behind her said. She turned around; feeling stunned, and took a step back from the guy. “Anneyong!” He waved.


“Ji Soo Sunbae!” Ha Ni gasped. She would never have thought that her secret admirer would be her senior. Ji Soo was her senior in fencing club, he had always been a help to Ha Ni and she appreciated his help too. “You’re my secret admirer?” She asked, skeptical.


“Yeah. Surprised, right?” Ji Soo chuckled. “I like you a lot...” He chimed.


“Sunbae...” She trailed off, trying to find the words finish off her sentence.


“I know you don’t have those types of feelings towards me but we could try...” He said. Thousands of thoughts of Woohyun went through Ha Ni’s head. She concluded that if Woohyun could have a girlfriend then she could do this too. What would it mean for Woohyun even if she had someone who liked her? Nothing, that was what she thought; nothing.


“...Yes...Yes, we can...” Ha Ni gave him a small smile as he jumped for joy. *I mean it couldn’t hurt, right ?*




For the past few days, she avoided Woohyun and spent most her times with Ji Soo. Since Woohyun already had a girlfriend, she assumed that it was improper for her to still be going to school with him anymore. Woohyun on the other hand was unsettled; he couldn’t find the reason why Ha Ni was avoiding him.


“Ha Ni! What’s wrong?” Woohyun chased after her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “Is everything okay?” He asked.


“Yes, I have to go now.” Ha Ni replied simply.


“Where are you going?” He asked, his hand still tight around her arm.


“To meet—”


“Me. Hey, you okay to leave?” Ji Soo cut her off. Ha Ni pried Woohyun’s hand off her arm and nodded to Ji Soo.


“Where are you going with Ji Soo?” Woohyun hissed, grabbing her arm back. “You’re not going anywhere with him!” He said through clenched teeth and dragged Ha Ni down the hallway. Ji Soo ran after them and pulled on Ha Ni’s hand. If they would have started pulling, they would be playing tug of war with Ha Ni as the rope.


“She’s leaving with me!” Ji Soo bellowed and tugged on her hand. Honestly, it was painful, all the pulling and tugging was hurting her. She let out a soft whimper.


“Let go of her hand!” Woohyun said as he eyed him menacingly but Ji Soo didn’t budge. Woohyun stepped in front of him swiftly and threw a punch to Ji Soo’s gut.


“Ji Soo Sunbae!” Ha Ni cried out as he crumbled to the floor. She was about to go to his side when Woohyun pulled her and drag her away from the quiet hallway and off to the rooftop.


“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Ha Ni shouted as soon as Woohyun let go her hand when they reached the rooftop.


“I don’t like that you hang around with him so stop doing it.” Woohyun said. Ha Ni was puzzled by his actions.


“Why? Why don’t you like me hanging around with him? It’s not like you like me or anything. Beside you have a girlfriend!” Ha Ni blurted out. Woohyun kept silent, he himself was confused with his feelings. He had a girlfriend but he didn’t felt as happy when he was with Ha Ni. “Why can’t you answer me? Huh?!” She shouted, hitting at his chest as tears flowed down her face.


“...Maybe because... I love you...” He stared straight into her eyes. Ha Ni immediately stopped hitting him and took a step back. She was surprised; this wasn’t how she imagined his confession to be. “I’m stupid; I didn’t know your feelings...” He said.


“Yes, you are stupid.” Ha Ni muttered, turning away from him. Woohyun placed his hand on her shoulders and turned her to face him. He looked into Ha Ni’s dark brown orbs and leaned in. Ha Ni closed her eyes and felt Woohyun’s soft lips on hers. Ha Ni couldn’t help but smile, she’s never felt so blessed in her life. The guy whom she’s been in love in for so long finally realised that he loved her too. Woohyun pulled away from the kiss and placed his forehead on hers, he had the goofiest smile on his face.


“I’m sorry for putting you in such torture... I love you, Kang Ha Ni.” He murmured. Ha Ni felt her stomach did a flip-flop.


“Pabo... I love you too.” She chimed and wrapped her arms around him. This was the first start of their College Love.

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hiatus ;~;


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Chapter 11: Just so y'all know...
I frequently read this chapter and spazz every time. I sincerely love this oneshot to bits and still appreciate Dorkazoid for writing this. All these oneshots are great!
I've requested ^^
-Eevee- #3
ohoho its a new month ~ Can i request again now? *^*
I'll wait for as long as you need me to ^_^
FIGHTING! I'll request again once everyone's back!
Sorry! My mom's on high alert and I can barely come home without being told not to play on the computer! I'll tell you when I'm free!
ya, sorry about not alerting you that i've been busy.
something just came up today as well.
you might see my blog about it, i don't know really.
not to mention that i have FCAT, which is a standardized test for the state. i'll be done with that tomorrow but what'll keep me away from writing is all week pretty much
_babypop_ #7
Thank you for the oneshot :D i really love it !! <3 ^__^
-Eevee- #8
so i requested again, my last one for this month <3
Eeek, more cute Gyu Oppa XD
Loved it, of course~. It's so romantically adorable <3
-Eevee- #10
omfg i love you so much babe and im definitely reading the story featuring sunggyu, as if the fact he is my ultimate bias is not much clearer *^* i left one last request for this month -rolls around- ahhhhhhh . <3 you're too good of a writer ;A;