→ JustWinter ♥

→ la la land ♥ [hiatus]



DB5K – My Little Princess

Characters: Im Yulmin, Kim Jaejoong

Minors: Park Yoochun

by jwhong005


“Where do you think you’re going this time?” a friend of Kim Jaejoong’s asked.


“I’m off to where I usually go Yoochun.” Jaejoong answered in a drawl tone, patting both his pockets for his car keys.


Park Yoochun sighed. “May I ask what drinking is going to solve? Absolutely nothing Jaejoong, you’re wasting your time. You just sit on my couch all day and do nothing. What’s that going to solve?”


“Stop lecturing me Chun, I’m not in the mood.” Jaejoong rubbed his face, the keys in one of his hands.


“She didn’t want to leave you. You know that, don’t you? You have to move on for her sake. I’m sure that if it’s really meant to be, you’ll find her.” Yoochun gave his friend a small pat on the back. “Trust me; it will happen if it’s meant to be.”


“You sound like a fortune cookie Chun, cut it out.” The hurt man grumbled.


Yoochun sat down on his couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. “If you really want to drink, never drink alone.”


Jaejoong chuckled, throwing his keys onto the kitchen counter. “You have wine right?”


“Of course I do. It’s on the side of the refrigerator and the glasses are where they’ve always been kept.” Yoochun called out into another room over, putting both hands behind his head as he leaned back into the cushions.


That night they drank and talked. Mostly it was Yoochun who would listen and Jaejoong who would speak. Jaejoong became a married man but it was only for a short time until his wife disappeared from his life. The wedding ring was still around his finger, refusing to take it off. Three months of happiness was all he was granted before he couldn’t find her anymore.


He filled the void pretty easily. Drinking was a good way to push away the subtle pain that came in pangs in his chest. The house he and his wife Im Yulmin shared together was too lonely to live in alone. Jaejoong moved out and started to sleep on the couch of his good friend Park Yoochun.


Days went by and he was unable to find the person he was looking for. Jaejoong would stay near places that he knew she would like, but she was never there. Finding his wife was turning into a game of hide and go seek. He was the one seeking and she was the one hiding. At this point, he was close to giving up but he knew he couldn’t.


Yoochun was getting ready to go off to work, straightening his tie when he heard the phone ring. “Hello,” he answered.


The voice on the other line was not recognizable to him. “Is this Jaejoong’s friend?”


“Whom may I ask is this?” Yoochun replied, looking over at his friend that was sleeping peacefully on the couch. “How did you get this number?”


“J-Just tell Jaejoong oppa that I’m alright. Hopefully I’ll be able to see him soon.” The voice said in a frantic tone.


Yoochun opened his mouth to give another reply but the phone clicked. He stared at the phone before putting it back onto its charger. The caller ID came up unknown and the number was unavailable when he tried to redial. He groaned, walking over to the sleeping Jaejoong, kicking the couch slightly.


“Yah,” he said.


Jaejoong didn’t stir so Yoochun kicked the couch again. “Yah, wake up!” he said in a louder tone, kicking with more force.


“What?” Jaejoong snapped out of his sleep, giving a small glare up to his friend. “Why’re you waking me up at this early hour?”


“Someone called for you.” Yoochun reported.




“I think I know who it is.”


“Yeah, that’s because you have caller ID.”


“That’s not what I meant. I think it might’ve been Yulmin.”


Jaejoong sat up, bringing Yoochun down to him by pulling on his friend’s collar. “You better not be pulling my leg.”


“I’m not and I’d appreciate it if you cooled it a bit hyung. I’m not positive that it was her. She just told me to tell you she’s alright and she might be able to see you soon.” Yoochun said defensively.


“Can we track the call to see where it came from?” Jaejoong asked, getting up from the couch.


Yoochun sat, putting both hands in his lap. “I don’t think we can but I’m no detective so I’m not positive.”


“Then get dressed. We have to go to the police department.” Jaejoong said urgently.


“No, I have to go to work. You can go to the police department if that’s what you want to do.” Yoochun declined. “I, unlike you, have a life to carry on with. Sorry Jae but I really have to get going.”


“I understand Chun. I should be looking for her on my own anyway.” Jaejoong gave a small smile, looking at his packed up luggage.


“Then if I were you, I’d get going because time is a wasting. Anyone who calls this early in the morning must be on the move so you better jump on the ball too.” Yoochun replied, making his way to the door.


Jaejoong only nodded, waiting for the sound of the door closing before preparing for the day ahead of him. The first thing he did was dress. Afterwards he brushed his teeth fast, his eyes flicking back and forth from the mirror in front of him and the clock. He knew that all day would be spent looking for the girl of his dreams especially now that he knew she had to be close in order to get his roommate’s number.


He headed out as soon as possible, taking a bus to the city to begin his search. For the most part his day was uneventful. He wasn’t sure where to look and he didn’t know the city well enough to be wandering alone without a local—Yoochun in his case—to help him get around.


The sound of his stomach growling made him stop. He had both hands on his hips as he looked into a window of a small restaurant. It seemed pretty busy but the people inside looked pretty happy, making it seem like a trustworthy place. A small table was open in the corner so he decided to try and take it.


“Can I take your order?” a waitress asked.


“Yeah … I’ll just have a cup of coffee for now. I’m still looking at the menu.” Jaejoong answered with a kind smile, looking up at the waitress.


The woman gave a small bow of the head after scribbling down the order. “I’ll be back soon.”


Jaejoong ran his fingers through his hair, tapping away at the table he sat at. His eyes scanned the whole place, not recognizing a single body in the whole place. The seat he chose was in the back of the place, the booth he sat at was against the wall. People walked by the very window that he was standing in front of. But there was one person that he did notice. Something that looked familiar.


Without hesitation, he threw a few bills onto the table and ran out of the place. The woman caught his eye, her lips parting as if to say something but no words came out.


“Y-Yulmin,” the sound was a mixture between a gasp and disbelief.


The woman stared back, a small tear in the corner of her eye. Her lips were still parted, almost like they were frozen in place. He reached forward only to have the female pulled away from him. A shorter woman of a strong looking stature took her away, pushing her into the passenger side of a car.


He could only look. He wasn’t sure what to do. It looked like her and the presence of the woman reminded him of her. Jaejoong couldn’t fathom who else it could’ve been. The car’s plate number was like a blur of letters and numbers put together. It made no sense to him and he didn’t bother to take the time to try and understand them.


A few steps were taken when a hand fell onto his shoulder, making him turn a bit to see who was trying to grab his attention. It had to be a local. The man stood a bit taller than him, with a basic t-shirt and jeans.


“Do you know her?” the man asked.


Jaejoong nodded slowly, his own mouth agape. “Ne,”


“She moved in next door to my house not too long ago. Are you supposed to talk to her? Should I take you to her?” the man continued, his car keys jingling in his hand.


“Yes and yes,” Jaejoong nodded like a bobble head. “My name is Jaejoong, Kim Jaejoong.”


“Nice to meet you Jaejoong,” the man said in return. “Call me Yunho,”



Jaejoong stared out the window, looking as everything around them passed on by. He was in a stranger’s car going to who knows where but he wasn’t unsettled by it at all. He was sure that what he was doing was right. In the back of his mind he was memorizing the numbers that were plastered onto each house. He felt more alert than he had been in a while.


“This is the stop.” Yunho announced.


Jaejoong gripped the door handle, unable to open it without an extra word from the friendly male. “Thanks,”


“No problem. It just seemed right to help you out.” Yunho patted Jaejoong on the shoulder quickly, watching as Jaejoong climbed out of the car.


The front door took forever to get to. Each step he took was slow and lethargic. It only took him a minute or so to get to it but it felt like all of eternity was ticking on by. The doorbell seemed like a foreign thing as his finger fell on it, making a small sound emit throughout the front of the house.


It only took a small crack of the front door for him to recognize the person who answered the door. It wasn’t Yulmin but it was the same woman that he had seen take her away. His expression became a bit harder, his lips pressed in a firm line.


“Where is she?”


The woman shook her head, bouncing from foot to foot with unease. “Please just leave now.”


“I can’t without her. Where is she?”


“She’s inside but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to see her now.” The woman attempted to push the door closed but Jaejoong stopped it with his foot.


“I can’t really say that I care.” Jaejoong replied shortly, pushing past the woman to step inside.


She followed him around a bit as he walked around looking for Yulmin. The place only had one floor and most of the doors were agape and things were open all over the place. When he found her, she was sitting in one of the rooms located farther back into the house, sitting at a desk in front of the window, tapping away with a pencil in hand.


The sound of heavy footsteps made her look to see who was there. Her eyes met his, a small smile creeping onto her lips. He followed her gaze, looking down at the bump on her stomach, walking forward with a small smile of relief on his face.


From the doorway the woman watched. As the aunt of Yulmin it was her job to keep her away from the man that her sister did not approve of but she couldn’t see why. He seemed like he was making Yulmin her world with the way that he hugged her tight and whispered things into her ear, comforting her even though he too was probably hurting. Sighing, she left the pair alone but there was one for sure that she heard before departing.





Note from the author: jwhong005 says you didn't give much details so she doesn't really know what to write. If you request next time, please follow the rules. Hope you enjoy your oneshot! x

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hiatus ;~;


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Chapter 11: Just so y'all know...
I frequently read this chapter and spazz every time. I sincerely love this oneshot to bits and still appreciate Dorkazoid for writing this. All these oneshots are great!
I've requested ^^
-Eevee- #3
ohoho its a new month ~ Can i request again now? *^*
I'll wait for as long as you need me to ^_^
FIGHTING! I'll request again once everyone's back!
Sorry! My mom's on high alert and I can barely come home without being told not to play on the computer! I'll tell you when I'm free!
ya, sorry about not alerting you that i've been busy.
something just came up today as well.
you might see my blog about it, i don't know really.
not to mention that i have FCAT, which is a standardized test for the state. i'll be done with that tomorrow but what'll keep me away from writing is all week pretty much
_babypop_ #7
Thank you for the oneshot :D i really love it !! <3 ^__^
-Eevee- #8
so i requested again, my last one for this month <3
Eeek, more cute Gyu Oppa XD
Loved it, of course~. It's so romantically adorable <3
-Eevee- #10
omfg i love you so much babe and im definitely reading the story featuring sunggyu, as if the fact he is my ultimate bias is not much clearer *^* i left one last request for this month -rolls around- ahhhhhhh . <3 you're too good of a writer ;A;