A Familiar Face.

One Night Stand!?

You looked up to see a familiar face. Zico. 

"Hey Douche!" you said as he looked up and down at you. You hit his arm, "Yah! Stop checking me out. Are you my stalker now?" You said as he snapped out of his daze.

"Er.. NO,  I usaully come here when we don't have a schedule, are you stalking me?" He said as he raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"You wish." You said as you playfully shoved him.

"Ah HEM" Jihye cleared and (not so subtly) nudged you.

"Oh! Guys this is the Douche, Douche these are my friends B.A.P." You said as you motioned to them.

"Ahnnyong, Zico ipnida!" he sai9d as he nodded to them in acknowlagement.

"Ahnnyoung~" They all chanted in unison.

"Wahh Noona! I didn't know Zico-sunbaenim was your boyfriend!" Zelo said with his eyes full of excitement.

"He's not my boyfriend." You said as the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Anyways, you're really good sunbae!" Zelo said not sensing the mood.

"Ahh call me hyung, you're really talented yourself." He said with a huge grin. You ruffled Zelo's hair.

After that, Zico sat down and talked with the rest of B.A,P, he got on pretty well with them which , for some odd reason, made you feel relieved.

"Noona~ i'm thirsty." Zelo whined to Jihye.

"Ahh I'll go!" You and Bang said at the same time, You and Bang decided just to got together.

"Anybody else want anything?"

"Bring us a Bottle!"

"Makes it two!"

"I want water!" All at once B.A.P put in their orders. Bang cleared his throat.

"Anybody else want anything?" He said glaring at B.A.P.

"No thanks Hyung."

"Yeah, I'm not thirsty anymore."

"We want lemonade~" Jihye and Zelo chimed in unison.

"Alright." You said as you linked arms with Bang and walked towards the bar.

Zico watched the two of you walk away. *Dang they look really close* As if reading his mind, Jihye spoke up and said, "Don't worry Zico, Bang is like ______'s brother!"

BAP overheard and added in words of support,

"It's true!" Yongjae spoke up

"Yep, Hyung sees her as a sister as well." Himchan added before he left to go hit a on a girl.

Zico felt somewhat relieved.


"So, Mr. Blackman, hows the scene been since I've stopped coming? How've you been?" you said as the both of you waited for the drinks to be prepared.

"Me? Oh I've been fine, just stop disappearing off the face of the Earth and come and visit once in a while. Zelo complains that he misses his two favorite Noonas."

"Don't you just miss Jihye?" You smirked.

"Uh, what are you talking about?" He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Nothing," You smirked. "So any good new rappers lately?"

"Well your boy-- er I mean douche," he finger quoted douche, "Is really talented."


"Not as good as me and Zelo together of course but he does a good job." he said with a wink and you just laughed.

"Ahh your so lame." You said as he smiled down at you and picked up the drinks.

"Come on let's go back." He said linking arms with you once again.

"Yay lemonade!" Zelo said as you piched his cheek.

"You're so cute!" You said pinching his other cheek.

"Ow Noona!" You laughed.

"Thanks." Jihye said as she took the drink from Bang. They looked at each other for while and everyone turned their attention elsewhere.

"Let's dance." Zico said as he took you wrist.

"Sure why not?" You said as you looked back at the boys and they just jeered. "Chowww~ ________-ah!"

Zico lead you to the dance floor and just then a slower song came on. *Oh great.*

Zico took your waist as you wrapped your hands around his neck and you swayed your hips to the music. You looked into his eyes to see his face approaching yours little by little. In the heat of the moment you just closed your eyes and gave in until the MC interrupted.

"Yo! Wassup! Y'all having a good time!?" You quicky pulled back and turned to look at the stage. You felt your cheeks heating up.

Zico sighed. *Aw man stupid MC.*

You felt relieved and disappointed at the same time.

"Well it looks like we have a few underground legends up in the building, Zico would you care to grace us with your presence?"

A spotlight hit him. He looked at you as if he was asking permission. So just gave him a whatever look. He nodded and made his way toward the stage.

He whispered to the dj and then started. Your eyes were fixated on him.


Money disgusts me, I fear it
What is this green piece of paper?
We're all scared of the greater men now
In fear, I don't know no more

Politics, the economy, the education system, and the media
Our souls are twisted and dirtied in the midst of it all
All of the problems eventually end up at money
It's always money that's the problem (money money money)
The majority of the people of Korea sign a slave contract before they're born
There are only words in picture books for babies
Even before they learn how to walk, they're forced to speak English fluently
Why? It's so obvious why
100 reasons out of a 100, it's because their parents want a comfortable retirement
Send their sons and daughters off to high-profile colleges to get top tier jobs
They want to work them to death, are your kids your avatars?
Every time November rolls around, I get goose bumps
How many students will leave for the arms of God this year?
Only on the outside does it look like an exam hall, the inside's a slaughterhouse
I'll find out the cause of this ing problem

Money disgusts me, I fear it
What is this green piece of paper?
We're all scared of the greater men now
In fear, I don't know no more

You can't catch up once generations change and pass
The fate of your life is determined by a green piece of paper
You can't bring light to such dark change, yeah that's the truth
Every day, I collapse under reality
Want to hear a ed up example?
It costs $1,950 per quarter at my music school
One of my friends didn't have enough to even pay the application fee
He gave up the transfer, he's banned from asking for an allowance anyway
Qualifications are the fundamental causes of support (ed up)
The town one over is boisterous again over money lost
This is the result of human greed
We continue to shrug off this vicious cycle like it's nothing
What exactly are we supposed to be teaching our kids?
We were better off during the times of the IMF
Once a life of mutual aid, it's now a life of individual division
I so ing hate the dead president

Money disgusts me, I fear it
What is this green piece of paper?
We're all scared of the greater men now
In fear, I don't know no more

The crowd went crazy you cheered along with them. You were in complete awe, he was so good.

You thought everyone exaggerated and he was just cocky, but he really was talented. *Now I remember why I used to come here so often.*

He looked at you and winked as he made his way down the stage Block B joined him because they were looking for him everywhere. They bombarded him with questions.

"Where were you?"  Kyung asked him

"We thought you got kidnapped and sold to the circus or something!" P.O. added earning him a noogie from Zico.

You approached Zico and his friends and they all looked at you and started teasing Zico.

"Oh, so this is where you were." U-kwon said throwing a shoulder around Zico.


I'm currently writing the next chapter and if its not up by tonight expect it up at the latest, tomorrow.

Thank all you for your support in the comments they really mean a lot to me!

i really love Zico's mixtapes.  They're so good, ugh I just love him ;___;

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Chapter 21: Ahh i hope you update soon ♡♡
blockb2012 #2
Chapter 21: Woooh u havent update in years D: i was really missing this story hbsshsbsueisgusio pls update soon <///3
Chapter 20: Aww. I really like this story.
Chapter 20: omg I love this fanfic! pls update! *u made me fall in love with Zico even more <3
Chapter 20: OMG. Long update, please continue with the long ones! :))) THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :) PLEASE UPDATE SOOON! I love this.
Chapter 19: omg !
that was sweet zico !!! ><
izzy1993 #7
Chapter 19: this story is my favorite for sure ^^
Chapter 19: KYAAA! Finally an update. But I wish you made it longer. >< LONG UPDATE SOON PLEASE. Thank you.
Chapter 18: aww ><
they're so cute !
just be real already !
Chapter 18: YAYYY! Zico! You naughty boy. :))) HAHA. Please update soon! :)