Chapter 12

What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Stay There

I'm back my little kittens! Sorry for the delay. Things have been crazy at work due to our weekday afternoon person getting rear-ended and being off work and the rest of us having to scramble to cover her shifts. It's very no fun working back-to-back doubles while recovering from oral surgery. But, my mouth is healed and our fill in person got her rear in gear and is actually covering most of the shifts like she's supposed to. So, don't hold your breath but I'm hoping to be able to post a bit more regularly now.


Warning: Nothing too graphic I don't think, but some homophobic garbage happens, and someone gets seriously injured.




                Jongin woke lazily, wondering why his alarm hadn’t gone off, now changed from Steve Grand’s “Stay” to Steve Holy’s “Good Morning Beautiful” since he no longer had to fantasize, instead having his sweet husband Kyungsoo to wake up next to every morning.

                “What are you doing awake already Love?” Kyungsoo yawned, nuzzling into Jongin’s neck to pepper it with kisses that gave him goosebumps. With him breaking his back working the past few days and Kyungsoo working on finding his own place among everyone at Holland Ranch and the tiny town and beginning his own projects, the couple hadn’t spent as much “married people time” together as they would’ve liked. They were still newlyweds after all, and two healthy young men who found each other attractive and were very much in love.

                Jongin wiggled until he could pull Kyungsoo on top of him for a proper good morning kiss. “Wondering why the damn alarm didn’t go off.”

                Kyungsoo smiled, the one Jongin had learned meant his husband either had something up his sleeve, or was just highly amused.  “Now Mister Do, did you forget it was your day off so you didn’t set your alarm? Did you want to go back to sleep, or should I get up and make breakfast, or…” the rest of Kyungsoo’s question was cut off as Jongin wordlessly showed him exactly what was on his mind, and it wasn’t food or sleep. Not that his husband seemed to be complaining as he started working his way down the cowboy’s body, doing very interesting things with his tongue.

                Jongin woke the second time he didn’t know how much later, Kyungsoo burrowed into his side with just barely the top of his head showing, not seeming to mind how many layers of blankets were on top of him. The cowboy, no matter what he’d been doing that day always ended up too hot and throwing most of the covers off in his sleep, unlike his husband who never seemed to mind being a human burrito.

                “Now this is how we should wake up every day” Kyungsoo slowly emerged from his cocoon, sleepy grin on his face. “Relaxed from early morning playtime, not blasted awake well before dawn. Though, I do have to admit I like the new song better.”

                “You think now is bad? Wait until the mares start foaling. We’ll be lucky if we ever get to see each other, depending on how rough they have it or how many critters start slinking out. Doc is the best, but he’s only one man so unless something major goes wrong, we’re on our own. Which reminds me, Boss asked me if we’d pick up Tansy’s cats on our way back from town today. Doc says Sage and the kittens are strong enough to leave the clinic.”

                “Oh yes, the new “barn cats.” Tansy will probably have them dressed in doll clothes and sleeping in her bed by the end of the week.”

                Jongin chuckled. Kyungsoo had spent a lot of time with the little girl over the past few days, and seemed to have gotten a pretty accurate impression of exactly what would probably happen. As much as he wanted to be able to spend all his time with his husband himself, it was a relief Kyungsoo was slowly making friends. The Hollands plainly adored him, with Tansy wanting to “help” or play with “Kunthu” every chance she got or Boss and Missus having conversations with him for hours on end. Cook too had taken to the short man, mentioning to the cowboy every time they saw each other how knowledgeable he already was about food yet so eager to soak up all he could learn.

                It wasn’t that Jongin didn’t have some idea of Kyungsoo’s passion. He’d been at the receiving end of the greatest breakfasts and dinners he’d ever eaten since they’d moved into the cabin, and there were touches of his husband even in the sandwiches and stews at lunchtime since he’d started helping Cook. When he came home at night, there was usually some kind of food-related book out, draped over the arm of the couch.

                “Well, this isn’t getting up and getting ready to go to town” Kyungsoo said, though he didn’t seem all that eager to move any more than he already had, just enough so he could drape himself over Jongin’s chest, not that the cowboy minded.

                “No, it’s not. Though if you’ve changed your mind and want to stay in bed all day, I’m flexible. I’ll just call Yeol later and have him bring Tans her cats.”

                “I’ve noticed how flexible you are” Kyungsoo teased, a sparkle in his eyes. “But we should still remind ourselves there’s a whole world out there. Plus, we should go grocery shopping and I really wanted to go on a date with you.”

                “You are my world” Jongin said cheesily, making Kyungsoo laugh. “But okay you slave driver. I’ll get up.”

                “I’ll make it worth your while later” Kyungsoo promised, sliding out of bed to go make breakfast.


                While Kyungsoo was busy at the stove, and wearing nothing but his “Bow to me mortals, I’m the chef” apron he said Baekhyun had custom made for him one Christmas, Jongin made the bed, picked up the clothes they’d pulled off each other and thrown on the floor the night before and tossed them in the hamper, and chose their outfits for the day. He was no fashionista, but it wasn’t like a pair of his good jeans and fairly new flannel shirt, or Kyungsoo’s own jeans and a heavy sweater were that difficult. His husband had told him one of the first things he did when he went back to New York to pack was dump all his “city clothes” into garbage bags and dropped them at the nearest Salvation Army before ordering more practical clothing for living in the country. The only things he’d kept was his suits, in case Jongin ever needed to schmooze the businessmen again and wanted his help, and the clothes he’d bought in protest over the years, most of which he’d taken to Vegas with him so Baekhyun couldn’t give his wardrobe a “makeover” while he was gone. He’d actually done a pretty good job with his choices. They all looked “too new” but time and washings would take care of that and he’d just be another country boy, abet with a ridiculously puffy winter coat. Most people wore wool or leather jackets, but if it kept his husband warm, who was he to judge?

                After breakfast, which was oatmeal but much better than Cook’s since it was thick with mixed berries and nuts and drizzled with honey, Jongin did the dishes then the couple got dressed and ready to go, walking hand in hand down the hill and out to the parking area where Kyungsoo’s shiny black truck waited. That too would be “countrified” with time and hauling loads of, well just about anything, especially with how awful the dirt and even paved roads were.

                The couple’s day in town started out uneventfully. Kyungsoo’s business at the post office and DMV was quickly finished, establishing him as a Nevada resident and making him beam from ear to ear as he accepted his temporary license and was told his new one would be arriving in the mail in about two weeks. He was practically skipping as they window shopped, though managed to settle down for the few stores they actually went into, either for something they’d decided they wanted for the cabin, or just saw through the window that looked interesting. Jongin had never really been one for shopping, but couldn’t help getting caught up at how cute his husband was, especially since Kyungsoo had told him he generally didn’t like shopping either. The cowboy wondered if it was because they were together and shopping for their own home, which if they actually stopped to think about it neither had really had in years. Dorms yes, but Jongin had bunked like the rest of the ranch hands the last few years, and although Kyungsoo had had an apartment with Baekhyun, he always said it was a shoebox, not a home no matter what he and his best friend tried.

                It wasn’t until they stopped at a little family restaurant Jongin had been to before for a late lunch that the problems started. The couple had just sat down and were examining the menu, holding hands as they read and discussed choices, when a middle-aged woman with giant s, too tight clothing, and a soccer mom haircut marched up to their table and demanded to know what they thought they were doing.

                ”Uh, ordering food?” Jongin was confused, having never been spoken to like that and not understanding why. He didn’t really go to town often, but when he did he was generally ignored, or gawked at for his looks or accent. Sometimes he’d be recognized by rodeo fans and asked for an autograph, but most of the time he was just another cowboy, abet an exotic-looking one. He’d noticed a similar reaction to the couple of black people in the area, as though some of the locals weren’t aware other people than whites and Hispanics existed.

                “Don’t be smart. You chinks think just because you’re not in your own country you don’t have to act decent, when there are children! Isn’t that disgusting behavior forbidden where you’re from?”

                Jongin was completely lost. Kyungsoo on the other hand seemed to understand exactly what the woman was fuming about. Sliding out from his side of the two-person booth and drawing himself to his full (short) height, he had a look on his face the cowboy had never seen before. He actually shivered, and the woman barely managed to avoid taking a step back.

                “Let me set a few things straight you reject from a beluga whale exhibit. One, we’re Korean, not Chinese so adjust your racial slurs accordingly. Two, maybe you haven’t noticed since you’ve been too busy flopping around trying to be back to the ocean, but we aren’t in Korea, and here in the United States it’s perfectly legal to be gay. Three, my husband and I were holding hands and talking about food, which will in no way traumatize any children. You’re acting as though I stripped him and started ing him over the table. Now, why don’t you waddle off and finish feeding and mind your own damn business before I ask the waitress to call the police to report harassment?”

                The woman stood there gawping like a stranded fish for a moment while her face got redder and redder, before she raised her hand, no doubt to slap Kyungsoo.

                “I really wouldn’t do that, unless you’d like an assault charge as well.”

                “As though I’d touch something as disgusting as you.” The woman flounced off as well as she could, and Jongin assumed that was the end of it. The waitress came and asked if they were all right, and to take their order, chicken Caesar salad for Kyungsoo and quadruple burger and chili cheese fries for Jongin, which left the short man wrinkling his nose.

                “You’re going to need a quadruple bypass eating like that, or maybe you’ll be the Korean Beluga Whale instead of Korean Kai.”

                “I don’t do it all the time, and you can’t say I don’t work the calories off.” Jongin had been working with Silverdust, the most stubborn of the two-year-olds when Kyungsoo had arrived a couple days before, leading Apple Blossom, Tansy’s fat little pony who also pulled the cart they used for lighter deliveries around Holland Ranch, the little girl perched on Apple’s back and chattering merrily. Boss, and truthfully everyone else, tried to avoid driving trucks or anything else around the ranch as much as possible. It startled the jumpier of the horses, plus tore up the grass and everything since there weren’t a ton of roads, just foot paths. Normally, whichever of the ranch hands was available went and got the lunch delivery, but that day everyone was insanely busy so Kyungsoo had offered to go himself. Three of Tansy’s favorite things were involved, “Kunthu,” Apple, and food so had insisted on coming along to help. She also loved to watch the horses being worked with and Kyungsoo had deliberately kept til last so he could see him at work. The cowboy had to admit to himself that once he’d seen his husband he’d shown off, and the short man had certainly seemed impressed.

                “That’s true, I can’t. Still, ug.”

                After lunch the couple went to the local “sit and scratch” dollar movie theater to go see a matinee showing of movie neither had had a chance to see during its regular run. Jongin actually worried about Kyungsoo’s reaction to the dumpy theater with the scratchy worn seats and sticky floors and walls, until his husband just grinned and said they could always get some flea dip if it was necessary. The cowboy also warned against the concession snacks, especially the fountain pop which was equal parts very little syrup and completely flat, and he doubted the machine was ever cleaned. So the couple opted for overpriced water bottles from the vending machine since those were sealed and went to find seats, the short man deciding where to sit since he was the one who had a hard time seeing.

                The movie itself turned out to be pretty meh, but Jongin didn’t mind. Kyungsoo had flipped up the armrest dividing their seats and had taken the cowboy’s hand as soon as they were settled, and shortly afterwards had wiggled so he could rest his head on Jongin’s shoulder where he stayed for the entirety of “Generic Action Fantasy,” having already forgotten the name on purpose.

                “Well, the movie was disappointing, but you make a pretty good pillow. Was there anything else you wanted to do, or should we pick up our groceries and start heading back?”

                Jongin noticed Kyungsoo starting to droop as they headed outside to the truck, so agreed they should probably finish and head back. He still had energy but couldn’t drive, and didn’t want his husband getting too tired. It was also starting to get dark, and he didn’t have his rifle in case of critters. It wasn’t that he was expecting to be attacked, but he knew better than to ever let his guard down. Unfortunately, he had forgotten about their earlier encounter as he directed Kyungsoo to the grocery store so he could stock up on things the local store didn’t carry. Well, as much as he could. If he wanted anything more “exotic” he’d have to order online and have it shipped, or they’d have to plan an excursion to an actual city. He seemed content enough among the produce however, examining everything closely as he made his choices, only to look up and smile while the cowboy just stood there feeling useless.

                “Baby, would you go get a couple of sacks of rice please?”

                Happy to have something he could do, Jongin stole a peck from Kyungsoo and went to find the rice, only to hear an enraged screech. He looked back to see his husband face to chest with the enraged she-beast from earlier, now holding the hand of a little boy who looked about Tansy’s age, while a thin, mousy-looking man with a baby of indeterminate gender since it was bundled in a neutral animal-print blanket on his arm winced at the noise as he stood behind her, obviously wishing he was anywhere else.


                Jongin was shocked and stood frozen while he tried to force his feet to move. It wasn’t as though he’d never experienced homophobia or racism before, though not since he’d moved to Nevada as far as he could remember. Granted, he really didn’t pay much attention since he usually just conducted his business and went home, unless he was stopped for an autograph. Plus, he hadn’t had a boyfriend in Nevada much less a husband, until Kyungsoo. He supposed people just didn’t generally think of cowboys being gay, despite “Brokeback Mountain.” He hadn’t really cared for the movie since neither actor was his type so no eye candy, and he didn’t approve of cheating, or marrying to hide your real uality. So, he spent the entire movie wanting to kick their asses and feeling sorry for their wives.

                For his part, Kyungsoo looked completely unconcerned as he received the full brunt of the woman’s wrath. He just cocked his head as though he was waiting for her to run out of steam, or maybe more as though he was studying a mildly interesting art piece. She finally ran out of breath and then he spoke.

                “Are you quite finished causing a scene? You do realize everyone is staring at you bellering like an uneducated bull, don’t you? Nobody was paying the slightest attention to the two men buying tomatoes, but if you wanted everyone staring at you, well congratulations you succeeded admirably. Not to mention, you managed to scare who I assume are your children half to death. Actually, I’m surprised you have two children. I can’t see a thing about you that I’d think he might find attractive. It’s certainly not your personality. Which do you think would be more damaging to them in the long run, two men in love where one happened to peck the other’s lips, or an angry, ignorant mother who yells at strangers every time they do something she doesn’t like?”

                Jongin was still trying to get his feet to move when Kyungsoo squatted down so he was more the little boy’s height. “Can I ask you something Sweetheart?”

                The little boy nodded, eyes full of tears as he on his fingers, plainly upset.

                “What is scarier, two men kissing, or your mommy yelling at strangers?”

                The little boy just stood there for a minute, staring at Kyungsoo before he took his fingers out of his mouth. “I don’t like it when Mommy yells. It makes me and Sissy cry.”

                Kyungsoo nodded. “I bet it does. Now, what is more wrong? Is it hating people you don’t know, or two men who love each other and are from a different country?”

                The boy answered more quickly this time. “Daddy says we shouldn’t hate anybody. Mommy doesn’t like people who aren’t white like us, and she tells me I have to like girls, but I don’t.”

                “What do you think? Should people like me go away because we aren’t white or because we don’t like girls? And what do you like?”

                The little boy shook his head. “Lots of kids at school aren’t white, and they’re all my friends, and I don’t like girls. I like dinosaurs.”

                Jongin smiled at the little boy’s answer. It sounded like something Tansy would say if she was asked if she liked boys. He was so focused on watching the interaction between Kyungsoo and the boy and thinking what a wonderful father his husband would make, that he had almost forgotten the woman until he saw the kick and heard the crack as Kyungsoo’s head smashed onto the cement floor and his sweet husband lay there crumpled, blood already pooling.

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Chapter 22: This was great. I loved it all
Chapter 22: I hesitated reading this yesterday because I just didn't want it to be over yet. But it over and everyone got the ending they truly deserve. Suho is in jail, BaekYeol are happy, kaisoo got everything they ever wished for and I'm crying now lol
xiaolongnu71 #3
Chapter 22: I can't believe this story has come to an end! Thanks so much for writing and sharing. Looks like everyone got a happy ending (except for Suho).
Chapter 22: I LOVED IT!!!! I really enjoyed reading this story! Hope to read more with my fave couple!! Please keep writing!
xiaolongnu71 #5
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaaah that's too much if a cliffhanger! Can't believe there's only one more chapter left.
Chapter 21: And the floor just dropped out. I think I'll have to get in line to punch Suho in the face, I'm sure Soo wants first dibs. Hoping things turn out well for these two, they just can't catch a freaking break
Chapter 19: I suspect Taemin. He was pretty eager for Jongin to go back to Korea
Chapter 14: Yay!!! Hints of ChanBaek!!!
xiaolongnu71 #9
Chapter 12: Goodness. That escalated pretty quickly!