Chapter 13

What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Stay There

                Kyungsoo woke slowly, refusing to open his eyes at first because of the pounding in his skull. He had no idea where he was. He just knew it wasn’t home. It smelled weird, like someone had tried to disinfect roadkill or something, and whatever he was lying on was squeaky and hard and rough, unlike his soft mattress and extremely high thread count sheets. There were odd noises as well he couldn’t quite make out, some sort of beeping, more squeaking, and murmurs and mumbles like someone left a TV on. Worst of all, it was cold. Where were all his thick, warm blankets?

                Finally, Kyungsoo forced himself to open his eyes. He wasn’t surprised he wasn’t wearing his glasses and he couldn’t really move, so he squinted and glared until he could make out something of his surroundings. It wasn’t much, but at least he was pretty sure he was in a hospital room, which explained the noises and smells. It didn’t however explain the uncomfortable bed and why he was so cold. The hospital he’d gone to before always made sure the patients were comfortable and warm.

                “It’s about damn time you woke up!” an unpleasant voice made Kyungsoo wince at the sharpness, which just intensified his headache. It took him a moment to place, before he could ask

                “Junmyeon, what the are you doing here? Where am I?”

                “Hell’s waiting room. You owe me for coming all the way out to this hole to get your stupid tantrum-throwing and take you back where you belong. Aren’t you at least going to thank me?”

                “What for? I broke it off with your disgusting, cheating and never want to see you again. What happened? Maybe I’m dead and I really am in Hell’s waiting room if I have to see you instead of my husband, who actually gives a about me instead of what I can do for him, and doesn’t just lay there like a, well actually a doll would be a more active participant.”


                Another voice, this one much more pleasant and sounding much more excited to see he was awake shouted and the person ran off, only to return a minute later chattering excitedly to someone Kyungsoo assumed was the nurse. He had shut his eyes again against the glare from the lights and Junmyeon’s nastiness, only to open them again when he felt someone gently slip his glasses onto his face. He tried to smile back when he saw the face of the most beautiful person in the world smiling at him.

                “Hey Baby” Kyungsoo greeted Jongin, who smiled even more widely.

                “Good morning Beautiful. It’s been very lonely the last two weeks without you. Everyone’s been pestering every day, wondering if you were awake yet.”

                “What happened? And why is that here?” Kyungsoo managed to pick his arm up to point to his ex, who was standing with his arms crossed and glaring at the couple.

                “Remember that woman with the basketball s who kept insulting us for being gay and “Chinese”? You were talking with her little boy at the grocery store later and before anyone could do anything she mule-kicked you in the side of the head. Since you had squatted down to talk with the boy you went over like a sack of potatoes and cracked your head on the floor. There was so much blood from your scalp wounds by the time EMS got there. Soaked through that flannel shirt I had been wearing I tried to wrap your head in, and the nearly through the towels the employees kindly got for me to help. I was afraid to move your head much since I didn’t know if she’d injured your neck, but the doctors tell me you’ll be fine. They weren’t expecting a two-week coma however. As for “that ,” I had to use your phone to contact Baekhyun since I wasn’t positive I remembered all your medical history, and he overheard Baekhyun repeating back the directions I gave him since he insisted on coming to see you in person. He turned up about two days ago and we’ve been glaring at each other ever since since I didn’t have the authority to have him thrown out, even as your spouse.”

                “Baek’s here? You’re sure? Cute skinny guy about my height, acts like a puppy personified?”

                Jongin grinned. “Oh that’s him alright. He and Yeol are back at the hotel sleeping. They’ve been doing the night shift staying with you and I had days so you didn’t have to wake up without someone here. Boss gave me time off, telling me not to come back until you’re with me. I hope you don’t mind, but Yeol’s been driving your truck around since he’s been playing chauffer for Baekhyun and me, his truck is broken down again, and we both refuse to get on that deathtrap motorcycle of his.”

                “I’m sorry to interrupt you two, but the doctor is here and he really needs to examine Mister Do” the nurse broke in, startling Kyungsoo who had been focused solely on Jongin.

                “We’ll talk more afterward, okay Beautiful?”

                “You’d better believe it Baby.”

                Kyungsoo carefully turned his head to look at the doctor and nurse while Jongin moved out of the way. “Who do I talk to to have him removed and banned from my hospital room permanently? He’s only my ex, and a cheater at that. Everyone else is welcome but him.”

                The nurse looked confused while the doctor started gently probing Kyungsoo’s head, which he now noticed was covered in bandages.

                “Are you sure you want him thrown out? You seemed quite happy to see him a minute ago.”

                Kyungsoo realized he’d gotten a bit scrambled and tried again. “Sorry, wrong him. Of course I want my husband. I meant the other him, Junmyeon. The personification of a, pardon my language, ty .”

                The doctor cleared his throat and said in a gruff, nearly sarcastic tone “if I might finally be allowed to examine the patient, I’d appreciate it. Or does no one care he has a head injury and was in a two-week coma?”

                “Sorry Doctor.”

                Kyungsoo quietly submitted to the examination, which mostly consisted of poking and prodding his head, moving his arms and legs and head, and answering the doctor’s questions about a dozen times each, all asked in various ways. The only thing he couldn’t remember before he went unconscious was the kick itself, and he admitted he had an incredible headache, both of which the doctor said were perfectly normal and that he’d put in a prescription for painkillers.

                “They probably won’t make the pain completely go away, but should help. I don’t want to give you anything too strong since we don’t know exactly what’s going on with you yet. Now that you’re awake we can start running more tests over the next few days and that will tell us more, if there’s any signs of brain injury and that sort of thing. How long you’ll be here depends on what exactly we find. Any questions?”

                “Just one. Why am I so cold? It feels like a freezer in here.”

                The doctor looked concerned. “Your husband mentioned you got cold easily, so the thermostat was adjusted to what he said was the usual temperature at your home. It might just be an aftereffect of your trauma, but that is definitely something to watch. And, I’m sure they’ll bring you more blankets.”

                “I have a question” Jongin spoke up, startling Kyungsoo. He’d been so focused on what the doctor was doing he’d almost forgotten anyone else was in the room, but was grateful when his husband gently took his cold hands and wrapped them in his own warm ones. “When will he be able to eat?”

                Kyungsoo hadn’t even thought about food, though it now occurred to him having something hot to drink might help warm him up. He also noticed now that he was paying attention that he was thinner than he’d been two weeks ago. Not Billy Halleck in “Thinner” thin, but he definitely was less chubby which he certainly didn’t mind. He hated exercising, though he’d be getting plenty once he was home and it warmed up enough to start working on his garden and taking care of his goats when he got them. Years of test-trying his own and other people’s cooking had left him with his squishy cheeks and slight pot belly. He knew Jongin claimed to love his cheeks and tummy, but unlike with Suho when he just didn’t care, he wanted to look as good as he could when he was with his husband.

                “Now that he’s awake, he’ll be on full liquids for a day or two to make sure he can handle them, then gradually go back to a regular diet. And no, it is absolutely not a good idea to try and smuggle him in McDonald’s cheeseburgers or a Hot and Ready pizza.”

                Kyungsoo wrinkled his nose even though it intensified his headache. “I’d have to be starving to eat that garbage. I prefer real food, thank you.”

                Jongin chuckled. “My darling husband is a chef, and a bit more highbrow than fast food so I don’t think junk is going to be an issue. I’m quite fond of his cooking and I don’t want to be cut off once he can go back to it.”

                Though he was getting tired again, Kyungsoo couldn’t help but tease Jongin a little. “I knew it. You only married me for my cooking.”

                “Kind of hard to do that when we got married the same day we met and you certainly weren’t doing any cooking on the airplane or in the hotel.”

                “Oh yeah, forgot that part.” Kyungsoo grinned, only to wince in pain.

                “I’ll get you those pain pills and blankets and see about getting you something to eat Mister Do” the nurse said before bustling out, while the doctor finished his exam and typed up everything on the laptop he’d brought with him.

                “Physically you seem to be fine, at least on the outside. Tomorrow we’ll start the neurological testing to make sure nothing is going on with your brain. I’ll see you then Mister Do.” The doctor shook Kyungsoo and Jongin’s hands and left.

                “What have I missed, besides Baek coming out to the sticks which has to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard, and the which I certainly haven’t?” the injured man asked his husband, who had settled on the bed and taken his hands. Until he could find out how to get rid of Suho, he’d decided to just ignore his ex completely.

                “You were right about Tansy. Missus Holland keeps sending me snapshots of the kittens, usually in doll clothes or riding in the doll buggy around the house. She figures once it’s warmer they’ll be in Tans’ wagon getting hauled all over the ranch, and only because she’s too short to hitch up the pony cart, yet. She also keeps asking when “Kunthu” is coming home. Boss says he can’t wait til you’re back so he can put me back to work with the brats, Cook is already planning your welcome home dinner, and everyone else says they miss your touch with meals. Oh, and Doc said he’s got a couple coyote bait puppies you might be interested in for when you get your goats. Some kind of herd dog mix. I didn’t know you were thinking of a dog.”

                “It was supposed to be a surprise. Yes I’ll probably need a herd dog, but mostly I wanted one because you like dogs so much Love. I’ve seen you with Double D, who has got to be the stupidest dog I’ve ever met. The Hollands’ already said it was okay as long as it stayed away from the young horses so they don’t spook. So, I called Doc and asked him to let me know if he found any coyote bait he thought would be suitable.”

                “To listen to you, anyone would think you were a real couple when who on earth would actually want a fatty for himself rather than his family? What’s next, a white picket fence and children? You’re not fooling anyone. You know this cowboy is just using you because you’re rich. He probably targeted you on that plane and slipped something in your drink. At least I never lied to you.”

                Kyungsoo had managed to nearly forget about his ex, until Suho opened his foul mouth and started spitting out bull. He might have had doubts in the beginning of their marriage, but knowing Jongin the way he did now even if it still hadn’t been that long gave him the strength and courage to mouth off in a way he had never had before.

                “Except about letting the intern you, which I don’t understand unless he gets off on limp, small-dicked rag dolls in which case he’s got more problems than you do. I never liked you, but I could at least respect you as a human being, if a money-grubbing one since I thought you were at least being honest. Just because no one wants anything to do with you doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone else. Even with Baek, and to a lesser extent Sehun and Minseok, around me in New York I was miserable, so I figured I might as well be miserable with you since I’d mostly be left alone. But, I at least expected you to be a faithful . Now I’m happy, with a husband who loves me as much as I love him, and a lot more real friends than I ever thought an introvert like me was capable of having. Plus, I still have contact with the three people in New York I give a about. And, I’m no longer anywhere near you. Now, get out before I have the nurse call security. You’re not wanted, by anyone.”

                “Why you” Kyungsoo wasn’t sure if Suho had planned to smack him or try any strangle him the way he was reaching out, but it didn’t matter. Jongin had grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the nearest wall, and the injured man got to see real fear in his ex’s eyes rather than his usual distain for everyone and everything he felt was beneath him.

                “I didn’t beat you and leave you for dead in an alley, or better yet take you back to the ranch and feed you to the hogs because I wasn’t sure if Soo had anything he needed or wanted to say to you. Now that he’s done, you will be leaving and going back to New York and cutting any and all ties that might even have a remote chance of leading back to my husband. And for the record, I don’t give a damn if he’s rich or not. I figured he had money, but that’s not why I’m with him. I chose to stay married because he’s a wonderful, talented, intelligent human being who I also think is not only adorable, but drop-dead y. The bigger question is why he chose to stay with me when he’s miles out of my league. Now, get out.”

                Kyungsoo watched as Jongin let go of Suho’s throat. He’d thought for about half an instant his ex was going to try and argue, but he just put his hand to his neck and ran out of the room, nearly knocking the security guard over who was just coming into the room.

                “Mister Do? Everything okay here? I heard from a nurse there was an unwanted guest I might have to out.”

                “You just missed him, the guy who ran off like someone set his on fire. My husband scared him off, but thank you for coming up to ask.”

                “It’s not a problem Mister Do. I usually only have to deal with drunks in ER. You have a good afternoon then.”

                “You too.”

                Kyungsoo sighed, and rested his head on Jongin’s shoulder when his husband sat next to him on the bed.

                “You okay Soo?”

                “Just tired, and my head hurts. It felt good to get that off my chest. It felt better watching you scare the pants off him. He’s used to soft, business people in suits types. Even the ones who work out don’t get the muscles working on a ranch gives you. Besides, he really believed no one would ever want me for me.”

                “Did he always talk to you like that?”

                “Not really. He seldom talked at all, and when he did he was a bit better at hiding what he really thought. It doesn’t matter now though. He’s gone and I have you.”

                “Yes you do.”


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Chapter 22: This was great. I loved it all
Chapter 22: I hesitated reading this yesterday because I just didn't want it to be over yet. But it over and everyone got the ending they truly deserve. Suho is in jail, BaekYeol are happy, kaisoo got everything they ever wished for and I'm crying now lol
xiaolongnu71 #3
Chapter 22: I can't believe this story has come to an end! Thanks so much for writing and sharing. Looks like everyone got a happy ending (except for Suho).
Chapter 22: I LOVED IT!!!! I really enjoyed reading this story! Hope to read more with my fave couple!! Please keep writing!
xiaolongnu71 #5
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaaah that's too much if a cliffhanger! Can't believe there's only one more chapter left.
Chapter 21: And the floor just dropped out. I think I'll have to get in line to punch Suho in the face, I'm sure Soo wants first dibs. Hoping things turn out well for these two, they just can't catch a freaking break
Chapter 19: I suspect Taemin. He was pretty eager for Jongin to go back to Korea
Chapter 14: Yay!!! Hints of ChanBaek!!!
xiaolongnu71 #9
Chapter 12: Goodness. That escalated pretty quickly!