Suho/ Lay

6 Aces
Walking in the middle of the streets trying to find the hospital because he was in pain only to find himself collapsing and someone catching him before he hit his head and got a concussion. The one who saved him was not a man but was a young boy at least from 19 to 17 he must be young. This young teenager was actually a doctor who was just passing by to go back to his house only finding himself another patient for the night. So he took this young man to his house set him on the bed seeing if anything was wrong with him, there was something wrong and it was the touch of his skin, it was so hot like a burning lava on his forehead yet his skin was so cold like the ice in the freezer. Thinking of what he was having and finding out it was a fever, he got up to get a hot towel and put it on his forehead. He gave him 3 pillows for his head in which they were all white because Lay’s room was white except for the dresser which was black and the table which was grey. The tiles on the floor was white and the curtains were silver. Everyone in the hospital called Lay the Healer or Unicorn in which he never took offense to that cause looking at the man right below him he saw a lightning, though he was taller than him, his looks could say he was a bad play boy .Lay walked into the bathroom to go take a shower in the hot water only to hear a small groan and then something dropping to the floor. The Unicorn rushed out of the bathroom with jogger pants on and a sleeveless shirt to find the young man he put on his bed on the floor in a matter of second. How he ended up there we don’t know. Suho tried to open his eyes but his head was feeling hurt and then he tried to sit up and stand up but then he fell down again in which he didn’t notice a certain good looking chinese stranger was looking back at him and picked him up from the floor and laid him on the bed. Introduction was never needed cause everyone or almost everyone knew about Yixing . Suho of course was the other man’s name because the Unicorn went through his wallet and found a driver’s license that said his name. I know the young Unicorn is interesting but again with the story.
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