The Lady With Feathery Wings And The Boy With The Bow And Arrow.


I nervously tapped my foot as I waited for the lunch bell to ring. I had asked every teacher to close the blinds because the cats showed up in front of the window of whichever class I was in. A couple people teased me for being scared of cats of course, but I could care less about what they were saying. Why the hell were all these cats showing up now? 

Normally, I would sneak off campus by myself for lunch, but I was too scared to that day. The bell rung and I bolted for the cafeteria. I frantically looked around until I found Hoseok sitting by one of the windows by himself. "Hobi-hyung!" Hoseok looked up in shock. "Tae? What- I thought-" I waved him off as I gently grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the cafeteria. "I need to talk to you." "You couldn't talk to me in there? Where my food was?" I rolled my eyes as I pushed him into one of the bathrooms.

 "What's going on with you, Tae?" I sighed and chuckled a bit. I rubbed my face and ran my fingers through my hair. "Hyung, I think I'm going crazy." Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows and adjusted his glasses. "Why-" "Have you noticed an unhealthy amount of cats hanging around school today?" I asked. 

Hoseok slowly shook his head. "No.. I haven't really paid attention I guess. Why?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the school. "Taehyung... maybe you should tell them you're not feeling well-" Hoseok's grip on my hand tightened as we heard a loud and low meow come from the ally behind the school. 

"T-Tae... what the was that?" I slowly started to walk towards the noise. Hoseok stood still. "I don't know... lunch is about to be over, Tae-" I sighed. "Hyung, I'm not crazy! Just, come on." I said as I pulled Hoseok behind me. Hoseok whimpered as the cries grew louder "Tae..." I peaked around the wall.

 I gasped a bit as I looked at all the cats that were sitting on the ground, on the dumpers and up in the trees. "What is it Tae?" Hoseok whispered. I looked back at him before pulling him into the ally. "What. The. ?" Hoseok asked as he looked at all the cats. "Tae... I'm scared..." I rubbed the back of my neck. I was about to run with Hoseok behind me, but one of the cats stepped forward. 

"Kim Taehyung." Hoseok yelped. "Jung Hoseok." Hoseok shook my arm. "The cat just ing talked..... Taehyung!!! THE CAT JUST ING TALKED!!!" I stared down at the cat. It was him. The same calico cat from my childhood. "How... what... You ing cat! You made me look crazy! Do you know how much therapy I had to go through? Still have to go through?! How many doctors did I have to see? All because of you- wait. How do you know Hobi-hyung?" The cat blinked and chuckled. "I know everything about you, Kim Taehyung. I've been with you for a long time now. You might not of seen me, but I was always there." I groaned. "What the do you want?" 

The cat walked closer to me. "You're in danger. I told you, they're coming for you." I looked around at the other cats. "In danger? From you and your friends?" "No, they're just here to catch your attention." I sighed. "Well... then who the -" "Shhh... Do you hear that?" All I could hear was the breeze and Hoseok's elevated and heavy breathing. "No..." The cat looked up into my eyes intensely. "You. Need. To. Run." I was about to pick the cat up. "Kim Taehyung! Jung Hoseok! What are you two doing back here?" It was the principal. She got closer. 

All the cats began to hiss. I looked back at her then at Hoseok. I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me. "You two need to head back to class. Now." I looked back at the cat. I grabbed him and started to back up. "Taehyung, RUN!" The cat yelled. I grabbed Hoseok's hand with my free one and took off. "Get back here!" The principal snarled. 

I tried to look back behind me. All I saw were a pair of feathery wings. "What the is that?!" Hoseok screamed as we ran. "Just keep running hyung!" We turned out to the busy Seoul streets. Cars were honking at us, people cursing at us. "How the do these people not see this thing?!" I yelled as we dodged cars. "They're plain old humans, they can't see what we see!" The cat yelled.

 "What?!" I didn't have time to ask him anymore questions, our principal.. who we thought was our principal, swooped down and picked up Hoseok in its talons. Hoseok was screaming his head off. "HYUNG! ! What do I do?!" "Run into that restaurant!" Taehyung did as he was told. Everyone in there looked at the calico cat and I. "Why- Hoseok-!!" "Go down to the basement!" Taehyung hesitated a bit before he ran down to the basement. The cat jumped down from my hands and ran into the pantry. 

"I swear to ing god, cat! If you're getting food-" "Hey! What... wait seriously?! Holy -" I stared at the boy who had walked out of the pantry. "This is him? Really? Is he sure?" The boy asked the cat. I looked between them. "What the ?! That THING has Hoseok!!! What the -" The boy grabbed my arm and pulled me into the pantry. "What is it? "A harpie." I looked between them. ". Okay, do you know how to use a bow and arrow?" I opened my mouth. "Of course not." He quickly put his gear on and handed me sword. "You need to protect yourself somehow." 

I looked down at the cat. "Well- GO!" I tripped a bit over my feet as I ran after the boy. He was outside, already shooting at the harpie. Hoseok was creaming and flailing around. "GIVE ME THE OTHER BOY AND I'LL SPARE THIS ONE!!!" She hissed at us. The boy just kept shooting at it. "Dude!" "TAEHYUNG!!!" Hoseok yelled. I jumped up on some of the cars that were parked on the street, trying to get closer to Hoseok. I managed to grab onto Hoseok's foot. The harpie cried at the extra weight. I hooked my feet underneath the windshield wipers and pulled down on him with all my might. 

She finally let go of Hoseok. I caught him in my arms. "Hyung! Are you okay?" "I'm fine just run!!!" I jumped down off the cars and set Hoseok on the ground. "Hyung, go!" Hosoek stopped and looked at me. "You-" "Hyung! Please just go! I have to help him!" I said before I ran back over to the other guy. 

The harpie caught sight of me and flew low causing the both of us to duck. She swooped low again and again. The fourth time, I raised my sword up right when she swung above me. She collided into me. 

That was the last thing I remember before everything went black. 

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