Chapter 18



Yoongi goes for a short trip in the mountains to take his mind off work.





Yoongi's been working nonstop for as long as he can remember, building his way up from an intern on a boring desk job, to an operations manager of a medium sized company in the heart of Seoul.

He finishes his last meeting of day, or, more precisely, his last meeting of the month, as he'd been preparing himself to take a well-deserved vacation, and packs his things up. He bids everyone goodbye as the heavy glass doors at the entrance of the building close behind him, takes a relieved breath, and goes home.

The following morning, he goes for a short trip in the mountains, set on taking his mind off work.

He stays at a cabin at the end of a small trail and he can hear faint noises coming from the lake located just behind it, hidden amidst the forest. He takes them as the usual nature sounds, a constant murmur, just right to relax and immerse him in the new ambiance.

As the days go by, he notices the sounds morphing into something akin to a voice, rumbling in the deep, dark waters, calling for him. And he's intrigued, can feel himself being pulled.

And that's what it takes for him to finally decide to take a better look at the lake.

The sounds seem muffled as he approaches the shore, and the water is calm, reflecting the little bit of light that enters through the canopy of trees. He stares and stares, thinks he sees a shadow under the surface, swaying, waiting.

He walks closer, extends his hand, and something emerges from the middle of the lake. A hand extends back towards him and the shadow gives form to a person, a creature, with impassible eyes and dripping wet hair falling on wide shoulders.

Yoongi takes another step, and doesn't go back home.

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mmmgigi #1
Chapter 3: i’m so confused xD
mmmgigi #2
Chapter 3: is this yoonkook or kookgi??
mmmgigi #3
Chapter 1: oh god that’s so cute