Morning Routine/ Disorder

For Them, A Million Times Over

On weekdays, Jin had a routine that he followed with extreme accuracy. The first thing on this routine was to wake up at 5:50 in the morning. It took about ten minutes for Namjoon to fully wake up and gain the energy to get out of bed so by 6 o’clock, Seokjin and Namjoon were awake and out of bed. They’d both go into their bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their face, flirting endlessly about how adorable the other was in the morning.

“Even with no eyes, you’re still the most beautiful man ever,” Namjoon said with the toothbrush in his mouth.

“Even though you look like an abandoned puppy when you wake up, I still love waking up next to you,” Seokjin replied.

If that didn’t take up too much time, they would shower if they felt the need to. That need wasn’t determined by the way they smelled or what they did the previous day. It was rather determined by their desire for each other at that time because, let’s just be ironically honest, nothing ‘clean’ happened when the two showered together.

That day, Namjoon chose the easiest position and chose to take his partner from behind. Jin’s face pressed against the wet shower walls as Namjoon brought him to the peak of his , shivering as he quietly moaned Namjoon’s name. It never took too long because Namjoon knew all of the places to touch that caused Seokjin to go absolutely crazy.

At about 6:40, the two would leave the shower and get something out of their closet to wear to work that day. Seokjin never had any trouble and would just put on his black chef uniform. Jin loved his uniform. When he was a little kid dreaming about being a chef, he always imagined wearing this uniform, despite the fact that in his daydreams, the uniform would be white and he’d have that big hat that the chefs wore on television. But for now, this was enough.

Namjoon didn’t really put much thought into his clothes either. As a producer, there wasn’t an actual uniform, but he always went for the semi professional look. He didn’t want to look obnoxious and narcissistic by being too professional but didn’t want people to not take him seriously either by being unprofessional.

At 6:45, Namjoon and Seokjin went into Hoseok and Yoongi’s shared room to wake them for the day. Now that was when the hard part of their morning began.

Yoongi slept on the top bunk and Hoseok slept at the bottom. Hoseok was at the top at first but because he was such a wild sleeper, he fell out of the bed and straight onto the floor. Both Seokjin and Namjoon had shot up out of their sleep when there was a loud thump one night followed by an even louder, piercing cry. Rushing into the room, Yoongi- who was half asleep- was standing over Hoseok- who was also still half asleep. Hoseok cried and cried about the throbbing in his body that Seokjin couldn’t appease. Luckily, it didn’t result in any serious injury.

After that, Yoongi was put on the top bunk. The boy slept like a rock so there was never any worries that he’d fall in his sleep.

“Hobi, wake up sweetheart,” Namjoon cooed, leaning over to gently tap Hoseok’s nose. Shifting around his sleep, he wrinkled his nose and giggled, “That tickles, Daddy,” like he did every morning when Namjoon tapped his nose. Hoseok didn’t have any trouble waking up; give the boy about five minutes and it was like he wasn’t sleep at all. But Yoongi.

Yoongi was the total opposite.

Seokjin already tried to respect Yoongi’s boundaries and not touch him too much in the mornings because he knew how much it angered him. But calling Yoongi’s name and even tapping his nose didn’t wake him up. Seokjin usually had to shake the boy and even would have to pick him up out of the bed himself sometimes if he refused to budge. Today was one of those days.

“Yoongi, baby. Come on, it’s time for school.” Nothing. “Yoongi.” Seokjin shook his body lightly. Even when Namjoon had successfully gotten Hoseok out of bed and carried him to the bathroom to brush his teeth, Yoongi still hadn’t woken up. Only snored a few more times.

Seokjin sighed. “I don’t want to do this, honey, but I’m going to have to. I hope you don’t hate your Appa for this.” Seokjin removed the blanket from over Yoongi’s body and hooked one arm under Yoongi’s knees and the other arm under his neck and manually picked the boy up and out of bed. That’s when the chaos began.

“Leave me alone, Appa! Stop it!” Yoongi began to thrash around, pushing and kicking at Seokjin’s face and body. “I want to lay down!”

“Yoongi stop it, please. You have to get up. You do this every morning.” Seokjin, despite the struggle, successfully put Yoongi on his feet on the floor. Yoongi stood there rubbing at his eyes with balled fists as he stubbornly refused to move from his spot. Jin felt a bit guilty for doing forcibly waking his son but he had no other choice.

Suddenly, Yoongi took his balled fist and punched his Appa’s leg with all of his strength. It wasn’t enough strength to physically hurt Jin, but he admitted that it hurt him emotionally. “Did you just hit me, Yoongi?” Seokjin questioned. Yoongi scowled.

“You touch me. I don’t want to be touched. Don’t touch me.”

“I won’t touch you if you just listen to me and get up out of bed, okay,” Seokjin reprimanded. “And do not make a habit of hitting. It’s not nice. What are you supposed to do when you don’t like something?”

“Say so…”

“Good. No more hitting.”

“I’m sorry, Appa.” This also happened every morning. Yoongi getting angry and then apologizing just a few moments after as he slowly began to wake up fully. Sleepy Yoongi was always so, so grumpy.

“It’s okay, sweetheart.” Seokjin wanted to kneel down and plant a kiss on his forehead but decided to respect Yoongi’s bubble so he smiled down at Yoongi instead. “Come on, let’s go brush your teeth with Hoseok.”

Yoongi didn’t respond but obeyed anyway.


“Okay! Both kids are dressed, fed, and all cleaned up. They’re all ready!” Namjoon yelled as he pulled his satchel that he carried with him everyday to work with him onto his shoulder.

Seokjin snatched the car keys from the kitchen counter and looked Yoongi and Hoseok over once more. It’s not that he didn’t trust Namjoon.

Namjoon was just forgetful.

For the most part, the kids looked ready to go. Yoongi was somehow still half asleep even while standing, his eyes shut as he stood there leaning against the door. He’d somehow managed to stay half asleep all morning. Hoseok looked as ready as ever. Then he looked over Namjoon. “Joonie, do you have your phone with you?” Namjoon’s accomplished smile dropped as he pat the pockets of his jeans. “I left it in the room.” As Namjoon rushed away, Seokjin rolled his eyes.

“What if Daddy forgets one of us one day?” Hoseok asked, looking up at Seokjin as he ushered his two sons out of the door. Well, he had to pull Yoongi.

“He won’t. Your Daddy would never forget the two most important kids in his life,” Seokjin reassured.

“You got that right! I would never forget my two favorite boys,” Namjoon agreed. Jin locked the front door of the house and quickly moved to help Namjoon fasten the boys in the car. Yoongi was asleep again before Seokjin even started the car.

As soon as Seokjin pulled out of the driveway of their home, it was 7:31. And that’s how Seokjin completed his weekday morning routine.


“Why are we at the children’s clinic?” Namjoon asked as Seokjin turned into an empty parking spot.

“Did you forget that Yoongi has an appointment with the nutritionist? We talked about this yesterday at dinner.”

“I forgot,” Namjoon said shortly.

“Of course you did,” Seokjin huffed before taking his key out of the ignition and opening his door. Namjoon followed suit. Hoseok had managed to fall asleep on the car ride to the clinic too so instead of waking them up, Seokjin carried Hoseok and Namjoon carried Yoongi.

“Why did we bring Hoseok along again?”

Seokjin rolled his eyes and considered not even answering his lover. “Were you listening to nothing I said last night? I told you Hoseok would probably have thrown a tantrum if we tried to get him to go to school without Yoongi so we’re taking him along with us.”

“I forgot about that too,” Namjoon chuckled nervously, not knowing what Jin was going to say. He half expected Jin to be angry with him about not remembering a single part of their conversation at dinner. Seokjin didn’t even bother responding, he just made his way into the building and towards the first elevator he saw.

Jin was quite nervous. He had never been to a nutritionist before and meeting new physicians and doctors always put him on edge. Especially when it came to his children. He had no idea if they were trustworthy or not. Of course Jin did loads of research on this nutritionist, Im Nayeon. She was said to be great with children and gave relatively good and accurate diagnosis that helped the child. That was all Seokjin needed to know.

When they exited the elevator on the third floor, Hoseok began to shift around before gruffly asking Seokjin to put him down. Seokjin was partly grateful because Hoseok was quite heavy. He grabbed ahold of Hobi’s hand and led Namjoon who was still cuddling Yoongi to his chest towards the office number that Seokjin had memorized.

“Welcome!” A receptionist sitting behind the desk called as soon as Seokjin entered. Luckily there wasn’t anyone else there so they wouldn’t have to wait too long before seeing the doctor.

“Hello. My name is Kim Seokjin. I have an appointment with Dr. Im for Kim Yoongi at 8.”

“Ah! Dr. Im is actually preparing your room at the moment. You can go through that door right there and go right to the back,” she directed cheerfully.

“Thank you so much.” Seokjin turned around to find Hoseok who had somehow wandered towards the magazine rack while Namjoon went through the troublesome process of waking Yoongi up again. But since this was just a short nap, it was a lot easier than this morning. With one last wave at the receptionist, the four of them went through the door and to the back.

“It’s so cute in here. I wish my doctor’s office looked like this,” Namjoon complained to Seokjin with a childish pout. If he hadn’t known any better, he would’ve thought Namjoon was genuinely upset that his doctor’s office didn’t look this way. “Look at the cute fruit, babe. It’s smiling and everything.”

Seokjin chuckled as he admired the cute theme of the hallway along with Namjoon. There were several paintings and pictures of little fruits and vegetables smiling and even some holding hands. A few reminders and facts about eating fruits and vegetables were also up there. Seokjin read a few and decided to remember a few of those facts for the future.

With another glance at the dancing strawberry, Jin thought of Hoseok. Hobi loved this sort of thing. Looking down at his youngest son, he was right. Hoseok was just as fascinated as his dad was about the smiling food. “You’re such a child, Namjoon,” Jin quipped.

“So…” Namjoon jutted his lip out in an exaggerated pout. Yoongi laughed sleepily at that.

“Ah! You must be my 8 o'clock appointment. You can come right in here,” Dr. Im smiled leading them to a quite spacious room with orange walls. Of course, on the walls were a bunch of singing and dancing oranges and carrots. Yet again, all Seokjin could think was cute.

“Okay, let’s get started. My name is Im Nayeon. Which of you are Kim Seokjin?” Im Nayeon looked young, Jin wouldn’t be surprised if the two of them were the same age.

“That would be me,” Seokjin smiled as he let go of Hoseok’s hand so the youngest could go play with the blocks in the corner of the room. Yoongi, slowly but surely, followed to do the same, leaving Namjoon and Seokjin to speak with the nutritionist.

“This is my… partner, Kim Namjoon.” Seokjin didn’t look at her face because he didn’t want to see her reaction. “These are my sons, Yoongi and Hoseok.”

“I see. Beautiful family, by the way,” she smiled. Seokjin was a bit too taken aback to respond so Namjoon was the one who uttered a genuine, “Thank you so much. That means a lot to us.”

“Of course. Now can I see Yoongi?”

Upon hearing his name, Yoongi froze, not turning around and keeping his back facing the woman. “Come here, honey. The nutritionist wants to talk to you,” Namjoon tried.

“I’m not sick. Why do I have to see her?” Yoongi said with his back still turned. They could all hear the frown on his lips through his words.

“I just want to ask you a few questions, Yoongi. Nothing will hurt,” Dr. Im said softly. She even kneeled on the ground next to Yoongi and Hoseok. “Everything will be okay. You have your Dads and your brother here.”

“Promise it won’t hurt?”

“I promise. Now can you come sit up there for me?”

Yoongi hesitantly placed the wooden blocks onto the table. Knowing that Yoongi probably wouldn’t like Nayeon touching him, Namjoon rushed to pick up Yoongi himself and sit him onto the cushioned table.

Hoseok stayed in the corner watching closely as Dr. Im examined his brother. He wouldn’t let her hurt him. Yoongi was his best friend.

After doing the usual procedure, such as checking his blood pressure and heart, she then turned to Seokjin and Namjoon. “Blood pressure and heart beat are normal. I need a urine sample but we can do that in a bit. Now what was your reason for visiting today?”

Nayeon’s smile was incredibly contagious- she reminded Jin of the smiling food plastered all over the wall- so everytime she turned to talk to Namjoon and Seokjin with that blinding smile, Seokjin couldn’t help but smile right back. “Well Yoongi is five years old and is about to be six next month.” Seokjin didn’t miss the grin on Yoongi’s face at the mentioning of his birthday. “But he’s really small in terms of weight and seems to be a bit behind on growth scale.”

“He’s about to be six? Wow, he is quite the small one. I mistook him for a new four year old.” Nayeon turned to look at her clipboard of Yoongi’s information. “Well we could start with the obvious stuff first. Don’t want to jump to any unnecessary conclusions. So, has he been eating a balanced meal on a daily basis?”

“Yes. When he’s at home he eats breakfast before school and has dinner at night. It’s usually small sizes because he’s not a big eater.”

“Okay. Lunch?”

“I assume he eats at school but I don’t have a definite answer.”

Nayeon turned to Yoongi who was sitting on the cushioned table twiddling and playing with his fingers. “Yoongi? Do you eat lunch at school?”


Nayeon accepted the answer but Seokjin and Namjoon knew that Yoongi wasn’t telling the truth. They didn’t know what gave it away but it was obvious that Yoongi was lying. Maybe it was justs their parental instincts, they didn’t know.

“Yoongi…” Namjoon said raising an eyebrow towards the eldest son. “Do you really eat lunch at school?” Yoongi averted his gaze to his Appa, but Seokjin only furrowed his brow, silently pleading with Yoongi to tell him the truth.

“No…” Yoongi huffed.

“You aren’t in any trouble, honey. We just need to know so we can help you gain some weight and become a big strong boy,” Namjoon assured upon seeing the tears welling in Yoongi’s eyes. Hoseok quickly ran to Yoongi and attempted hop onto the table, but only whimpered when he couldn’t.

The tears were already running down his cheeks when he ran towards his dads. “I-I can’t g-get up there, Daddy. I-I want to h-hug, Yoongi,” Hoseok wept. “B-but I can’t! ” Namjoon chuckled a bit at how sensitive Hobi was but still cuddled and shushed him and sat him on his lap.

“You can sit him up here next to Yoongi if you would like,” Nayeon said chuckling along with Namjoon. Hoseok was over dramatic even without trying to be. He was just like Namjoon but much more over the top. Seokjin wondered what his mother was like. Maybe she was over dramatic too, which would result in Hoseok’s extremeness.

He knew it was selfish, he really did, but the thought of Hoseok’s mother angered Jin a bit. This was the woman who completely abandoned Hoseok and Namjoon without even leaving them with a proper goodbye. But what pulled at the strings of Jin’s chest the most was the thought of Hoseok’s mother ever returning. Claiming that she wanted Hoseok back. But no. No. Hoseok was his son. Yes, she had given birth to him, but Seokjin gives him the life he has now.

Seokjin took Hoseok from Namjoon’s lap and kissed the top of his head. With a light chuckle, he sat Hobi next to Yoongi on the table. Yoongi intertwined their fingers as Hoseok leaned into him. The tears immediately stopped and a smile was plastered there instead. Seokjin smiled at his sons.

“Can you tell me why you don’t eat at school?” Dr. Im asked. “Is it because you don’t want it?”


“Does the food look nasty to you?”


“Are you not hungry?”

“I do get hungry at school… I just don’t like when everyone looks at me when I eat,” Yoongi whispered, his lips pursed in slight annoyance. “They look at me and ask for my food. Then they look at me more. Then I don’t want the food no more.”

Seokjin definitely didn’t understand, and the gears in Namjoon’s head seemed to working really hard to understand too. But it seemed that Dr. Im understood right away as she began to scribble something down on Yoongi’s files. Jin could cry in relief that she seemed to have some idea as to what that meant.

“Okay, Seokjin or… Namjoon, is it? Can one of you take Yoongi to get a urine sample? You can put it in this cup here and give it to any of the nurses nearby.”

“I’ll do it, baby,” Namjoon told Seokjin, standing from his chair to get both of his sons down from the table. “Hobi, stay here with Appa.” Hoseok pouted but obediently climbed into Seokjin’s lap, quickly occupying himself with the keys that Seokjin had in his hands. Nayeon placed her clipboard and pen down onto the countertop and ran a hand through her hair to move the stray strands out of her face.

When Namjoon and Yoongi were gone, closing the door behind them, Nayeon faced Seokjin. Jin naturally held Hoseok a little tighter. Was anything significantly wrong with Yoongi? Is that why she wanted Yoongi out of the room?

“Based off of what Yoongi said, I would infer that his reason for not eating is more psychological than physical,” she began. “It doesn’t seem like he’s a picky eater or he has no appetite, it looks to be related to his anxiety. Does Yoongi eat in a cafeteria of sorts at school?”

“Yeah. All of the kids eat lunch at the same time and it’s a pretty populated preschool.”

“The amount of children around him most likely triggers something that causes him to simply not want to eat anymore to avoid being paid attention to. He’s really small so I wonder how long this has been going on and if it’s too a point that he will need medical treatment for a possible eating disorder.”

Seokjin frowned at the thought of his five year old on medicine. He couldn’t help but blame himself for not taking Yoongi to a nutritionist sooner.

But to be sure of that, we’ll need to have a few more appointments. It’s not very common for a little kid to have any serious eating disorder so don’t worry too much about it, please.” There was the bright, reassuring smile again. Seokjin sighed and attempted to smile past the pain and concern, trying to take ahold of her words that he shouldn’t worry. But how could he not?

“So for now, we’ll start with some changes in his diet.” Dr. Im grabbed her clipboard and flipped to a blank page and began writing what seemed to be a list. “There are dietary supplements in the form of little smoothies that kids seem to love. They come in three flavors. I’ll write it down so you can buy some the next time you’re at the store. You can give it to him once a day. I would suggest putting it in his backpack so he can drink it when he’s at school just in case he doesn’t eat. A light snack when he gets home from school would be nice. Orange juice or any type of fruit juice will provide some essential vitamins he needs in his diet also. Most importantly, ensure that you aren’t staring at him while he’s eating at home. Even though it might be hard knowing that he isn't eating regularly, it’s important to not direct too much attention to him while he is eating.” Seokjin nodded along to the suggestions and was very grateful that she was writing everything down for him. Hoseok had gotten bored with the keys and was now playing with the buttons of Jin’s uniform, constantly uttering, “My Appa is a five star chef.” Even if it wasn’t exactly true, Jin liked to dream.

Namjoon and Yoongi entered the room just as Dr. Im was giving Seokjin the list she’d made. “I would recommend you come back in two weeks so I can check his progress with these changes. Sounds good?”

“Yes, it does. Thank you so much, Dr. Im,” Namjoon said, giving his sweet, tight lipped smile and deep bow. Nayeon blushed a bit at that. “No need to be so formal. I love helping little kids like Yoongi. You can make your appointment with the receptionist in the front. I’ll see you in two weeks!”

“Thanks,” Yoongi uttered.

“Thank you!” Hoseok yelled, hugging at the nutritionist’s legs. “Thank you for helping my Yoongi.”

“Of course, Hoseok. I hope I can see you in two weeks too.”

“You will!”

Seokjin and Namjoon laughed at Hoseok’s excitement. After scheduling another appointment and taking a closer look at the list of suggestions when they were all settled in the car, Seokjin pulled out of the parking lot of the children’s clinic at 8:46. Just enough time to drop the kids off at Junmyeon’s house, bring Namjoon to the studio, and get to the restaurant at 9:30 to begin his shift at work.

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Chapter 19: Oh Namjoon you better give some good time to your hubby or else you're going to get a tail kicking
Looking forward to more
Chapter 18: Awww cute
And Yoongi made a friend yay
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #3
Chapter 18: Yoongi ya. Please get better!
Chapter 17: Dawww so freaking cut3
Dayeon you can go back to your posh life and stay well away from it all
Go kiddies for cheering Jin up
Looking forward to more
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness
Happy New reader here And I'm already addicted to this story
But why is Hobi mom turning up now
I hope she doesn't want to take him away from his brothers and daddies
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #6
Chapter 16: She is here to stirr trouble like that homophobia teacher?
joanna20 #7
Chapter 14: The triplets r so cute! Hopefully with bora and husband financial it will solve some of their problem like bigger house and bigger car and nutrishments for all of them.
joanna20 #8
Chapter 12: That ! Its her fault! Stupid homophobia !
joanna20 #9
Chapter 11: They r taking them in. Yoongi teacher need to taught a lesson. Homophobic will not do good to yoongi now.
joanna20 #10
Chapter 9: I hv a feeling the triplets will be adopted by jin and joon