Beginning of Summer Break

For Them, A Million Times Over

It’s fair to say that Seokjin and Namjoon were just as excited about summer break as Yoongi and Hoseok were. For the kids, it meant more time spent together in the new house and no more doing homework. Just lots and lots of free time for them.

For Namjoon and Seokjin, it meant no more having to get up in the early, early hours of the morning to get the two ready for school. So, all in all, it meant more sleep and the both of them have come to love the idea of more sleep. Especially since they’d just finished moving into their new home, and even with help from Jiyong, Heechul, Kris, and Junmyeon, it was still exhausting.

But it was all worth it. Because just as Jin imagined, he loved being able to walk down their staircase and bask in the natural light of the open concept first floor. He could cook and still see the kids in the living room which was an amazing thing since there were literally five boys usually playing in there.

The downside of that was the fact that the five of them could be loud--very, very loud-- and Jin couldn’t escape the noise unless he went upstairs. But he learned very quickly that leaving them alone for any longer than five minutes always resulted in Taehyung on the floor crying. And then Jungkook would feel bad and most likely cry too, being that he was usually the reason behind Taehyung’s tears. Jimin really hated noise so would easily become agitated and morose at all of the tears and retreat into the nearest corner. Hoseok and Yoongi would usually run to either grab Namjoon or Seokjin to fix to situation, both upset at all of the commotion.

Seokjin sighed heavily at the memory of that same situation occurring just days before while he and Namjoon were preparing dinner.

Luckily, for now, the kids were quietly sitting in the living room, bunched together on the sofa, watching one of Hoseok’s favorite crime shows. He knew he should probably not allow them to watch it so much, but they weren’t interested in any cartoons except Pororo which wasn’t playing right now. So crime shows it was.

Jin was currently pouring cheesy chips and popcorn into a large bowl for all of them to share. Namjoon and Yoongi weren’t here at the moment since Yoongi had an appointment with his psychologist today.

He’d already had his evaluation a week ago. This appointment was supposed to be a time where they figured out a plan to help Yoongi conquer this fear and anxiety of his. And Jin really hoped that medication wasn’t involved.

“Appa?!” Hobi yelled from the living room.

“Just a second,” Jin responded, grabbing the bowl of the chessy combination of popcorn and chips and carrying it into the living room. “What’s the problem?”

“Jungkook won’t leave the remote alone.” Hobi whined pointing to Jungkook who was sitting at the other end of the sofa, curled up with his face twisted up in anger.

“Kookie, can you give me the remote please?” Jin said placing the bowl in Taehyung’s since he was sitting in the center of the sofa where everyone can easily reach and grab some.

“Hobi won’t let me turn up the t.v. sound! I can’t hear it,” Jungkook said, withholding the remote from Seokjin out of anger.

“The t.v. is loud enough, Jungkook. You can hear it just fine, now give me the remote,” Jin said again, his voice a little more brisk and firm.

“I can’t hear the t.v!”

“Jungkook. Now.” Jin demanded. His tone of voice immediately caught the attention of Jimin, Tae, and Hobi because Jin rarely ever had to demand any of them to do anything. They all usually listened pretty well.

All of his facial features drooping into a sad frown, Jungkook began to sob as he held the remote out to Jin. Suddenly ridden with guilt, Jin gently took the remote, lowered the volume, and placed it in Jimin’s lap before returning to Jungkook.

“I’ll be back,” Jin told them briefly and moved to pick up Jungkook. As expected, Jungkook resisted his attempt to grab ahold of him, curling into himself so Seokjin couldn’t hold him.

“No!” Jungkook whined.

With a deep sigh, Jin was finally able to haul a defiant Jungkook off of the sofa. Jungkook had hit Jin in the face a few times and it took everything within Seokjin to not yell at him or give up his attempts. Jungkook had never acted this way before.

While Jungkook continued to fight and kick and even went as far as to scream, Jin quickly carried him into the kitchen and sat him on the countertop. “Kook, stop it right now. Do you want to go into the timeout corner? Because if you don’t calm down, you will.”

Luckily, Jungkook seemed to hate being in timeout the most so even though he was still visibly upset, Jungkook stopped fighting Jin. Opting to fold his arms across his chest instead.

“Why are you being that way?” Jin sighed, already tired from having to fight the youngest. “Can you tell me?”

“I want Joonie,” Jungkook huffed. “I don’t want to talk to Jinnie.”

“Joonie’s not here right now,” Jin said, trying to ignore the slight pang in his chest that he always got when one of the triplets wanted Namjoon over him. “So you’ll have to talk to me.” When Jin saw that Jungkook was determined on not talking to him--Jungkook had even closed his eyes so he didn’t have to see Jin-- he ran a comforting hand through Kook’s hair and scratched lightly behind his ear. It always got Taehyung to calm down.

And it seemed to work for Jungkook too as he opened his eyes a bit and his grimace turned into a pout. “Hobi won’t let me turn up t.v!” Jungkook growled angrily. “I can’t hear!”

Jin sighed. Jungkook was adamant about saying he couldn’t hear which he was sure was a lie because Jin could even vaguely hear the television from they were in the kitchen. “Kook, are you lying?”

“No! The t.v. too quiet.”

“Alright,” Jin agreed. “Let’s go ask Hoseok to turn up the television. We’re gonna ask politely, okay?”

Relieved and happy, Jungkook smiled, his cheeks still dotted red and wet from crying. But Jungkook was still one of the five cutest children Jin had ever seen. All of his boys were the most beautiful to him. Even Namjoon.

Returning Jungkook’s smile, he swept him off of the countertop and onto his hip. “Hobi!” Jungkook called when Jin walked them back into the living room.

As if everyone’s name was Hobi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok all looked up to look at Jungkook. “Hmm?” Hoseok hummed, stuffing a handful of chips into his mouth.

“Can you turn up t.v? I can’t hear,” Jungkook said, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand.

“I can do it. I can do it!” Taehyung shouted, grabbing the remote from Jimin’s lap. But instead of increasing the volume, he switched the channel from Hoseok’s favorite crime show to some action movie.

“My show!” Hoseok yelled dramatically. “The cops was about to get the man! Appa fix it!”  




As soon as the doorknob began wiggling, signaling someone unlocking the front door, all four of the kids were on their feet and running to the door. Whether that be Heechul and Jiyong or Namjoon and Yoongi, the four of them were always happy to greet whoever it was that was coming in. It was an endearing sight to see when Seokjin would come home from a long day in restaurant’s kitchen--and getting picked on by older chefs-- to his five sons greeting him as soon as he walked in.

Then Yoongi would tell them that “Appa looks tired.” So Hoseok would usually pull Seokjin the master bedroom and all of them would yell at Jin to lie down and go to sleep. Usually Jin was still in his uniform but they didn’t care because they went to sleep in their uniform all the time so Jin could too.

He’d pretend he was asleep until the five of them would leave to tell Namjoon that they’d put Appa to sleep before slipping out of bed and properly undress.

“Yoongi!” Jimin was the first to yell and sprint into Yoongi’s arms as soon as Namjoon kicked the door open.

“Missed you!” Jungkook giggled. It was unknown if the words were towards Yoongi because Jungkook was running to jump on Namjoon instead of Yoongi like Taehyung, Jimin, and Hobi were.

“You’re so cheesy,” Namjoon observed, picking Jungkook up off the ground and giving him a few kisses to his cheek that indeed had cheese dust covering them.

“We had chips and popcorn. Jinnie-Appa made it,” Jungkook said proudly as he tried unsuccessfully wipe the cheese from his face.

Jin just stood from afar watching the scene until there was someone hugging his leg. Looking down, Seokjin was happy to see it was Yoongi hugging him but felt something was a bit off. Yoongi was hugging him a lot tighter than usual, almost like he was scared of something.

Maybe the session today didn’t go as well as Jin had hoped. He quickly looked to Namjoon for a silent answer, but the aforementioned was occupied with Taehyung and Jungkook in either of his arms. Hoseok and Jimin were sitting on the floor because somehow they had gotten into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. Those two…

“Hey, Yoongi-Bear,” Jin smiled, kneeling down to be eye level with Yoongi. He kissed Yoongi’s forehead. “How was today?”

“I hate the doctor. I don’t wanna go back,” Yoongi said, his bottom lip quivering like he was trying to hold back his tears. Jin grabbed for Yoongi’s small hand.

“They just wanna help you feel better,” Jin said. “They don’t wanna hurt you.”

Yoongi looked incredibly unconvinced as he sighed deeply and looked away. At least he wasn’t angry at Seokjin like he was last week when he went to his psychologist. Simply put, it was a disaster.

“Go get changed into your pajamas, and I’ll get you some ice cream for being a big boy like I know you are and being so brave with your psychologist.”

Yoongi gasped quietly. “Ice cream?!”

“Yup. Ice cream,” Jin reiterated in a low voice so the other kids wouldn’t hear. There wasn’t enough ice cream for all of them to get some--he usually would buy two gallons of ice cream but Namjoon forgot--so it would have to be their little secret. Luckily this wasn’t Jimin, who couldn’t keep a secret to save his life.

Yoongi was darting off towards the room excitedly. Assuming that Yoongi was upset, Jungkook was soon insisting that Namjoon let him down so he can go and do what he did best. Give hugs.

“So, how’d it go?” Jin asked as Namjoon lowered Taehyung and they moved back into the living room. “Did Dr. Koo say anything too bad?”

“It went well. She said they’re start cognitive behavioral therapy and a bit of exposure therapy,” Namjoon explained. “She thinks that it’ll be effective to help Yoongi see that there isn’t that much to fear.”

“No medication?” Jin said hopefully.

“No medication,” Namjoon smiled. Jin instantly felt lighter at hearing that. There was nothing wrong with taking medicine, but for some reason, the idea of Yoongi taking medication only solidified the fact that this might be something that Jin couldn’t fix. And Jin hated that idea.

“There’s a few pamphlets and stuff in the car about the therapy. The cognitive behavioral therapy is to help change the way Yoongi thinks in social situations. When it’s paired with exposure therapy, it gives him a way to exercise positive thinking and show him that his fear isn’t as scary as he thinks it is,” Namjoon said dropping onto the couch with an exhausted sigh. He’d been up since 7 this morning.

“You think it’ll work?” Jin muttered.

“Dr. Koo said it’ll be a little draining and frustrating at times for Yoongi, but we just need to support him and enforce the same type of positive thinking. I think we can do that. We’re good parents.”

“Fantastic ones,” Jin agreed, snuggling into Namjoon’s side as they ate the remains of the popcorn and chips that he’d originally saved for Yoongi. But he was supposed to be getting ice cream anyway, so Jin didn’t feel as bad.




“Taehyung stop splashing water in Jimin’s face. You know he hates that,” Namjoon sighed, as he scrubbed Jungkook’s foot in tub. Unlike with Jin who had to tell Taehyung to stop doing something several times before he actually stopped doing it, Taehyung immediately stopped when Namjoon told him to.

Jin and Namjoon were currently giving the triplets a bath while Yoongi and Hoseok brushed their teeth behind them. Taehyung was usually the one who was bathed last since he enjoyed being in the tub anyway.

“Kookie likes when I splash the water!” Taehyung insisted.

“No, Kookie doesn’t,” Jimin said, raising his head so Seokjin could scrub at his neck with the soft towel.

“So,” Taehyung huffed. He frowned and went back to trying to force his boat under the water and watching it float up again.

“Namjoon? Seokjin?” A voice called from downstairs. It had to be Heechul because Jiyong’s voice was a lot higher.

“We’re in the kids’ bathroom!”

Soon enough, Jiyong and Heechul were in the doorway of the bathroom holding several bags. “What’s in the bags?” Hoseok marveled, still clumsily brushing his back teeth. “Is it for us?”

“This is all for your Uncle Jiyong because he has a date tonight,” Heechul snickered.

“It’s not a date!” Jiyong growled, but he immediately went ignored as the bathroom erupted in oohs and ahs and tiny giggles from the triplets.

“Is it that guy that Daddy told me about?’ Yoongi asked, going to poke at Jiyong’s legs.

“Seunghyun’s in Korea?” Jin questioned as he moved on to finally clean Taehyung who pouted at the fact that it meant bath time was almost over.

“He’s just visiting his family. He asked if I wanted to go out and eat. That’s it,” Jiyong explained, failing miserably to hide the way his ears and cheeks were blushing red.

“Joon, tell Jiyong he should stay Seunghyun’s apartment for the night. It’ll a good way to… you know, have a little fun,” Heechul chuckled along with Jin and Namjoon.

“Sleepovers are so fun, Uncle Jiyong!” Hoseok said, the true meaning of Heechul’s words going completely over his head. Which Jin was thankful for.

“Yeah! There’s always lots of candy!” Yoongi added. “You have to stay Uncle Jiyong.”

“You think so?” Jiyong smirked.

“We all do,” Namjoon said pressing a quick kiss to Jungkook’s forehead, a sign saying that he was all done and all clean. Jungkook clapped quietly for himself and began playing with Jimin until Jin was done cleaning Taehyung too. The three of them now seemingly oblivious to the conversation around them.

“You really should go have some fun. You’ve been helping us constantly around here,” Jin said softly.

Jiyong and Heechul have been living with them for about five months now. Helping whenever necessary while still trying to handle their business that was all the way in America. Jin and Namjoon have told them several times that they were free to return to America whenever they wanted but the two of them always disagreed and insisted that they stay longer.

So the least Seokjin felt that Jiyong could do was go out and have a date with his labelmate that he had been crushing on since Jiyong had officially became G Dragon.

“Please,” Jin said, hoping that it would finally convince Jiyong to do so.

Luckily it did.

“Fine. Just help me pick from all of these clothes. I wanna look just as edible as the dinner we’re gonna eat,” Jiyong rushed before he was pulling Heechul with him to his room.

“Daddy?” Hoseok said after a second. “Why does Uncle Jiyong want to be eaten?”

“I’m not sure, buddy. I think there’s something wrong with him,” Namjoon said, mocking seriousness. “That’s why he dyed his hair white. I think he’s going crazy.”

“I said I need help!” Jiyong yelled. “Hurry up!”

“We’re coming!” Jin hollered back. With some help from Hoseok and Yoongi, it never really took too long to get the triplets dressed. They were growing up so quickly, especially Hoseok who was adapting perfectly to being a big brother.




“Living room?”





“Feeling like i’m the iest man alive,” Jiyong answered checking his outfit in the mirror for the tenth time in the last twenty minutes.

“y,” Taehyung giggled, causing Jimin and Jungkook to giggle along with him.

“Should I wear a tie?” Jiyong questioned, fumbling with the collar of his shirt. “What if he starts wondering why I don’t have a tie on?”

“What type of question is that?” Namjoon uttered under his breath to Jin who only shrugged. Heechul just rolled his eyes and didn’t bother sparring Jiyong an answer.

“You look great. It’s almost 7 and you-” Jin began but Jiyong was darting around the room at the mentioning of the time.

“It’s almost 7? I don’t wanna be late!” Jiyong grabbed for his phone and blazer before stopping in front of the five children who had all been sitting on his bed with Jin and Namjoon watching Jiyong obsess over clothes for the last hour.

He placed a kiss to all of their foreheads to which they all happily accepted. Well, all of them except Yoongi who sent him an empty threat of, “Don’t kiss me or I’ll steal your lips and hide them.” Jin saw it as a weird threat but it made sense coming from Yoongi.

“I’ll see you later,” Jiyong said once more before darting out of the bedroom.




“Namjoon, I asked you three times to help me put the kids to bed,” Jin sighed as he stormed into the room. Trying to get five kids into bed without any help was harder than Jin could explain with words.

Sometimes the kids became so hard to handle that he just wanted to lock himself in a room and not come out until they tired themselves out. Usually, he’d have Namjoon’s help, but lately, Namjoon has been working hard on a new album during the night. Of course, Jin understood, but… shouldn’t their family be more important.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Namjoon said, never looking up from his laptop that was sitting on his lap as he reclined in their bed.

“Seriously?” Jin scoffed. “I deserve much more than some half assed apology after what I just had to go through with our five kids. And being ignored by my own partner. All I get is, I’m sorry?”

Yoongi was grumpy, he seemed to always be during bedtime. Taehyung refused to stay in bed-- everytime Jin turned around, Taehyung was giggling and hiding under his bed. Jimin couldn’t find his teddy bear. Jungkook wanted to sleep with Hoseok, but Hobi didn’t want him to, which made the youngest cry. And like every night, Jin had to get all of the kids together to read them a bedtime story in Hoseok’s bed. Fortunately, that went smoothly so, one by one, he carried all of the kids to their beds and tucked them in.

Jin had to deal with that all by himself.

Seokjin used up more energy in the last thirty minutes than he did all day.

“What else do you want me to say, Jin?” Namjoon sighed. The exhaustion in his voice angered Jin.

“Maybe, I serious apology and tell me why the hell you couldn’t come help me.”

“You know I’m busy with this album. I was assigned executive producer, that’s a big deal and you know it is.”

“Well you’re also a father of five,” Jin said, angrily as he tried to keep his voice low but was consistently failing. “I need help!”

“I helped you give the kids a bath and feed them,” Namjoon retorted.

“Your job as a father doesn’t stop after dinner. You know that!”

“Alright, Jin. Fine. I’ll help you next time,” Namjoon said, his voice incredibly calm. Something he did when the kids got angry, and Seokjin was not a kid. “Now please come lay down and get some sleep.”

Jin had so much he wanted to say and so much he wanted to do out of anger, but he didn’t. He just swallowed thickly and dragged himself to lie in bed next to Namjoon. He was exhausted in every way and going back and forth with Namjoon--who didn’t even seem to be properly listening.

Just like he had for the last few nights, he would try his best to understand that Namjoon was busy and he would stay true to his word and help him out next time.

I'm so sorry this took so long! I broke out in hives recently from stressing so much (I didn't even know they were hives at first) so I got really, really scared. Ha! But I'm okay now. My first year of college is coming to an end in a few weeks and I'm like so shocked how fast it went by.
But it's spring break right now, so I'll be a lot better at updating this, I promise. This is just a filler chapter. The next one will probably be too-- with lots of fluff-- because during summer break, it's always fluff.
Pray for Jin. Lol.
Also, referring to Yoongi's situation. I want you guys to know that taking medicine for anxiety is 100% okay. I take medicine myself actually, so I don't want you guys to think that I'm against medication. It's just not a good idea for young children to be on medicine, and it usually does make the parents uneasy. I just wanted to say that.
Anyway, love you!

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Chapter 19: Oh Namjoon you better give some good time to your hubby or else you're going to get a tail kicking
Looking forward to more
Chapter 18: Awww cute
And Yoongi made a friend yay
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #3
Chapter 18: Yoongi ya. Please get better!
Chapter 17: Dawww so freaking cut3
Dayeon you can go back to your posh life and stay well away from it all
Go kiddies for cheering Jin up
Looking forward to more
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness
Happy New reader here And I'm already addicted to this story
But why is Hobi mom turning up now
I hope she doesn't want to take him away from his brothers and daddies
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #6
Chapter 16: She is here to stirr trouble like that homophobia teacher?
joanna20 #7
Chapter 14: The triplets r so cute! Hopefully with bora and husband financial it will solve some of their problem like bigger house and bigger car and nutrishments for all of them.
joanna20 #8
Chapter 12: That ! Its her fault! Stupid homophobia !
joanna20 #9
Chapter 11: They r taking them in. Yoongi teacher need to taught a lesson. Homophobic will not do good to yoongi now.
joanna20 #10
Chapter 9: I hv a feeling the triplets will be adopted by jin and joon