The Best Big Sister

For Them, A Million Times Over

The next morning went by like a blur for Jin. The only things he actually remembers thoroughly was the phone call from Junmyeon telling him which hospital Bora was in and dropping Yoongi and Hoseok off at school. And he only recalled that so vividly because Hoseok tripped up the school stairs so Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi had to comfort the youngest until he felt better. The fall didn’t even leave him scraped but Hoseok was most likely just over exaggerating the pain like he usually did.

After a few kisses to his right knee from his dads and older brother, Hoseok was ready to go into his classroom with Ms. Zhang. Yoongi was quickly taken in by Ms. Jung and Seokjin could’ve sworn that the woman’s demeanor was a bit off- almost like she was suspicious of Namjoon and Seokjin- as prompted Yoongi to go into class.

But, Jin didn’t think too much into it. He was sure that it was just him being a bit out of it from the apprehension of what was to come when he arrived at the hospital.

“Honey, I can call my boss and tell him I’ll be about an hour late today,” Namjoon said as he and Seokjin entered the car after leaving the kids in their respective classrooms. “I really don’t mind going to the hospital with you.”

Seokjin slipped into the passenger’s seat with an exhausted sigh. The day just started but his mind felt like it had been running for 24 hours already. “No, Joon. You really shouldn’t miss any days at work. You said you’ve been receiving a lot of praise from the producers and I don’t want you to jeopardize your possibility of a promotion,” he uttered, throwing his head back against the headrest and closing his eyes.

“Making some beats or producing music will never be more important than being there for you. If you need me at the hospital with you for emotional support than I will be there. They’re just gonna have to understand and if they don’t, then them,” Namjoon stated defiantly.

“You really don’t have to,” Seokjin reiterated. “Junmyeon and my mom will be there. Plus, I won’t even be able to stay that long because I have to get to this wedding venue today. I have a catering job today that I can’t miss.”

Namjoon sighed as he started the ignition of the car. He glanced at Seokjin once and couldn’t help but want to bring the older back home and allow him to lie in bed for the day. But that wasn’t possible, so he just dropped the conversation and drove to the Asan Medical Center without pushing it any further.




“How’re you gonna get to work?” Namjoon questioned as he neared the hospital.

“Junmyeon’s gonna drop me off before his meeting with Heechul at 12,” Seokjin said.

Opening his eyes, he realized that they were about a block away from the hospital. The anxiousness that he had successfully willed away during the duration of the car ride had made yet another sudden appearance and clawed its way up his throat until he felt like he was going to vomit it all up.

Noticing how shaken Jin was, Namjoon reached over and intertwined their fingers in a loving hold of reassurance. “I’m always just a phone call away. I’ll keep my phone close enough to hear it so as soon as you call, I’ll be there,” Namjoon said with a sweet smile.

Jin just nodded in response as Namjoon came to a full stop in front of the doors of the hospital. “Okay, love,” Namjoon sighed. “I’ll see you later.”

“Mhm,” Jin said shortly, not knowing exactly what else to say. He kissed Namjoon briefly before exiting the car. Subconsciously, Seokjin smoothed out his uniform and walked towards the automatic doors. When the opened, he turned to wave once more at Namjoon who eagerly waved back with that dimpled smile.

Joon pulled off from the curb just as the doors closed behind Jin.


Seokjin probably attempted to swallow his nervousness about fifty times in the five minutes that it took him to find the ICU.

He was relieved when he saw Junmyeon and his mother sitting in two of the waiting chairs, speaking softly to one another. If he remembered correctly, their father was out of the country on some business trip. Jin was a bit concerned as he saw the saddened and exhausted looks on Junmyeon’s and his mother’s faces.

But at least Jin knew how they felt.

The waiting area wasn’t crowded but a bit fuller than Seokjin would’ve like.

“Good morning, Mama,” Jin leaned over to place a kiss on his mom’s forehead and then went to hug Junmyeon before he took a seat on the other side of his mom.

“It’s nice to see you,” his mom smiled solemnly as she ran a loving hand through his hair. Jin smiled softly. His mom looked so tired as if she hadn’t gotten any sleep ever since she was informed about the accident. He was sure she hadn’t because it was hard for him to even sleep.

So it had to be so much worse for their mom.

“So… any updates?” Seokjin asked hopefully. Even without a verbal response, both his mom and Junmyeon answered the question with their sudden frowns.

“Sadly not. She’s still unconscious. But the doctors are allowing us to see her if we would like. Someone should be out in a second,” Junmyeon said. At the mentioning of Bora being unconscious, their mother drew in a sharp breath that almost seemed painful.

Instinctively, Jin reached for her frail hand and, in turn, ran a hand through her greying hair just like she’d done him. “Everything will be okay,” Jin whispered.

“Yeah,” Junmyeon agreed. “No matter what happens, Mama. We’re here for you.”

Their mom only nodded, a few tears slipping down the wrinkles of her cheeks as she attempted to smile at her sons. The smile didn’t quite reach her eyes but it was something. More than Junmyeon and Jin could ever ask for.

“I love you two,” she uttered.

“We love you too,” Jin and Junmyeon said in unison.

This time, the smile did reach her eyes.

“Excuse me,” a light, feminine voice called. “You are Kim Bora’s immediate family, correct?” It was one of the doctors. She was giving a sweet, reassuring smile that she probably wore her entire shift since she worked in the ICU of all places. Jin couldn’t imagine working in a hospital.

“Yes. I’m her mother and these are her brothers,” their mom said.

“Well, I can take you, one at a time, to see Bora. She’s still unconscious and hooked up to a lot of supporting machines but some people still like to be able to see their loved ones.”

“Of course,” Junmyeon said politely. “Um… mom, would you like to go first?”

“No, Junnie. You go first.”

He gave a questioning look, asking if she was sure. But their mom began pushing him out of the chair with an annoyed huff while uttering, “I already said go. Now get up.”

Jin chuckled. At least his mom seemed to still be in her usual mindset.

“Okay, okay,” Junmyeon groaned and followed the doctor towards the double doors.

It was quiet for a few seconds before their mom turned towards Jin. “So, how have you been lately? How’s Yoongi and…”

“Hoseok,” Jin finished for her. “They’re fine. As you already know, Yoongi just turned six yesterday and we invited Junmyeon and his kids over. The kids had a lot of fun,” Jin said, remembering how happy Yoongi was when he realized the ice cream within the cake.

Just like Jin thought he would, Hoseok indeed did gasp so hard that Namjoon had to tell him to calm down and that it wasn’t some magical thing.

“Well what about that boyfriend of yours?” His mom prodded at his sides softly. “You don’t talk about him often. Did he leave you with his kid and run off somewhere? Do I need to hunt him down personally?”

Seokjin chuckled and shook his head. Yeah, his mother was definitely still the same woman, even when she was grieving.

“No, he didn’t leave me with his kid. He’ll never leave Hoseok like that. Or Yoongi in that matter. I just…” Jin scoffed quietly. His mom wasn’t very supportive of Seokjin or Junmyeon when they first came out to her.

She was a bit more accepting of Junmyeon who came out as biual-saying that he at least had a chance to be with a woman- but couldn’t even look at Seokjin for a week when he came out as gay. So, Jin didn’t even bother to go into detail about Namjoon. All he had told her when Namjoon and Jin had began seriously dating was that he had found someone that he really liked and that they were living together now.

“... I know you don’t want to hear about my boyfriend, Mom. So I just avoid talking about him at all to make you feel less pain.”

“Pain?” His mom scoffed and suddenly actually began laughing like Jin had told one of his infamous dad jokes that she always found funny. Jin raised an eyebrow at her.

“Jinnie. I admit that I wasn’t very happy when you told me you were gay. But I’m not in pain just because I didn’t agree with you at the time. I’m not that dramatic,” she huffed. “I also realized that I’m not going to agree with everything that you do in your life. I wasn’t happy when you adopted Yoongi your sophomore year of college either, but look now. I love that little boy with everything in me and I’m sure I’ll love Hoseok when I meet him… Hey!”
Jin was startled by her finger tapping against his forehead. “Yes, mama?”

“What’s one of the most important things me and your father taught you, Junmyeon, and Bora as kids?”

“You always said… do what makes us happy in life. Follow our hearts and no one else’s.”

“Right. So it’ll be hypocritical of me to get angry at you for falling in love and doing what makes you happy,” she said matter of factly. “Now, when we aren’t in the middle of an ICU, I want you to tell me all about Namjoon. Boy or girl, Jinnie, I don’t care. I do care about whether or not they’re treating you right and making you happy though. So if I need to commit murder for you, sweetie, I will,” his mom gave him a sneaky wink and grin and nudged him with her dainty elbow.

Jin laughed and wrapped himself around his mom, who squeezed him with all of her strength and pressed a wet kiss to his forehead.

Settling back in his seat, his mom sighed, the seriousness and woe returning to her demeanor. “I don’t want to miss out on you and Junmyeon’s lives like I did with Bora,” she whispered. “She was never really engaged in the family but I feel like I should’ve reached out to her more.”

Jin nodded, understanding exactly how she felt. “I know. I even cried about it last night. I heard she has kids that I’ve never met,” Jin scoffed.

“She does,” his mom confirmed. “They’re right there. The three of them are triplets. I forgot their names already,” she laughed sadly. It almost sound forced.

She discreetly pointed towards the three children playing in the far corner of the room with an endearing smile. The elderly looking man sitting in the waiting chair next to them was most likely the husband’s father who was taking care of the kids for now. The three boys were in the corner with an Ipad laying on the smallest boy’s lap while the other two crowded close to watch whatever was playing on the Ipad. They looked so happy, simply oblivious to the pain hovering around them.

“They’re adorable,” Jin chuckled. The smallest one in the middle immediately reminded him of Hoseok. Just by looking at the pleased smile on his face, anyone could tell just how much he enjoyed being cuddled and loved by his brothers. Just like Hoseok.

He’s probably the youngest.


His mom’s words were cut short when there was a broken but low sob that caught both of their attention. It was Junmyeon coming back. His face blotched with tears and inflamed red as he tried to hide his face and he hurried back towards Jin and their mom.

“Junmyeon?” Their mom immediately opened her arms allowing Junmyeon to launch himself into her arms and cry silently.

“-hurts,” he cried into the cotton of her shirt. “I hate seeing her that way. I couldn’t stay,” Junmyeon cried, shaking his head as if he refused to believe that any of this was real.

“I know.” Their mom comforted him while Jin could only stare. He was suddenly rethinking his choice of going back there, but the same doctor walked up to them, giving a sympathetic glance to Junmyeon.

“Um… would you still like to see Bora next?”

It took a moment for Jin to realize that the doctor was asking him. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he shakily stood and nodded once. “Yes, I would like to.”

“Follow me,” she said shooting one more smile to Junmyeon and his mom and walking towards the double doors that led towards the back.

There were plenty of doctors and nurses back here, going in and out of rooms, pushing carts full of supplies that only made Seokjin more anxious. Every once in a while, they’d pass a door that was open and Jin would be able to see people, both unconscious and conscious, lying in hospital beds. Some had family members next to them, either smiling or crying.

“Here’s her room,” the doctor informed. Glancing down at her white coat, Jin noticed that her surname was “Song.”

“Thank you, Dr. Song,” Jin bowed. He rushed into the room without even waiting for her answer. Normally, Jin would feel a bit guilty for being so rude, but that thought left his mind when he entered the room.

He stood there, just staring, until the sound of the door shutting behind him, brought him from his thoughts again. Jin held his breath as he slowly walked towards the side of the bed to get a better look at Bora.

She was hooked up to so many machines. Wrapped up in so many bandages and casts. Bruises littering the little expanses of skin that weren’t covered by anything. He felt the tears well in his eyes looking at her but he held them back. He pulled himself together and sat in the chair that Junmyeon must’ve pulled up beside the hospital bed while he was in here.

Jin cleared his throat and lightly placed his hand over Bora’s. She was oddly cold.

“H-hey, Bora,” his voice was wavering and cracking but Jin paid it no mind. “You probably already know this is Seokjin. Um, I miss you. A lot. I seen your kids too. They’re cute. They look like you,” Jin laughed at himself before pausing, his bottom lip. He could taste the saltiness of his tears already.

“B-Bora…” It was something of a plea. “Please don’t leave us. I really want to be in each other’s lives again. I know we’re busy but… we’re s-siblings. I wasted so much time, Bora. Time that I should’ve been spending with the best big sister in the world. So if you wake up, I promise that I’ll be a better little brother and be more involved in your life. I won’t procrastinate anymore. I p-promise.” Jin squeezed her hand, hoping that she would squeeze back. But she didn’t.

“But most importantly… wake up for your kids. I don’t know the three of them but… I know that they really really must love their mommy. Because who wouldn’t,” Jin chuckled. “You’re Kim Bora. An amazing woman, cardiologist, wife, sister, daughter, and I’m sure an even better mother.”

Jin started really laughing then. But it wasn’t one of amusement. “Bora...” The laughs turned into sobs as his body shook from the force of each sob tearing through his chest. “I-I haven’t said this in a long time…” Jin whispered. “But I love you, Bora. So, so much. You’re my sister and no matter… if you die or stay alive, you’ll always be my big sister. The best.”

When Jin, Junmyeon, and Bora were younger, Bora would always reinforce the fact that she was “the best big sister they were ever gonna get” and that they were “blessed” to have her.

Jin would usually just scoff at her arrogance and even flip her off sometimes when she wasn’t looking. They were children then. But now that they were adults, Seokjin couldn’t deny the fact that it was true. She’d done so much for them in their youth.

“I hope you know that, Bora. Whatever happens, you’re the best and I love you.”

Jin stood and pressed a firm, lingering kiss to her forehead. With one more look at her, he left the room, wiping frantically at his face.

Despite the pain in his chest, Jin felt a bit lighter. Glad he could tell his sister what he felt.




When Jin made it to the wedding venue where he was supposed to be catering at, Jeonghan was already beginning to unload the wrapped trays of food from the back of the truck. Luckily, Seokjin felt lighter after talking to Bora. Like a weight had been lifted off of him as he finally accepted the fact that anything could happen. So he would be able to get through these few hours.

“Jin! You’re here,” Jeonghan smiled waving him over to the company truck.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” Jin sighed. “I had a little emotional moment with my sister.”

“I literally just arrived so you’re fine. I’m sorry about your sister too. If there’s anything I could do, please, tell me. I’ll even babysit the kids for you.”

“Thanks, Han,” Jin said before taking one tray in his hands and following Jeonghan.

Unpacking the truck was honestly very annoying and Jin’s legs were hurting by the second trip. But when they were done setting up the food on long tables in the reception area, Jeonghan and Jin were able to sit down until it started which was in about an hour.

“If I knew that catering for weddings was this hard, I wouldn’t have ordered a catering service for my wedding. I feel so bad for those poor men and women that had to work that night,” Jeonghan drawled dramatically throwing himself in the chair next to Jin.

“You’re married?”

“Yup. Well not under Korea’s definition at least.”

Jin furrowed his brow. “What does that even mean?” He chuckled, stretching out his legs.

“I got married in America.” Jeonghan started patting at the front pocket of his chef’s jacket, looking for something. “Since gay marriage is legal there, you know- Ah, there it is.” With a proud smile, Jeonghan pulled out a ring. A huge one.

“I don’t know if I’m more surprised by the fact that you married a man or the fact that this ring is huge as hell. Who exactly is your husband?” Jin asked, marveling at the diamond and gold that made up the ring. Jeonghan’s husband had to be someone with prestige because even their annual salary working at this restaurant wouldn’t be able to amount to the cost of this ring.

“My husband is a producer at Big Hit. He makes beats or some , I don’t know what he does over there. We’re just here for a few years because his boss asked him to move here all of a sudden to establish the company and blah blah blah,” Jeonghan shrugged. Jin could only laugh.

“My boy- umm girlfriend also-”

“I already know you’re dating a man,” Jeonghan laughed. Jin cringed and groaned.

Again, Jin was horrible at lying. “I only know because I noticed the signs. I did the same thing to my friends when me and my husband started dating. Plus you’re a horrible liar so.”

“Shut up,” Jin giggled as he looked at the ring more, fondling it in his palm. He found himself wondering how amazing it would be to get married to Namjoon. He smiled.

“My parents bought that ring though. They’re pretty rich. I only work because I refuse to be some stay at home husband that relies on his parents’ money his entire life. I only use their money when I really need it.”

Jin looked at Jeonghan with a smirk. “Was this expensive ring really a necessity?”

“Hell yeah! This ring symbolizes me and my husband’s everlasting love for each other. Well… hopefully it does.”

Jin scoffed. “Wow, you’re already considering a divorce? You’re a horrible husband, Hannie.”

“No! I’m just saying,” he laughed, pushing Jin teasingly. “We adopted kids together so he’s always gonna be in my life anyway. But just because I’m being realistic doesn’t mean that I won’t do anything for this marriage to work out.” Jeonghan sounded like Namjoon making Jin roll his eyes.

Jin was more of an emotional person rather than an realistic, logical person. But that’s why Namjoon balanced him out so much, he guessed.

When the first person entered the venue dressed head to toe in an expensive tux, both of them stood with a sigh.

Suddenly Seokjin and Jeonghan were wondering why they accepted doing the catering job at all.


All Jin wanted to do was sleep. So when Namjoon pulled up in front of the address he gave him, Jin waved Jeonghan a goodbye- he was waiting in his car for Namjoon to arrive because he refused to leave Jin outside alone- and practically collapsed into the car.

“Bad day?” Namjoon questioned as he to the road. “You haven’t answered anyone’s phone calls or text messages.”

“It wasn’t really bad, it was just exhausting,” Jin explained. “I wasn’t around my phone because I was serving and cooking food all day for people I don’t give any s about. I’ll check my phone when we get home.” A hint of irritation was laced through his tone and Namjoon didn’t like it one bit, but he understood the emotional and physical stress Seokjin must be going through.

Namjoon decided that once the kids were cleaned and fed dinner (because he was sure Heechul and Jiyong hadn’t done either of those), he’d give Jin a bath and give him a massage. He was quite horrible at giving massages, he’d admit that, but it was the thought that counts.


Because after the news Jin was about to receive, any type of love and care would be enough for Seokjin. Namjoon dreaded having to be the one to deliver the news.

“Well I’ve been getting updates on Bora all day from Junmyeon since he couldn’t get in contact with you. So…” Namjoon sighed and just decided that instead of stalling it, he’d just get it over with. There was no use in dragging this along.

“You already know that Bora has been hooked up to a lot of machines and stuff like that to keep her alive. But Bora hasn’t been breathing on her own and her heart isn’t even beating on its own. The machines are basically doing everything for her. So… your mom told the doctors to take her off all of the life support machines.”

Seokjin literally stopped breathing for a second as he looked to Namjoon. When Namjoon stopped at a red light, he returned Jin’s stare with a sympathetic one of his own. Hoping that just his gaze would answer the question that Jin desperately wanted to ask.

“S-so… she…”

“Yes, Jin… Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”

For the rest of the drive home, Namjoon drove as slow as the speed limit allowed. Even though Jin would need more than just fifteen minutes to cry, he knew that Jin would hate to show this side of himself to Yoongi and Hoseok.


But when they arrived home, there was no hiding the feeling of melancholy and sorrow surrounding Jin. Jiyong, Heechul, and both kids noticed as soon as Jin and Namjoon walked in the door, only making Seokjin break down in tears again.

That night, Jin was the one who had to be coddled by the kids, fed dinner, cleaned up, and put to bed with a (rather clumsy) massage from Namjoon.

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Chapter 19: Oh Namjoon you better give some good time to your hubby or else you're going to get a tail kicking
Looking forward to more
Chapter 18: Awww cute
And Yoongi made a friend yay
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #3
Chapter 18: Yoongi ya. Please get better!
Chapter 17: Dawww so freaking cut3
Dayeon you can go back to your posh life and stay well away from it all
Go kiddies for cheering Jin up
Looking forward to more
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness
Happy New reader here And I'm already addicted to this story
But why is Hobi mom turning up now
I hope she doesn't want to take him away from his brothers and daddies
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #6
Chapter 16: She is here to stirr trouble like that homophobia teacher?
joanna20 #7
Chapter 14: The triplets r so cute! Hopefully with bora and husband financial it will solve some of their problem like bigger house and bigger car and nutrishments for all of them.
joanna20 #8
Chapter 12: That ! Its her fault! Stupid homophobia !
joanna20 #9
Chapter 11: They r taking them in. Yoongi teacher need to taught a lesson. Homophobic will not do good to yoongi now.
joanna20 #10
Chapter 9: I hv a feeling the triplets will be adopted by jin and joon