A Picture On The Wall

For Them, A Million Times Over

“That son of a-”

“Jinnie, calm down. It’s okay,” Namjoon reassured his voice hushed since he had to step out from the studio for a second to talk to Jin because as soon as he’d answered the phone, Jin was yelling words that Namjoon couldn’t even fully hear into the phone.

“She sent the National Child Protection Agency to our home, Joon. She didn’t just complain, she put us in danger of losing our children!” Jin yelled, banging his free hand on the steering wheel as hard as he could. Wanting to get rid of the anger in his chest in the quickest way possible before driving to the preschool.

It was almost three o’clock so despite how shaken Seokjin was when Mr. Chang left the house, Jin knew he had to pull himself together and pick up the kids from school. But when he got in the car, he hadn’t even been able to start the ignition before rage coursed through him.

“How do you even know it was Ms. Jung, Jin? She isn’t the only homophobe we know,” Namjoon reasoned.

“She’s the only homophobe that continuously gives us nasty looks. And takes Yoongi away when we drop him off at school as if she just caught us beating him or something. It’s so obvious that it was her! I swear I’m gonna go and put this dumb bi- I mean woman in her place.”

“Jinnie, listen to me.”

Jin didn’t respond immediately but stopped yelling to listen like Namjoon so sweetly asked him to do. “I’m listening,” he uttered allowing his head to rest against the cushion of the steering wheel.

“I get it, you’re mad. And if I wasn’t at work, I would probably be yelling too. But this is our children’s teacher. Now, I’m not saying to just let this go because she crossed a line, but please, Jinnie, be civil about this. Calm down.” Namjoon’s voice was pleading.

Seokjin balled his fists but he understood. Yelling and causing a scene wouldn’t help the situation but he couldn’t deny how bad he just wanted to just go and just unleash all of his anger on her. But, again, Seokjin understood that he couldn’t.

His children were going to be there and he needed to show them that problems can be solved without yelling and hitting. No matter how tempting it was.

“Okay… I’m calm,” Jin said. He reached over to the empty passenger seat where he’d thrown the keys earlier and shakily pushed them into the ignition. Okay, maybe he wasn’t as calm as he’d tried to make it seem.

“Good. I love you, sweetheart,” Namjoon said. Jin could hear the grin in his words. Ah, that dimpled smile, he loved it more than he should.

“I love you too, darling. Now go back and make a fire beat, Joonie!” Jin told him, attempting to lighten the mood that he’d ruined.

Namjoon gave a sweet laugh before muttering, “I will. I’ll talk to you later. Bye bye.”

“Bye bye.” Then the line went dead. With a deep breath, Jin turned up the radio-hoping that some music would help clear his mind- and backed out of the driveway of his home to drive to the school.


Of course, Jin was a few minutes late but it was no problem. He knew that Yoongi and Hoseok would still be as happy as ever to see their Appa pick them up from school instead of one of Uncle Junmyeon who usually picked them up while Jin and Namjoon were at work.

But that wasn’t the case. When Jin walked into the classroom, instead of being met with bright smiles, both Yoongi and Hoseok ran up to Jin with tears b in their eyes.

“Oh, sweethearts, what’s wrong?” Jin kneeled down to kiss the both of their cheeks and cheer them up. “Tell Appa why you’re sad.”

“We draw picture today, b-but Ms. Jung did n-not put it on the wall,” Hoseok hiccuped, rubbing at his wide eyes. “My f-feelings hurt.”

“She think it’s ugly,” Yoongi whispered, his tone filled with both sadness and humiliation. He looked like he wanted to shrink into nothing. Jin hated seeing that from him just because Ms. Jung wanted to be a… stupid person.

Jin looked over to the front of the class where Ms. Jung was happily talking to another parent. The anger that he had dispelled earlier came rushing back with full force. But he at least tried to remember Namjoon’s words.

“I’m going to go talk to Ms. Jung about this, okay. You two sit here and play with some toys for a little while Appa sorts it all out. I’m sure she doesn’t think it’s ugly at all.”

Yoongi and Hoseok nodded.

“Smile for Appa before I go up and talk to her,” Jin chuckled, prodding at their tiny tummies before they both were giggling uncontrollably. Such beautiful smiles the two of them had. No one should take that away from them.

With one last kiss on the both of their heads, Jin strolled to the front of the classroom to wait for her to finish her conversation with the mom she’d already been speaking to. Seokjin waited patiently, waving across the room at Yoongi and Hoseok who was would glance every once in a while at their Appa and wave sweetly.

Those sweet looks from his kids were a pleasant reminder that Jin had to civil during this conversation. His kids were watching and were expecting him to fix it. So he would.

When Ms. Jung and the mom said their goodbyes to one another and the long haired mom took her daughter who had been drawing scribbles on the dry erase board headed for the door, Jin cleared his throat and put on his best smile.

“Hello, Ms. Jung. I’m Kim Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok’s father.”

“Yes, I’m aware. How can I help you today?” She also pulled a fake smile as she smoothed out the ruffles of her dress.

“Yoongi and Hoseok are very upset about a picture not being put on the wall along with everyone else’s. Is there a reason for that? Because the both of them don’t understand why their picture was taken.”

“Well… there’s simply some things that shouldn’t be put on display. Especially in a preschool.” That smile on her face had not faltered once, almost like she truly believed the illogical words coming out of right now.

“What exactly are those things that you speak of? Same parenting? A family that doesn’t fit society’s image of a nuclear family?”

This time, Ms. Jung’s smile did fall. Even if for just a second. “I can’t just go and advertise same parenting like that. Please think about how other parents would feel with something as dangerous as same parenting being supported in a preschool environment. Putting Yoongi and Hoseok’s picture on the wall will only make children believe that things like same relationships and parenting is okay when in reality is not.”

Seokjin had to glance over at his boys for a quick second as another quick reminder that he could not yell. He could not do any of the things he truly wanted to do, like cursing the woman out for blatantly discriminating against his children and calling him and his family invalid.

“Dangerous?” Jin forced. “Dangerous enough to send the National Child Protection Agency to someone’s home?”

Ms. Jung stood silent for a moment at the mentioning of that. Did she seriously think that it wouldn’t be obvious? “You’ve crossed a line by sending them to my home for such a stupid reason. And now, you’re giving unequal treatment to my children and I don’t like it at all.”

“S-Same parenting causes stress on the children that they raise and-”

“You wanna know what causes the children of same parents stress? People like you. Not the parents. It’s the people who discriminate against them and make them feel as if their families are invalid simply because their parents are both female or male. It causes children like Yoongi that have some type of anxiety to feel even worse about the world around them. Ultimately causing stress.” Jin paused for a second. “And putting Yoongi and Hoseok’s family picture on the wall will not harm the other students of the school. It will help them see that people that are different from them are just as valid as they are.”

“I just-” Ms. Jung sputtered.

“Excuse me.” Both of them turned to see the principal standing behind them before she politely asked, “Is there a problem?”

“Yes, there is,” Jin said quickly. “My sons’ picture was not put on the wall for stupid reasons, that I don’t think are fair. I want their picture on the wall. Now. 

The principal looked to Ms. Jung with narrowed eyes. “Is there a reason for not putting up their picture, Ms. Jung?”

“I’m just following protocol for when something can be detrimental to the wellbeing of other students.”

“The threat being?”

“Yoongi and Hoseok… they have same parents at home.” Ms. Jung’s eyes flicked to Seokjin for a second and back to the principal. “And I don’t believe that putting the picture they have drawn of their family will be okay.”

The principal gave a deep sigh before pressing her index finger and thumb into her temples as if she was tired and disappointed with the answer and as if this wasn’t the first time this has happened. “Ms. Jung… that’s not a valid reason. That’s just your homophobia talking. A non-conventional family is not detrimental and it is not inappropriate to show to preschoolers. A family is a family.”

Ms. Jung’s eyes widened at being called homophobic. Almost like she couldn’t believe that she was being called… exactly what she was. “I-I… No, Mrs. Lee. I am not homophobic. I am very understanding of those people. I just am worried about the kids’-”

“Ms. Jung, I am sorry to cut you off, but we’ll have to finish this conversation later,” Principal Lee said softly before turning to Seokjin who was still struggling to calm himself. “Mr. Kim, I apologize for the incident today. I can ensure to you that this school prides our children on being different and wants to spread the message of acceptance of being unique. We want children to be understanding and open to the world around them.”

“Are you sure about that?” Jin snapped.

“Yes. I also can ensure that this won’t happen again. Now, Ms. Jung, can you give me the picture that the kids drew?” Ms. Jung avoided eye contact with both Seokjin and Principal Lee but retrieved the picture from her desk where it was sitting face down on a stack of papers.

With a small smile, Principal Lee handed the picture to Jin. “There should be tape in the art box Yoongi and Hoseok are playing in right now. Again, we apologize for this incident. Have a great day, Mr. Kim.”

Seokjin looked down at the picture. In an instant, the anger in his chest melted and was replaced by such an intense feeling of adoration. He knew immediately what Yoongi had drawn and what Hoseok had drawn.

Yoongi always drew with the darker colors and Hoseok always used the brighter colors. But with both of their efforts on one page, creating their family, it made the picture just right. Perfect.

“Thank you,” Jin said. Not really wanting to be in the presence of the two women anymore, Jin walked towards where Yoongi and Hoseok were digging through a box of art supplies.

“Look what I have,” Jin gasped, dancing awkwardly over to where the two of them were sitting in the middle of the alphabet rug. Hoseok and Yoongi giggled at their Appa’s horrible dancing and cheered. “Yay! Appa has our picture,” Hoseok exclaimed. Yoongi clapped excitedly while rising to his feet to hug Jin’s leg.

“Yup and it’s beautiful. Ms. Jung said there was just a small mistake but she fixed it and now you can put it on the wall.” Jin handed the picture to Hoseok while he kneeled down to find the roll of tape.

When he did find it, he took two pieces of tape and followed Yoongi and Hoseok out of the classroom and into the hallway. Hoseok ran ahead, already stopping at an empty spot next to where the other family pictures where taped up on the wall in neat rows.

“Okay. So each of you take a piece of tape. I’ll hold the picture while you put the tape on.”

They both snagged a piece of tape from Jin and were practically bouncing out of their shoes as Jin held the drawing in place. Yoongi placed his piece of tape on the bottom while Hoseok placed his crookedly on the top part.

The three of them smiled as they looked at it. Such a beautiful family he had.

“Oh! Appa. I drew three flowers for brothers! One flower… for one person. Each!... Right?”

Seokjin laughed and ruffled the youngest boy’s hair. “Yeah, that’s right. And I’m glad that you both thought about the others. It shows me just how much you’re growing up and how ready you are to be big brothers.”

“I’m already big brother,” Yoongi said.

“Yes, you are. But you’re gonna be an even bigger brother.”

Yoongi looked expectantly at Seokjin, silently asking if he was serious. And Jin nodded his head. Of course he was serious.

“Guess what,” Jin said while walking the both of them to the car, holding their little hands firmly.

“What is it?!”


Jin giggled at the difference in responses. “I’m gonna order pizza tonight.”

“You’re the best, Appa!”

“I love pizza.”


That night, everyone ate at the dining room table. That included Heechul and Jiyong which only made dinner louder than it usually was. There was shouting across the table and Jiyong and Heechul even started throwing their pepperoni at each other to which Jin had to threaten the both of them with a time out.

Yoongi and Hoseok warned their uncles that time out was not a fun place to be and that they should stop. Feigning looks of disappointment, Jiyong and Heechul stopped and began eating their topping-less pizza again.

Namjoon told everyone about the fact that his team of producers were almost done with the album they were producing. Jiyong was really the only one who could truly engage in conversation with him about producing music. But of course, Jin, Heechul, and other of his little boys congratulated him. Even though Yoongi leaned in and whispered, “what is prodush music mean?”

Jin almost choked on his pizza while laughing before he responded that “your Daddy made a song.” Yoongi gasped quietly and relayed the information to Hoseok who was sitting next to him, eating the crust of his piece of pizza.

After dinner, Yoongi and Hoseok soon fell asleep on the couch, wrapped in their both of their fathers’ arms. It was so cute that Heechul couldn’t help but take a few pictures. And by a few, he meant about twenty.

With the boys in bed and Jiyong and Heechul arguing about who got to take a shower first (Jiyong ended up taking one first since he won the game of rock, paper, scissors), Seokjin and Namjoon were in the bathroom cleaning up to get in bed for the night.

“How did everything go today?” Namjoon asked, ing his pale blue dress shirt to change into some pajamas.

“It went fine. But, you wouldn’t believe that she refused to put Yoongi and Hoseok’s drawing on the wall with the rest of the kids’ drawings because they have two dads. She was just being a homophobic and tried to justify it by her being so called worried about the wellbeing of students,” Jin scoffed as he splashed some water on his face to begin washing it. “But I didn’t yell or get too angry at her. Just like I promised.”

“Good job. So proud of you, honey.” Namjoon placed a quick kiss to Jin’s lips before stripping himself of his pants next. Jin giggled at the fact that Namjoon tasted of fresh mint as a result of just brushing his teeth.

“Hopefully, they fire Ms. Jung or something. Teachers like that have no business teaching in the first place. It only spreads hate,” Namjoon said with a low groan as he remembered horrible memories from his childhood. Hate and narrow-mindedness, especially at a young age, only succeeded in making children grow up to be bullies and just straight s.

Namjoon was walking around their considerably large bathroom in only his underwear and if it weren’t for the fact that he was washing his face, Jin would have tickled him to get him from thinking so much.

“I know,” Jin sighed, massaging the face wash foam into his skin. “Oh, Joonie. I was thinking that maybe we should invite the triplets over on Saturday. It would be nice to have them get to know us before they come stay with us. Yoongi and Hoseok are excited to meet them after we talked to them last night too.”

“Isn’t Bora’s funeral Saturday?” Namjoon asked softly, knowing that the mentioning of it would hurt Jin.

“No… it’s on Sunday. We do have a meeting with Bora’s financial advisor on Saturday though. Help us figure out what to do with all of her money and her accounts in her kids’ name and stuff like that,” Jin said with a sigh. “But I doubt it would take long.”

“You’re right. We could always take them all out for ice cream or something like that afterwards.”

Seokjin hummed and leaned over into the sink to rinse the soap off of his face. He couldn’t help but feel a bit down at remembering Bora. He also knew that seeing her kids would be a constant reminder of her but he refused to allow that to stop him from being there for those three boys. They deserved a home full of love and support.

Drying his face with a nearby towel, Seokjin felt a soft kiss being placed in his hair. Then on the side of his neck and then his shoulder.

“Namjoon, what’re you trying to do?” Jin teased, watching his lover’s actions in the mirror. With only his pajama pants and no shirt, Jin giggled at the feeling of Namjoon’s arm wrapping around his torso, holding Jin tight against his chest as he continued to kiss his neck and shoulder.

“You’ve been so stressed out lately. Emotionally and physically exhausted and yet, you still are working so hard. I just want to be able to relieve you of that stress,” he mumbled. For a second, Namjoon just buried his face in Seokjin’s neck. Savoring the warmth there.

“How?” Jin whispered, giggling softly when Namjoon scoffed into the skin of his neck before raising his head to talk into Jin’s ear.

“In a couple ways… and positions.”

The both of them couldn’t hold back their laughter, their laughs bouncing off of the walls of the bathroom. While coming down from his fit of giggles, Jin turned to kiss his partner.

Kisses with Namjoon were perfect in so many ways. He could kiss his lover all day long if he was given the chance.

“We should go to the bed. I would like to see these ways and positions you are talking about,” Jin whispered, throwing his arms Namjoon’s neck. One last soft kiss was shared between the pair before they ran off to their bed room where delicacy and gentleness had disappeared until they felt asleep for the night.

Hi! This chapter is short, but the next one should be up soon!

And it'll include the triplets! Finally they will be added into the story and it makes me happy because I just know it'll be so fun to write about them all included in the family.

Thank you to all of you who read, comment, vote and all. It means so much to me. Love you!

P.s: I hate Ms. Jung as much as y'all do. It annoys me that there is actually people who think homophobia can be justified by 'fear' or concern for one's well being. I mean, if you're so concerned, how about you give some support. Alright, I'm done. ^^

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Chapter 19: Oh Namjoon you better give some good time to your hubby or else you're going to get a tail kicking
Looking forward to more
Chapter 18: Awww cute
And Yoongi made a friend yay
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #3
Chapter 18: Yoongi ya. Please get better!
Chapter 17: Dawww so freaking cut3
Dayeon you can go back to your posh life and stay well away from it all
Go kiddies for cheering Jin up
Looking forward to more
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness
Happy New reader here And I'm already addicted to this story
But why is Hobi mom turning up now
I hope she doesn't want to take him away from his brothers and daddies
Looking forward to more
joanna20 #6
Chapter 16: She is here to stirr trouble like that homophobia teacher?
joanna20 #7
Chapter 14: The triplets r so cute! Hopefully with bora and husband financial it will solve some of their problem like bigger house and bigger car and nutrishments for all of them.
joanna20 #8
Chapter 12: That ! Its her fault! Stupid homophobia !
joanna20 #9
Chapter 11: They r taking them in. Yoongi teacher need to taught a lesson. Homophobic will not do good to yoongi now.
joanna20 #10
Chapter 9: I hv a feeling the triplets will be adopted by jin and joon