Chapter 2 - Job Request

Stay With You
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Siyeon POV

“Why are you sitting here in the rain” She said. I open my mouth to speak but her beauty has taken all my words away. She so beautiful why have I never seen her, wait actually I have seen her. Where though- “are you going to answer me Lee Siyeon or are you just going to sit there with your mouth open” she looked at me and chuckled. “How do you know my name?” I asked. She knows my name that could mean we have met?but where?. “I guess you don’t remember, it has been awhile” The girl Mumbled to herself but I still heard her. She took a seat next to me still holding an umbrella above our heads. “I’m Kim Bora” the girl Bora said with a smile. “Ok Bora this still doesn’t explain how you know my name” I said looking at her. I’ve seen her somewhere but where. “Let’s just say I just know, we have met but only briefly” Bora smiled at me. That’s creepy should I get away from her or not. “Now that I have answered your question answer mine, why are you sitting out here in the rain?” Bora asked me once again. “I’m not trying to be rude but this is none of your business” I spoke looking away from her. “I guess not” Bora said looking down. “Then I’ll say this, it’s not healthy to just sit in the rain you probably know that it’s bad for your health” Bora looked up at me. “You should go home it’s getting late” I looked at her then looked back to where I was looking. “I don’t know you there for I don’t need to listen to you” I spoked our softly. Siyeon you idiot she’s just concerned for your health you don’t need to be so rude. “You know me you just don’t remember by the way I’m one of Yoohyeon’s friends” she exclaimed. Now she’s got my attention who is she. “Who are you?” I’m so confused. “You don’t need to know….yet” she answered. I grabbed my phone and texted Yoohyeon.
-Me: do you know Kim Bora
-Yoohyeon: Yes Why 
-Me: She’s next to me claiming that she knows you
-Yoohyeon: yeah I know her, she’s really nice you should be friends
-Me: Who is she
-Yoohyeon: my friend
-Me: I mean how did we meet
“Are you texting Yoohyeon to see who I am” Bora voice caused me to look away from my phone to see she’s inches from my face. I feel my face getting red, Why am I so flustered. “I-I-er I was just curious” I stuttered. The I heard my phone vibrate, I checked it to see Yoohyeon text
-Yoohyeon: Sorry I’m busy Unnie
I averted my attention back to Bora, “So Bora Why are you out here so late?” I asked awkwardly rubbing my neck. “I was just walking to get a bit of fresh air” Bora said looking up at the sky, I looked up to it’s still raining, dark and cloudy. I feel really cold all of a sudden. “So Siyeon What brings you and….all you stuff here?” Bora asked looking at the soaked bags next to me. “I-I got kicked out of my apartment” I told Bora looking at her. “Oh, so do you have anywhere else to go?” Bora asked I think she already knows my answer. I shake  my head. “Oh then….would you like to stay at my place tonight, I have a spare room” Bora offered. “No I couldn’t we just met it doesn’t feel right” I rejected the offer, I can’t stay at her house I don’t even know her that well. “Come on it’s fine I mean you just said you have no where else to go” Bora said. She dose have a point maybe I should just consider her offer I mean if she kills me then…. Yoohyeon thanks for everything.“I-I-er I guess your right” “thank you” I thanked her. “No problem we should go it getting late” Bora stood up and helped me carry my bags. I feel so bad getting a stranger or ‘my new friend’ to help me like this. I actually feel a bit dizzy, come on Siyeon what the heck’s wrong with you today. I feel as if my body’s going to fall apart. I looked up to look at Bora, she’s looking at me to, she looking at me worried, just then the last thing I heard was ‘Siyeon?!’ before everything went black.

I woke up with a massive headache. Ugh my head, I looked around my surroundings, wait what is this place I don’t live here. Ugh my head. “Why don’t you

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The end already.
Thank you for reading, I had so much fun writing this. I may or may not write a bonus Chapter for this hehe.
Merry Christmas
Best wishes


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Chapter 16: This is sooooooooooooo gooddddd ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ im crying thooooo , so cute , sweet , soft.
Loobin #2
Chapter 9: I wish she was really bora and not a twin pleaaaaseee
Chapter 16: This one was amazing! I just found out and read it all :D it was a bit sad cuz sua's died, but then you gave siyeon another chance to love. ♡ and little alice now is happy too ! You did well my little friend!
NeYtger #4
Chapter 16: This was too cute. I thought i'd never get over Sua's death, but the whole Alice thing was amazing
So happy I found such an amazing suayeon/ jiyoo fic
Chapter 16: Omg amazing book i love it!
Chapter 16: Finally, there's no more sad ending!! Thank you~♡
frenzymenzy #7
Chapter 16: CUTEEEEEEEE~~~~~!!!!!!!!Suayeon with Alice is CUTE!!!!!Alice is so sweet and cute,i could cry omg~! I'm sad this story had ended but nevertheless,THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS STORY~i had a reallly fun time reading every chapter :D Thank you so much!
frenzymenzy #8
Chapter 15: Awwwwww Jiyoo is married too and their proposal is truly sweet and beautiful!!!!!! Also,congratulations to Suayeon too!!!!!Now that they're married,give them the KID THEY DESERVE!!!!!!!!a mini version of Suayeon would be totally cute XD
Chapter 15: That jiyoo is so sweet T^T and what the hell is the ending? Siyeonnie ㅋㅋㅋㅋ