The Outside World

If I Died


The hot water trickled down my body. Drowning, I thought. I closed my eyes a rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, I quickly washed the rest of my body and turned off the tap then dried myself off with a towel. I stepped outside of the tub with a towel wrapped around my waste, I grabbed the clothes Dongwoo put out for me and slowly started to put them on. Finally I brushed my teeth and headed back to the living room.

“You sure clean up nicely.” He said with his funny grin. I just put my hands in my pocket and shrugged. “Where are we going anyways?” I asked. If it was anyone else who asked me to go do something I would quickly reject the offer, but since it was Dongwoo I can’t help but do what he says. He was there for me when I needed help and he was there for me when I was a complete mess. He’s done a whole lot for me, we’re just like brothers.  

“Eh, no where special, let just go get some coffee first then we’ll decide from there.” He starts walking towards the door and I follow him. We both put on our shoes and go to his car; he sits in the driver’s seat and me in the passenger. As he drives I stare out the window. “When was the last time you were outside Hoya?” He asks. “I don’t know a while I guess. I haven’t really left the house to enjoy what the outside world has to offer ever since...” I stop talking not wanting to say your name. “You don’t have to say it, I know.” He takes a deep breath in. “You haven’t missed much, honestly nothing’s really changed.” He says as he stops at a red light. I look and observe more closely, he’s right, nothing seem different. Same familiar buildings and shops, the only thing that seems different is the people. Dongwoo starts driving again and turns to a calmer area, he parks on the side of the road. “Okay we’re here.” He says as he takes the key out of the ignition. I take off my seatbelt and step out. The warm breeze instantly hits my face; it’s been a while since I felt the warmth of the wind. Dongwoo comes and stands beside me. “Hey come on, the coffee here is really good.” I look up to see a fairly girly looking cafe that never used to be there. I guess some things have changed. I gave Dongwoo a questioning look. “You’ve been here before, on your own will.” “Of course not, I was spending a day with my sister and she brought me here.” I nodded my head understanding his situation. “Let’s go.” He said leading me in.

Once I stepped in I noticed that the place was pretty packed. “Dongwoo you’re here.” A male waiter said. “Sungjong, how have you been? I see this place is busy as usual.” Dongwoo says, being friendly with the staff. “I’ve been well, tired most of the time because of this place. But hey, the more costumers that come the more I get paid right?” “Haha yeah I guess.” He said while laughing his goofy laugh. “Well come in there’s an empty table over there.” Sungjong said while leading us. “I’ll be right back.” The waiter said before he left. “You sure are friendly.” I say to him. “Well you know me; I’m just a friendly person.” He grinned. I scoffed at him before I glanced over the small menu he gave us. “I’m not really in the mood for eating.” I mumbled. “Then just get something to drink. I told you the coffee here was good.” He said. “Dongwoo you’re too kind with the complements.” A female voice said. I turned my head around to see a petite girl with large eyes and black hair with a small red bow in it coming towards our table. I look back at Dongwoo, he had small smile on his face. “Minhee, I didn’t know you were working today.” “Sadly yes, my aunt called asking me to come and work an extra day.” She says and smiles before turning to my direction. “I see that you’re not alone today. Who’s your friend? He’s certainly not your sister” She says while looking straight at me. “Ah, yes. Minhee this is my friend Lee Hoya. Hoya this is Kim Minhee, her aunt owns the cafe.” “Its nice meeting you Hoya, I was starting to think that Dongwoo didn’t have any friends.” She giggled. “Hey I have friends!” Dongwoo defended himself. “Well you definitely don’t bring them here.” She retorted. “So Hoya I taken that this is the first time being at the cafe.” I wasn’t looking at her but I could tell she was looking at me, waiting for me to answer her question. I didn’t answer her so there was a fall of silence. “I’m sorry my friend here doesn’t really talk to girls.” Dongwoo said in my behalf. “Oh, that’s okay I feel like I’ve over stay my welcome anyways.” She took out a pen and a note pad. “What can I get you two? She asked. “Oh I thought Sungjong was our waiter.” Dongwoo questioned. “He was but the kid just went on break.” She huffed. “So what would you two like?” “I’ll have an Americano and strawberry cheesecake.” “Alright, and what about you Hoya?” I didn’t answer her. “Um he’ll have the same minus the cheesecake.” Dongwoo said. “So 2 Americano’s and 1 cheesecake, got it.” She smiled while closing her note pad. “It was nice meeting you Hoya and it was good seeing you to Dongwoo.” She smiled at the both of us before walking away.

“Way to be rude Hoya.” Dongwoo said while looking me in the eye. “What, I didn’t want to talk to her.” “Why?” he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. Honestly I don’t even know why. I turn my head and watched her tend to other costumers. “What are you staring at? I swear you look like one of those depressed teenage vampires.” Dongwoo commented. I turned to him giving him a glare causing him to jerk back in his seat. Idiot I thought. 



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looshyhooshy #1
Chapter 16: OMG!! ..
Is it Hoya coming again when it's too late?! ..
So Hoya is left again for the second time?! ..
Whybsibharah Minhee?! ..Poor Hoya!!
This time he'll really go crazy! .. and he'll try killing himself again .. and I think it'll work!! :'( .. I'm really sad for Hoya </3 ..
I liked your story that I thought why no sequel .. but I akready no the answer which made me regret asking this stupid question! .. A sequel will mean more pain to Hoya .. I don'tvwant to see ir live his suffering again .. once is enough! .. * still really sad for him *
Anyways I love those angst stories a loooot .. thanks for sharing this with us!!..
I felt bad for Minhee too .. but she's stupid too .. Imwan young lady our Gyu is already dead and u moved on fell for Hoya and even let him love u too and move on .. whu did u do such a thing to urself and to Hoya?! * sigh * .
Now I'm thinking .. Dongwoo .. would be sad again for his friend * what a never ending tragedy!! *
Anyways Dear Author ..Fighring ♡♡
Chapter 15: Woah, I can't wait for the next update!
Update soon
marsians #4
Chapter 15: AUTHOR-NIM! THIS IS A DAEBAK UPDATE! hehehe, such a fan :3 waiting for the next chapter!
marsians #5
Chapter 14: New subscriber! Your story is amazing, it's one of the best fic I've ever read. Please update soon!
Cute-Inspirit #6
Chapter 14: finally, you update!
I miss your story T_T
Hoya please don't cry.
Miszfiqa #7
daebak..finally i got time to read this..i was having tiring days because of my university schedule..this is super great..waiting for the update..
Cute-Inspirit #8
Ah.. This story make me cry T_T, UPDATE PLEASE!!
Tsk.. this reminds me so much of my bestfriend who committed suicide.
darn. YaDong couple <3
I want so coffee now!!!!