
If I Died


A knock came from the guest room door.

“Come in.” I say. The door slowly opened and I saw her head pop in.

“Hoya, come and eat. You missed breakfast, you have to eat lunch.” She said with worry in her eyes.

I turn my body away from the door hoping that she’ll leave me alone.

“Go away.” I mumble tiredly. I hear her footsteps walking towards my bed.

“If you don’t eat anything you’ll be nothing but bone.” She says as she sits on the bed. “Please, for me.” She places her hand on my arm, “I won’t leave until you eat.”

I don’t know I how I feel about her leaving, do I want her to leave I don’t know, do I want her to stay I don’t know. I turn around to face her body.  

“I don’t care if you leave. I didn’t ask you to stay overnight Minhee.” She sighs and lies down next to me. “There is nothing I can do to make you eat is there?” She says staring at the ceiling. “I’m tired, I couldn’t sleep last night. I don’t feel right sleeping in your bed; I should be the one sleeping in the guest room not you.”

I put my hands behind my head. “Its fine, I don’t sleep in there anyways so you wouldn’t be kicking me out of my own room.”

She turns and lies on her side. “Is it because she killed herself in there? You can’t sleep in there because you can’t get the thought of her dead body out of your mind.”

“Let me guess Dongwoo told you.” I say smirking.

“Well he said that they found her body on your bed. I’m guessing that when he says they he means you.”

I turn my body to face her.

“Does it bother you that you slept in the bed where my ex-girlfriend killed herself?” “Should it? It should bother me but it doesn’t.” She says to me.

“Hoya may I ask you something?” She asks, looking directly at me.

“What do you want to know?” I look back at her.

“How much did you love her?”

“Odd question, but I loved her so much. Without a doubt I wanted to marry her.” I told her honestly.

 “I see.” She said avoiding my eyes now.

“How much did you love that Sunggyu guy?” I say trying to put her on the spot.

“I loved Sunggyu as much as I possibly could, but I’m not sure if I wanted marry him. Sunggyu was the bossy type, sure he would treat me like a princess but now that I think about it I didn’t have much say in the relationship.”

“How did he do it. Like how did he kill himself?”

“He shot himself. He went missing for 4 day until the police found him by a creek in the woods.” She said monotone. “I knew he was depressed, but I was too scared to find him help. I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. I should have done something.”

My heart hurt in pain as I heard her talking like that. I saw her shed a small tear, I couldn’t take it anymore. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest.

“It’s not your fault that he killed himself; you shouldn’t blame yourself for things that you can’t control.” I whispered in her ear. She slightly pushed away from me.

“Hoya, if it’s not my fault that Sunggyu kill himself then it’s not your fault that your girlfriend died.” She said then pulled herself back into my chest crying.

After a few minutes have past she unburies herself from my chest. She sniffles, “Hoya I think this is the longest we’ve ever talked without yelling at each other.”

 I chuckle and wipe of her tears, “Sleep, your eye bags are getting worse.”

“I don’t have eye bags!” she yells then turns away from me.

“Yes you do.” I say as I turn so our back would face each other.

“No I don’t.” I heard her whisper.

I smile to myself. I wouldn’t mind if you stayed.


Hi everyone, I hope you're all have a great day/night/afternoon, depending where you are from.

The writing format for this chapter is a bit different from the usual paragraph format that I usually do, I don't think there much of a difference though.

Hoya seems to be much closer with Minhee now.... I wonder what happened the night before. Hmm?

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looshyhooshy #1
Chapter 16: OMG!! ..
Is it Hoya coming again when it's too late?! ..
So Hoya is left again for the second time?! ..
Whybsibharah Minhee?! ..Poor Hoya!!
This time he'll really go crazy! .. and he'll try killing himself again .. and I think it'll work!! :'( .. I'm really sad for Hoya </3 ..
I liked your story that I thought why no sequel .. but I akready no the answer which made me regret asking this stupid question! .. A sequel will mean more pain to Hoya .. I don'tvwant to see ir live his suffering again .. once is enough! .. * still really sad for him *
Anyways I love those angst stories a loooot .. thanks for sharing this with us!!..
I felt bad for Minhee too .. but she's stupid too .. Imwan young lady our Gyu is already dead and u moved on fell for Hoya and even let him love u too and move on .. whu did u do such a thing to urself and to Hoya?! * sigh * .
Now I'm thinking .. Dongwoo .. would be sad again for his friend * what a never ending tragedy!! *
Anyways Dear Author ..Fighring ♡♡
Chapter 15: Woah, I can't wait for the next update!
Update soon
marsians #4
Chapter 15: AUTHOR-NIM! THIS IS A DAEBAK UPDATE! hehehe, such a fan :3 waiting for the next chapter!
marsians #5
Chapter 14: New subscriber! Your story is amazing, it's one of the best fic I've ever read. Please update soon!
Cute-Inspirit #6
Chapter 14: finally, you update!
I miss your story T_T
Hoya please don't cry.
Miszfiqa #7
daebak..finally i got time to read this..i was having tiring days because of my university schedule..this is super great..waiting for the update..
Cute-Inspirit #8
Ah.. This story make me cry T_T, UPDATE PLEASE!!
Tsk.. this reminds me so much of my bestfriend who committed suicide.
darn. YaDong couple <3
I want so coffee now!!!!