Holiday Suicide Part 2: Run away kiss.

If I Died

   The city lights glimmered in the dark. Christmas lights were placed everywhere possible. People swarmed every inch of the side walk getting from store to store, and couples side by side holding hands drinking their coffees in enjoyment. This season makes everyone look so much happier than they really are. This holiday is an excuse for people to put away their problems just for a second to enjoy each other’s company. I’m not sure if this holiday is a blessing or a curse. What happens when it is all over? When the lights and trees go back into storage and is forgotten until next year, does our peaceful feelings towards one another go away with it? Of course is does. In those few days our problems and cursed lives are brought upon us, haunting us forever.

 I never liked this holiday very much. It somewhat forces us to pretend that we like each and every person we know. It hypnotizes us making us think that this is the time where problems just go away and love just emanates out of nowhere. I’m all for spending time with people you care about and giving gifts and all of that stuff but that loving feeling that you get from this holiday never stays. It always fades and not because of hangovers due to the excessive drinking on New Years, it’s because people change. The holidays, that loving feeling, it becomes a distant memory that recurs once ever year. Just once I would like to have that loving feeling all year for the rest of my life, but we all know that’s unrealistic.

 “Hoya we’re here,” I shook him because he fell asleep. Groggily he undid his seat belt and got out of my car.

As soon as I stepped out a gush of frosty wind blew my hair in different directions. I locked the car then fixed my hair. I took a look a Hoya, he was staring at me again. He does that a lot, I’ve gotten use to it but I’m not sure why he looks at me all the time. I walk over to him and linked our arms together which caused him to zone back into reality.

 “Hey goof you were staring at me again,” I said. I’m not sure if it was the cold weather or something but I think I saw Hoya blush a little. “Come on let’s go inside.”

Once we were inside the mall we saw a huge Christmas tree placed in the centre of the mall. We both gasped in amazement.

“How do you think they got that in here,” said Hoya.

I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know?”

I looked back at the Christmas tree one last time before pulling him into a clothing store.

“Are you buying clothes for your family?” He asked.

“No I already bought my families gifts last week,” I said while going through a rack of dresses.

“But I thought you said you needed to do Christmas shopping,” he asked confused.

“I do for me. Every year my aunt throws a friends and staff Christmas party and since I’m her niece and a staff member I need a dress for the party.”

“Oh,” he said then started helping me look at dresses. “How about this one?”

He pulled out a crème colored dress with a tulle bottom. I eyed it for a few seconds and shook my head in disapproval. He put the dress back and began looking at other dresses. After pulling out other dresses and rejecting them I found a mini black dress with lace sleeves. I held it up to him waiting for his approval. He looked at it with deep thought.

“It’s nice go try it on.” He said emotionlessly.

I pouted, I wanted more of a reaction from him but I dismissed it and tried it on.

I stepped out of the dressing room with a pair of black heels on to match the dress. I looked to Hoya to see what he thought of the dress. His eyes were widened and his mouth was slightly a gaped. I twirled in front of him before asking him if he didn’t like the dress. He slowly shook his head without taking his eyes off me.

Hoya stared at me a lot, there was no denying it, but he’s never stared at me like this before. The way he was staring at me made me sort of uncomfortable.

I rubbed my arm uncomfortably. “Hoya can you stop staring at me like that,” I whispered to him. He shook his head and zoned back into reality. “Uh Minhee you look nice,” he said avoiding my eyes.

I smiled at his awkwardness, “thanks Hoya.” I went back into the dressing room to change back into my clothes.

I stepped out of the change room and saw Hoya standing by the cash register, walked up to him.

“You’re buying the dress right?” He asked.

I nodded yes. I was about to reach for my bag until he grabbed the dress and put on the counter and reached for his credit card.

“Hoya what are you doing?” I asked.

He punched in his credit card number then looked at me.

“Consider this your Christmas present,” he said.

The employee put the dress in the bag and handed it to Hoya. I was about to take the bag out of his hand but he pulled it further from me.

“It’s okay, I can hold the bag.”

“Thank you Hoya but you know you didn’t have to buy me the dress.”

“Like I said it’s your Christmas present,” he said as we walked out of the store. “So what’s next?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know I bought what I needed. How about you, do you need to buy anything for yourself or your family?”

He sighed, “I don’t need anything and my family and I aren’t really close.”

“I don’t mean to be curious but why?”

“We just are maybe it has something to do with my parents being dead,” he said without any hesitation.

“What?” I was surprise by his answer, so surprised it caused me to bump and fall onto someone.

Hoya helped me back up to my feet then offered his hand to the person I accidently fell on. The guy smacked Hoyas hand away and got up on his own. He looked at me and he didn’t seem too happy.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to fall on you.” I said

“Shut up.” The guy said while dusting himself off.

“Hey she said she was sorry.” Hoya intervened.

“I don’t care if she’s sorry, next time tell your stupid girlfriend to watch where she’s going.” The guy yelled.

“She’s not my girlfriend and she doesn’t deserve to be treated like that,” Hoya yelled back.

The guy stepped up to Hoya. I have a bad feeling about this.

Before the guy could blink Hoya punched him in the face causing the guy to fall back down. I hurried over behind Hoya and grabbed him by his arm.
“Hoya I have a bad feeling I think we should go.” I pleaded.

He turned around to face me, “don’t worry Minhee,” he said.

I gulped, and then suddenly we heard someone calling us. We turned back around and saw the guy Hoya just punched back on his feet with his friends who decided to show up now.

“Now this could be a problem,” I heard him whisper.

“Maybe we should run,” I whispered back to him.

“Good idea, RUN FOR IT!” Hoya yelled.

We both turned around and ran as fast as we could. Thank goodness the mall was crowded with people providing obstacles’ for the 10 guys chasing us.

“Are they still behind us?” I asked Hoya.

“I don’t know?” Hoya turned around to check if the gang of guys were still after us which caused him to crash into a person in a costume handing out samples of Christmas cookies.

Cookies flew everywhere, women and children were screaming, and I busted out laughing at the scene. I stopped and ran back for Hoya, I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.

“Hurry Hoya they’re right behind us,” I screamed at him.

 “Quick to the car,” He yelled.

We both ran out of the mall. I almost slipped on the icy pavement while searching my purse for the keys to the car.

“I got them!”

I unlocked the car and we both rushed in. I slammed the keys into the ignition then drove away as fast as I could. I looked at my rear view mirror and saw the gang of guys quickly disappear into the distance. After driving a block away from the mall I stopped at a red light. Still panting we both turn to each then started laughing, we laughed all the way home.

I drove up Hoya’s drive way then turned off the car.

“Thanks for going shopping with me Hoya, I’ve never been chased like a criminal before,” I said.

He smirked at me, “You’re very welcome, and I should be thanking you. I haven’t laughed that much in a long time,” He said.

Suddenly things got quieter between us and the mood felt strange. You undid your seatbelt and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. Our faces were close, our eyes locked onto each other’s and I could feel your hot breath on my lips. Something in me was telling me that I wanted you but something else told me to back away and I did. My heart was beating fast and awkwardness filled the car.

“I should go now,” He opened the car door and got one leg out of the car door.

“No Hoya wait,” I called him back.

Looked at me and closed the car door.

“I want to give you something.” I reached for my purse and grabbed a ticket then I handed it to him.

“A ticket?” He looked at me confused.

“It’s a wish ticket. You can wish anything from me and it’ll come true. I didn’t know what to get you for Christmas so I thought of this, and I know it’s not Christmas but I just want to give it to you now,” I explained. “I’m sorry if you don’t like it.”

He looked down at the ticket then looked back up at me.

“I love it Minhee. Is it okay if I use it now?”

“Umm now, sure I guess,” I say confused and surprised. “What are you going to wish for?”

He inched closer to me and slightly cupped my face. We went back to the position where we were before. Face to face and eyes locked on each other’s. 

“Minhee my wish is for you to kiss me,” he whispered.

Without even completely processing what he wished for I kissed him, Hoya responded to the kiss and undid my seatbelt to pull me on top of him. The kiss turned into a rough make out session. What we were doing felt wrong but somehow felt completely right at this moment. I don’t care how wrong this feels, I need him right now.

I opened one of my eyes to see how foggy the car has gotten. I could barely see through the window, not that I was worried if the neighbors would see. Hoya doesn’t have neighbors.

I broke the kiss and starting kissing down his neck. He moaned and tightened his grip on me.

“Should we go inside?” he whispered.

I nodded my head yes while kissing his collarbone. We both got out of the car then he lifted me up and carried me to the front door. He opened the door and let me go in first; I took off my shoes then turned to him. He closed the door then pushed me up against the closest wall. I moaned as he began on my neck. I moved my hands from his neck down to his belt. I quickly undid his belt and his pants, and then he swiftly took off my shirt. He then roughly kissed me on the lips while lifting me up again to take me to the bedroom. 


So this took a long time to put out.. 

Super sorry. Life has gotten me super distracted with family stuff, relationship stuff, counseling stuff, but you guy dont really care about that.

Anyways Holiday Suicide Part 3: Drugs, Drugs, Drugs. Will hopefully be put up next week if nothing comes up. Thanks for every who as been patient with me. 

Writing the last little ty part was super awkward and super difficult. Props to all the writers out. 

Sorry if there are any mistakes and I hope all of you have a great day/night. Love you all~

Also SUNGGYU'S Solo!  Another Me should be uploaded here in a few hours. 

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looshyhooshy #1
Chapter 16: OMG!! ..
Is it Hoya coming again when it's too late?! ..
So Hoya is left again for the second time?! ..
Whybsibharah Minhee?! ..Poor Hoya!!
This time he'll really go crazy! .. and he'll try killing himself again .. and I think it'll work!! :'( .. I'm really sad for Hoya </3 ..
I liked your story that I thought why no sequel .. but I akready no the answer which made me regret asking this stupid question! .. A sequel will mean more pain to Hoya .. I don'tvwant to see ir live his suffering again .. once is enough! .. * still really sad for him *
Anyways I love those angst stories a loooot .. thanks for sharing this with us!!..
I felt bad for Minhee too .. but she's stupid too .. Imwan young lady our Gyu is already dead and u moved on fell for Hoya and even let him love u too and move on .. whu did u do such a thing to urself and to Hoya?! * sigh * .
Now I'm thinking .. Dongwoo .. would be sad again for his friend * what a never ending tragedy!! *
Anyways Dear Author ..Fighring ♡♡
Chapter 15: Woah, I can't wait for the next update!
Update soon
marsians #4
Chapter 15: AUTHOR-NIM! THIS IS A DAEBAK UPDATE! hehehe, such a fan :3 waiting for the next chapter!
marsians #5
Chapter 14: New subscriber! Your story is amazing, it's one of the best fic I've ever read. Please update soon!
Cute-Inspirit #6
Chapter 14: finally, you update!
I miss your story T_T
Hoya please don't cry.
Miszfiqa #7
daebak..finally i got time to read this..i was having tiring days because of my university schedule..this is super great..waiting for the update..
Cute-Inspirit #8
Ah.. This story make me cry T_T, UPDATE PLEASE!!
Tsk.. this reminds me so much of my bestfriend who committed suicide.
darn. YaDong couple <3
I want so coffee now!!!!