Holiday Suicide Part 1

If I Died

 “Hoya can you help me put the star on top of the tree please?”

“Anything for you sweetie,” I grabbed the star out of her hands then placed it on top of the tree.

“I just love the holidays don’t you Hoya?” She said while admiring the tree.

I pulled her hips towards me and kissed her on the lips.

“I love the holidays when they’re spent with you,” I said then kissed her on the lips again.

You giggled then pushed me down onto the couch, I looked at you oddly as you had a devious look to your face. You then got on top of me and we started to make out. This was unusual behavior for you, you were never forceful usually timid when it came to being intimate like this. Honestly it’s a pleasant change.

You were the first to break the kiss for air. We both looked at each other, our eyes both saying we needed each other. You never knew that I needed you so bad but I was scared to show you. As I stared at you panting for a minute before I leaned in to kiss you again. You responded and our lip movements match perfectly with each others, in this moment everything seemed perfect just like you. But sadly everything came to a horrid crash.

My head suddenly ached in pain and the room went black. I fell onto the floor clutching my head and screaming in pain. Even though I couldn’t see a thing I still felt your presence disappearing. I wanted to scream out to you but I couldn’t, I tried but they came out as grunts of pain. My head spun and I started to lose feeling in my body. Am I dying, am I finally dying? Do I finally get to be with you? Even though I’m in pain the thought of me being with you again makes it all worth it.

Another wave of pain hit my head my screams were even more horrid and loud. Soon I will be with you for an eternity, this time there is no one to save me. It’s just going to be me and you.

Suddenly the lights again and the pain died down. You were hovering on top of me looking at me like nothing happened. I was panting while sweat was dripping from my forehead. I ask you, “am I dead yet, are we finally together?” I looked at you for an answer but you kept quiet.

“Why aren’t you answering me?” I yelled frustrated.

Tears now forming I ask you again. “Why aren’t you answering me?”

You wiped my tears away and told me to wake up. Now completely upset I yelled at you.


Completely calm you wiped my tears again and told me to wake up. I shook my head. “No I don’t want to wake up,” I was  begging you now.

“Hoya wake up.”

“No please don’t make me.”

“Wake up.”


“Wake up.”

Soon my vision started to blur and I was starting to gain feeling in my body again.

“I don’t want to wake up.”

Your image started to fade and I was going back to reality. 

“Hoya please wake up.”

My eyes opened and my body jolted up from the couch. Minhee who was at the side of the couch had a concerned look on her face. I looked at her and my head started spinning again.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Are you okay Hoya? You’re at home, you had a bad dream but everything is going to be okay now,” she said then rubbed my arm to comfort me.

I burst into tears knowing now that I was awake and you weren’t here. As soon as I started crying Minhee got up and sat next to me, she pulled me to her and held me close. She hushed me telling me everything was going to be alright but it wasn’t, the longer I live the more I’m going to suffer here.  

I cried on her shoulders for about an hour before I started to calm down. She reached down to her purse and grabbed a few tissues to wipe my tears with. When I completely stopped crying she looked at me and asked me what I was dreaming about, all I had to tell her was that I dreamt of you, that was enough information for her to know. She embraced me again but this time she didn’t say a word. A half hour past in complete silence, I felt well enough at this point to ask her what she was doing here.

“I thought we could do a little Christmas shopping but if you’re not in the mood for it we don’t have to,” she said.

I took a deep breath and took her hand. She looked at me.

“Give me 5 minutes to get ready,” I said.

She nodded her head then I left to get dressed. 


I haven't updated in forever! My bad guys :S

This chapter kind of bothers me a bit I don't know why, maybe its because I'm writing about Christmas even though its still summer where I am. 

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter and I apologize for the lack of updates. 

The next next nextchapter will feature the characters from my other story, Kiss me in the snow. Just telling you guys, its going to make a little impact to this story but I'm not going to go into detail because I don't want to spoil anything for you guys.

(Also if you want you can check out my other story: Free Spirit.)

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looshyhooshy #1
Chapter 16: OMG!! ..
Is it Hoya coming again when it's too late?! ..
So Hoya is left again for the second time?! ..
Whybsibharah Minhee?! ..Poor Hoya!!
This time he'll really go crazy! .. and he'll try killing himself again .. and I think it'll work!! :'( .. I'm really sad for Hoya </3 ..
I liked your story that I thought why no sequel .. but I akready no the answer which made me regret asking this stupid question! .. A sequel will mean more pain to Hoya .. I don'tvwant to see ir live his suffering again .. once is enough! .. * still really sad for him *
Anyways I love those angst stories a loooot .. thanks for sharing this with us!!..
I felt bad for Minhee too .. but she's stupid too .. Imwan young lady our Gyu is already dead and u moved on fell for Hoya and even let him love u too and move on .. whu did u do such a thing to urself and to Hoya?! * sigh * .
Now I'm thinking .. Dongwoo .. would be sad again for his friend * what a never ending tragedy!! *
Anyways Dear Author ..Fighring ♡♡
Chapter 15: Woah, I can't wait for the next update!
Update soon
marsians #4
Chapter 15: AUTHOR-NIM! THIS IS A DAEBAK UPDATE! hehehe, such a fan :3 waiting for the next chapter!
marsians #5
Chapter 14: New subscriber! Your story is amazing, it's one of the best fic I've ever read. Please update soon!
Cute-Inspirit #6
Chapter 14: finally, you update!
I miss your story T_T
Hoya please don't cry.
Miszfiqa #7
daebak..finally i got time to read this..i was having tiring days because of my university schedule..this is super great..waiting for the update..
Cute-Inspirit #8
Ah.. This story make me cry T_T, UPDATE PLEASE!!
Tsk.. this reminds me so much of my bestfriend who committed suicide.
darn. YaDong couple <3
I want so coffee now!!!!