


----Cho Yeon P.O.V----
"What are you doing here, you idiot?" you mumbled into his chest, but wrapped your arms around him.
"I knew you would be distraught without me, so I came to get you." he said, and you hit him lightly.
"You have a lot of nerve for us having met just a while ago..." you then realised you were standing hugging a guy in the middle of a cafe.
You quickly jumped back and wiped your eyes.
"D-Don't just hug me like that!! I hardly even know you!" you cried, blushing a little.
"Well, give me a chance. How about we talk?" he coughed a little and took a deep breath. He dug into his pocket and produced
a white handkerchief, he handed it to you. "Wipe your tears. You look better without them."
You accepted it and dabbed at your eyes. "Okay...but can we go for a walk? I feel uncomfortable in here now..." you whispered,
and he realised that everyone was looking at you two like you were some kind of drama show.
He took your hand and led you out of the cafe, with all the customers turning their heads to watch you leave. You swear you heard someone say "Is there a filming going on?"
Once outside, you quickly unhooked your hand from his and looked away. He chuckled slightly and ruffled your hair.
"I'm not a kid, you know..." you whispered, but you secretly liked all the attention he was giving you.
"Don't pretend you don't love it~ Come on, lets go." he teased, walking ahead. You caught up with him and stood an arm's length away. 
You two simply walked around the streets of Seoul. You looked at scenery and browsed through shops whilst having good conversation.
His full name was Choi Siwon. He was seventeen and was pursuing to be an entertainer, even though he was still in school. He had been scouted as he was waiting for friends outside of school, and the agent had strongly recommended he audition.
Since his parents were kind of against it, he had moved into a dormitory with other trainees. He was to be starring in a drama called Eighteen, Twenty Nine in a couple of years, so he was already
on the track of becoming a star. You also discovered he was Christian and very religious. His favourite colours were white and black, and he had a little sister named Jiwon. 
He loved to exercise and did Taekwondo.
"Well now you know about me, how about I hear a little about you?" he said to you, smiling.
"My name is Song Cho Yeon...I'm sixteen. I really like to sing and act, but I'm also interested in fashion. I go to Seoul Girl's High.
My favourite colour is blue...I have 3 brothers, Jin Ho, Seung Won and Tae Hyun. favourite food is cereal." you murmured, still upset.
"You like fashion?" He looked you up and down and grinned. You raised an eyebrow at him.
"I can see that. And cereal? Who's favourite food is cereal?? Hahahaha!!" he laughed at you, so you pouted a little and hit him gently.
"Do you not have a religion?" he asked. 
"I believe in God, but not a particular one. I believe all religions lead to the same thing anyway." he looked slightly offended by this so you decided to explain further.
"Well, you know there are different teams in football? And each person supports a different team? Even though you support a different team, you are all still liking the same thing, right?
So each religion is like a different supporting group, and God is like football! Not that I really like football or anything, it's just easier to explain that way.." you laughed lightly.
"Ahhh...that's an interesting way of putting it...But I will change your thoughts, don't worry." You raised your eyebrows at this but decided not to say anything.
"...So, you're sixteen? That means I'm your oppa. Try calling me Siwon-oppa!" he ordered.
"O-oppa?? You wish! Theres no way I'm calling you that!!" you cried, shaking your head violently. "I'll just see my brothers in you if I call you oppa, hahaha!"
"Really..? Then don't call me oppa. Just Siwon is fine. Can I call you Cho Yeon?" he asked. You smiled and nodded.
"Sure, Siwon." you said, giving him a thumbs up. "By the way...why were you so tired out when you found me? Don't tell me you ran about looking for me?"
"Yeah, I did." he said bluntly. Gah, can he not lie to spare your feelings even a little? You grimaced a little in guilt.
"Why did you do that? You didn't need to go to so much trouble!!" you exclaimed.
"Because I was worried about you. Girls shouldn't be left by themselves to cry." he replied, looking right into your eyes. You blushed a little.
"But you hardly even know me...not that I don't appreciate it, I just don't understand why you're being so nice to me!" you admitted, and he stopped walking. 
You turned around with a surprised look.
"To be honest, I'm interested in you." he said, winking. He then continued to walk.
"Hey, aren't you coming? I'll leave you behind if you don't catch up!" he called. You stood there, stunned by his statement.
"What is that supposed to mean, you idiot?!?" you ran up and stood right in front of him, making him stop.
"You don't just say something like that then walk away!! Don't play with a girl's heart!!" you yelled, but your voice didn't sound as aggressive as you wanted it to. Instead it came out as an annoyed squeak.
"What else is there to say?" he asked, smiling.
"G-good point...but at least say something!!" you stuttered, then sighed. This guy was...difficult.
"Okay. Will you be my girlfriend, then?" he asked, innocently.
"BWOH!? N-n-no way!! I just met you!! Uh..nnnghh!!" you managed to blurt this out, however you had practically gone mute and could only make noises to express your feelings.
"See? This is why I didn't say anything, you would reject me straight away!!" he said, pouting. "But don't worry, I'll change your thoughts on that, too." he smiled, leaving you gaping like a goldfish,
unable to make words come out of your mouth.
"Y-y-you...are impossible..." you sighed, covering your face.
"See? Now it's all awkward~ This is your fault, you know." he took your hand again and wouldn't let go. "Let me walk you home. I won't take no for an answer."
You struggled for a bit, but you gave up almost instantly. You weren't quite swayed over by his charm, but you were close to it.
You didn't even notice that Siwon had closed the arm's length gap between you as you walked towards your home.
You bowed embarrassedly once you stopped outside your front door.
You both stood there a little awkwardly for a little while before Siwon spoke up.
"So promise me you won't get upset, okay? It makes me feel bad." he ordered, ruffling your hair.
"Yah, I said I wasn't a kid!! I-I won't, okay? ...Thank you so much for today, Siwon." you smiled sincerely at him.
"No problem. You only have to repay me by seeing me again." he said and hugged you again. Then then turned and walked away.
" idiot!!" you called after him, and he started to run whilst laughing.
You entered your house and was greeted by your eldest brother, Seung Won.
"Hey, Cheonnie! How did your audition go?" he called. Cheonnie is a family nickname, its Cho and Yeon mixed together.
"I didn't make it, hehe." you replied as you went to the fridge to pour yourself some milk.
"You seem as though you're taking it pretty well?" he asked, suspicious.
"Someone helped me through it, so I'm okay. Thank you for your concern, oppa!" you beamed, walking to your room.
"It wasn't a guy, was it? They'll have to get through me first if they want my baby sister!!" he yelled.
"B-babo!! It was no one!!" you ran to your room and shut the door. You gulped down your drink without stopping for breath, which made you light-headed.
You threw yourself onto your bed.
How did one guy manage to change your mood so easily? It's not possible to like someone after just meeting them, right?
That's just stupid love story crap...right? You squeezed your eyes shut. He did manage to cheer you up though...
You pulled out your phone to check if he had texted you. You opened it and saw that he had.
"I was serious about what I said. We have to meet up another time!! I won't let you say no. xxx"
Hahaha, him writing x's made you chuckle for some reason. He wanted to see you again...?
"Okay...I wanna see you too >//>" you admitted. You shut your phone with your heart thumping and waited for a reply.
Wait...had you checked your phone just to see if he had messaged you?? You had just left him!! What was wrong with you?
Your phone rumbled to indicate you had another text.
"Haha, I knew it! How about at the weekend, then?" the message said.
"Okie dokie. It's not like I'm looking forward to it or anything, by the way!! So don't get the wrong idea!! >:O" you replied, your heart still pounding.
"Whatever you say~ See you soon x" 
~~~ 2 months later ~~~
----Siwon P.O.V----
You were walking to the park from school. Cho Yeon had texted you during last period to tell you to meet her at the park after school.
You had P.E. last thing, but you didn't bother changing out of your training clothes and just headed out as you were.
The light breeze hit your skin as you walked, refreshing your sweaty skin. It was a truly glorious day. Thank you Lord, for giving to us such a fine day~
You reached the park and noticed a small figure standing next to a tree in the distance. You waved and the figure waved back. You jogged up and you
were greeted by Cho Yeon in her school uniform.
"Hey, Cho Yeon! What did you need? Or do you just want to see me?" you grinned to her, but she just looked away.
"You...You're so stupid. I didn't want to be like this, but...but I can't help it!!" she cried. What was she talking about?
You just stood there with your arms folded, waiting for her to continue. "What is it?" you demanded.
"I like you. I like you, stupid Siwon!!"
Omo~! :D I hope you like the story so far. I'm sorry if it seemed rushed, but you'll understand soon enough ^^
Thank you all so so so so so so sooooo much...seriously. I'll give you an even bigger thanks on "Forever and More".
Anyway, thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!! <3
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Tricia_Minseok #1
Chapter 12: Oh my!! They're going to be Rivals!! Haha update soon!
xjayess #2
Chapter 12: I think it would be much better if choyeon was siwon :"( please let them get back
Chapter 12: Omg..
heechul and her? I love it....pls let's end up here with him
Sweetlove123 #4
Chapter 9: Bible in the car.....Siwon. Plz Update.
Chapter 9: Please update(:
kyuhyun_03 #6
love it!!
this is great ^^ new reader btw haha
new reader^^
too much Heechul in this chapter and I'm sooooo happy~~! xD

update soon! with a lot of Heechul! xD
tonytonychopper #9
bahaahaha oh Heenim xD
JinXiChe #10
I laughed so loud when she's like "I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you."
I would probably do the same!! I'm glad Heechul is finally showing up! Woowoo~