La Mode!



----Cho Yeon P.O.V----
There, you said it!! You had squeezed your eyes shut out of embarrassment, but opened them slightly as you weren't getting a response from Siwon.
You wished you hadn't because he was looking at you with a massive grin.
"Don't say it." you warned.
"Don't say what?" he asked, pretending to be innocent.
"YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!" you cried, covering your face.
"Oh. You mean, I told you so?" he said, evilly.
"WAAAH!! Nonononono you idiot! You're supposed to be nice!!" you started hitting his chest, but he made you stop by hugging you.
"I've been waiting for you to say this." he mumbled. "It may not look it but I'm pretty damn happy right now."
You nuzzled into his chest. You were still shocked that you had actually confessed to him. Only two months ago you had turned him down...
"Cho confirm it, will you kiss me?" he asked seriously.
"B-BWOH?! Don't you think that's going a bit too fast?? How can you say that with such a straight face?!" you cried, flapping your arms about.
"Never hurts to try." he chuckled, but seemed a little disappointed. You felt a little guilty but you couldn't bring yourself to do that...not now.
"So...we're boyfriend and girlfriend, now?" you asked, unsure. You had never been in a relationship before. Of course you had liked guys before, but you'd never gotten this far.
"Yup." he replied, proud. He took your hand and started to drag you away somewhere. "Close your eyes." he ordered
"W-why? Where are we going?" you squeaked, confused as to where he was pulling you to. He just shook his head and continued to walk. Why did you like this guy, again?
You left the park and headed for the streets of Seoul. You got quite a lot of glances because Siwon was becoming known in the entertainment industry, even though he hadn't even filmed his drama yet.
"I said close your eyes!!" he exclaimed, so you sighed and did so. You walked for another 10 minutes or so before he entered a building. 
"Okay. You can open your eyes now!" he laughed. Upon opening your eyes, you realised you were in the SM Entertainment building.
You gasped at the memories that flooded into your mind. You hadn't set foot in here since you were rejected at the auditions.
"Why...why have you brought me here?" you questioned, narrowing your eyes.
"They asked me to come in today to tell me something. But I'm late now, thanks to your confession." he winked at you. Your jaw dropped at this.
"W-what the hell?! Why would you come see me when there's something this important going on?!" you stuttered, annoyed that he could have jeopardised an opportunity, but
a little hurt with the way he said it.
"You're more important." he said, smiling. "At least for now~" he added, jokingly, so you pouted and turned to leave.
"No!! Don't go, I want you to go with me.." He wants to go with you? He's normally going off and doing things without even telling you, so you were surprised.
"Really?" you asked suspiciously, and he nodded. 
"I want you to be there with me." he said, then showed his aegyo, pouting and batting his eyelashes.
"Aaghh, don't do that!! Aegyo doesn't suit you, ahahaha!!" you burst into laughter. He hugged you, then lifted you over his shoulder all of a sudden.
"W-what?!? Why are you carrying me, Siwon?? Put me down!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" you screamed as he ran up the stairs.
"I'm gonna be extremely late if I let you walk." he gasped as he started taking two steps at a time, making you nervous.
You squealed the whole time he was holding you, but he finally let you down when he got the the third floor.
He gently set you on the floor and you fell on your , dazed.
"Wow, the floor really does love your !" he exclaimed offering his hand, chuckling. You frowned and ignored his hand, pulling yourself up.
"That was scary, Siwon! You could have told me to run..." you sighed, closing your eyes. They shot open when you heard the familiar "PING" of an elevator right next to the two of you.
You watched a few people walk out before pouncing at Siwon.
"YAH!!! THERE WAS AN ELEVATOR!? YOU IDIOT! IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!" you yelled, hitting him. You seem to always be hitting him these days..
"But...if we took the elevator I wouldn't have been able to hold you!" he explained.
"So it's all about you, huh?" you mumbled, and he nodded happily.
"Now, come on! I'm seriously going to be late now." he said a little panicked, grabbing your hand and leading you to room 139.
The two of your burst through the door, before regaining your composure and bowing. You realised that it was almost the same as the time you auditioned...
Kwon Mi Kyung. Kim Young Mi. Lee Soo Man. All before you. However this time it was much more relaxed atmosphere.
"Siwon! I was starting to wonder if you would show up. But I know you wouldn't disappoint me!" Soo Man exclaimed.
"Sorry for the wait." Siwon bowed politely. Huuh? His tone and demeanour was completely different than how he was with you...It's all an act! You know the real Siwon.
"Who is the girl next to you?" Soo Man asked suspiciously. Uwah...he hadn't even recognised you...what do you expect?
You saw Mi Kyung narrow her eyes in inspection, and they lit up.
"Cho Yeon!!" she gasped. ...She remembered you? One of the most influential people in SM Entertainment remembered YOU?!
"The girl who sung 'The Show Must Go On'? I remember that!" Young Mi said with a smile. You almost teared up at this. Soo Man seemed confused and couldn't recognise you.
"I'm so honoured you remember me..." you whispered. "But we aren't talking about me! Please, return your attention to Siwon..."
"Yes, yes. Well, Siwon! Today I bring good, no, GREAT news!" Soo Man said quite excitedly. Siwon raised his eyes in anticipation.
"I've decided that you would be a perfect candidate for this new idea I have. You, and 12 other boys: All in the same band!" he explained.
"Huh..?" is all Siwon managed to reply to this. 
"I will be making this a reality in a couple of years. I believe this will be extraordinary...a real success!! Do you accept?" Soo Man demanded.
"Of course I do!" he bowed. "I hope I don't disappoint you!" You could see he was just barely containing his excitement, his hands were shaking behind his back.
"You won't regret this. I will give you updates regularly." Soo Man said. You both turned to leave, before Mi Kyung paced over to you.
"Wait, Cho Yeon!!" she took hold of you. "Don't leave just yet. I'm in love with your school uniform! So cute~ You wear it very interestingly."
You blushed and thanked her sincerely, before she shook her head. 
"I need to stop getting distracted!! Yes, Cho Yeon. I wanted to ask you something. Your fashion sense is impeccable...I've not seen someone with this originality and
coordination skill in a long time. I would really like it if you would study fashion as a career!" she beamed.
"Huh..?" is all you managed to reply to this. You felt like Siwon..
"In short, I want to arrange for you to study at La Mode Seoul. I feel you would really benefit from it!"  ...La Mode Seoul? The most prestigious fashion university in all
of South Korea?? You spluttered a little at this information, before slapping your cheeks lightly to see if it were a dream.
"A-are you sure?" you asked, suspiciously. Why do you ask such stupid questions?
"I'm positive! I see such potential in may not be able to make it in the entertainment industry, but I think you would be perfect for fashion!" Mi Kyung said enthusiastically.
"I'm so honoured...I can't believe this..." you hid your face in your hands and supressed a scream.
"Can you write down your address for me here?" she said, producing a clipboard. "So I can send you the details properly." You finished writing and she smiled happily.
"You won't regret this! I hope to see you again!" she called, Siwon leading you away.
The moment you both got out of the room, you squealed loudly and he cheered. You both did a weird little victory dance, before hugging each other tightly.
"Siwon!! I can't believe this is happening!! T-this has to be the greatest day of my life!!" you squealed. He didn't reply, he just hugged you tighter before throwing you over his shoulder
again, and running down the stairs. Instead of screaming in terror, this time you screamed in delight.
You were both laughing wildly in the streets of Seoul, garnering even more attention this time. He carried you the whole way to your house before finally putting you down.
You both looked at each other in pure joy. " know I said I wouldn't kiss you?" you murmured.
"Yeah?" he said, raising his eyebrows slightly.
"I changed my mind." you stood on your toes to reach his face and kissed him tenderly on the lips. You broke the kiss and giggled a little. You had originally meant to kiss his cheek...
"NOW this is the greatest day of my life." Siwon said, smiling. You hugged once more before he left to return to his own home. You both waved until he was out of sight.
You ran into your house and started yelling at the top of your lungs: "I GOT INTO LA MODE SEOUL!! LA MODE SEOUL!!!" 
"You can't be telling the truth!!" Jin Ho, the youngest of your elder brothers called out. "You're too dumb!"
"Are you serious, Cheonnie?! THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!!" Seung Won cried, picking you up and whirling you about. Tae Hyun simply smiled and ruffled your hair, which is a lot of emotion coming from him.
Your mother and father hugged you tightly and kept saying how proud they were of you.
"The details will be coming in via letter. Just have to wait for that letter!!" you chirped excitedly.
You ran up to your room, and flopped onto the bed happily. You checked your phone, and saw Siwon had texted.
"I knew you couldn't resist me x" you pouted a little, but saw he had sent another text.
"Congratulations, my dear Cho Yeon. You make me so proud to be able to call you 'lover'" you blushed a little at the word 'lover'.
"I'm so proud of you, too!! ^___^ I can't believe it! YOU'RE GOING TO DEBUT IN MUSIC!! >w< KYAAAH!" you replied, your fingers barely able to type due to the excitement.
You lay on your bed in sheer bliss, and closed your eyes. This was truly the best day of your life.
But it was also your worst.
LALALALA!! Don't you just love cliffhangers ;D
Hope you liked the chapter!! I tried hard on it. Thank you for subscribing! *bows but hits head off of desk*
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Tricia_Minseok #1
Chapter 12: Oh my!! They're going to be Rivals!! Haha update soon!
xjayess #2
Chapter 12: I think it would be much better if choyeon was siwon :"( please let them get back
Chapter 12: Omg..
heechul and her? I love it....pls let's end up here with him
Sweetlove123 #4
Chapter 9: Bible in the car.....Siwon. Plz Update.
Chapter 9: Please update(:
kyuhyun_03 #6
love it!!
this is great ^^ new reader btw haha
new reader^^
too much Heechul in this chapter and I'm sooooo happy~~! xD

update soon! with a lot of Heechul! xD
tonytonychopper #9
bahaahaha oh Heenim xD
JinXiChe #10
I laughed so loud when she's like "I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you."
I would probably do the same!! I'm glad Heechul is finally showing up! Woowoo~