

----Cho Yeon P.O.V----


"Just because you got dumped doesn't mean you have to be a drama queen!" the manager yelled. He bowed apologetically to you. "Sorry about this, he just got dumped so he's gonna be a pain in the ."

"YAAH! STOP TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT MY LIFE!! SHE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW!!" Heechul yelled back, getting up from the chair and going right up to the manager's face.

"Then help out Cho Yeon here and let me get back to work." the manager said darkly, dropping the clothes into his arms, making Heechul stagger. Before Heechul could fight back the manager had left the room, so he stood there fuming. You chuckled slightly and he glared daggers at you.

"Yah, Ch-" he paused. "What are you laughing at?!" he cried, but then looked you up and down, taking in your details. "Do you know who I am?!"

"Of course, you're Kim Heechul." you answered, smiling a little. 

"...That's all?" he narrowed his eyes a little, and you nodded. 

"Alright then....what's your name?" he demanded, his legs wobbling a bit.

"Choyeon. Song Choyeon. Nice to meet you. I'd shake your hand but that's kind of impossible right now" you chuckled. Hmmm, he doesn't seem to remember you...that's to be expected. He sees new people every day, why would he remember someone who he only met once? He's become quite the diva!! Hopefully not everyone had turned out like this....unless the supposed breakup really affected him?

"So, Miss. Drama Queen, want to talk about your breakup?" you said teasingly. He immediately glared fire at you and you couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Of course not!! It's none of your business!!" he yelled.

"But it might make you feel better letting off some steam. I'm a complete stranger who you'll probably never meet again!" you protested. Well, it was highly likely that you'd see him again since you worked as an SM stylist, but still.

"No way!!" he retorted, but he smiled a little and staggered towards you. "You've got sass. I like that. So what do we do with these clothes?"

"To your coordinator~" you replied simply. He nodded and walked towards the door to exit. You followed him to the front entrance of the SM building, where you exited and there was a car there ready for you two. Idols get their own car to drive them everywhere? Wow, they have everything. You dumped the clothes into the drunk and opened the car door to sit down.

"Yahh, you're coming with me?!" he cried, sounding disgusted.

"Uh, yeah. You'll need help when you get to the main building, stupid." you sighed and crossed your legs elegantly.

"...You'll regret acting all high and mighty with THE Kim Heechul." he scoffed. He folded his arms and looked out the car window, refusing to make conversation with you. You sighed again and endured the silent car journey to the main building. He seemed like he was brooding, and you felt kind of sorry for him. For some reason, you couldn't get angry at his snappy remarks. When the car pulled up, you immediately went to the trunk and carried as many of the clothes as you could so Heechul wouldn't have to struggle.

"Yahhh, what are you doing? The man should take the weight of the clothes!!" he cried, trying to take them away from you.

"I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you!" you said teasingly, and he glared at you again. He karate chopped you gently on the back and your eyes widened.

"Assault? Really??" you laughed, and he frowned.

"Just give me them!!" he demanded, but he staggered when you dropped the pile into his arms, taking the smaller pile from the trunk and shutting it. "YAH!! At least give me a warning! Thats happened to me twice now!!" he sighed and frowned, following you to the front door. 

You waited for the elevator to arrive. Weirdly enough, it was empty. You both stepped in and waited until you arrived at your floor. You lead the way to the coordinator's room as Heechul followed you. You struggled to knock on the door; but there was no answer. So you knocked again; but when there wasn't any answer you let yourself in. The room was empty. 

"What is this? I feel like I'm in a horror movie or something." you mused  to yourself. This building was a bit too empty right now. 

"Did you ever stop to think they might be busy?" Heechul mocked behind you as you placed your pile of clothes on a table. You moved back so he could dump his pile of clothes down as well. He put them down with an "oooph!" then panted and wiped his forehead exaggeratedly, making you chuckle. 

"I told you, you should have let me carry the heavier pile. You're obviously too weak for it." you smirked teasingly. 

"Maybe; after all this body shall not sweat~" he said, overly narcissisticallly. You could tell he was kidding; even Kim Heechul wasn't this bad. You chuckled. 

"So...are you still gonna tell me?" you asked, tilting your head slightly. He sighed lightly and pushed you a little. "Assault again?!"

"I think I might, as well." he said, "Since you're no reporter."

"That, and I'm not a fangirl. And I'm a stranger." you added with a smile. 

"Yeah, that." he said, "But I'm not telling it here where we could be listened."

Of course, coordinators could return anytime. And a random place like this was no place to tell OR listen to heartbreaking stories like that. You needed a serene environment, night air and some soju, that was a given.

"I know the perfect place. Are you willing to come? But we shouldn't be seen." you said with a grin. 

"I'm guessing - which will most probably be right - that it means disguise for me." Hyeechul stated. You nodded and started searching around for stuff that you might need. It really was going to be fun, transforming Kim Heechul.


"Well...I really liked her." Heechul said, drowning his fifth shot of soju. You knew that was what he needed to loosen up and you were sooo right. "She was really young, but I wanted to make it work. A 9 year difference...But it seemed like it was going so well!! But she suddenly dumped me." he frowned. "ME! The Kim Heechul...why? I don't understand..."

"How long where you two together for?" you asked curiously as you filled both your cups once again. You were sitting on the riverside; it was dark and pretty much secluded. 

"...4 months..." he muttered, and you smiled.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING?! Are you mocking me??!" he yelled, poking you. "I know that might not have been very long, but I liked her before I asked her out!! For many years!!!" You stifled a laugh, and he pushed you again. "STOP LAUGHING!!"

"Well, THE Kim Heechul being all shy like's so out of character. But you must be there anything I can do?" you asked softly. He seemed surprised.

"You want to help me...? Well that's obvious!!" he nodded to himself. "Well...I would like it if you just sat and listened to me. Okay?" he muttered, and you nodded and smiled.

"That's what I'm here for, after all."

You spent the next couple of hours just listening to Heechul talk, as he managed to let go off some stress and steam. You could see him relaxing as he talked, and he got more animated in his speech the more he drank. Eventually when he was done talking about relationships, he started just chatting with you. Favourite food, colour, movie, animal, the usual. It was really easy to talk to this guy. 

"By the way, what is up with the new outfits? They're so....colourful...and weird..." he asked confusedly.

"I dunno, I wasn't the one who designed them~" you shook your head. "I think they're quite artistic, though."

"Yeah, but you're not the one that has to wear them!!" he retorted, and you burst out laughing. He laughed along with you, which was nice. He seemed to be really cheering up. You decided to be bold and bring up the relationship thing again.

"So....who was it that you were going out with?" you asked gently. You expected him to get angry, but he didn't.

"Sohee. From the Wonder Girls." he replied proudly. Sohee...?

"Isn't she much younger than you?" you narrowed your eyes at him in pretend disgust.

"I told you there was a 9 year !!! It's not that bad....c'mon!!" he whined, and you laughed. You checked your watch and your eyes widened.

"Look at the time, we've been talking for waaaaay longer than we should have!!" you gasped, and he looked at your watch, too.

"Ahh, I'm totally late for rehearsal!!" Heechul said rather excitedly.

"Why are you so happy?" you asked confusedly, getting up and gathering the cups together to put into the bag you had brought them with. Was he too drunk? You had no idea he had a rehearsal afterwards; you wouldn't have offered to drink if you did.

"I'm not~! It's just, what's the point in running if you're gonna be late anyway? I take Jessica Jung's words to heart~" he said, making a heart sign. 

"Well I'd like to get back to work, I'm not done with my stuff; but I'm not sure if you're okay..." you drifted off, looking him up and down. Would he really be able to rehearse, after finishing a whole bottle of Soju? Though you shared it. Your alcohol tolerance was pretty good after all.

"I can hold my alcohol, don't worry. And I'll call the driver, I can drop you off. Since I'm so nice. And you let me rant at you for so long." he smiled genuinely. What a pretty smile~

"Okay then. Thank you!" you laughed, standing up. He called the driver, you chatted a little more as you waited for him to arrive. Acting a gentleman, he helped you climb into the car. You saw a bible left on the back seat as you climbed in. 

"Huh, Siwon really does come here...." you muttered, and Heechul looked back at you.

"What did you say?" he asked, not having heard you.

"Nothing! Lets go, I don't wanna get yelled at!!" you scolded. No point in telling him what happened in the past...there's no way he would have remembered you.


----Heechul P.O.V-----


Maybe its a different Song Choyeon? Though she looks so similar to Siwon's old girlfriend. But she didn't recognise me! THE KIM HEECHUL!! So I pretended not to know her, either. There's no way I'm remembering someone if they don't remember me.  But what if she is?

"Don't worry about the car ride. You can just pay me back the next time we see each other." I grinned at her, and she rolled her eyes. For being a girl, she doesn't swoon at me. Unlike any other she secretly a dude? But wait, even guy's love me!!!

"So you've decided we're gonna meet again?" she laughed. "Okay then. I look forward to it. You may not know, but I consider you a friend now." she smiled happily. She really is quite pretty...and I don't usually find people pretty. Hmm~ She's fun to argue with!! She's the only girl I can have a proper arguement with without it being damaging to the friendship. I've needed someone like that for a long time...Hopefully I'll see her again. She got out of the car and waved to me.

"Aren't you gonna go to your rehearsal?" she asked, and I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm too late for that anyway. I'm gonna go play Starcraft or something." I said as the car drove off.

"LAAAAZYYYYYY!" she yelled after me, and I stuck my hand out of the window and waved my hand at her.


Hahaha, he didn't actually go out with Sohee. But since he likes her so much I decided to incorporate that xD Hopefully we'll meet Heechul again~?

Thank you for reading, commenting and subscribing!!


EDIT: it's poison!!! for some time i wanted to edit this chapter, i've finally managed that now. hope you don't hate the new version of this chapter.. thank youu!!

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Tricia_Minseok #1
Chapter 12: Oh my!! They're going to be Rivals!! Haha update soon!
xjayess #2
Chapter 12: I think it would be much better if choyeon was siwon :"( please let them get back
Chapter 12: Omg..
heechul and her? I love it....pls let's end up here with him
Sweetlove123 #4
Chapter 9: Bible in the car.....Siwon. Plz Update.
Chapter 9: Please update(:
kyuhyun_03 #6
love it!!
this is great ^^ new reader btw haha
new reader^^
too much Heechul in this chapter and I'm sooooo happy~~! xD

update soon! with a lot of Heechul! xD
tonytonychopper #9
bahaahaha oh Heenim xD
JinXiChe #10
I laughed so loud when she's like "I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you."
I would probably do the same!! I'm glad Heechul is finally showing up! Woowoo~