


----Cho Yeon P.O.V----
Siwon was a lovely boyfriend, you couldn't deny that! He was just...difficult. He would only go out with you when you made arrangements, he would never ask you out himself. It wasn't THAT big of a deal..but you were still affected by it.
He was also busy all the time. You expected this, and was completely understanding of it. But it made you upset, because it didn't seem like he was making any effort at all! You were extremely busy due to finally entering Seoul La Mode, which took up almost all of your  time during the day AND at night as well. The first couple of years were going to be really difficult, but you still managed to put aside time for Siwon. You would make him meals and bring them to his studio or where he was practicing, as a small gesture. It melted your heart whenever you saw him smile when you brought him things, so you continued to do it, almost as frequently as every other day.
So was it that selfish to be a little upset at how he didn't put in that little extra something for you? Some would say yes, but you couldn't help how you felt. You would never think of breaking up with him, though. Not ever. He was too perfect, you couldn't imagine being with someone more fitting for you. Hopefully this was just because he was busy all the time, and once he had debuted properly he would be able to spend time with you.
You smiled to yourself thinking of this. It seemed the best explanation, and it helped to calm yourself down.
You had another exhausting day at school. Fashion may sound easy, but it really isn't. You also weren't that skilled at dressing anyone other than yourself, so you had to start right at the beginning, and slowly work your way towards the top. Many of the teachers treated you unfairly because you were scouted by Mi Kyung, too.  Obviously some people were jealous of her success and decided to take it out on her protege.
You enjoyed what you did, but those teachers didn't make your time at the school very pleasant. Siwon had always told you that he would deal with them when he was famous and had the power to...You smiled at this memory. 
You were walking home, and you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You pulled it out your pocket to read the message, and almost flipped out with happiness when you read it:
"Hey, babe~ Wanna come over to the dorm today? I have free-time x"
The sad thing was that this was the first time Siwon had initiated spending time together in almost a month. But you jumped at the chance!
"Of course! When should I come down? (>w<)" you replied, grinning stupidly to yourself. 
"You know that you want to come right now~ Don't you? So come now xx" he replied.
He always had to twist his words to make it out as if it was only you that loved him...hahaha. It wasn't that he was a bad person, it was just his personality. He didn't show his affection very often, but when he did he was the most perfect guy ever. It was probably the best way to do would take it for granted otherwise. There was no doubt that he really loved you.
Nevertheless, you ran to his dorm, despite it being about 20 minutes away. You were just so happy that you were going to see him!! For some reason, the topic of kissing entered your mind as you were running. W-why were you thinking of that?? Your face turned even more red than normal, from the blushing and the exhaustion of you running.
You two hadn't even kissed yet, the most you had done was hold hands. You were content with that...for now. You couldn't quite imagine kissing right now, anyway, even though you had been going out for a year now. You two were perfectly comfortable as you were! It didn't help that you were both always so busy, too. Whenever you managed to get time together, there was almost always another person with you. So it was kind of impossible to do anything, anyway. Your mind drifted off even more, and you somehow started imagining the two of you kissing. You shook your head furiously trying to get this out of your head, that you almost fell over. You stopped running for a while to catch your breath, and to scold your mind for being like that. was normal for a girlfriend to want to kiss her boyfriend, right?    You sighed and continued to walk the last 5 minutes to his dorm. Hmm...should you have brought something for the two of you to eat? He might be felt your phone rumble again.
"You're coming, aren't you? I'm tired of waiting~ x" You stared at the text. He's so impatient! It made you kind of happy to think that he was missing you though, even though he wasn't admitting it.
"You miss me? Kekekeke~ I'm almost there! Want me to pick up anything to eat? (^^)"
"No, you're the one that misses me! And just bring yourself, you're enough..." Hmm, his texts seem really strange...what is wrong with him? You jogged your way up to the dorm, and rang the bell.
"You're finally here! Come up now." his voice said huskily through the receiver. 
You raised your eyebrow at his tone of voice, but entered through the automatic doors that had opened for you and trudged up the stairs. By the time you reached the door, you must have been a hot and sweaty mess. Very attractive. You rung the doorbell, and got a surprise when he answered it almost immediately.
Finally updated!! :DDD What's up with Siwon...? :o Please don't hate on Siwon, he really does love Cho Yeon. It's just his personality is strange xD
Hope you liked the chapter!! *bows*
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Tricia_Minseok #1
Chapter 12: Oh my!! They're going to be Rivals!! Haha update soon!
xjayess #2
Chapter 12: I think it would be much better if choyeon was siwon :"( please let them get back
Chapter 12: Omg..
heechul and her? I love it....pls let's end up here with him
Sweetlove123 #4
Chapter 9: Bible in the car.....Siwon. Plz Update.
Chapter 9: Please update(:
kyuhyun_03 #6
love it!!
this is great ^^ new reader btw haha
new reader^^
too much Heechul in this chapter and I'm sooooo happy~~! xD

update soon! with a lot of Heechul! xD
tonytonychopper #9
bahaahaha oh Heenim xD
JinXiChe #10
I laughed so loud when she's like "I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you."
I would probably do the same!! I'm glad Heechul is finally showing up! Woowoo~