Special Prize


It took exactly three days for you to receive a text message from an unknown number. You had been busy with the stuff Mikyung gave you to work on so you hadn't bothered to check at the instant; but there were insistent text messages from the same number, so with a sigh you stopped your work and picked up your phone. 

Hey, stranger! Guess who here. Special prize if you can guess right. 

Are you even seeing my message? It's been exactly five minutes, how dare you make me wait? 

Oh come on, can you really not guess? Really? 


You didn't even have to think on who it was, as you read the texts with a laugh. It had to be - had to be - Kim Heechul. You shook your head and started to type your reply.

Oh my, impatient aren't we? What's the special prize? 

You pushed the send button and waited for the reply. Okay, not really. You had to wait just a few seconds before your phone beeped again, so quick that it made you wonder if he had the text written down and ready to send. 

Great, I was starting to think I got the wrong number. Guess right and you'll see ㄱㄱㄱ

You started typing again without thinking. O Glorious Kim Heechul who can not recognize you even if it's through text? But you stopped and thought for a second before pushing the send button this time. This was okay, right? You weren't really sure if you should be getting friendly with a close friend of Siwon's. Then again, why should it bother you? It had been years since you had last seen him, you should have completely gotten over it by now. It was alright not to give a damn, right? You pressed the send button in the end. In a few seconds, you got your reply again. 

Ohh smart one you are~ for getting it right in the first try, you get the grand prize. How about dinner tonight? 

Dinner... DINNER?! You gaped at the screen of your phone in disbelief. You rubbed your eyes, not even caring if your make up would smudge and blinked a few times, if you were a cartoon you'd suddenly get windshield wipers on your eyeballs to clear your vision. Then you checked the text again. No it was still the same. Even at the age you were, there were times you couldn't believe when you got asked out and for sure this time it wasn't about your awkwardness. Not in the slightest. As you fidgeted about thinking what you should say to this, a minute later another text came, making you jump. 

Is this supposed to be a no? 

You jumped in your seat and hurriedly started typing. Nonono, I'm working right now that's why. What do you have in mind? 

You noticed the stupidity in your text the second after you sent it and facepalmed. He had already told you he wanted to have dinner!! Well it could also mean you wanted to know what kind of dinner he had in mind so it wasn't so bad, hopefully? 

Ramen or something, heh. Not much time, unfortunately :/ 

You snorted at the next reply you got from him. 

Why are you even inviting me out if you have no time, haha! you wrote this time without thinking. He replied, again in a few seconds. 

Crap I've been caught ;D welp, the offer still stands if you feel like it, gotta go now or the trainer might murder me anytime. Just fly me a text and I'll ditch the guys the second I can~ 

You sighed and smiled - the worst part was, it wasn't a bad fed up sigh or something, it was more like "aww so cute" kind of sigh. You slapped your cheeks lightly. Seriously, Song Choyeon? Were you that easy? Alright, he was Heechul and all - though you had never been a fan he was still charming after all - but you had only known him for two days now!! Three if you counted that day years ago; but still! You had to keep your cool! 

Alrighty, don't get murdered! :D 

You blinked. When had you sent that text without even noticing?! You messed your hair and whined. You were supposed to have matured! You were no high school girl anymore, what was with those emotes? And "alrighty"? Seriously?? How old were you?! It wasn't even like you were close, too!! Well, it's not like people suddenly become extremely close, your inner voice said. It wasn't like people just became friends and got to know each other, right? You had to spend some time together to get closer if you felt like you could "click" and well, Heechul had confessed his problems and complained to you for a whole night. So it wasn't that weird for him to want to have a dinner with you now. It wasn't like you hated him either, so why did this have to be such a big deal? It was just a dinner out with a new friend... yeah.

You took in a deep breath and gave it back out slowly. Alright, you were back to your normal self. You slapped your cheeks again and ignoring the weird looks you got from your colleagues, you buried yourself back in your work. 

When it got dark, you started eyeing your phone nervously. What should you do? Should you text him or should you just ignore and forget? You troubled yourself with the question for a while before deciding that if you didn't go, you'd regret forever. What could happen anyways? You shook and straightened yourself and took your phone in you hand. 

Dear me, I've been wondering if you've survived the trainer's grudge~ you typed. It seemed like a good way to start a conversation naturally. His reply came only a while later.

I think I'm dead. Should I haunt you I wonder?? 

Oooh scary! Does the offer STILL stand by the way? You sure you haven't changed your mind yet? 

You wish and I'm starving, I could eat a whole country. When can you be here? 

When could you be there, indeed. You checked your watch. Wait, where did they even train? You facepalmed. You were in the SM building right now and they had to be in one of the training rooms. How long could it take for you to find it? Then again, when could you take off? You raised your head and called to one of your colleagues. 

"Hey! I'm done, can I leave the rest of the cataloging to you?"

"Sure sure, don't be late to your date." your colleague said. You blushed instantly.

"YAH who said it was a date?!" you scolded.

"Come on, it's obvious by the way you smile at your phone in such a stupid way!" she laughed. You huffed. 

"Anyway it's not a date, so. Well I'm leaving now, then." you said and picked up your jacket and bag. As you hurried out the door, you tried to wipe the remark of your colleague away from your mind. That was no time to think that.

It really hadn't been that hard for you to find the training room for Super Junior - ignoring the previous unread messages you received from a certain impatient person, you just knew it was him though you didn't bother to check. When you arrived at the said room five minutes after leaving your work, you found the door open with the trainer walking out, wiping his sweat. You greeted him formally before making your way in. 

"I think it took me exactly five minutes and forty three seconds to be here, you impatient person." you called out, making all of the boys turn around and look at you... and why had you done that again? Before anyone, your eyes met with Sİwon's and you froze, nervousness washing over you. 

"You- who told you it was okay to just barge in!!" you heard a familiar voice shout and you were suddenly being pulled out of the training room. You heard the others laugh and mock him; but Heechul just closed the door after you. You looked at his face and blinked in surprise. Was that a blush?

"Tell me you've been dancing too hard or I'll actually believe it's a blush I'm seeing there." you teased, unable to help it. He twitched.

"Of course I've been dancing! I don't blush!" he scolded.

"What happened to the body that shouldn't sweat?" you grinned and kept teasing. This was starting to become more and more fun by each second.

"A fake obviously..." he said bravely, "Even I'm not that narcissistic. We have to practice to do well on the stage, you know." 

"O-of course." you said, surprised by the sudden honesty you met. And you knew Kim Heechul to be the narcissistic prince. Huh. 

"Well, you're here, though." he smiled brightly, successfully distracting you from any thought that had a chance to form on your mind, "I thought you'd take a while to arrive. Now you'll have to wait for me, I should have a quick shower."

"Who makes a girl wait, really?" you clicked your tongue playfully; but couldn't stop your smile so it wasn't really a convincing complaint. 

"Oh, wanna join me then?" he grinned and ran his fingers through his hair in a quite... alluring... manner... with those eyes... okay, you  were so not falling for this! 

"Y-you wish, where do I wait?" you said, looking away. He laughed heartily.

"You can wait wherever you want, I'll come find you this time. I never knew you could be such a shy cutie, how sweet." he teased. You opened your mouth to snap; but the door of the training room opened before you could say a word. 

"Ohh, they're still not kissing!" you heard a disappointed Kyuhyun exclaim, "Hyung, I expected better from you!" 

"Shut up you evil little- what are you talking about behind my back, huh?" Heechul scolded, chasing Kyuhyun into the room. You laughed at the scene. You noticed Siwon again staring at you from inside; but you averted your gaze instantly. Nobody had recognized you, no one noticed you were the same girl from before; sure he knew you better than the others but you were almost certain you had changed enough for him to remember you. You were absolutely sure he had loved and dated people after you, too. You made yourself smile and called out. 

"I'll be waiting outside, call me when you're ready, alright?" 

"Oppa! You have to call me oppa!" Heechul turned and scolded you too; but he had a mischevious look on his face. 

"Y-yah, I can change my mind anytime so you better not push your luck! Just gimme a call when you're ready, sheesh!" you said, flustered and stomped away... with the stupid smile that made its way to your face the second you turned away from them. Ahh, you were so in trouble. 


"Hey, hyung." 

"Yeah, what is it?" Heechul turned to Siwon who had stayed behind - probably on purpose, Heechul thought. 

"Is that your girlfriend?" he asked. Heechul smiled and looked at the way he thought Choyeon had went instinctively. 

"Nope... not yet, at least." he said. 

"So you are going after her..." Siwon mused. Heechul looked at him and nodded.

"She's just... I can't leave her be, you know?" he said. If it was anyone else, he probably wouldn't have said what he had just now; but it was Choi Siwon, the man he wanted the least to find out who Choyeon actually was. It was better for him to never see her before the right time. When was that? Well, time would show. 

"Wow, she must be exceptional. I didn't get to see her much; but..." Siwon said, but Heechul cut him.

"Don't worry about it, you'll get to meet her one day." he shrugged and started walking towards the showers.

"What's her name?" Siwon asked. 

"Choyeon." Heechul said after a short hesitation. There was no point in lying about her name, he decided. 

"Pretty name, it is..." Siwon muttered. Heechul frowned; but put up a more friendly face soon. 

"Everything about her is pretty... she's the girl I chose, after all." he said, confidently. You had your chance and you wasted it... this time, you won't get to hurt her in any way. Not while she lets me protect her. 


haha poison here! 

i'm having fun with this love story, hope you enjoy this too. it's going differently than i first imagined, so i'm quite confused with what i'll do. please comment, thank you! 

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Tricia_Minseok #1
Chapter 12: Oh my!! They're going to be Rivals!! Haha update soon!
xjayess #2
Chapter 12: I think it would be much better if choyeon was siwon :"( please let them get back
Chapter 12: Omg..
heechul and her? I love it....pls let's end up here with him
Sweetlove123 #4
Chapter 9: Bible in the car.....Siwon. Plz Update.
Chapter 9: Please update(:
kyuhyun_03 #6
love it!!
this is great ^^ new reader btw haha
new reader^^
too much Heechul in this chapter and I'm sooooo happy~~! xD

update soon! with a lot of Heechul! xD
tonytonychopper #9
bahaahaha oh Heenim xD
JinXiChe #10
I laughed so loud when she's like "I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you."
I would probably do the same!! I'm glad Heechul is finally showing up! Woowoo~