Lucky Enough


"Ahh, I hate work!" you complained when you were finally done with your job. 

"Stop complaining, you're the one in the best condition amongst us! You at least know that you're definitely gonna be employed once you get your certificate. " your colleague scolded, stretching her arms.

"True that." you sighed, "Sorry, sometimes I just have to complain when I get too tired. It's not like I don't appreciate my job." you smiled apologetically. Super Junior had made their comeback and you were busy madly designing and sewing more clothes, fixing mistakes and keeping the order of things with the design department because your boss had been even busier than you were. You were proud she could entrust you with such important job; but that made it so you didn't even have time to scratch your head. Thankfully, you thought, you had still time for keeping up the vital functions of your body. You weren't pushing yourself to the limit and it was so hard that you really were feeling sorry for your boss. 

"Choyeon-ah, come over for a second?" your boss called from the door.

"I'll be right here!" you said and focused on bringing your work to a level you could pause. It took you a few seconds, you knew you needed to hurry, when you were done you rushed out. 

"What happened, Mikyung-ssi?" you asked, going into the room of your boss. Her room that had always been really tidy was a total mess right now and she was buried in a mountain of papers. She pointed towards the armchair that had packages on it. 

"You see those? They are the sponsor clothes sent just one in just one size. We are to put them in the SM closet once we're done with them and just one vest costs over ten thousand dollars, I couldn't be bothered remembering the exact number." Mikyung said, without looking up. You walked towards the armchair and picked up one of the packages carefully. 

"This one looks like a simple leather jacket to me?" you said, frowning.

"Don't question, it's sponsored material. We'll be putting them on boys in the upcoming MV. I can't entrust them to anyone else. They're in your responsibility from this second on, if they're damaged you'll have to work your off until the day you die to pay it off.  You better be careful with them." Mikyung said. You gulped.

"Is it that serious?" you asked.

"Okay, maybe not that much; but I'll make you regret, isn't that enough?" she asked with a sigh, looking up at you. She had dark circles under her eyes. "I have enough to deal with, don't make me worry about this. I trust you. Now take them and get going, you have to find out which one fits who best." 

"Uhm, which MV are they for, again?" you asked, carefully picking up the pile of packed clothes. 

"The upcoming MV is Suju MV remember? Fetch a coffee for yourself on the way back, while you're at it. Now shoo. Shoo!!" Mikyung waved her hand at you and you made your way out quickly. You knew she wasn't doing this to be rude, she was really nice and caring as a boss, almost bubbly in fact; but when she was busy out of her mind, she could get a little impatient. 

"So... again with the lovely perfect group, huh?" you mumbled to yourself as you went to your desk and put the clothes down. You still had a lot to finish. Even though this job was also important, you weren't exactly eager to again dive into their dorm or waiting room or dance practice - okay, hell no you weren't let their sweat dirty the clothes before the show. The thought of seeing Choi Siwon wasn't making you so eager after all the time that passed. Maybe he wouldn't be there? Ahh, just no way that would happen. You had never been lucky enough for such a thing. 

After you were done with all your work in a way you couldn't delay seeing Suju any longer, you sighed and picked up the phone. The work number of their manager was in the contact list so it wasn't hard to find. You punched the number and pressed the call button. 


"I'm hoping this is Super Junior's manager?" 

"Who is this?"

"Song Choyeon, I'm working under Mikyung-ssi. There are some new clothes the boys need to try and Mikyung-ssi said it is urgent. Can you tell me where they are?" 

"They are in their dorm; but is it that urgent? At this hour..." you looked at your watch. It was already 11 pm... how had that happened?! 

"O-oh, I didn't realise the time, I'm very sorry... yes, it is urgent. We'll pick the outfits accordingly and use what's left on other groups. Mikyung-ssi can't deal with any delay right now. Is that alright to disturb them for one night?"

"I guess it could be arranged... I'll let them know; if you could hurry, it would be good though."

"I'm on my way, thank you." 

You hung up and cuddled the pile of clothes. And you were saying you wouldn't let your past with Siwon affect your professionalism. You couldn't deny that even now you were still running from seeing his face! How pathetic was that? It wasn't like you'd never dated other guys or had someone you loved; but he was your first love, after all. It still made you grimace every time you remembered how it had been. 

You went to your baby pink little bug and put the clothes to the passenger seat, then started driving to the dorms. It took a while to reach there. When you arrived, the security asked for your ID and searched under the car and looked inside the trunk before letting you in. You found the precautions a little too much; but this was a dormitory apartment complex for stars; who knew what could happen. It was best to be on the safe side. 

You parked your bug under the apartment building Suju's dorm was and cuddling the pile of clothes again, you got in the elevator. You didn't expect the place to be secluded; but you saw no one in the way up. Reaching the 11th floor, you rang the bell with your elbow. 

"Who is it?" a voice you remembered from distant past spoke behind the closed door.

"Song Choyeon, can you please hurry the clothes are falling." you said, supporting the pile with your chin. The door clinked and opened, revealing a very messy haired and cute boy... man.... who rushed to catch the clothes before they fell.

"Got them!" Sungmin beamed up with his usual cute smile you were now used to see on the screen. "Come in, we've got almost everybody inside." 

"Thank you." you smiled, walking in after him and closing the door with your foot. It was nostalgic. Seven years had passed; but this man had stayed the same. Much unlike you. You had changed so much that even you had a hard time recognizing yourself in your past pictures. 

"Our guest is here, guys!" Sungmin called, leading you inside to the living room. There was a mess of smiles, greetings and introductions as you walked in. Six, seven, eight... you could only see nine heads in the room. And you couldn't see one face you were most familiar with. Could it be?

"Hello, I'm Song Choyeon and I work under Mikyung-ssi; sorry for disturbing you so late at night." you introduced yourself officially in the end. 

"OH!!" you heard a cry from the other end of the room. You blinked, everyone turned to the owner of the voice.

"Do you know each other, hyung?" the extremely blonde Hyukjae said. 

"I met her the other day." Heechul said, this time without a scream. You smiled gently.

"Yes, when I had to carry your clothes to the coordinator's room Heechul-ssi was a lot of help." you said. You were a man of your word; you were a "stranger" when he told you all about his troubles; so you would tell nobody about it. Heechul nodded. 

"Exactly, which is why I was late to the rehearsal." he added. You saw some of the guys roll their eyes. 

"Where is Siwon-ssi?" you asked, deciding to be brave for once.

"He won't be here; he was home with his parents and he said he can try it out later." Jungsu explained. You felt annoyance rise up from your stomach, a feeling far too nostalgic and you didn't like to remember; but you didn't see any reason to hide it this time.

"That's so irresponsible of him, I did make it clear that it was urgent; but I guess if he wants to be with his family, no can do. We'll exclude him for this once. Can you tell him that there's no need for him to bother anymore, please?" you said. 

"Hey it's your fault that you came in so late, shouldn't you be glad you're even here?" Heechul snapped at you. You looked up and smiled.

"Oh trust me I am, that was a lot of help. I'll try to make it short so it'll be more convenient for you." you chuckled. Even Heechul looked like he felt a little bad for snapping at you. 

"It's okay really. Do you want anything to drink?" Ryeowook said in his usual bubbly way you always saw on TV. 

"Ah, thanks but no, I can't risk anything spilling on these ba- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you snatched the jacket off of Kyuhyun's hands with a screech you couldn't help. He looked at you shocked and blinked.

"What, I was just looking at it?" he chuckled, "It doesn't seem any special to me." 

"Tell me about it." you sighed and folded the jacket back, "Sponsored material, though, if it's damaged in any way I'm done for." 

"Ahh, no wonder..." Kyuhyun mused. You felt like you were more relaxed every moment. The person you dreaded to see wasn't there and none of them seemed to remember you at all.

"So what size are they? Who should try them out first?" Shindong asked. You looked at everyone looking at you and tried to find a way out that would be both fast, efficent and would bring no harm to the clothes. None was existent. If you were careful, it would take too much time and if you wanted to be quick you had to take risks. You sighed deeply as you gave in.

"They weren't designed for you specially so I have no idea. I'll have to trust you guys not to damage them, you'll have to put on a dress parade for me." you said. 

"Oh oh oh, will there be catwalk and stuff?" Heechul asked suddenly. You couldn't help but laugh.

"If you want it so much, I won't say no?" you grinned. "Don't get me wrong, I'm no weirdo; but pretty is pretty." 

"Don't you know your taste." Heechul smirked and winked as he walked over and fethced a few pieces of clothing from the pile. "I'll go first, then!" 

"Just pick some, all of you. It'll be faster that way." you said. 

"Then let's just carry them to my room and get changed there, Choyeon-ssi can stay here and we can come here to show her the clothes." Hyukjae offered. 

"This is starting to sound more like a parade every second." Jongwoon sighed; but grabbed some clothes anyways. 

"So the show is on!" Donghae chuckled and followed after his hyung. You sat down on the couch as they left chatting and waited for the show to start. 


ohhh an update. did i just, really? :'D 

sorry about the change in style people, i'm not the original author, tho i'm the owner of the idea. hope you still have fun! please do comment, thank you~

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Tricia_Minseok #1
Chapter 12: Oh my!! They're going to be Rivals!! Haha update soon!
xjayess #2
Chapter 12: I think it would be much better if choyeon was siwon :"( please let them get back
Chapter 12: Omg..
heechul and her? I love it....pls let's end up here with him
Sweetlove123 #4
Chapter 9: Bible in the car.....Siwon. Plz Update.
Chapter 9: Please update(:
kyuhyun_03 #6
love it!!
this is great ^^ new reader btw haha
new reader^^
too much Heechul in this chapter and I'm sooooo happy~~! xD

update soon! with a lot of Heechul! xD
tonytonychopper #9
bahaahaha oh Heenim xD
JinXiChe #10
I laughed so loud when she's like "I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you."
I would probably do the same!! I'm glad Heechul is finally showing up! Woowoo~