

The first one to walk inside, of course, was Kim Heechul. You couldn't help but laugh at the way he swayed his hips with a half-tux and dark jeans on. It was simply ridiculous. 

"What the heck are you doing?!" you laughed. 

"Bow down before the glorious Hee-hee." he said simply. You laughed even harder. 

"You do realise that you lack a blonde wig, don't you?" you asked when you could speak properly.

"Oh damn, I forgot." he grinned, "But I'm still glorious." 

"Damn right you are." you shook your head, trying to recover from that much laughing. Thankfully Kyuhyun walked in and saved you the trouble.

"We didn't even need to take the stuff in, they're mostly jackets and vests. How do I look?" he swirled around himself and fixed the collar of the leather jacket he had on. He was still wearing the same black jeans he had been when you first arrived.

"Oh, that one looks quite good on you." you nodded in approval and pulled out your small notebook from your pocket. 

"Doesn't it? Guess this will be for me." he nodded, sure of himself. You nodded too. 

"I think it will. How are things going inside?" you asked.

"They're trying to pick an outfit for Shindong." Jungsu walked in, wearing another leather jacket similar to the one on Kyuhyun.

"Is there no larger size?" you chuckled awkwardly as you noted down the outfit as well, "There should have been one..."

"I really should lose some weight..." you heard Shindong complain as he also walked in. You noticed Heechul walk out at the same time.

"That one fits, though?" you chuckled at the red jacket he was wearing - so the sponsored material was all about jackets? 

"That wasn't the problem here." he chuckled. 

"Oh come on, you have a cute face with those cheeks." you waved your hand.

"Wanna call me oppa?" he joked. 

"Op~paaaahh!!!" you exaggerated.

"Nari will murder you." Kyuhyun patted Shindong's shoulder as he also walked out. Shindong froze. 

"Yah, what are you planning to tell her?" he called after the evil maknae. You could only watch them, unable to stop yourself from laughing. 

They tried jackets and vests one by one, really making a show out of it and by the time that they were done, your cheeks hurt from laughing too much. You made the last notes in your notebook as they helped put the clothes back in their packages and put it away. 

"Too bad Siwon missed today, I'm sure we could have a lot of fun with teasing him." Hyukjae laughed. You made yourself chuckle. 

"I'm sure he'd regret not being present if you told him that a pretty girl came up? Even more so if you add she was reciting verses here and there in her speech, why not?" you shrugged playfully. Kyuhyun laughed. 

"He could curse himself for not being able to propose!" he grinned.

"If he wanted a nun he could find it anywhere!" Ryeowook protested; but it only sounded cute when he did it. 

"Not one so y, though." Heechul said. The whole room fell in silence. Heechul looked at the boys staring at him like he was an alien. "What?" 

"You called a girl y. You, hyung." Donghae pointed out. Leeteuk was desperately nodding.

"What? I can't? Come on, I'm not that much of an egoist, that's the face I wear for cameras remember?" Heechul waved his hands. 

"You still don't go calling people y." Jongwoon blurted out. They seemed to have forgotten you were still there and you didn't want to feel awkward later on so you stopped them. 

"Oh are you possibly hitting on me?" you teased, making it obvious that you were joking.

"Wha- of course not, sheesh! What are you even- I'm leaving!" Heechul snapped and stomped his way out of the living room into his own. You looked after him, surprised.

"Did I say something wrong? I'm really sorry, I was just joking..." 

"Oh no don't mind him, it's not your fault!" Ryeowook said instantly. 

"I better get going, I guess." you smiled. 

"Want us to help with those?" Donghae pointed to the clothes pile. You scratched your head. 

"I'll be okay I assume, I was fine bringing them here." you said. Donghae shrugged.

"If you're sure." he said. They helped you gather all the clothes in your arms and saw you out the door. You took the elevator, carefully carried the clothes to your bug and dumped them on the back seat the second you had the door open. Then you huffed and wiped at your brows. Maybe you really should accept help from people sometimes; but you didn't like leaning on people. You had learned better. 

"HEY!!" you heard someone call just as you were getting ready to start your car. When you looked for the source, you saw Heechul standing in front of the doors of the parking lot. He looked around for a second, then put his hands around his mouth and yelled at the top of his lungs. "CHOYEOOON!!!"

You quickly opened your window and waved.

"HERE!!" you yelled in case he didn't here. He spotted you and jogged his way towards you. "What happened, did I forget something?" 

"Yeah." he smiled and handed you a black very much sparkly hat, then leaned his arms on the windowsill so he could face you. 

"Thank you, thank you very much." you said, honestly grateful. He smiled beautifully, making your breath hitch in your throat for a second. Cameras really did no justice to him. With the slight perfume fragrance coming from his side and his gentle smile, in person Kim Heechul was a truly enchanting being. Even though your work involved beautiful men and women all around for you had to dress them, you couldn't deny this fact. 

"If you're so grateful, how about giving me your number?" he said smoothly. 

"H-huh?" you could only stutter. He chuckled.

"Come on, it's just your number! I ran down all the way to catch you before you left, didn't I?" 

He ran all the way... down the stairs? That was ridiculous. Had he really not taken the elevator? You weren't sure but you didn't think it was the time to mention it right now. 

"I guess, it's just my number." you decided in the end and gave him your number after he pulled out his phone. 

"Okay, I got it. See you later, it's late, hurry and go rest. You looked quite spent compared to last time today." he said. You were surprised he even noticed; but it was a nice surprise. 

"Yeah, I really should rest. Thanks a bunch, Heechul-ssi." you said.

"Shouldn't you be calling me oppa, anyways? I'm older than you." he complained. You blinked.

"How did you know, did I tell you my age?" you said, confused. You didn't remember that. 

"Well, it's all over your face! When were you born?" he said.

"I... 1988." you confessed in the end. Heechul nodded triumphantly.

"Aha! I knew I wasn't wrong. You should be calling me oppa." he said. You felt a blush creeping up your face. You weren't used to addressing people in way that wasn't formal. Heechul-ssi was fine for you but Heechul-oppa? That was a little too familiar. Even though you knew him from before, it was also just for one day. You weren't really comfortable with it.

"So... Heechul... oppa?" you said awkwardly. He paused for a second also.

"That sounds far too forced, I thought we were closer than that. Hey I told you my secrets, relax a little!" he scolded.

"No, you told your secrets to a stranger, remember?" you corrected and made a motion of zipping your mouth with your hand. "I remember nothing of such a night. But Heechul oppa should be fine." you smiled in the end. He looked dumbfounded for a second, then he smiled and nodded; you could even say you saw some pink on his cheeks but you'd be getting ahead of yourself. 

"Next step is when I start calling you Yeonnie." he teased. 

"Yah, stop it!!" you scolded, he leaned away from the car with a laugh when you flailed. 

"Okay, okay, I got it! Goodnight, Choyeon." he smiled and waved. You took a breath and collected yourself, embarrassed of that moment of losing your cool. 

"Goodnight, oppa." you said and drove away. No, you weren't saying it like all those oppaaaahhh girls were saying it, you had always detested the way they acted. You said it casually, in a way that wasn't irritating to your ears, at least. 

But you couldn't help but grin all the way home. Kim Heechul had asked for your number. No matter how much professionalism you put in there, even though you were no fan at all, you were flattered. You were excited. You allowed yourself to be, you had been working so hard recently that you had been quite down in the mood with how tired you were. This was a nice change. Even though it was a group you didn't want to have much to do with, even though giving him your number meant nothing special, you let yourself feel happy like a high school girl for the moment. 


"Choyeon... Choyeon..." Heechul muttered, looking at the screen of his phone. He knew something was off from the start; but he hadn't thought deeply on it last time. He was certain that it was someone else. He smiled slightly thinking back. The Choyeon he'd come to know thanks to Siwon was really different than this person he had met. It wasn't long he had known her in person and that hadn't ended in the nicest way, him being the one to pry Siwon off of the terrified girl - of course not on his own, he wasn't that strong. He hadn't seen her even once ever since. It was no wonder she didn't want to see Siwon's face again after that incident. 

The Choyeon he came to know was thanks to Siwon. The guy loved to brag about how she was so dedicated and perfect that she couldn't live without him. The Choyeon he came to know was a girl so blindly in love that she would do anything for Siwon, even though he was having the worst attitude about it. Heechul had warned him about it before; he had told Siwon that if he kept being like that then she would leave him one day. The guy hadn't believed him, but he had been right. No teenage girl with a dream of being famous could suddenly turn into a selfless dedicated wife just for their boyfriend, no matter how much they loved him. And the end hadn't been quite pretty.

The Choyeon he remembered after meeting her in person was really lively, bubbly and energetic person. She was innocent in many ways and had a contagious smile. Heechul had a feeling that her innocence had taken a serious damage that fated day; but there was no way to know for sure. But back then she was a pure girl with pure feelings and a pure vision in life, excited about everything going on in her life and feeling everything to the extreme. Not in the slightest like the woman he had met; the woman with a cool, composed attitude and kind smile; the woman who put professionalism before making new friends. The woman who had eyes closed up to people and a face so much more mature and different than the kid he had met years ago. 

"Song Choyeon..." he sighed, looking at the log already saved in the memory of his phone. It was incredible she had never changed her number since then and that he hadn't erased the log despite changing his phone many times. He probably hadn't bothered to do so and he had never thought he would meet the same girl years later, without noticing who it was and would be so charmed by her in such a short time and so much that he would even think it was better Siwon wasn't around tonight. He chuckled quietly to himself and closed the screen of his phone with a sigh, started to walk back towards the elevators. 

"You've changed quite a bit, huh?"



another update!!

can you believe it? guys?? haha hope you liked the chapter. i know it's been forever since this story was deserted; but please comment! i plan on finishing all my stories i left hanging, thank you <3 

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Tricia_Minseok #1
Chapter 12: Oh my!! They're going to be Rivals!! Haha update soon!
xjayess #2
Chapter 12: I think it would be much better if choyeon was siwon :"( please let them get back
Chapter 12: Omg..
heechul and her? I love it....pls let's end up here with him
Sweetlove123 #4
Chapter 9: Bible in the car.....Siwon. Plz Update.
Chapter 9: Please update(:
kyuhyun_03 #6
love it!!
this is great ^^ new reader btw haha
new reader^^
too much Heechul in this chapter and I'm sooooo happy~~! xD

update soon! with a lot of Heechul! xD
tonytonychopper #9
bahaahaha oh Heenim xD
JinXiChe #10
I laughed so loud when she's like "I had to look twice to confirm your gender when I saw you."
I would probably do the same!! I'm glad Heechul is finally showing up! Woowoo~